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Where do the turtles go? Every summer, t...

Where do the turtles go?

Every summer, thousands of endangered green sea turtles climb onto beaches around the world. Each mother sea turtle produces 100 or more eggs in a hole, and covers the hole with sand before she swims away.

Two months later, the eggs hatch(孵化), and the baby turtles climb out of the sand and swim into the ocean. They don’t reappear until they have grown as large as dinner plates. Until now, no one knows where the baby turtles go or what they do.

“if we don’t know where these little turtles are, we can’t protect them,” says Kim Reich, who helps solve part of the mystery.

Her teacher, Karen Bjorndal, has studied green sea turtles for more than 30 years. Every year, Bjorndal goes to the Bahamas Islands. Many young sea turtles come here to live and eat at the end of their childhood.

These turtles are the only sea turtles that live as plant eaters. In fact, their name may be a result of what they eat. The turtles don’t look green but they do have green fat. Scientists learned that the turtles eat green sea plants, which may turn their fat green.

Between 2002 and 2004, Bjorndal caught 44 green sea turtles in the Bahamas. After testing them, she found something to support the 20-year-old idea: baby green sea turtles eat meat before they turn to a diet of plants. In fact, they eat animals that live in the open ocean.

Scientists still need to find where exactly green sea turtles grow. We now know that baby green sea turtles are out in the open ocean, but the open ocean is a big place.

It is really a problem,” says Bjorndal. The discovery may help us do a better job of protecting this sea animal.

1.What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?

A. baby turtles go to the ocean when they are two months old.

B. Mother turtles leave the eggs alone after they produce them.

C. No one knows when turtles appear on the beach.

D. Mother turtles are as large as dinner plates.

2.Kim Reich does research on where baby turtles go because she wants to _________.

A. help her teacher            B. prove an idea

C. protect turtles             D. become a scientist

3.What does Karen Bjorndal’s research prove about green sea turtles?

A. the young live in the Bahamas Islands.

B. The young eat meat before turning to a diet of plants

C. They live in the open ocean for a lifelong time

D. They are the only sea turtles that live as plant eaters.

4.What does the underlined word “It” in the last paragraph refer to?

A. Finding out where young turtles grow.

B. Protecting this endangered sea animal.

C. Changing young turtles’ eating habits.

D. Living in the open ocean.


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇说明文,每年夏天成千上万的濒临灭绝的绿海龟爬上沙滩,科学家在寻找它们到底去了哪里,以便可以保护它们。 1.B 理解理解题 根据第一段最后一句话“Each mother sea turtle produces 100 or more eggs in a hole, and covers the hole with sand before she swims away.”可以知道,龟妈妈产蛋之后会离开蛋。所以答案选B。 2.C 细节理解题 根据最后一段最后一句“The discovery may help us do a better job of protecting this sea animal.” 可以知道,这种发现可以更好地保护这种动物。 3.B 细节理解题 根据第六段第二句话“After testing them, she found something to support the 20-year-old idea: baby green sea turtles eat meat before they turn to a diet of plants. 测试之后,她发现一些支持20年前的一个观点:幼儿绿色龟在吃植物之前是吃肉的。”所以答案是选B。 4.段意思“Scientists still need to find where exactly green sea turtles grow. We now know that baby green sea turtles are out in the open ocean, but the open ocean is a big place. 科学家们仍然需要找到绿海龟成长的地方。我们现在知道,婴儿绿海龟是大海里,但大海是一个很大的地方。” 这两句话“We now know that baby green sea turtles are out in the open ocean, but the open ocean is a big place.”是对前面的补充,也就是 It指代的是find where exactly green sea turtles grow,所以答案选A。 【名师点睛】 阅读理解的解题方法有多个,就这篇文章我们就只点拨It的指代题。希望同学们掌握。 代词one,it,that,he,him或them等在英语文章中使用频繁,可以指上文提到的人或事物。有时代词与指代的对象相隔较远,要认真查找;有时需要对前面提到的内容进行总结,才能得出代词所指代的事。 代词回指和下指现象在英语语篇中极为常见,它们的运用,使文章前后衔接,意义连贯。 1、下指照应 指代对象出现在下文,代词位于前面与之发生照应关系,这就是下指照应。阅读时,正确判断下指代词所指对象,可以顺利地沟通上下文的语义关系,使阅读进行得顺畅。 2、回指照应 凡是指代对象出现在上文,代词位于后面与它形成照应关系,这就是回指照应。代词回指可以避免语言重复,使语言表达经济化,它比下指照应运用广泛,读者也容易辨识。代词回指这一语言现象也有其自身的某些特点,因此在阅读中也会出现许多难以理解的地方。 比如:本文中的第27题是属于回指照应。根据It前的一段意思“Scientists still need to find where exactly green sea turtles grow. We now know that baby green sea turtles are out in the open ocean, but the open ocean is a big place. 科学家们仍然需要找到绿海龟成长的地方。我们现在知道,婴儿绿海龟是大海里,但大海是一个很大的地方。” 这两句话“We now know that baby green sea turtles are out in the open ocean, but the open ocean is a big place.”是对前面的补充, 考点:考查说明文阅读

I hate nosy (爱管闲事的) neighbors and it’s very unlucky that I had one for myself. They moved in a couple of months back and although I never felt that they were a strange family, I’ve always hated the way they get “too close” to me, my house, my garden, and even my garbage cans.

One day, my neighbors were mowing their lawn (草坪). My garbage cans were near their lawn. For some strange reason, I found the wife looking through my garbage cans. I felt angry but since they were from a different culture, I thought that maybe it was “normal” from their ideas.

That afternoon, the couple knocked on my front door. When I opened, they gave me a plastic bag. Inside were my old daily bills, credit cards and bank statements, and an old birthday card that my old uncle sent. They said that they were returning them to me because these documents contained very private information that may be used by others.

I’ve heard of it before. I asked them how those documents can be used by others and they started telling me their very own experience, which forced them to leave their home and move next door to us. The wife told me that she never destroyed the bills. They also had a “nosy neighbor” who looked through their garbage cans which they actually thought was pretty strange. Little did they know that this “nosy neighbor” was collecting their personal information from their rubbish. Then all their money was taken out from the bank by their neighbor.

It was a very painful experience for all of them and they wanted to leave it all behind so they left. I was very thankful. They were not nosy neighbors. They simply didn’t want us to experience the same thing that they did.

1.What made the author angry?

A. His neighbor’s wife was looking through his rubbish.

B. His neighbors were mowing their lawn one morning.

C. His neighbors got too close to his own home.

D. His neighbors came to knock at his door at night.

2.Why did the couple come to the author’s home?

A. To introduce themselves to the author.

B. To get to know each other better.

C. To return the documents to the author.

D. To borrow some money from the author.

3.Which of the following can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. The author was kind and helpful to the neighbors.

B. The neighbors had to move from place to place.

C. The neighbors didn’t have enough money.

D. The author changed his idea about his neighbors.




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你们班同学决定为班主任Mr.Zhang 举办生日聚会。请你根据下面提示写一封信邀请外教 Mr.Brown 参加。








Dear Mr.Brown,

My classmates and I are going to have a party for Mr.Zhang’ birthday._____












__1.__She described all the things she had to do--­one was to make her bed--­from the moment she woke up until she flew out of the door for work.I suggested she experiment by not making her bed for two weeks.She was shocked,probably thinking I'd been raised by wolves in a forest.__2.__

Two weeks later she went into my office beaming.She had left her bed unmade for the first time in 42 years ­and nothing bad had happened.“And you know what?”she said.“I don't dry my dishes anymore,either.”

_3.__One was discovering that she had choices in her life that she had never seen before.The other was giving herself permission to be less than perfect.This story shows an important principle (原理) about managing time:No one can do it all.Each of us has to make choices and accept trade­offs.The problem is,many people choose in ways that put themselves and their health last.They take better care of their houses and cars than they do of themselves.__4.__

So what is the solution?There's an easy way.Decide what you want in your life,and put that first.On a daily basis,that should include regular meals,enough sleep and time with your family.Exercise,leisure,friendships and hobbies should also be regular aspects of life.__5.__The choice is yours:whatever makes you feel good about yourself and your life.Take a nap.Take a walk.Take time to play the piano.Stop bringing your briefcase home from the office.Stop keeping your house as clean as your mother kept hers .Fill more of your time with want­to­dos instead of have­to­dos.

A.This woman had made two major breakthroughs (突破).

B.Above all,you needn't do anything for yourself regularly.

C.They put everyone else's needs ahead of their own.

D.However,she went along with my idea.

E.Most people do not take time to relax themselves.

F.The point is to do something for yourself every day.

G.A patient came to see me about the stress in her life.



Everybody in this world is different from one another.But do you know that understanding differences can help you better manage your money?

As we grow up,we gradually develop a set of our own values or beliefs.These are influenced by society,our family,the education we receive and so on.Once this value system is set up,it's not easy to change later in life.

Financial experts say that everyone also has their own belief of how to manage their finances.This is part of our value system and it has a great impact on the way we look after our money.

According to our different values,experts put us in three categories.They are:the ant,the cricket and the snail.


The ant-works first

Just like ants who work heart and soul in summer in order to store  food for winter,these people don't care about enjoying the moment.They work very hard and save money they earn so that they can enjoy life when they get old and retire.The ant loves to save but they could make more out of their money if they were willing to invest in some funds and stocks with low risk.


The cricket-fun first

The cricket wants to enjoy everything now and doesn't think too much about the future.They even borrow money when they really want something.Many young people now belong to this group.These people have little savings.When they get old,they might have problems.They should learn to save and buy insurance.

The snail-lives under pressure

The snail refers to people who make life difficult for themselves.They take big long-term loans from the bank in order to buy things such as luxury houses.They are happy to take big loans even though they are not sure whether they can afford it.This can cause problems in the future.They should plan more carefully.

1.People with the character of the snail would like to __________.

A.enjoy life at the moment without thinking much about the future

B.put work before everything else

C.live a luxury life at all costs

D.take the risk of investing a large sum of money

2.Our beliefs and values are affected by the following except __________.

A.society     B.our family     C.education     D.money

3.This passage mainly talks about __________.

A.the spending nature of people

B.the relation between man and insects

C.the insects in nature

D.the problems with dealing with money

4.Which of the following has the character that the author prefers?

A.The ant      B.The cricket

C.The snail     D.None of the above



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