满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



Dear Li Hua,

Surprise!I enrolled in a camp organized by Chinese Bridge in August and will spend about a week in Changsha.So,we can finally see each other.Learning the Chinese language and visiting some places of interest like Shaoshan Mountain will be part of the camp.I just can't wait to see you.






Dear Tom, I’m so glad to know that you’ll come to Changsha and I hope to be with you as much as I can be because it will be a wonderful chance for you to feel the Chinese culture and for us to have fun together.It’s nice for you to come in August, for after the college entrance exam I’ll be free most of the time, but if you could tell me when you will come I’ll be better able to arrange my time.I wonder if you can stay in my home during the week, for our house is located at the center of the city and we have a spare room anyway.Could you tell me when your Chinese courses will be taught during the camp? If I knew that, I could arrange some small trips around the city. Looking forward to your early reply. Li Hua 【解析】 试题分析:本文是要写一封回复笔友的信件,要求是表达欢迎,并询问他来长沙的具体时间、住宿安排、课程时间并说明你需要了解这些的原因。考生首先要选择自己熟悉的短语或者句型,在你的能力范围之内,选择句式时要赋予变化,因为这样你才可以更好的驾驭。同时也要选择合适的连接词,把各个要点组织成一个完整的整体,如besides, further, last but not least等。可以使用谚语来提升整个文章的档次和文采,也能增加得高分的可能性。 【亮点说明】文章使用了很好的短语和句子:as much as I can能我所能,is located at位置在,spare空闲的,Looking forward to盼望着, It’s nice for you to come in August运用了形式主语,for after the college entrance exam I’ll be free most of the time是一句状语从句,I wonder if you can stay in my home during the week是宾语从句。 考点:考查提纲作文  









One morning Mrs·Jerkins went to department store to buy a coat.There was no shop assistants in the store before she got there,so she had to wait.Then a fat lady came in.She went to Mrs.Jerkins and asked her to serve for her,telling Mrs.Jerkins whether she wanted to buy a coat.Mrs.Jerkins said that she couldn’t do.The fat lady got angrily·She did",t let Mrs.Jerkins explain anything but insisted that Mrs.Jerkins would do that right away because it was her job.At last Mrs.Jerkins has to tell her that she was a customer herself and wanted to buy a coat,either.




1.I’m thinking about starting painting     (I) of ter I get back from my trip.

2.Picasso was most famous for his work in  Cubism,     the world is represented as being constructed of cubes and rectangles.

3.Moneys paintings were typical     a style called“impressionism".

4.Van Gogh’s younger brother,Theo,     (act)as his agent,tried hard to sell Van Gogh's paintings.

5.     they invite me,I would go to the art gallery with them.

6.A few years ago,a picture of Mona Lisa     (make) out of bread toasted to different colors.

7.One end of a tin can be dipped into paint and     (use)to make circles on a piece of card.

8.Why not try_    some ideas of your own?




History is one long story,or  1.  (real),a lot of stories of competing narratives(叙述),about the people who shaped the world we live in.

Family history can give people a sense of history that is much 2.  personal than hearing about far off events about  3.  (stranger).Telling your family history is a great way for the younger members of your family  4.  (learn)some history and really understand and connect with it.

For example,it’s much more meaningful to discover. 5.  the Great Depression meant that your grandparents didn't taste butter until  6.  were in their teens than to hear an abstract fact that the Great Depression meant rationing(定量配给).You feel much more  7.  (connect)to a story about your uncle's experience of living in France than a book about it.

8.  (tell) stories of people that you knew or ancestors 9.  stories you know is a powerful way to help young people feel a connection to those who came before them,family and otherwise,linking the stories of the past 10.  their own experience of the present and imaginings of the future.



It was Saturday morning,when there was no school .But Tom had to    which was painting the fence,a     fence around the garden of Aunt Polly's house."I want to go swimming.I want to go fishing.I want to play with my friends,”said Tom to    .“I want to do anything but paint the fence·When my friends see

me,they'll     me., But Tom had no     An hour later when Tom felt    and looked sadly at the big bucket of    and the brush with the long handle,he came up with a good idea and    

He started to paint the fence again.

Soon he saw one of his friends,Ben Rogers,who was holding a big red    and who was walking towards him.“Ping-a-ling!”he said,making the noise of the    on the steamboat.“Sssh!Sssh!”he said,making the noise of the steam in the engine of the steamboat.

“I’m going swimming,”Ben said.“What a    thing you have to work!”

"Do you think it,s work?” asked Tom.

"Do you like painting the fence?”asked Ben,   

“Can’t you see howes    it is?”

Tom started to paint again.Sometimes he would stop and look at the fence and then with a     ,he painted again·

Ben watched     at him.“Let me paint the fence,”he said·

"No,”said Tom.“It's not as    as you think·”

Ben was not happy,whereas Tom really seemed to     painting the fence·

“If you let me paint it,”he said.“I’11 give you some of my apple·”

After thinking f or a minute,Tom    and with a smile,he started to paint again·

“I'll give you    of my apple,”said Ben·

Tom thought for another minute and agreed    

1.A.study         B.work         C.swim           D.leave

2.A.clean         B.long        C.low           D.straight

3.A.himself       B.his friend    C.Aunt Polly     D.Ben Rogers

4.A.praise        B.learn from  C.admire       D.laugh at

5.A.time           B.idea          C.choice        D.chance

6.A.pleased       B.energetic   C.tired          D.defeated

7.A.water         B.paint         C.food           D.fruit

8.A.smiled         B.stared        C.fainted        D.sighed

9.A.brush         B.apple       C.bucket        D.box

10.A.workers       B.engine        C.passengers     D.bell

11.A.stupid       B.exciting    C.sad          D.normal

12.A.frightened    B.worried       C.delighted      D.surprised

13.A.encouraging  B.tiring       C.interesting    D.challenging

14.A.painful cry   B.angry face   C.happy smile  D.puzzled look

15.A.enviously   B.carelessly    C.closely        D.angrily

16.A.important   B.attractive    C.useful         D.easy

17.A.enjoy       B.forgot       C.practise      D.intend

18.A.continued     B.considered   C.understood     D.refused

19.A.all          B.little        C.some          D.none

20.A.unfortunately B.unwillingly  C.unconsciously D.unwisely



we may spend an all night studying before an important exam.We'll most probably rush to rescue a broken down friend in the middle of the nigh,  1. All that can leave you feeling unsure of how you're going to survive the day ahead.If you would like some helpful tips on how to stay alert,read on to find out more:


This may seem obvious but it goes without saying that the antidote(解药)to tiredness is sleep. 2.

According to Dr David Dinges,editor of the journal SLEEP,a nap as short as 10minutes can be of benefit to you by moving the brain into slow-wave‘sleep.According to ranges,sleeping for longer than 40 minutes could leave you feeling slightly groggy(昏沉) upon waking,but this will soon wear off. 3.

. 4.

Though this is not a long term solution it does do the trick temporarily.The average person needs around 100-200 milligrams of caffeine.5.  The benefits will last for around three to four hours.

A.Caffeine doesn't work.

B.Drink caffeinated drinks.

C.Lack of sleep is becoming more and more common in our society.

D.If you haven't got time for 8 hours then try taking a short nap instead.

E.It will take around 15 to 30 minutes for it to come into effect.

F.Occasionally we are just unable to sleep because of anxiety.

G.You will feel sharper after that.



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