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Last term ,  our school offered optional courses  for the students in Senior 2.





One possible version:   【解析】 本文是应用文,要求学生就开设选修课的过程向英语园地写一短文,故应用一般过去时和第一人称。 文章的时态使用得当,概括文章所要求的全部要点,足见作者语言功底。文中使用了that引导的定语从句;what引导宾语从句;while连接的并列句;还有高级词汇和短语optional,thanks to,get in等的应用等充分证明该文章是一篇佳作。  








Dear Lucy,

J learned about your trouble from, your mail.Don’t worry.




Best wishes!


Li Hua



Anxiety is your mental watchman. Its fixed pattern is to search for what may be about to go wrong.it continually, and without your conscious permission, scans your life, even when you are asleep, in dreams and nightmares.1.When it finds one, it worries it.

Along with depression and anger, anxiety is one of the bad faces of worries2.Controlled by anxiety, you will feel a lack of security and confidence. When anxiety is severe and pained, it can be a sign of a disorder, such as panic or terror.

Although anxiety seems to have a biological basis, it is habit-forming for many of us. Some of our anxious feelings are in fact wasted energy. Anxiety has gotten out of hand when it is pointless and repeated. When you are faced with a problem at work,  before taking a test,  or making an important decision, you will feel anxious. When you are controlled by anxiety, you are unable to control your emotions(情感) to the point of it changing your daily routine and habits.3.Or you find you are usually anxious at work or around your family.

At times, you should listen to the message of your negative emotions, as uncomfortable as they may be, and change your outward life rather than your emotional life.4.If you are worried about the dangers of your brother's new hobby, sky diving, perhaps you ought to tell him so. Taking action may relieve your anxiety.5.By learning to stop always seeking guarantee, not only can you start to undo the automatic cycle of anxiety, but also you learn that you can manage just fine without the need for constant guarantee. This in turn creates a sense of self-confidence and self-respect, which is vital to overcome anxiety.

A. For these people, saying NO to others is often of much anxiety.

B.It reviews your work, your love, your play, until it finds an imperfection.

C. Comparing anxiety with depression helps to discuss possible cures for anxiety.

D. These three common emotions are considered the cause of most mental illnesses.

E.If that doesn't work, then it's time to deal with any automatic thoughts in yourself.

F. If you are anxious about the work, you might get to the office an hour earlier every day.

G. You find yourself waking up anxious, going through the day anxious and going to bed anxious.



It is easy to lose patience with science today. The questions are pressing: How dangerous is air pollution? What about low-level radiation? When will that horrible earthquake strike California? And why can't we predict weather better? But the evidence is often described as "uncertain", forcing scientists to base their points of view almost as much on intuition(直觉)as on science.

When historians and philosophers of science listen to these questions, some conclude that science may not be able to solve all these problems any time soon. The unknowns can grow into riddles that are impossible to solve. Because of the unstable and changing state of the earth's atmosphere, for example, scientists have struggled for centuries to predict the weather with precision(精确) but failed.

The case is different for scientists of astronomy. For example, they think that the gravitational force of a nearby space vehicle, though tiny, is able to change the path of a much larger planet if the vehicle spends enough time close to it. With the aid of Newton's laws of gravitational attraction, ground controllers can predict the path of a planetary probe (探测仪)-or satellite-with incredible accuracy. They do this by calculating the gravitational force from each of the passing planets until the probe speeds beyond the edge of the solar system.A much more difficult task is to calculate what happens when two or three times of such force pull on the probe at the same time. Such procedures can, of course, be very difficult, but for experiments, they are effective.

This range of questions-from simple problems to those impossibly complex-has resulted in nicknames for various fields of study: "soft" sciences and  " hard "  sciences.“Soft” sciences admit a great degree of uncertainty. Academicians tend to judge fields such as sociology, psychology, and political science as “soft” because they are assumed to be understandable, of unnecessary mathematical accuracy, and concerned with everyday affairs such as interpersonal relationships. However, "hard" sciences, such as astronomy and chemistry, are said to offer precise answers. Precise definitions for "hard" sciences vary, but the characteristics of "hard" sciences include: producing testable predictions; performing controlled experiments; relying on quantifiable data and mathematical models; a high degree of accuracy and objectivity; and generally applying a pure form of the scientific method

1.We can learn from the passage that       

A.a large planet is able to change the size of a tiny planet

B.ground controllers can affect the gravitational force of planets

C.calculating the probe speeds beyond the solar system is possible

D.predicting the weather is more difficult than predicting the path of a satellite

2.According to the author, "soft" sciences        

A.allow for certain inaccuracy

B.focus on personal relationships

C.are based on controlled experiments

D.are rooted in data and mathematical models

3.What might be the best title for the passage?

A. Science, a Long History?

C. Science, Accurate or Not?

B. Science and Its Functions

D. Science and Its Application

4.What is the author's attitude towards science in this passage?

A. Objective.      B. Sceptical.

C. Disapproval.    D. Optimistic



Etymology, the study of words and word roots, may sound like the kind of thing done by boring librarians in small, dusty rooms. Yet etymologists actually have a uniquely interesting job. They are in many ways just like archaeologists (考古学家) digging up the physical history of people and events. The special aspect of etymology is that it digs up history, so to speak, through the words and phrases that are left behind.

The English language, in particular,  is a great field to explore history through words As a language, English has an extraordinary number of words. This is partly due to its ability to  adapt foreign words so readily. For example, " English" words such as kindergarten (from German), croissant (from French), and cheetah (from Hindi) have become part of the language with little or no change from their original sounds and spellings. So English-language etymologists have a vast world of words to explore.

Another enjoyable thing about etymology for most word experts is solving word mysteries(谜). No, etymologists do not go around solving murders, like the great detective Sherlock Holmes. What these word experts solve are mysterious origins of some of our most common words

One of the biggest questions English language experts have pursued is how English came to have the phrase OK. Though it is one of the most commonly used expressions, its exact beginning is a puzzle even to this day. Even its spelling is not entirely consistent-unless you spell it Okay, it is hard even to call it a word.

Etymologists have been able to narrow OK’s origin down to a likely, although not certain, source(来源). It became widely used around the time of Martin Van Buren's run for president in 1840. His nickname was Old Kinderhook. What troubles word experts about this explanation is that the phrase appeared in some newspapers before Van Buren became well known. It is likely that Van Buren could be called its primary source Etymologists will doubtlessly keep searching for the initial source. However, it is clear that OK’s popularity and reputation have topped those of the American president to whom it has been most clearly linked.

1.The author mentions the words like "croissant" in Paragraph 2 to indicate      

A. words have changed a lot in the two languages

B. what English-language etymologists are exploring now

C. English has absorbed many words from other foreign languages

D. the English vocabulary is difficult to the non-English-speaking people

2.The underlined word "pursued" in Paragraph 4 means       

A. looked upon     B. dug up

C. put in         D. set down

3.We can learn from the passage that etymologists        

A. discover the possible origin of words

B. help detectives to solve mysterious murders

C. write interesting stories for some newspapers

D. explore the English language as well as the recent events

4.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To present the history of English words

B. To explain the procedure of an etymologist's job

C. To introduce the pleasure of the study of words and word roots.

D. To teach readers how to distinguish English and non-English words



Shark on the bait (诱饵) !" shouted Andre Harman, pointing to a spot a few yards behind the outboard motors. His voice gave no indication of panic, but the crew suddenly became tense and fixed their eyes on the water. Slowly, smoothly, Andre drew in the bait.The shark followed. No one asked what kind of shark it was. Everything about it, from its color to its shape, tells that it was a great white shark.

Andre lifted the bait aboard. Placing himself between the two motors, he dropped his right hand into the water just as the great head reached the first motor. “My goodness Andre!” I said. His hand seized the big nose, moving it away from the tube of the motor, guiding the shark's head up as it rose out of the water. Andre's hand held the nose, touching it gently. No one spoke. No one breathed. The moment seemed endless. In fact,  it lasted less than five seconds before Andre pulled his hand back.

Still nobody spoke. Then Andre smiled and said:  "The first time was an accident. I was just trying to move the shark away from the motor. Sharks are attracted to motors by their electrical signals and have a habit of biting them to see if they are eatable. " Andre has worked with great white sharks for years. "My hand landed on its nose, and it sort of paused, so I kept it there, and when I did let go, the shark bit and bit as if it was searching for whatever it was that had attracted it."

Nearly every encounter (遭遇) we had had with the great whites had been totally illogical. The more we learned,  the more we realized how little was really known about them in the past years. Back then, it was generally accepted that great whites ate people by choice. Now we know that almost every attack on a human is an accident in which the shark mistakes a human for its normal food. Back then, we thought that once a great white smelt blood, it would lead to death. Now we know that nearly three-quarters of bite victims survive, perhaps because the shark recognizes that is has made a mistake and doesn't return for a second bite.

1.The author said,  "My goodness! Andre ! " when       

A.Andre was about to fall into the water

B.Andre was about to touch the shark

C.Andre was followed by the shark

D.Andre was bitten by the shark

2.What does the author think of the encounters with great whites?

A. Exciting.            B. Educational.

C. Frightening           D. Reasonable

3.Most bite victims survive in shark attacks because        .

A. they are taught how to fight off sharks

B. sharks discover they are no threats

C. they manage to swim to safety

D. sharks stop attacking them



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