满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I learnt about the Pygmalion effect (皮格玛...

I learnt about the Pygmalion effect (皮格玛丽翁效应) when I was 7 years old at Riverdale School in Palmerston North and I copied Melissa Crawford’s answers in a spelling test. Before that I was average at school but after that, because Melissa Crawford was smart, and I got all the right answers, I got put in all the smart kids groups.

From then on, I did really well at school because it was believed by the teachers that I would and I also got grouped with the smart kids. This experience that occurred at my primary school shows just how important the Pygmalion effect is in terms of being around mentors (导师) that expect that you' re going to do well and also being around people who are smart.

The Pygmalion effect is one principle you want to use if you want to make money fast. Have mentors that expect you will make money fast and as an extra boost hang around, copy and learn from other people who are also making money fast.

Yesterday this site had over 5,000 unique visitors and the traffic to it is increasing all the time. A year ago I contacted a group of people who got lots of traffic on their websites and I learnt from them. Truthfully I didn’t know if they expected me to start getting such traffic to websites but 1 imagined they did.

So there you have it the Pygmalion effect.

P. S. My grammar and spelling are not that great nowadays but that's actually completely irrelevant (不相关的) when it comes to getting lots of visitors to your site.

1.When did the author learn about the Pygmalion effect?

A. Before he took the spelling test.

B. After he cheated in the spelling test.

C. When he did badly in exams.

D. After he finished primary school.

2.The author got grouped with the smart kids because ______.

A. he was an average pupil at school

B. he did better than expected

C. Melissa Crawford was smart

D. he did better than all the others at school

3. What does the underlined word “contacted” mean in the passage?

A. Lost touch with       B. Made friends with

C. Got in touch with     D. Was concerned about

4.Where does this passage probably taken from?

A. A science report B. A newspaper.

C. A website.        D. A magazine.


1.B 2.B 3.C 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:文章通过自己的经历告诉我们皮革马利翁的神奇力量。 1.B细节理解题。根据第一段第一句后半句I copied Melissa Crawford’s answers in a spelling test我复制梅丽莎·克劳福德在拼写试卷上的答案。由此可判断,是在他考试作弊以后。故选B。 2.B细节理解题。根据文章可知作者原先学习平平,由于考试作弊,成绩出色,所以老师把他列为聪明的学生之中。故选B。 3. 从learn from them判断,该词的意思是“取得联系”。故选C。 4.当涉及到你网址大量的浏览者时,因此可知作者有自己的网站。故选C。 考点:考查人生百味类阅读






Good afternoon, everyone! Its a great honor to have the opportunity to be with you today. The topic my speech is




Thank you for listening.





增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(满分5 manfen5.com),并在其下面写出该加的词。





Last Tuesday, our class invited a old craftsman to teach us how to make dough figurines(面人).When the crafts man entered into the classroom, we gave him a warmly welcome and two boys helped him with the tool box. First, she showed us the basic steps and skills of make dough figurines,We stood around him and watched attentively,after that we started to try by ourselves. The old man walks around and helped us patiently. Finally, the figurines we made put on the table. Looking at the figurines, we were all very exciting.

We. hope we will have much activities of this kind!



Global warming could make humans shorter. Scientists claim to have found evidence that it caused the world's first horses  1.   (shrink) nearly 50 million years ago. In fact,a team from the universities of Florida and Nebreaks says   2.   has found a link between the Earth heating up and the size of mammals-homes,during the last time the world heated up. The scientists used fossils to follow the evolution of homes from their earliest 3.   (appear) 56 million years ago. As temperatures went up.their size went 4. . The scientists say that the current warming could have the same effect  5.  mammals and could even make humans 6.  small).“Horses started out small,about the size of a small dog. What's 7.  (surprise)is that after they first appeared,they then became even smaller and then dramatically increased in size, and that8.(exact)corresponds to the global warming event, followed by cooling.”"It had been known that mammals  9. small during the last warm time, 10.  we hadn't realized that temperature specifically was driving the evolution of body size”Dr. Bloch said in the "Sciencejournal.



阅读下面短文.从短文后各题所给的四个选项( A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Falling off a box car and landing on my head,I lost my sight when I was four years old . Now I am thirty two. I can        remember the brightness of sunshine. It would be wonderful to see again,         a tragedy can do strange things to people.

It          to me that I might not have come to love  life as I do now  if I hadn't been blind. My parents and my  teacher saw something        me,and they made me want to            against blindness.

The hardest         I had to learn was to believe in myself. If I hadn't been able to do that, I would have        down and become a chair rocker for the rest of my life. When I say        in myself I am not talking about          the kind of self-confidence that         me down an unfamiliar staircase alone. But I mean something bigger than that: an assurance that I am  real positive person         imperfections.

It took me years to obtain this         . It had to start with the         . Once a man gave me an indoor          .  “I can’t use this.” I said. “Take it with you,” he       me, “and roll it around.” The            stuck in my head. “Roll it around!” By rolling the ball I could hear where it went. This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought         . At the  School for the Blind I         a new kind of baseball  called ground ball.

All my life I have set a series of goals and then tried to reach them, one at a time. I had to learn my        . I would fail sometimes anyway but on the average I made        .

1.A. randomly     B. abruptly   C. roughly   D. completely

2.A. so            B.but         C. thus      D. and

3.A. occurred     B. refereed    C. brought    D. turned

4.A. of            B. for         C. to         D. in

5.A.get           B.fight    C. find      D. drop

6.A. method         B. experience C. lesson  D. manner

7.A. broken         B. put         C. settled    D. lay

8.A.courage        B. ambition   C. belief   D. power

9.A.Only          B. simply     C. fairly   D. slightly

10.A. stop.       B. helps     C. finds      D. given

11.A. despite    B.except      C. unless D. unlike

12.A. description  B. existence  C. intelligence D. recognition

13.A. accident     B. incident    C. trouble    D. event

14.A. chair      B. baseball   C.game     D. design

15.A. urged       B. blamed      C. greeted    D. teased

16.A. goals         B. words     C. baseballs D. ideas

17.A. valuable     B. reasonable C. impossible D. unbearable.

18.A.discovered B. equipped   C. formed   D. invented

19.A.limitations B. advantages. C. puzzles   D. personalities

20.A. sense       B. progress    C. mistakes  D. friends




Learning English can be a difficult task. While many people learn English in the classroom, the vast majority of English learning takes place outside of it.

1.  ,it is important to know how it is used in everyday life. One of the best things you can do is to read. First ask yourself what you enjoy reading in your native language. If the subject matter. is interesting to you, you will he more likely to keep going.

Read a variety of different media in English, from magazines to novels.  2.  ,New York Times is going to take a more formal approach to the English language than somebody's personal blog .Consider your English level when selecting reading material.  3.  , but do not frustrate yourself needlessly by selecting a complex text . You can choose to be a side-by-side reader, with the English text on one page and its translation on the other page,if you have only been studying English for a couple of years.

4.   So do not look up every word you don't know as you read. It will only slow things down and make the reading process much less fun. Instead,rely on what you have already known. When you come across a difficult word or phrase,use context clues to guess at its meaning. Write down or underline any words or phrases you cannot figure out. When you have finished reading, go to your list of new words. Now you can get your dictionary and look them up one by one 5. .You will be more likely m keep reading the interesting subject.

A. Challenge yourself

B. To better understand a language

C. When you want to learn English, try New York Times

D. Turn them into flash cards, keep them in mind and use them

E. Putting a dictionary at hand is a good way of learning English

F. Your reading goal is to briefly understand what the piece is saying

G. English usage will very depending on the content and the audience



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