满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中,选出可以填入...

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

My brother and I were born and grew up in a small village in England. Our father was a struggling      , but I always knew he was special. He never    us, but used praise to     our best. He’d say, “If you pour water on flowers, they flourish. If you don’t give them    , they die.” I remember as a child I said      unkind about somebody, and my father said,     time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, it’s a reflection of you.” He     that if I looked for the best in people, I would get the best     . From then on I’ve always tried to follow the      in my life and later in running my company.

Dad’s     always been very understanding. At 15, I started a magazine. It was taking up a great   of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a choice:stay in school or leave to    my magazine.

I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway(使动摇) me from my decision,    any good father would. When he    I had made up my mind, he said, “Richard, when I was 23, my dad persuaded me to go into law. And I’ve always    it. I wanted to be a biologist, but I didn’t     my dream. You know     you want. Go fulfill it.”

As it     , my little publication went on to become Student, a national magazine for young people in the U.K. My wife and I have two children, and I’d like to think we are bringing them     in the same way     Dad raise me.


1.A. biologist         B. manager        C. lawyer      D. gardener

2.A. criticized        B. praised        C. cared        D. encouraged

3.A. bring up         B. bring out      C. tune up      D. turn out

4.A. energy            B. time           C. flower       D. water

5.A. something        B. anything      C. nothing      D. none

6.A. Another          B. Any            C. Some         D. Other

7.A. discussed         B. remembered     C. explained    D. reflected

8.A. in return         B. by turns       C. by chance   D. in case

9.A. principle        B. law            C. regulation   D. rule

10.A. therefore        B. also           C. never        D. too

11.A. number           B. many           C. plenty       D. deal

12.A. take out         B. take on        C. work on      D. work out

13.A. as               B. and            C. even if      D. as if

14.A. recognized       B. realized       C. admitted    D. permitted

15.A. respected       B. reminded       C. retired      D. regretted

16.A. quit             B. value          C. persuade     D. pursue

17.A. how              B. which          C. what        D. that

18.A. made out        B. turned out     C. turned in    D. made up

19.A. up              B. out            C. in           D. about

20.A. which            B. what           C. that        D. how


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.D 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.C 【解析】 试题分析: 父亲是一个与众不同的人,他教育我要看人的优点,他总是表扬我们,激发我们的潜能,在需要的时候给我支持和鼓励,使我事业成功。 1.C 考查名词辨析和对语境的理解。A. biologist生物学家;B. manager经理;C. lawyer律师;D. gardener园丁。根据下面的when I was 23, my dad persuaded me to go into law. 可知,父亲被说服做了律师。选C。 2.A考查动词辨析和对语境的理解。A. criticized批评;B. praised表扬;C. cared关心;D. encouraged鼓励。根据but 之后的but used praise to 43 our best. 可知,父亲不批评他的孩子,而是表扬。选A。 3.B考查动词短语辨析和对语境的理解。A. bring up提出,教育,抚养;B. bring out公布,出版,使出现;C. tune up出现,调整;D. turn out证明是。他总是表扬我们来使我们表现好,选B。 4.D考查名词辨析和对语境的理解。A. energy能量;B. time时间;C. flower花;D. water水。前一句是:如果你给花浇水,它们就很茂盛。所以这里的意思是:如果你不给它们水,他们就死了。选D。 5.A考查代词辨析和对语境的理解。A. something某事/物;B. anything任何事;C. nothing无事;D. none没有人或物。我记得小的时候我说了某人一些不友善的话,根据下一句父亲的教育可知,用肯定的something,表示说了别人的坏话。说别人不好,实际上是在反映你。选A。 6.B考查形容词辨析和对语境的理解。A. Another又一;B. Any任何的;C. Some一些;D. Other其他。任何时候说别人不好,实际上就是在反映你自己。any time 任何时候。故选B。 7.C考查动词辨析和对语境的理解。A. discussed 讨论;B. remembered记住;C. explained解释;D. reflected反映。他解释说如果我寻找人们的优点,我就会得到最好的。故选C。 8.A考查介词短语辨析和对语境的理解。A. in return 作为回报;B. by turns轮流,交替;C. by chance偶然;D. in case万一。如果我寻找人们的优点,作为回报我就会得到最好的。故选A。 9.A考查名词辨析和对语境的理解。A. principle原则;B. law法律;C. regulation规则;D. rule统治。从那以后,看别人的优点这个原则我一直努力去遵循,在生活中甚至在经营公司中。故选A。 10.B考查副词辨析和对语境的理解。A. therefore因此;B. also也,位于句中;C. never从不;D. too也,位于句末。爸爸也一直都很理解人。故选B。 11. plenty of许多,大量,不与a great连用;a great deal of后面跟不可数名词,time是不可数名词,所以选D。 12.C考动词短语辨析和对语境的理解。A. take out拿出;B. take on呈现;C. work on 从事;D. work out算出,解决。我的校长让我选择:留在学校或离开去办我的杂志。故选C。 13.A考查连词辨析和对语境的理解。A. as正如......的那样;B. and和;C. even if即使;D. as if好像。我决定离开。父亲试图动摇我的决定,正如任何一个好父亲会做的那样。故选A。 14.B考查动词辨析和对语境的理解。A. recognized认出;B. realized意识到;C. admitted承认;D. permitted允许。当他意识到我已经下定决心的时候,他说了下面的话。故选B。 15.D考查动词辨析和对语境的理解。A. respected尊重;B. reminded提醒;C. retired退休;D. regretted后悔。我想当生物学家,可是父亲说服了我去学法律,所以我现在很后悔。故选D。 16.D考查动词辨析和对语境的理解。A. quit停止;B. value评价;C. persuade说服;D. pursue追求。我没有追求自己当生物学家的梦想,很后悔。故选D。 17.C考查关系词辨析和对语境的理解。A. how如何;B. which哪一个;C. what什么;D. that那。你知道自己想要什么,去完成它吧。what做want的逻辑宾语。故选C。 18.B考查动短语词辨析和对语境的理解。A. made out制定出;B. turned out结果是;C. turned in上交;D. made up编造。最后的结果是,我的我的小刊物最终成为学生,在英国是适合年轻人阅读的国家级杂志。故选B。 19.A考查短语辨析和对语境的理解。bring up提出,教育;bring out出版,公布;bring in 带来,赚得;bring about带来,引起。我想我们在把他们培养大就像我父亲培养我一样。故选A。 20.们在把他们培养大就像我父亲培养我一样。故选A。 考点:人物类短文阅读。


In the past few years, many people found themselves trying really hard to hold on to jobs that they may not have wanted.  1. . Jobs data is improving, and the labor market seems to be picking up. Here are four signs that it might be time for you to move on.

1. You really hate the idea of going to work.

We all have days that we don’t want to go in to work. We may even dislike what we do for work. But do you really hate the idea of going in?   2.  .

2. You are concerned about the values of your boss and coworkers.

3. . However, if you find yourself questioning the values and ideals of those around you at work, it could be an indication that you are out of place. If you feel that you are not in line with your organization, it might be the time to move on.

3. You wish you had more challenging tasks.

For some people, easy work is preferred.  4.   . However, you might wish for more challenging tasks. If you want to progress as a person, a job that doesn’t provide you with an abundant challenge can be disheartening. Now that the economy is a little more stable, you can look around for a job that offers more satisfaction.

4.      5.      .

If you feel left out of the culture at work, it might be a strong indication that you belong somewhere else. You want to be in a work environment that you feel a part of. If you have been with an organization for more than a few months, and you still feel somewhat awkward, it might be a sign that you need to find an organization where you integrate(融入) into the culture a little bit better.

A. You feel like an outsider.

B. It’s a matter of working day in and day out.

C. Many of us have our own values and ideals.

D. However, now might be the time to find a new job.

E. The cultural aspects of your job are just as important as the technical aspects.

F. If this is the case, it might be the time to find a new job, or even start a business.

G. Now that the economy is tough, many of us are unwilling to rock the boat at work.



Reading is a great way to improve your English. You'll learn new words, revise previously-taught structures and absorb thousands of useful expressions and phrases... without any effort. By reading, you are receiving valuable language input. And this is how you learn! Remember, language learning is a combination of input + practice. As you're reading, you're taking in language naturally, and you're seeing how it all fits together. This is crucial to your learning.

The great thing about reading is that learning takes place subconsciously. There are no exercises to do, no grammar rules to learn, no tasks to complete... it's all natural. The language flows in through your eyes, and gets recorded in your brain. What could be easier?

The key to effective reading is to read things that you want to read. There are millions of books, magazines and websites out there. You couldn't possibly read them all. So, the important thing is to find things that you like reading. Then, you'll be motivated to read. And then the reading won't be difficult. It'll be easy! And then you'll learn. It's simple.

Remember: read what you want to read. What you like reading. What motivates and inspires you. But where can you start? Well, you could read a book that you've already read in your own language. Simply find a translated version of a book that you have read and enjoyed. This will make processing the content in the target language much easier as you’ll already know what the book is about! You could also read the news. This is great as you can read the news in your own language first, then in English. You'll see that it won't be too difficult as you'll be familiar with the topics and stories. Magazines are also great. Find one that covers a topic you're interested in: business, clothing, guns, horses, houses, housekeeping, stocks and shares, sports, computers, electronics, designing, cooking... you name it, they'll have it. If not, look for information on the internet. There are also websites for every topic under the sun! Why not join a forum? They're a great source of English input as the language is often written in a simple, spoken style. Go to Google Groups, which has discussion groups based on common interests. Just type in the topic that interests you and join the chat.

Finally, how you read is also important. The best thing is to read without using a dictionary. Let the words flow over you. Just skip the parts you don't understand. If you make your reading feel too much like work, it'll stop being fun. Of course, you could make a note of any new words and phrases that you like or see repeated frequently, but try not to break your concentration too much. Also, set yourself mini-objectives. For example, if you're reading a novel, read 20 pages a day. Very soon, you'll have been exposed to thousands of useful phrases and words. Have fun reading! You'll learn so much!

1.The underlined word “crucial” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ________.

A. easy           B. important

C. difficult     D. suitable

2.The key to effective reading is _______.

A. to read millions of books        B. not to learn grammar rules

C. to be motivated to read          D. to read easy things

3.You can start to read by ____.

A. reading a book that you've already read in English

B. reading the news in English first

C. going to Google Groups to practice spoken English

D. reading magazines containing topics you are interested in

4.From the passage we can learn that ______.

A. when you read you needn’t look up every new word in the dictionary

B. the great thing about reading is that you can read without any effort

C. to read is as much fun as to work

D. you should make notes of every new word and phrase while reading



Dad was lying in the hospital weakly, but his smile was as sure as ever . It was another attack of lung illness. My husband and I stayed with him for the weekend but had to return to our jobs on Monday. Local relatives would help Dad get home from hospital and look after him. But I longed to be able to let him know that we cared about him too, even when we weren't with him.

Then I remembered a family tradition when our children were small. When leaving our grandparents’ home after a visit, each child would write a love note to their grandparents. We hid notes in a box, under a hairbrush or next to the phone or even in the microwave oven. For days, our grandparents would smile as they discovered these reminders of our love.

So as I tidied Dad’s kitchen and made up a bed for him downstairs in the living room, I wrote some notes. Some were practical, "Dad, I put the food in the fridge so it wouldn't spoil". Some expressed my love, “Dad, I hope you will sleep well in your new bed.” Most notes were downstairs where he would stay for several weeks until he recovered strength, but one note I hid upstairs under his pillow, "Dad, if you have found this note, you must be feeling better. We are so glad!"

Just like his medicine strengthened him physically, these "emotional vitamins" would improve his spiritual health. Several weeks later, in one of our regular phone calls, I asked Dad how he was doing. He said, "Pretty good. I just found your note under my pillow upstairs!"

1.We can infer from the text that the writer's father_______.

A. had suffered from the same illness before.

B. lived with his relatives

C. asked her to return to work

D. got home from hospital alone

2.The children hid notes in their grandparents' home in order to_______

A. follow a family tradition

B. play jokes on their grandparents

C. show their gifts to their grandparents

D. make their grandparents feel pleasantly surprised

3.Follow the family tradition, the author                 .

A. She called her father regularly.

B. She wrote some notes to her father .

C. She bought all kinds of vitamins to her father.

D. She hid some notes upstairs under her father's pillow.

4.Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. The writer believed that a family tradition was not good.

B. The writer enjoyed talking with her father.

C. The writer tried to comfort her father with love.

D. The writer thanked her children for looking after her father.



Traveling should be easy and enjoyable, and one of the ways to make sure your trip remains fun is to know exactly how to keep your valuables safe.

If you are traveling alone, distribute your money through your luggage. Place most of it in your main suitcase or bag. Make a rough estimate of how much money you will spend on the journey, till you reach your destination. Place this money in a different wallet and carry this in your pocket. Spend from this pocket till you get to your destination. If you are travelling with someone, distribute the money among yourselves.

Instead of wearing your jewels, you can put your jewels at the bottom of your suitcase or bag. DO NOT carry in your purse, just in case it is stolen; or in case you misplace your purse. In addition, if you are going to be frequently opening your purse for things like tickets and phone numbers, what if you accidently just drop them.

Have you ever seen a mini backpack purse? It looks really fashionable and is very smart. Plus, Its really convenient to use. The best thing to do is to hang the mini backpack purse in the front, like a baby carrier. There are two big advantages to do this; one, your hands remain free to carry your luggage and other things; and two, your purse is always monitored, and is just under your nose!

Credit cards are very useful in many ways. But if you misplace your credit card, it is quite easy for someone else to find it and use it to his/ her maximum benefit before you even realize you have lost it! If you lose cash, you lose only that much cash as you are carrying. But a lost credit card means the money in your bank account is lost. So always try to use cash instead of credit card while traveling

1.Which of the following statement does the author probably disagree with?

A. Putting your money in different wallets.

B. Putting your jewels in your wallet.

C. Carrying a mini backpack purse.

D. Using cash instead of credit card.

2. Carrying a mini backpack can help you because

A. it is convenient to carry and monitor.

B. it is easier to carry your baby.

C. it reduce the burden on your back.

D. it can use to carry more things.

3. We can learn from the passage that ______.

A. You shouldnt spend money until you reach your destination.

B. putting jewels at the bottom of your bag is safer.

C. one must carry a fashionable backpack purse while traveling.

D. credit card are more convenient than cash while traveling.

4. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Ways to make traveling fun and enjoyable.

B. Tips on carrying valuables safely while traveling.

C. Advice on travelers personal safety while traveling.

D. Things to consider before traveling.



Mobile communications and the IP phone business have gradually replaced traditional long-distance calls. Mobile communications account for 28.5 percent of the total long-distance communications business. IP phones have 41.4 percent, while traditional long-distance calls are down to 30.1 percent.

China Mobile, the country's largest mobile communication operator, has accounted for nearly 40 percent of taxes in the domestic telecom market. That puts it at the top of the six major telecom operators in the nation, according to the latest official statistics. The other five are: China Telecom, 31.1 percent; China Netcom, 16.6 percent; China Unicom, 13.4 percent; China Satellite Communications Corp and China Railcom, 1.5 percent.

China Mobile is being chased by smaller rivals China Unicom and China Telecom, both of which are making significant 3G subscriber gains. That’s aided in no small part by deals to offer the iPhone. However, as of March, China Mobile did have 15 million iPhone users on its network.

In another ranking, Xiaomi, Huawei, Lenovo, vivo and OPPO came in as the top five mobile phone sellers in China by April, 2015, according to IHS Technology. The report also says that during this period, China produced 82 million handsets. (手机) (including GSM, GPRS and CDMA phones) and sold 80 million. Of the phones sold, 37 million were exported to other countries. Analysts point out that China's lack of core technologies and its heavy reliance on overseas technologies have proved to be an obstacle for development of domestic phone makers.

1.Nowadays, mobile communications have gradually taken the place of________ .

A. IP phone service

B. telecom operators

C. traditional telephones

D. traditional long-distance calls

2.The underlined word "obstacle" means________ .

A. advantage    B. puzzle     C. difficulty    D. factor

3.We can infer from the text that __     .

A. most phones are sold in foreign countries

B. most long-distance calls are made through mobile phone today

C. China had the most mobile phone users

D. China Telecom brings in more taxes of all the companies



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