满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1.过 张,浪 重;

2.喧 久,干 人;


注意:   1.词数100左右;



参考词汇:奢侈的luxurious   铺张的extravagant

Dear Tom,

I’m glad to have attended your birthday party last Sunday.






Li Hua


One possible version: Dear Tom, I’m glad to have attended your birthday party last Sunday. It was a big party indeed. But I have to say it was the most luxurious birthday party I’d ever attended. For us teenagers there is no need to be that extravagant because we mainly get living expenses from our par­ents. And it is shameful to waste much of the food. What’s more,the party with loud noise went on late into the night,which bothered the neighborhood. To my mind,the meaning of the birthday party lies in sharing the pleasure of our growth with our friends. It’s great fun to get together,for the feelings instead of for the expensive food and splendid decorations. Yours Li Hua 【解析】 试题分析:本篇书面表达属于提纲作文,根据提示信息来写一封信表达对生日聚会的看法。要点如下:1.过 于 铺 张,浪 费 严 重;2.喧 闹 太 久,干 扰 他 人;3.生日晚会的真正意义。写作时注意以下几点:1、仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息。2、提纲是文章的总体框架,要在提纲的范围内进行分析、构思和想象。要依据提示情景或词语,按照一定逻辑关系来写。本文写作时可以按照提示的三个方面的内容进行介绍。3、根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;就本文而言应该用一般现在时。 以第一人称为主。4.注意使用高级词汇和句式,以增加文章的亮点。 【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明,而且使用了多种句式和结构。比如定语从句I’d ever attended,which bothered the neighborhood和句式there is no need to be that extravagant because ... 此外还使用了短语如lies in,instead of等。What’s more, and 的使用使文章内容更具有层次感,也使语言更加连贯。 考点:考查提纲作文。  

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(# ),并在其下面写出该加的词。



注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词(    )


Dear John,

Long time no see. I was so delight to receive your letter and Id like to sharing something with you about my school. There was no doubt that more than one change has been taken place in my school.

A new library has been built,that there are varieties of books,newspapers and maga­zine. Besides,lie in the front of my school,the wonderful playground makes the campus more surprising beautiful. In addition,ours teachers and we students have planted many splendid flowers and trees in our school.

I sincerely wish you could come and visit my school the near future.


Li Hua




Founded in Yan’an in 1941Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) is now a famous university located in the Haidian District of Beijing,a place in 1.    the key institutions of higher 2.    (educate) are concentrated. Excellence in foreign language teaching has allowed BFSU 3.    (enjoy) a good fame for quality in teaching and research activities .

The university’s campus occupies 4.    area of 304,553 m2with a student dormitory area of 40,000 m2 and a library of 9,997 m2. The Third Ring Road runs through the center of the university campus 5.    (make) transportation very convenient. The university is 6.    (wide) known as Beiwai in Chinese and BFSU in English.

BFSU has over 600 highly-qualified and 7.    (experience) staff members. Each year approximately 110 teachers and experts8.    (employ) from more than twenty 9.    (country) to teach at BFSU. BFSU is a member of Project 211a university development pro­gram supported 10.    the Ministry of Education in 1996.




“There’s nothing I can do ,the eye doctor told my parents. “Take your baby home. She’s       . Mom cried. “ I’ll give her a full,happy life,Dad       .

As I grew,my parents realized I could see       . One day after school,my dad saw me holding Dick and Jane close to my eyes,       to read the letters. “Dad,I can’t do this. It’s too       . I said.

“Honey,you’re not a quitter. I’ll help you. He painstakingly drew       big enough for me to see and then pronounced them. I learned to read after my father and eventually read Dick and Jane       with my classmates. Because of my dad,I had       in myself as a reader—until middle school.

One afternoon a student       me,“You blind bat. If you get your face any nearer to that page,your eyes will fall out of your head!I ran out of the school in       . Dad was home when I burst in. “I thought I was a good        but the kids are making fun of me.Dad hugged me. “Im sorry,Pam. But that doesn’t change the       . You can read and your classmates can’t take that away from you,right?”       to speak, I just nodded. After Dad’s       the knot (结)in my stomach went away.

Dad taught me to laugh at myself. He reminded me of the time I tried to       a sign painted to the floor. Another time,I       to eat flowers off an empty plate. When I was ten,I wanted to ride a two-wheeled bike. I heard Dad say to Mom,“Im not going to hold Pam back from the       any kid has. On my first attempt,I said,“Dad,what if I fall off?” His       was“You’ll get on and try again.       I learned to skateclimb treesand so on.

I wouldn’t be who I am today if it weren’t for my dad. He made the       for me to be believer in myself.

1.A.fine               B.blind             C.crazy         D.deaf

2.A. swore             B. explained       C.admitted      D. ordered

3.A. immediately       B.separately        C.partly        D.clearly

4.A. pretending        B. struggling       C.offering      D. deciding

5.A. absurd            B. boring           C.abstract      D. hard

6.A. circles           B. pictures         C.letters       D. lines

7.A. proudly           B. secretly         C. unwillingly D. noisily

8.A. interest         B. confidence    C. doubt    D. disappointment

9.A. betrayed          B. greeted          C. scolded      D. teased

10.A. rags             B. surprise         C. tears        D. terror

11.A.reader           B. member           C. daughter     D. listener

12.A.style             B. way              C. happiness    D. truth

13.A.Eager            B. Afraid          C. Unable       D. Pleased

14.A.encouragement     B. praise           C. reward       D. conclusion

15.A.1ook for          B. pick up          C. take out     D. throw away

16.A.refused          B. managed          C. forgot       D. attempted

17.A. examples         B. adventures        C. concerns     D. changes

18.A.comment         B. choice           C. reply        D. idea

19.A. Afterwards       B. Otherwise        C. Backwards  D. Instead

20.A. decision         B. progress        C. scene        D. difference




Take the opportunity to travel when studying abroad

If you’re studying abroad, then there’s a good chance that you’re living within just hundreds of miles of many fantastic destinations. 1.              So you should seize the opportunity to visit places of interest. However,you shouldn’t forget that your main goal is to immerse yourself in the country where you’ve chosen to study,so you should explore that country the most.

"2.           This will give you an opportunity to understand the people and customs of the different regions of the country. This will also help you appreciate the art or history classes you’ve taken about your chosen country.

" 3.           Not only will it make traveling more fun,but it will be safer,too.

·If you’re traveling and can’t stay with a friend, it’s likely that you will look into hostels,the cheaper alternative to hostels. 4.           But try to book one with a friend,to watch over your belongings,and to do as much research about the hostel as you can in advance.

·Though your study abroad program will give you an amazing opportunity to travel, make sure that you still leave some time for you to spend the weekends in your city of choice. 5.

·If you do travel out of the country,always let your friends or teachers know about it in advance.

A.  Travel within the country where you’re studying abroad.

B.  Try to bring a travel friend or two with you wherever you go.

C.  Hostels can be a fun place to stay and a great way to meet people.

D.  Many students who study abroad in the fall love going to Germany.

E.  Therefore you will get used to the life there and appreciate the city.

F.  Book your tickets before you leave to study abroad.

G.  A ticket to these places is much cheaper than it’ll be from home.



The age at which kids first fall victim to bullying (欺侮)could influence how strongly they are affected,suggests a new study. And,surprisingly,it is not the youngest kids who are hurt the most in the long term.

Bullying can have long-lasting effects,but particularly when it begins in adolescence,the researchers say. People subjected to either verbal ( 口头 上的)or physical bullying are known to be at greater risk of developing depression,anxiety disorders or to behave violently. But not everyone reacts in this way.

Children bullied for the first time before they hit adolescence seem to get over it, but those who are bullied for the first time later on in adolescence seem to become more aggressive or are more likely to turn to drink as a means of coping. These are the conclusions of psychol­ogist Matthew Newman and colleagues from the University of Texas at Austin,US.

The team gave questionnaires to nearly 1,500 college students regarding their experience of physical and psychological bullying before adolescence—before high school—and in late adolescence—at high school. They assessed mood and mental state,judging by signs of anxie­ty or depression,such as sleeplessness. The group was also questioned about how they would react to certain challenges,such as humiliation.

People who were bullied all revealed slightly higher levels of stress. But while those bul­lied earlier in life seemed to respond normally to provocation (杉匕畔)people bullied for the

first time late in adolescence are more withdrawn and sensitive to violence.

There are also sex differences between those bullied for the first time during adolescence, with females more likely to react aggressively when provoked and males are much more likely to turn to alcohol to escape bad situations.

The best solution in all cases was strong social support,whether from friends,family or school. Those with no one to share their problems with suffered the most.

So perhaps it is best not to shelter children completely from bullying early on,suggests Newman. “They may get stressed,but unhealthy coping really jumps out when they are bul­lied for the first time later on.

1.What determines the degree of bullying’s effect on people according to the study?

A.The reason why they are bullied.

B.The place where they are first bullied.

C.The age at which they are first bullied.

D.The person who first bullies them.

2.What may happen to those first bullied later on in adolescence according to Newman and his colleagues?

A.Some are likely to be more aggressive.

B.They seem to easily get over the effect of bullying.

C.Most of them will respond to bullying normally.

D.Most of them are afraid of sharing their problems.

3.What does the underlined word "humiliation"in Paragraph 4 mean?

A. Carrying out an important plan.

B.Being made to feel ashamed.

C. Trying hard to survive an accident.

D. Feeling hopeless in an emergency.

4.The sex differences between people bullied for the first time during adolescence are reflec ted in              .

A. the support they get from the society

B.the effect bullying has on them

C. the way they react to provocation

D. the type of bullying they receive



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