满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

There were restrictions _____ the weight...

There were restrictions _____ the weight of luggage. As a result we decided to travel _____.

A. on, light           B. in, light

C. to, lightly          D. with, lightly


A 【解析】restriction on 对……的限制;travel light轻装旅行light adv. 轻装地  

These citizenship ceremonies on Australian Day are intended to encourage ____, respect and promote friendship among people of different cultural and social backgrounds.

A. reservation       B. endurance

C. tolerance          D. expedition



Such plants, particularly___ to collectors, motivated them to explore on a large scale.

A. appealed           B. attracted

C. appealing          D. attaching



There is no denying that for more than a generation college education has been accepted without the slightest doubt. All high school graduates ought to go, says conventional wisdom and statistical evidence, because college will help them earn more money, become “better” people, and learn to be more responsible citizens than those who don’t go.

But college has never been able to work its magic for everyone. And now that close to half our high school graduates are attending, those who don’t fit the pattern are becoming more numerous, and more obvious. College graduates are selling shoes and driving taxis; college students interfere with each other’s experiments and write false letters of recommendation in the fierce competition so as to get admitted into graduate schools. Others find no stimulation (激励) in their studies, and consequently have to drop out, which is often encouraged by college administrators.

Some observers say the fault is with the young people themselves--they are spoiled and they are expecting too much. But that’s a condemnation(谴责)of the students as a whole, and doesn’t explain all campus unhappiness. Others blame the state of the world, and they are partly right. We have been told that young people have to go to college because our economy can’t absorb an army of untrained eighteen-year-olds. But disappointed graduates are learning that it can no longer absorb an army of trained twenty-two-year-olds, either.

Some campus watchers have openly begun to suggest that college may not be the best, the proper, the only place for every young person after the completion of high school. We may have been looking at all those surveys and statistics upside down, it seems, and through the rosy(玫瑰般的) glow of our own remembered college experiences. Perhaps college doesn’t make people intelligent,ambitious, happy,liberal, or quick to learn things—maybe it is just the other way around, and intelligent, ambitious, happy, liberal, quick-learning people are merely the ones who have been attracted to college in the first place. And perhaps all those successful college graduates would have been successful whether they had gone to college or not. This is heresy (异端邪说) to those of us who have been brought up to believe that if a little schooling is good, more has to be much better. But contrary evidence is beginning to come up.

1.According to the first paragraph, ___________________.

A. people now no longer challenge college education.

B. people still have a low opinion of college education.

C. the author thinks youngsters should all go to college.

D. people have great expectations for college education.

2.More young people drop out of college because _________.

A. they are no longer motivated in their studies.

B. they can start selling shoes and driving taxis.

C. they compete for admission to graduate schools.

D. college administrators encourage them to do so.

3.Who does the author think is to blame for campus unhappiness?

A. young students who are all spoiled and expecting too much.

B. our society that can’t offer enough jobs to college graduates.

C. our society that has not enough jobs for high school graduates.

D. young people as well as our society are to blame for all this.

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE about those surveys statistics?

A.They proved wrong as being comtradictory to our college experiences.

B.They are so convincing that we think of our rosy college experiences.

C.They may have been misread because of our rosy college experiences.

D.They proved high school graduates are smarter than college graduates

5.What is the meaning of the underlined sentence in Paragraph4?

A.It is a different way

B.It is just the opposite

C.It is the wrong way

D.Theres no other way

6.What is the main purpose of this passage?

A.To inform young people college education is no longer important now.

B.To prove college education doesnt make young people more intelligent

C.To argue against the idea that college is the first choice for all youngsters

D.To tell young people that theres something wrong with college education



From good reading we can get pleasure, companionship, experience, and instruction. A good book may absorb our attention so completely that for the time being we forget our surroundings and even our identity. Reading good books is one of the greatest pleasures in life. It increases our contentment when we are cheerful, and lessens our troubles when we are sad. Whatever may be our main purpose in reading, our contact with good books should never fail to give us enjoyment and satisfaction.

With a good book in our hands we need never be lonely. Whether the characters in it are taken from real life or are purely imaginary, they may become our companions and friends. In the pages of books we can walk with the wise and the good of all lands and all times. The people we meet in books may delight us either because they resemble (相像) human friends whom we hold dear or because they present unfamiliar types whom we are glad to welcome as new acquaintances(熟人). Our human friends sometimes may bore us, but the friends we make in books need never weary us with their company. By turning the page we can dismiss them without any fear of hurting their feelings. While human friends desert us, good books are always ready to give us friendship, sympathy, and encouragement.

Of all the gifts from reading books, the most valuable one is experience. Few of us can travel far from home or have a wide range of experiences, but all of us can lead varied lives through the pages of books. Whether we wish to escape from the seemingly dull realities of daily routines or whether we long to visit some far-off place, a book will help us when nothing else can. To travel by book we need no bank account to pay our way; no airship or ocean liner or stream-lined train to transport us; no passport to enter the land of our heart's desire. Through books we may get the thrill of hazardous adventure without danger.   We can climb high mountains, brave the perils (危险) of an Antarctic winter, or cross the scorching sands of the desert, all without hardship. In books we may visit the studios of Hollywood; we may mix with the merry crowds of the Paris boulevards; we may join the picturesque peasants in an Alpine village or the kindly natives on a South Sea island. Indeed, through books the whole world is ours for the asking. The possibilities of our literary experiences are almost unlimited. The beauties of nature, the enjoyment of music, the treasures of art, the triumphs of architecture, the marvels of engineering, are all open to the wonder and enjoyment of those who read.

1.Why do we sometimes forget our surroundings and even our identity while reading?

A. No one is trying to disturb you there.

B. All is so quiet and calm around you.

C. The book you read is so fascinating.

D. Our life is just far from satisfactory.

2.What makes people like their acquaintances in books even more?

A. They are just like our human friends.

B. They are unfamiliar types we like.

C. They will never ever abandon us.

D. They will never hurt our feelings.

3.The word hazardous means ______.

A. “unexpected”        B. “dangerous”

C. “imaginary”         D. “unusual”

4.“... the whole world is ours for the asking means that we can____________.

A. experience the whole world just by reading

B. get anywhere in the world only by asking

C. make a trip around the world free of charge

D. actually possess everything in this world

5.What is the most suitable title for this passage?

A. Reading and traveling

B. Experiencing the world

C. Traveling with books

D. Gifts from reading



With their weakening bodies, advanced age or increasing pressure of work or study, people have been advised and usually persuaded to have health care products. Do you remember your first time to take a nutritional supplement(营养补充品)? What was your first impression?

Posted by Amy, Dec.23, 2010 8∶05 P.M.

Madeline on Dec.24, 2010 7∶25 P.M.

Years ago, as a young mom with two small children, I struggled to keep up with the demands of a busy life. One day, I woke up feeling so tired that I knew something had to change! A friend gave me some Royal Jelly—an amazing substance(物质)from the beehive(蜂房).I was doubtful, but desperate...so I tried it! In time, I began to experience renewed energy like never before! Now, over two decades later, I travel all round the country, sharing my life­changing experience. I’m grateful for the energy to keep up and love to share this wonderful discovery with others.

Blanca on Dec.25, 2010 7∶02 P.M.

Ten years ago, when I was 73, my mind wanted to be busy and useful, but my body didn’t. I became very tired. That’s when my daughter Madeline tried to persuade me to try her special Royal Jelly. It made great difference in her life, so she was sure it could help me too! Hesitating for 2 days, I gave in. She was right! I no longer felt worn out. I had a new, youthful eagerness for life and I’ve been OK—thanks to Royal Jelly!

Lori on Dec.25, 2010 10∶27 P.M.

When my mom Madeline was introduced to Royal Jelly, it affected my life, too! Mom gave me some of her fantastic Royal Jelly. Boy, things did turn around! I had more energy and vitality and was finally able to keep up with high school and, eventually, college activities. Today, I’m a busy mom in my mid thirties with two active boys and a new business! I have enough energy to do it all! I’m glad I took my Mom’s advice.

1.From the text, we learn that ____________.

A.Madeline was more than willing to take Royal Jelly at the very beginning

B.Royal Jelly is a product that can help renew a person’s energy and vitality

C.Amy has benefited from Royal Jelly so she posted a topic about the product

D.Lori was grateful because Royal Jelly helped him improve his schoolwork

2.Which of the following is TRUE of Blanca?

A. She replied to the topic on Christmas Eve.

B. She tried Royal Jelly without hesitation.

C. She was the second one to reply to the topic.

D. She’s now supposed to be in her seventies.

3.The underlined word “vitality” probably refers to the state of feeling ___.

A. impressive      B. energetic

C. relaxed         D. exhausted

4.What’s the relationship between the Royal Jelly takers?

A.Lori and Blanca are Madeline’s grandchildren.

B.Blanca is Lori and Madeline’s great grandmother.

C.They have no blood relationship but friendship.

D.Madeline is Blanca’s daughter and Lori’s mother.

5.Where can we most probably read this text?

A.In a health club.

B.On an Internet page.

C.In a book review.

D.In a health report



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