满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Even people who don’t have much talent f...

Even people who don’t have much talent for acting or singing still dream of being discovered by a talent scout (星探)It seems just like     the lottery(彩票), but better         you get fame and money.

For me, the dream seemed likely to stay a dreamBut everything         last week in BeijingI was eating dinner with some friendsAs I was getting ready to pay, a young Chinese woman came running up to meI was         that I must have done something horrible to offend(冒犯) her without         it.

“You are a white man,” she said       when she got to our table.

“Yes, I am a white man,” I replied.

“Can you speak         ?” she asked.


“Oh goodCome with me now, please.”

I walked outside and saw that a movie was being shot in front of one of the street’s largest _     _ .

The woman, a talent agent (经纪人), had         a foreigner for this movie, but he had forgotten to       __She needed to find a white guy who spoke English, and I was the only one       _ My part was to walk from one end of the street to the other, and then       _ the clubWhen I got to the club, I was supposed to         to my friend and say, “Forget about the girl, manWe are here to party!” It took me three tries to say the line         or walk without tripping(绊倒), but       I got it right.

The talent scout ran to me afterward.“You are so       .I would like you to join my  agency.” I know I am not going to be the next Jay Chou.       , it seems that my     _ “star” talents are being white and being able to speak English.        , next time you are watching a Chinese movie, look in the     .If you see a white guy stumbling (蹒跚) on his way into a nightclub, it might just be me on my way to stardom (星途)!

1.Aaccepting      Bbargaining       Cpredicting     Dwinning

2.Aalthough        Bas if            Csince          Dunless

3.Abegan           Bchanged          Cdisappeared    Dimproved

4.Aamazed          Bcurious         Cguilty         Dworried

5.Aadmitting      Bimagining        Cpretending     Drealizing

6.Abreathlessly Bcautiously       Cproudly      Dsurprisingly

7.AChinese         BEnglish          CFrench         DCantonese

8.Acinemas         Bnightclubs      Cschools        Drestaurants

9.Aintroduced     Bneeded           Cpersuaded     Dsigned

10.Acome out      Bstay up          Cturn up       Dshow off

11.Aaway           Baround           Cbeyond         Dup

12.Aenter          Bname             Crecognize      Dsearch

13.Afind         Boffer            Cturn           Dstick

14.Aquickly      Bsimply          Cproperly     Dreasonably

15.Afinally      Bhopefully        Cobviously      Dunfortunately

16.Abrave         Binteresting      Cstrange       Dtalented

17.AIn return    BIn brief        CIn turn        DIn fact

18.Abest           Blast             Conly          Dother

19.AInstead       BBesides        CHowever        DOtherwise

20.A.background     B.connection       C.expression     D.meaning


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.D 18.C 19.C 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文叙述了作者第一次“触电”的故事,虽然作者有机会拍摄电影,但他对自己有清醒的认识:自己并没有拍摄电影的特长。 1.D 考查动词辨析。Accept接受;bargain讨价还价;predict预测;win赢得;本句表示被星探看中就像是赢彩票那样几率很小。故D正确。 2.C 考查连词辨析。Although尽管;as if似乎,好像;since因为,既然;unless除非,如果…不…;被星探发现就像中彩票,但是比中彩票更好,因为你还可以得到财富和名誉。上下文之间存在因果关系,所以使用since表示原因。 3.B 考查动词辨析。Begin开始;change改变;disappear消失;improve提高,改善;对我来说,这个梦想仍然还只是梦想,但是上个星期在北京一切都发生了变化。故B正确。 4.D 考查形容词辨析。Amazed惊讶的;curious好奇的;guilty内疚的,有罪的;worried担忧的;突然有一个中国女士朝我跑了过来,我很担忧我是不是在什么地方冒犯她了。故D正确。 5.D 考查动词辨析。Admit承认;imagine想象;pretend假装;realize意识到;我担忧自己在没有意识到的情况下冒犯了对方。故D正确。 6.A 考查副词辨析。Breathlessly上气不接下气地;cautiously小心谨慎地;proudly自豪地;surprisingly令人惊讶地;根据下文可知她迫切想找到一个会说英语的白人救场。所以A项符合上下文串联。 7.B 考查上下文串联。根据50空后She needed to find a white guy who spoke English可知她迫切想找到一个会说英语的白人救场。故B正确。 8.B 考查上下文串联。根据文章最后一句If you see a white guy stumbling (蹒跚) on his way into a nightclub可知这出戏是在nightclub里拍摄的。故B正确。 9.D 考查动词辨析。Introduce介绍;need需要;persuade说服;sign签署,签约;这位经纪人已经为这出戏签约了一个会讲英语的白人。根据句意可知D正确。 10.C 考查动词短语辨析。Come out出版,开花;stay up熬夜,屹立不倒;turn up出现,调高;show off炫耀;虽然她与一位白人签约了,但是那位白人却没有及时出现。 11.B 考查副词辨析。Away远离;around附近;beyond超过;up向上;她需要一个会讲英语的白人,我是附近唯一的符合这个条件的人。故B正确。 12.A 考查动词辨析。Enter进入;name命名,起名;recognize认出;search搜寻;我在这出戏里要做的就是从街的一边走到另外一边,然后进入俱乐部。故A正确。 13.C 考查动词短语辨析。Turn to转向;stick坚持;AB两项不能直接和to连用。当我进入俱乐部的时候,我应该转向我的朋友说…。故C正确。 14.C 考查副词辨析。Quickly迅速地;simply简直;properly恰当地;reasonably合理地;我尝试了三次才适当地说出了这些台词。故C正确。 15.A 考查副词辨析。Finally最后,终于;hopefully有希望地;obviously明显地;unfortunately不幸地;本句表示经过多次努力,我终于完成了我的任务。故A正确。 16.D 考查形容词辨析。Brave勇敢的;interesting有趣的;strange奇怪的;talented有才能的;那位经纪人对我说:你很有才能,希望能够加入她的公司。故D正确。 17.D 考查介词短语辨析。In return作为回报;in rurn依次,轮流;in brief简洁地;in fact实际上;实际上我知道我唯一的“巨星才能”是会讲英语的白人。本句表示作者对自己有清醒地认识。故D正确。 18.C 考查词意辨析。Best最好的;last最后的;only唯一的;other其他的;实际上我知道我唯一的“巨星才能”是会讲英语的白人。故C正确。 19.C 考查副词辨析。Instead代替,而不是;besides而且;however然而;otherwise否则,要不然;然而下一次当你看到一部中国电影,看到一个背景,里面有一个步履蹒跚的白人走进夜店,也许就是正走在星途上的我。故C正确。 20.A 考查名词辨析。Background背景;connection联系;expression表情,表达;meaning意义;然而下一次当你看到一部中国电影,看到一个背景,里面有一个步履蹒跚的白人走进夜店,也许就是正走在星途上的我。 考点:考查记叙文

He is such _____! He is sure to ruin(毁坏)all the fun here if you invite him to the party.

A.a wet blanket       B.a black sheep

Ca white elephant    Da green finger



The place_____ the bridge is supposed to be built should be _____ the cross-river traffic is the heaviest.

A.which; where      B.where; in which

Cin which; where   Din which; in which



To tell you the truth, the accident and the damages ______ caused frightened me so much that I almost gave up driving ever since.

Ait         Bthey           Cwhich         Dwhat



During the holiday I bought a CD player, _____ was rather reasonable.

A.its price                 B.of which price

Cthe prices of which       Dwhose price



James, _________ money is now no problem, has run another business in his hometown.

A.for whose    B.for whom

Cwith whom      Dwith whose



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