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1. 可以学习自己感兴趣的











Every student will be faced with the question after he passes the college entrance examinations: Should we choose a good major or a good university first?





Every student will be faced with the question when he passes the college entrance examinations: Should we choose a good major or a good university first? Some students prefer to consider majors first so that they can learn what they are interested in.It will also make it possible for them to take their favorite jobs in the future.However, those who think differently believe that the environment is important to one’s development and that graduates from leading universities are often more likely to find a good job. In my opinion, the best choice is a good major at a good university.If we cannot obtain both, the first thing to consider is a good major, because no matter where we study, we can still achieve a lot in a certain field if we try our best. 【解析】 试题分析:写好提纲式作文的关键是认真审题和分析所给的提纲,因此考生首先要认真阅读前面的提示,认清写作要求和提纲之间的关系,要求考生根据所给的写作要求和提纲,确定文章的中心思想,然后紧紧围绕中心思想展开写作。注意文章文体、人称和时态。根据所给提纲,列出要点,并以此为基础充分发挥自己的想象力,灵活运用英语知识,采用不同的表达方式将各要点完整地表述出来,注意主次分明,详略得当。语言力求准确、简洁。根据情景的发展,按顺序安排好材料。同时应选用合适的连接词或过渡词,使文章具有一定的连贯性。 【亮点说明】文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如be faced with, prefer to, try our best.还运用了so that, because,if引导的状语从句等等。并注意了句子的衔接如:In my opinion等等。However, those who think differently believe that the environment is important to one’s development and that graduates from leading universities are often more likely to find a good job这个句子who引导those的定语从句,believer后面跟着两个宾语从句; 考点: 提纲类作文  


1.It is known that many types of cancer can now be c________.

2.The children are the helpless ________ (受害者) of the fighting.

3.The government has ________ (宣布) that public spending will be increased.

4.Unfortunately a big nose seems to be a family ________ (特征).

5.The clear reasons for the disaster are difficult to ________ (分析).

6.The woman has ________ (安排) for her son to have swimming lessons.

7.She has given the police a very full ________ (描述) of the robber.

8.There’s a strong ________ (可能性) that it will rain today.

9.We were very glad to see the injured boy well ________ (attend) in the hospital.

10.The rising number of car crimes is a(n) ________ (全国范围的) problem.

11.The tour g________ showed us the way across the mountains.

12.If you want to start the machine, p________ the button.

13.According to the t________, the bus should have come in at 9:00.

14.We are still relatively ________ (乐观的) that the factory can be saved.

15.The woman has two children from a(n) ________ (早先的) marriage.




Every year, approximately 1.6 million tons of soil flows into Yellow River, China’s second 1.   (long) river.The soil contains materials to keep the natural balance of the area.Over time, a lot of soil 2.   (remove),which has caused serious erosion of the land   3.  the River.In some areas in Shanxi Province, this has destroyed almost all the land, and has forced many local farmers  4.  (move) to other areas.

5.  is a huge job to control Yellow River erosion.Many people believe this kind of work is best done by government or international 6.   (organize).You may agree with this point of view.If7.  , it is time for you to think again.

In fact, it is you   8.  have the most important role to play in stopping Yellow River erosion.Did you know the importance of your 5 yuan? For a start, it can buy you a tree,  9.  will help make soil stay on the land.On land with rich soil, local farmers can grow crops to make 10.    living, with the money they earn from their crops, farmers buy goods or services.This helps to develop local economies.




It was Mother’s Day, but our mother was far away from us.I decided to drive to the         with my wife and our children to       flowers.

After we arrived, we went hiking , played games, and collected all kinds of flowers and so on.How happy we were! Finally, though, we had to         our car and got ready to go back home.While the kids chatted and I drove, my wife sat behind me, surrounded by her flowers, a(n)          look in her eyes.

Suddenly my wife         to me, “Stop the car.Stop right here!”         I could ask her what had happened, she was out and          up a nearby grassy hill with the lilacs (丁香花)still in her arms.At the         of the hill was a nursing home and , because it was such a beautiful spring day, the          were outdoors talking with relatives.

My wife went up the hill, where an elderly patient was sitting in her      , alone with her back to most of the others.My wife    the flowers to her and said something.The patient            her head and smiled.They talked for a few      before my wife ran back.As the car            away, I found in the mirror the woman          with the lilacs.

“Mom,” the kids asked, “Who was that? Why did you give her our          ? Is she somebody’s mother?” My wife said, “I didn’t know the old woman.But it is Mother’s Day.And she seemed so          .Who wouldn’t be cheered by flowers?         ,” she added, “I have all of you, and I still have my          , even if she is far away.That woman needed those flowers more than I did.”

Now, every May, our own yard is             with lilacs.Every Mother’s Day we drive to the countryside to gather flowers and sow more seeds in our yard.And every year I remember that lonely old woman in her wheelchair, and her smile on her face.

1.A.downtown        B.street      C.supermarket     D.countryside

2.A.plant           B.gather     C.buy            D.send

3.A.push            B.run        C.take            D.start

4.A.amazed          B.bored       C.tired          D.pleased

5.A.apologized      B.called      C.shouted         D.talked

6.A.As             B.Before     C.When            D.Until

7.A.went            B.fell       C.rolled        D.jumped

8.A.back           B.foot        C.top             D.edge

9.A.doctors        B.villagers   C.visitors        D.patients

10.A.yard          B.wheelchair  C.garden          D.room

11.A.packed         B.threw       C.handed         D.showed

12.A.raised         B.dropped     C.shook           D.swung

13.A.years          B.weeks      C.minutes        D.days

14.A.put            B.sped        C.pulled        D.dragged

15.A.waved          B.danced     C.circled      D.ran

16.A.money          B.food       C.gifts           D.flowers

17.A.sick          B.weak        C.kind           D.lonely

18.A.Surely         B.Besides    C.However       D.Generally

19.A.daughter     B.aunt       C.mother         D.sister

20.A.grown          B.planted    C.decorated      D.painted



Most Beautiful of All

1.     .Autumn was in the air.Rich, pleasant reds, painted by nature’s hand, were coloring some of the trees.On the ground a carpet of dry leaves had begun to form along the path. 2.   .High in the sky we noticed a V-shaped flock of birds heading south for the winter.As we walked along, I smiled.Beauty was all around us.It felt so good to be out in nature.I felt blessed to be watching nature’s glorious creation at its best.

3.     .She was an elderly lady with gray hair.She wore old jeans and work boots.Her sweater was worn out in places.She was carrying a trash bag in one hand and a pointed stick with a nail driven through it in the other.As she slowly made her way towards us, she stopped to jab (刺) a piece of trash that she had seen on the ground with her stick.   4.     .When we met she smiled and said hello to us.Her teeth were cracked and worn, but her voice was as youthful as I had heard in many a day.We talked for a bit and I thanked her for making our nature more beautiful with her work.She smiled again and said, “I just do what I can before continuing down the path.”

5.    .May we all have as lovely a life as her.

A.They smelled wonderful and crunched (发出碎裂声) under our feet as we walked along.

B.Then, she approached and asked us whether we had any trash.

C.I decided to take my sons for a walk the other day.

D.As is often the case, we are too busy to find the beauty of nature.

E.As we turned a corner along the walking trail, I noticed a woman slowly making her way towards us.

F.Of all the things I saw that day, she was the most beautiful.

G.Then, quickly and neatly, she placed it in the trash bag.



Let’s face it: Teenagers spend hours texting, socializing on Facebook and playing video games.And it’s driving their parents nuts.

Sure, there are real dangers connected with all this screen time—everything from cyberbullying(网络欺凌) to couch-potato obesity.Not to mention driving while texting, and shortened attention spans(持续时间).

Douglas Gentile, who studies the effects of media on children, says texting, Facebook and video games are not naturally bad.Nor are they naturally better or worse than watching TV, although they do lead to different risks, such as cyberbullying.

But research has shown that the more time kids spend in front of screens—whether it’s TV or instant-messaging—the worse their school performances are.“That doesn’t mean it’s true for every kid, but it makes sense, that for every hour a kid is playing video games, it’s an hour that they’re not doing homework or reading or exploring or creating,” he said.If screen time is taking the place of doing their homework, that’s bad.But if their homework is done, well, so what?

The study also found that the more time kids spend with media, the lower their grades and levels of personal satisfaction are.Gentile said the influence of screen time on school work can be reduced by what he calls “protective factors”.Those might include good teachers and a high-performing school, love of reading, coming from a family where education is valued.“If you had all these protective factors, then that one little risk factor, who cares?”

One thing parents should worry about is the way electronic devices encourage multitasking(多任务处理).

“As adults, your response speeds up, you’re quicker to look over your shoulder and notice little noises or lights.However this is not what the kids need when they get to the classroom.Scanning to see when the next message comes may not be good for kids.The more distractions(分心的事物) you have, the worse your performance is.” Getting kids to turn off their phones, iPods in order to let them concentrate(集中) on homework is a fight worth having.

1.What statement may Gentile agree to?

A.Kids get bad marks when using Facebook.

B.TV or texting affects kids equally.

C.Kids prefer video games to books.

D.Watching TV is better than playing video games.

2.By saying “one little risk factor”, Gentile referred to ________

A.love for reading B.valuing education

C.screen time      D.good teachers

3. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that________.

A.kids can give quick answer to questions if texting

B.Multitasks aren’t really good for every kid

C.electric devices increase the attention of kids

D.kids perform well if doing many tasks together

4.What might be the most suitable title for the passage?

A.Are kids suffering cyber bullying on Facebook?

B.Are texting and Facebook worse for teens than TV?

C.Are kids willing to turn off their electric devices?

D.Are texting causing kids to lose interest in reading?



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