满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

完形填空:共20题 每题2分 共40分 One day I was hangin...

完形填空:共20题 每题2分 共40分

One day I was hanging about with several friends. Not really doing anything     , just doing what teenagers do on a hot summer afternoon.

We were walking through a parking lot     my younger brother, Mark, came running up to us at full     . A few seconds later I saw a man running behind him. Mark was out of     , so I didn't really understand what he was     . The man in front of me was     for Mark. Mark moved behind me, and I realised that he was     . I asked the man what the     . was. The man said he wanted my little brother in a bad way. He reached for my brother again and again but I     him. He then punched (拳击) me in the chest. I felt more     than hurt and I had to defend myself.

    did the man know that I had been training in Karate (空手道) for four years. I was     by my parents to respect all adults,     this man was so terrible. He was trying to hurt my     ; he turned his anger to me with a     attack. But, much to his surprise, he found he was in a bit of trouble himself. So the man     his attack and disappeared from my sight.

The whole thing was over a simple disagreement     two children, namely Mark and the man's daughter. This man had     overreacted (反应) and did things without finding out the facts. I am happy that no one was hurt badly and that     worked out okay.

However, the man and I were similar in a way. We both tried to     the ones we care about in the best way we could.

1.A.helpful        B.necessary      C.special       D.useful

2.A.when          B.as              C.since        D.why

3.A.limit          B.power           C.speed        D.hope

4.A.control       B.breath         C.mind          D.danger

5.A.thinking      B.saying          C.making       D.ordering

6.A.reaching      B.waiting        C.caring       D.leaving

7.A.surprised      B.excited         C.brave         D.scared

8.A.difficulty     B.act            C.problem      D.task

9.A.blocked        B.defeated        C.disliked     D.disagreed

10.A.tired         B.shocked        C.moved         D.bored

11.A.Little       B.Much            C.Many          D.Few

12.A.reminded      B.showed          C.taught       D.encouraged

13.A.and          B.so              C.as           D.but

14.A.teacher      B.father         C.brother      D.friend

15.A.mental       B.material        C.chemical     D.physical

16.A.continued    B.kept           C.stopped       D.increased

17.A.between       B.across          C.among         D.for

18.A.naturally     B.wildly         C.slightly      D.slowly

19.A.nothing       B.anything        C.something     D.everything

20.A.protect       B.admire         C.value         D.praise


1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.C 15.D 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.A 【解析】 1.根据“just doing what teenagers do on a hot summer afternoon.”可知作者没做什么特别的事情,只是在炎热夏日青年们会做的事。故答案为C。 2.be doing sth. when…是固定句式。意思是某人正在做某事突然另一件事发生了。句意“我们正走过一个停车场,突然我弟弟朝我们快速跑了过来。”故答案为A。 3.at full speed全速。此处指弟弟跑得很快,因为后面有人追他。故答案为C。 4.out of control失去控制;out of breath气喘吁吁;out of mind心不在焉;out of danger脱离危险。弟弟跑得很快,当然是气喘吁吁了。故答案为B。 5.句意“马克跑得气喘吁吁,所以我弄不清他在说些什么。”故答案为B。 6.reach for伸手去抓,伸手去够;wait for等待;care for喜欢;leave for动身去某地。句意“那个在我前面的男人伸手去抓马克,马克躲在了我的身后。”故答案为A。 7.有人抓马克,他躲在我身后肯定是害怕了。故答案为D。 8.difficulty困难;act行为;problem问题;task任务。句意“我问那个男人出了什么问题。”故答案为C。 9.block阻挡;defeat打败;dislike不喜欢;disagree不同意。句意“他抓了我弟弟一次又一次,但是都被我挡住了。”故答案为A。 10.tired累的;shocked震惊的;moved感动的;bored无聊的。句意“这个男人给了我胸口一拳。我更感到震惊而不是受伤害。”故答案为B。 11.本句是个倒装句。否定意义的词或短语放于句首时,句子部分倒装。句意“这个男人不知道我练过四年空手道。”故答案为A。 12.remind提醒;show显示;teach教育;encourage鼓励。句意“从小父母就教育我要尊重大人。但是这个男人太可怕了。”故答案为C。 13.句意“从小父母就教育我要尊重大人。但是这个男人太可怕了。”故答案为D。 14.从上文可以看出他想伤害我弟弟。故答案为C。 15.mental精神的;material物质的;chemical化学的;physical物理的,身体的。上文说他给了我一拳,可知是身体上的攻击。故答案为D。 16.句意“令他意外的是,他发现他自己有麻烦了。所以他停止了攻击然后离开了。”故答案为C。 17.between两者之间;across横跨;among在众多人或事物当中;for为了。根据two children,可知是两个人之间的争论。故答案为A。 18.naturally自然而然地;wildly疯狂地; 粗暴地,野蛮地; 野生地; 失去控制地;slightly轻轻地;slowly慢慢地。此处指这个男人的反应有些过于粗暴。故答案为B。 19.句意“我很高兴没有人受伤害而且结果一切都好。”故答案为D。 20.protect保护;admire钦佩,赞赏;value珍惜;praise表扬。句意“然而这个男人和我在某种程度上很相似。我们都在尽全力来保护我们所关心的人。”故答案为A。

With a lot of homework _________last weekend, Tom didn’t go to the movies with his friends.

A.finished          B.to finish

C.finishing         D.being finished



Because he was _____ the new limit, he was stopped by traffic police and was fined 200 yuan.

A.good at           B.tired from

C.unaware of        D.uninterested in



The newly-discovered evidence led to the criminal _______ to five years in prison.

A.to be sentenced         B.being sentenced

C.sentenced               D.be sentenced



Who would you like to have _____to Beijing for business this time?

A.go       B.gone        C.to go    D.going



You can’t imagine that a well-behaved man _______be so rude to a lady.

A.might       B.need       C.would         D.should



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