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We should place emphasis on development ...

We should place         emphasis on development and security, and develop nuclear energy on the base of security.

A. equal              B. central

C. superior         D. maximum


A 【解析】,A平等的;B中心的;C高级的;D被结论。句意:我们应该放在并重发展和安全,并在安全的基础发展核能源。 故选A。  

President Xi Jinping appeared at Saturday's state dinner hosted by the Dutch royal family in a traditional Chinese suit ,which displayed the leader's national pride and confidence in Chinese culture.

A capable           B. significant

C. formal           D. authentic



ASEAN (东盟) foreign ministers are         better engagement with the Chinese government when it comes to the various conflicts in the South Chinese Sea.

A. doing without        B. calling off

C. putting forward    D. calling for



The study of natural history is not something to be left to biologists. In fact, their capacity __________ the time they can spend away from their offices is very limited.

A. in favour of     B. in search of

C. in terms of       D. in view of



We must help people to find houses outside the city, but __________, we must remember that some city people want to remain where they are.

A. virtually      B. equally     C. definitely      D. naturally



It is reported that as well as the inquiry in London, there is a(n) __________ investigation going on in New York into the cause of the disaster.

A. parallel     B. awesome

C. sensible     D. genuine



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