满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was Saturday morning,when there was n...

It was Saturday morning,when there was no school .But Tom had to    which was painting the fence,a     fence around the garden of Aunt Polly's house."I want to go swimming.I want to go fishing.I want to play with my friends,”said Tom to    .“I want to do anything but paint the fence·When my friends see

me,they'll     me., But Tom had no     An hour later when Tom felt    and looked sadly at the big bucket of    and the brush with the long handle,he came up with a good idea and    

He started to paint the fence again.

Soon he saw one of his friends,Ben Rogers,who was holding a big red    and who was walking towards him.“Ping-a-ling!”he said,making the noise of the    on the steamboat.“Sssh!Sssh!”he said,making the noise of the steam in the engine of the steamboat.

“I’m going swimming,”Ben said.“What a    thing you have to work!”

"Do you think it,s work?” asked Tom.

"Do you like painting the fence?”asked Ben,   

“Can’t you see howes    it is?”

Tom started to paint again.Sometimes he would stop and look at the fence and then with a     ,he painted again·

Ben watched     at him.“Let me paint the fence,”he said·

"No,”said Tom.“It's not as    as you think·”

Ben was not happy,whereas Tom really seemed to     painting the fence·

“If you let me paint it,”he said.“I’11 give you some of my apple·”

After thinking f or a minute,Tom    and with a smile,he started to paint again·

“I'll give you    of my apple,”said Ben·

Tom thought for another minute and agreed    

1.A.study         B.work         C.swim           D.leave

2.A.clean         B.long        C.low           D.straight

3.A.himself       B.his friend    C.Aunt Polly     D.Ben Rogers

4.A.praise        B.learn from  C.admire       D.laugh at

5.A.time           B.idea          C.choice        D.chance

6.A.pleased       B.energetic   C.tired          D.defeated

7.A.water         B.paint         C.food           D.fruit

8.A.smiled         B.stared        C.fainted        D.sighed

9.A.brush         B.apple       C.bucket        D.box

10.A.workers       B.engine        C.passengers     D.bell

11.A.stupid       B.exciting    C.sad          D.normal

12.A.frightened    B.worried       C.delighted      D.surprised

13.A.encouraging  B.tiring       C.interesting    D.challenging

14.A.painful cry   B.angry face   C.happy smile  D.puzzled look

15.A.enviously   B.carelessly    C.closely        D.angrily

16.A.important   B.attractive    C.useful         D.easy

17.A.enjoy       B.forgot       C.practise      D.intend

18.A.continued     B.considered   C.understood     D.refused

19.A.all          B.little        C.some          D.none

20.A.unfortunately B.unwillingly  C.unconsciously D.unwisely


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.D 11.C 12.D 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.A 18.D 19.A 20.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述的是一个小男孩Tom虽然不想刷篱笆,但故意表现出刷篱笆的有趣,骗Ben来刷的故事。 1..study学习;B.work工作;C.swim游泳;D.leave离开;根据What a 47 thing you have to work可知这里说的是他还要工作,故选B。 2..clean干净;B.long长;C.low 低;D.straight直;因为不情愿做这件事情,所以是感到篱笆很长很长,故选B。 3..himself 他自己;B.his friend 他的朋友;C.Aunt Polly 波利姑姑;D.Ben Rogers本·罗杰;这一段说的这些话是Tom在自言自语,对自己说,故选A。 4..praise表扬;B.learn from 从...学;C.admire 尊敬;D.laugh at嘲笑;根据What a thing you have to work!可知是朋友会嘲笑自己,选D。 5..time 时间;B.idea 观点;C.choice 选择;D.chance机会;即使不想工作也还是要做,所以是没有选择,have no choice,选C。 6..pleased 满意;B.energetic精力充沛;C.tired 累的;D.defeated打败;根据An hour later,可是他工作了一个小时,很累了,故选C。 7..water水;B.paint 画;C.food 食物;D.fruit水果;根据 painting the fence,可是工作是刷墙,可知选B。 8..smiled 微笑;B.stared盯;C.fainted 虚弱,模糊;D.sighed叹气;根据came up with a good idea可知Tom想到了一个好主意,很开心的笑了,故选A。 9..brush 刷子;B.apple 苹果;C.bucket 篮子;D.box盒子;根据“I’11 give you some of my apple·”可知这里提到的是拿了一个苹果,选B。 10..workers 工人;B.engine 引擎;C.passengers 乘客;D.bell铃;根据Ping-a-ling可知这个铃铛的声音,选D。 11..stupid 愚蠢;B.exciting 兴奋;C.sad 悲伤;D.normal普通;这里使用的是同情的语气表示嘲笑,选C。 12..frightened 害怕;B·worried 担忧;C·delighted 快乐;D·surprised惊讶;根据"Do you like painting the fence?”可知,本很惊讶,Tom竟然可能喜欢刷墙,选D。 13..encouraging 鼓舞人心;B.tiring 疲倦;C.interesting 有趣的;D.challenging有挑战性;Tom的目的就是为了让他的工作看起来有意思,故选C。 14..painful cry 悲伤的哭泣;B.angry face 愤怒的脸;C.happy smile 快乐的笑;D·puzzled look疑惑的表情;根据Can’t you see howes it is,可知Tom制造了一个工作很有趣的假象,所以他是笑着的,故选C。 15..enviously 嫉妒;B.carelessly 粗心;C.closely 近,亲密;D.angrily生气的;根据Let me paint the fence可知本嫉妒Tom在干这么有趣的工作,也想干,故选A。 16..important 重要;B.attractive 吸引人;C.useful 有用;D.easy简单;这不像你想的这么简单,选easy更能激起本对工作的向往,故选D。 17..enjoy 享受;B.forgot 忘记;C.practise 锻炼;D.intend意图;与前文的happy smile, interesting等词的感情基调保持一致,是在享受这个工作,故选A。 18..continued 继续;B.considered 想;C.understood 理解;D.refused拒绝;根据下文可知Tom想得到整个苹果,所以拒绝了,故选D。 19..all 全部;B.little 小;C.some 一些;D.none没有;在some of 的数量上有所增加,这里给出整个苹果,故选A。 20..unfortunately 不幸的;B.unwillingly 不愿意;C.unconsciously 无意识;D·unwisely不明智;Tom是想装出不情愿,这样本才会上当, 故选B。 考点:考查故事类短文阅读 【学法指导】故事类文章一般描述的是某一件具体事情的发生发展或结局,有人物、时间、地点和事件。命题往往从故事的情节、人物或事件的之间的关系、作者的态度及意图、故事前因和后果的推测等方面着手,考查学生对细节的辨认能力以及推理判断能力。 解这类完形填空时要注意: 抓住文章的6个要素: 阅读时要学会从事情本身的发展去理解故事情节而不要只看事件在文中出现的先后顺序。因此,无论是顺叙还是倒叙,阅读此类文章时,必须要找到它结构中的5个W(when, where, who, why, what)和1个H(how),不过不是每篇都会完整地交待六个要素。毫无疑问,寻出这些元素是能够正确快速解题的一个先决条件。,本文故事性较强,本文可从文章中找出时间Saturday morning和人物Tom和Ben,故事围绕paint the fence刷篱笆这件事情展开。要注意文中的Tom对刷篱笆实际上是不情愿的,而后为了骗Ben要装出喜欢的样子,这样才能把握文章的情感走向。 2、注意作者的议论和抒情: 高考英语阅读理解故事类文章常伴随着作者思想情感的流露和表达,因此议论和抒情往往夹杂其中。行文时或按事情发生发展的先后时间进行或按事情发生发展的地点来转换,也可能按事情发展的阶段来布局。在引出话题,讲完一件事情后,作者往往会表达个人感悟或提出建议等。这些体现作者观点或思想的语句在阅读时可以划线,它们往往体现文章中心或者写作意图,属于必考点,所以要仔细体会。 3、结合前两点归纳文章中心,把握作者态度: 故事类文章是通过记叙一件事来表达中心思想的,它是文章的灵魂。归纳文章中心思想时,尤其要分析文章的结尾,因为很多文章卒章显志,用简短的议论、抒情揭示文章中心;文章中议论抒情的句子往往与中心密切相关;也有的文章需要在结合概括各段大意的基础上归纳中心。另外,叙述一件事必有其目的,或阐明某一观点,或赞美某种品德,或抨击某种陋习,这就要求我们在阅读时,通过对细节(第1点中的六要素)的理解,把握作者的态度。 4、有章有据进行解题判断: 分析文章,归纳主题,属于分析、概括、综合的表述能力的考查。切忌脱离文章,架空分析,一定让分析在文章中有依据。当我们通读一遍文章时,很多题目都可以根据文章内容分析出来。When my friends see me,they'll me,可知根据下文Tom的朋友Ben对他的态度得知,Tom觉得他的朋友会嘲笑他,所以选D。 “I'll give you 55 of my apple,”said Ben·可以根据上文的“I’11 give you some of my apple·”来推断,因为Tom拒绝了只给一点苹果,那么Ben肯定会加大要给的苹果的数量,四个选项中只有A.all(全部)的数量比some(一些)多,所以选A。

we may spend an all night studying before an important exam.We'll most probably rush to rescue a broken down friend in the middle of the nigh,  1. All that can leave you feeling unsure of how you're going to survive the day ahead.If you would like some helpful tips on how to stay alert,read on to find out more:


This may seem obvious but it goes without saying that the antidote(解药)to tiredness is sleep. 2.

According to Dr David Dinges,editor of the journal SLEEP,a nap as short as 10minutes can be of benefit to you by moving the brain into slow-wave‘sleep.According to ranges,sleeping for longer than 40 minutes could leave you feeling slightly groggy(昏沉) upon waking,but this will soon wear off. 3.

. 4.

Though this is not a long term solution it does do the trick temporarily.The average person needs around 100-200 milligrams of caffeine.5.  The benefits will last for around three to four hours.

A.Caffeine doesn't work.

B.Drink caffeinated drinks.

C.Lack of sleep is becoming more and more common in our society.

D.If you haven't got time for 8 hours then try taking a short nap instead.

E.It will take around 15 to 30 minutes for it to come into effect.

F.Occasionally we are just unable to sleep because of anxiety.

G.You will feel sharper after that.



  Dear Dr.Servaas,

I was diagnosed with histoplasrnosis(组织胞浆菌病)30 years ago .At that time, my doctor told me that it was lung fungus(真菌)that could affect my eyesight.This has happened·Can it affect other organs of the body?


Delta Junction,Arkansas,

Most people have no symptoms resulting from the lung infection,explains histo expert Dr.L.Joseph Wheat,when symptoms do develop,they are usually mild and will disappear without treatment

In some cases,however,histo can spread from the lungs and cause more serious  problems.

“Histo is more severe in persons with diseases that reduce thcir immunity or who are receiving immunosuppressive(免疫抑制)medications,”says Dr.Wheat,"In such cases,histo can spread from lungs to other parts of the body.Patients with this type of histoplasmosis usually have constant fever,sweats,and weight loss·Excellent tests are available to diagnose this type of histo,and the treatment is highly effective·”

As mentioned by our Arkansas reader,eye problems accompanied by vision loss have been reported long after the first infection.

"Histo is thought by some to be a cause of spots on the back of the eye,called ‘histo spots’,”notes Dr·Wheat.“These injuries cause no problems in some patients, while in others they cause visual loss.There is no proof that histo causes these spots, however,as the organism is not found in the injured parts,and treatment for histo is  not effective for the eye spots.”

People catch histoplasmosis by breathing extremely small spores(孢子)of the  histoplasma fungus into their lungs·This fungus is commonly found in areas polluted by  bird or bat droppings such as caves,chicken cages,barns(谷仓),and under bridges.It will spread through the air during construction or whenever plowing,sweeping,or digging disturbs the soil.

1.What’s the problem with F.Buongiorne?

A.He has recently been diagnosed with his to.

B.He is having difficulty in breathing.

C.He is worried about his health.

D.He has become totally blind.

2.Which of the following is Dr.Wheat’s opinion about“histo"?

A.The disease is equally harmful to all people.

B.The disease will make people put on weight.

C.The disease won’t cause serious problems and no medicine is effective for it·

D.The disease doesn’t,t necessarily have a serious effect on every patient with it·

3.How is“histo" related to“histo spots"?

A."Histo spots" may not be caused by“histo".

B.Patients with“histo" will have“histo spots".

C."Histo spots" will cause visual loss to all patients.

D.“Histo spots" can be cured by the same medicine as cures“histd

4.We can infer from the passage that_    

A.“histo" spreads through water

B."histo" originates from animals

C.you may have the disease by eating affected chicken

D.workers in a close office are most likely to have“histo"



It has happened to all of us.You want to talk about an object,but you forgot the name of it.Or you never knew the name at all.Maybe you are not even sure there is a word for it.

For example,that thing, that you need to fix your bicycle.Or perhaps it is something you need for your computer·Or that part on your motorcycle that never,ever seems to work.

What are these things?

They are called“doohickies"·A doohickey is a word you use when you do not know,or you have forgotten,the real name of an object·

The MacMillan Dictionary defines doohickey as“something such as a small object or tool that you cannot remember the name of"·The American Heritage Dictionary says it is“something,especially a small device or part,whose name is unknown or forgotten".

Language experts say the word first started being used in the United States in the early 1900s· But other experts say they have seen examples of words like that in writings from the middle 1800s.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary for Learners of American English gives this example of how native speakers might use doohickey:“I need one of those doohickeys,you know,with the long handle.”

Merriam-Webster adds that doohickey may be a combination of two other words:“doodad" and“hickey" .Strange as it may be,both of these words mean the same as doohickey.The dictionary lists a lot of strange words as.synonyms for doohickey.The most common are whatchamacallit,whatnot and whatsit.

You will probably never see these words in official documents or newspaper reports·But you might hear them in informal American English,when people are talking to each other·

“Hey,what does this doohickey do,anyway?”

"Dude,bring me that thingamajig,willya·”

"Janine,can you get me one of those whatchamacallits?”

Most Americans will know what you are talking about if you use one of those words.Just point at the object,use one of these words,and they will bring it to you·

1.When people need a doohickey it means they need something__·

A.which can be used to repair a bicycle

B.which can be used to fix a computer

C.whose name is forgotten

D.whose handle is very long

2.The words similar to doohickey were most likely to be seen in__for the first time.

A.1800  B.1850  C.1900  D.1950

3.You are sure to find the word whatchamacallit in__

A.the Macmillan Dictionary

B.the American Heritage Dictionary

C.an Official document or a newspaper report

D.the Merriam-Webster Dictionary for Learners of American English

4.The above,passage is mainly about__·

A.a special word

B.American English dictionaries’

C.the development of American English

D.the way to learn and use American English



Are you ready to take off? Launch into the adventure of a lifetime when you join the ranks of Space Camp where explorers train to live and work in space.This is your opportunity to command,navigate(航行)and contribute to an advanced space mission simulation(模拟).

Space Camp is located at the U.S.Space&Rocket Center,the Official Visitor Center for NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center.The program encourages trainees to pursue science,technology,engineering and math disciplines through, exciting,hands-on educational activities.

During the five-night program,trainees participate in two,one-hour simulated missions.Our trainers guide participants through the past,·present and future of space exploration with the help of high-fidelity(高保证的)test articles or actual rockets and shuttles.visitors explore the first rocket that put an American in space-the real National Historic Landmark Saturn V moon rocket-and actual capsules earlv

astronauts used during their missions·Trainees experience walking on the moon in the 1/6th gravity chair to feel what it's like to work in a frictionless environment.

Space Camp trainees also climb the tallest mountain on the red planet with the Mars Climbing Wall and experience four times the gravity of Earth with the takeoff force of the Space Shot simulator.They get an astronaut's view of Earth while watching amazing films in the IMAX Spacedome Theater and Digital Theater.

Space Camp begins on Sunday afternoon and graduation is on Friday morning.Parents and family members are encouraged to attend the graduation ceremony。

There is no other camp like it!

满分5 manfen5.com

1.Whom is the Space Camp intended for?

A.Tourists. B.Students.

C.Astronauts D.Scientists.

2.How long will the Space Camp last?

A.About a day    B.About three days.

C.About six days  D.About twelve days.

3.Space Shot simulator will let the trainees know_·

A.the takeoff force of a rocket

B.the highest mountain on mars

C.the history of space exploration

D.the feeling of being in the 1/6th gravity environment




1. 红包特点

2. 发放时间与途径

3. 参与人群

4. 你的看法

注意:1. 词数120-150左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 参考词汇:电子红包e-hongbao

Dear Peter,

I'm writing to tell you something about e-hongbao, which is becoming popular in China. ___________________________________________________________________________________



Best wishes.


Li Hua



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