满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所...



In my class, there was a really weak-looking guy. I don’t      know if his name was Vit or Wit. I will      him as Wit in this story of mine. He was a pale, thin guy. Not only his build looked weak, the way he       was also weak. He walked slowly but he tried to stay off of everyone’s way. The friends in my class, Jean and Ingrid, would     him. Truth to be told, I     them as well. We did things like taking his stuff, like his pens and pencils, and     them somewhere in the school.

Wit was also really    of insects, even butterfly. Jean, Ingrid, and I often put beetle on his clothes and he would run around, trying to    it off. There were many beetles in the school so that was the     insect we used to scare him with. Other insects such as butterfly were hard to     so we pretty much gave up on it. We would often take the    when Wit was off-guard and put the insects on him.    it was on him, he would run around or jump about. He was too scared to       it and pull it off.

Suddenly one day, we were      by the school. When I walked into the room, Wit’s mother, as well as Ingrid’s mother, Jean’s father, and mine were     in the room silently. Wit’s mother said that Wit went home and    the sandbag shouting “Jean!!! Ingrid!!! Archer!!!”    every day. I wanted to laugh but didn’t with all the    she was putting on us .She asked many things, including things I had no idea about such as “Who put Wit’s bag in the girl toilet?” Apparently, it was Jean who did it. Jean seemed to have bullied Wit quite a lot and got quite a(n)      from Wit’s and her own mother.

I think it should have been quite guilty for      to see us scolded by the parents. However , we decided to stop bullying Wit and be friendly to him.

1.A. briefly     B. abruptly         C. actually       D. constantly

2.A. think of       B. focus on          C. laugh at       D. refer to

3.A. acted           B. operated          C. attacked       D. responded

4.A. get close to    B. look up to        C. get tired of   D. make fun of

5.A. betrayed       B. joined            C. teased        D. rejected

6.A. hid            B. distributed      C. threw          D. preserved

7.A. fond            B. scared            C. cautious       D. ashamed

8.A. see             B. set             C. shake          D. take

9.A. only          B. acute            C. main          D. rare

10.A. find          B. recognize        C. raise          D. capture

11.A. chance         B. risk              C. trouble        D. order

12.A. While        B. Though            C. Once          D. Unless

13.A. attach      B. touch             C. sniff        D. defend

14.A. picked out     B. called in         C. spied on       D. kicked off

15.A. staring        B. sighing           C. sitting        D. weeping

16.A. carried        B. threw             C. filled         D. hit

17.A. nearly       B. hardly            C. merely         D. approximately

18.A. burden         B. pressure          C. duty          D. doubt

19.A. forgiving      B. understanding     C. praising     D. scolding

20.A. Ingrid        B. Jean             C. Wit            D. Mother


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.C 【解析】 1.“事实上”作者并不知道他叫“Vit”还是“Wit”。 2.“refer to…as…”把他称作。 3.根据下文“walked…”这一句,所以选择“acted”。 4.本段最后一句这几个孩子的所作所为表明他们“捉弄” Wit。 5.我也是捉弄他的同学之一,注意下一句的“we”。 6.把他的东西“藏”在某些地方。 7.根据下文的描述,他很“害怕”虫子。 8.不敢用手取下来,只好到处跑、跳,把虫子“抖”下来。 9.这句话中的many beetles,提示是“主要的”。 10.蝴蝶不易被“捕获”。 11.当他没有防备的时候,我们就抓住机会(把虫子放在他身上)。 12.Once,“一…就…” 13.touch and pull, 呼应上文提到的不敢碰虫子。 14.被校方“请去”。 15.注意看完全句“silently”,家长们要解决的是孩子被捉弄的事,气氛严肃。 16.“击打”沙袋发泄。 17. “几乎”每天如此。 18.根据下文Wit家长连续发问She asked many things,,给了我们“压力”,我觉得好笑但不敢笑。 19.She asked many things, 对“many things”举例。 20.上下文逻辑关系:转折。

The writer conveyed a positive attitude through his works.______, his readers are motivated and are themselves becoming a source of motivation for others.

A. On the whole          B. In the meanwhile

C. In the way          D. On the contrary



You are to meet with frustration in the pursuit of success and through greater effort and hard work your dream will definitely come true. Put it ______ ,No pains, no gains.”

A. frequently           B. firmly

C. openly                 D. simply



The electronic red-packet has been so ______  that AliPay and Tencent Wechat compete against each other openly and secretly since the beginning of this year.

A. popular               B. convenient

C. favorable            D. arbitrary



The Spring Festival is the most joyful time of the year, but it can also be ______ . With all the traveling, visiting relatives, and gift-buying, the holiday can become a tense time for many families.

A. beneficial              B. optional

C. commercial             D. stressful



He made up his mind to enjoy his guitar and to accumulate as many happy experiences as he could so that when he retired he wound be able to ______his life with satisfaction.

A. get away with

B. make up for

C. look back on

D. put up with



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