满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



One day, Mr. Robinson had to travel somewhere __1._____ business by air. He liked sitting by the window when he was flying, so when he got onto the plane, he looked for a window seat. He found all of them ___2.___(take) except one. There was a soldier ___3.____ (sit) in the seat beside this one. __4.___ Mr. Robinson’s surprise, the soldier didn’t take the one by the window; but, anyhow, he at once went towards it.

When he reached it, ___5.____, he saw there was a notice on it. It was written in ink and said, “This seat is preserved(保留)for proper load balance(平衡), thank you.” Mr. Robinson had never seen such an ____6.__(usual) notice in a plane before, but he thought that the plane must be carrying something particularly heavy in it, so he walked on ___7.___(find) an empty seat.

___8.___ the plane took off, two or three people tried to sit in the seat beside the soldier. But they also read the notice and went on. When the plane was nearly full, a very beautiful girl hurried into the plane. The soldier, __9.__ was watching the passengers coming in, ___10.___(quick) took the notice off the seat beside him and in this way succeeded in having the company(陪伴) of the girl during the whole trip.


1.on 2.taken/had been taken 3.sitting 4.To 5.however/though 6.unusual 7.to find 8.Before 9.who 10.quickly 【解析】 记叙文,本文通过Mr.Robinson一次乘坐飞机所经历的一件事,讲述一位士兵成功的与美女坐在一起的故事。 1.on 考查介词 on business是固定搭配,意为出差 2.taken/had been taken 考查动词,该题有两种解法。一是考查搭配find sth done,所以答案是taken.二是把found后的句子看作宾语从句,这时就需要填谓语的形式,根据句意及语法,所有的形式是过去完成时的被动语态,所以答案为had been taken。 3.sitting 考查非谓语动词 由于句子已经有了谓语was, 所以划线部分填非谓语,solider 和sit构成主谓关系,所以答案为sitting. 4.To 考查介词 To one’s surprise 是固定搭配,意为出乎某人意料。 5.however/though考查连词 根据划线部分后的逗号以及句意,此处要填写一个表示转折的连词,所以答案是however/though. 6.unusual 考查形容词 根据划线部分前面的冠词及划线部分后面的名词,知道该空要填的是形容词形式,又根据句意要表达否定的意思,所以答案为unusual. 7.to find 考查非谓语 根据walked on 知道划线部分填的是非谓语,根据句意,此处需要表达目的,所以答案是 to find. 8.Before 考查连词 根据句意,此处表达在飞机起飞之前,所以答案是Before. 9.who考查连词 这是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是soldier,所以答案是who. 10.



1.He always _______(behavior) well at school, which makes his parents proud.

2.His speech made a strong __________ (impress) on the audience.

3.Grace is always _________(correction) other people, which made others rather unpleased.

4.She can speak English _________ as she is always in practice. (fluency)

5.You will find it really ___________(embarrassment) to interrupt someone who is giving a speech.

6.Tom shows a very positive __________ (态度) to her work.

7.He __________ (承认) having stolen the car but promised not to do that again.

8.We shall set out ___________(即刻) once the matter is settled.

9.An early reply will be __________ (感激).

10.The police found the lost treasure in an _________ (废弃的) house.



As a single mother,I had to do two jobs,which kept me very busy.

Two months ago,I went to a ___ with Alice. Since I ____went out with her,she seemed very happy. Many parents were there with their children. I sat down on a bench,___Alice playing with other children. About half an hour later,a man of about forty years old came and ___beside me. As I had to go back to work,I stood up and told Alice that we had to ____.

“Can I stay here a little longer?”Alice pleaded.(祈求)

“No,we must go now,”I said,____ Alice just didn’t move.

“Just ten more minutes,”she pleaded again,and I became ___.

“Go now,”I____,and Alice started to cry.____ that,the man sitting on the ____stood up and came to us.

“Why don’t you just let her____ten more minutes?”he asked. Then he told me a ___.He used to be very busy,too. Every time his little son wanted to go out and play,he told him he was ____.One day,his son went out and played ____,and he didn’t come back again—he was hit by a ___driver of a car. The father regretted what he had done to his son,but he never had the ___to play with him again. Hearing the story,I ____.I knelt down and said to Alice,“OK,ten more minutes,and Mom will play ____you.”

____is all about making priorities(优先).What are your priorities?Give someone you____ten more minutes of your time today.

1.A. park       B. school         C. sea         D. cinema

2.A. sometimes  B. often          C. usually     D. hardly

3.A. keeping     B. hearing        C. finding     D. watching

4.A. got off     B. sat down       C. broke in       D. turned up

5.A. go         B. shop           C. change         D. eat

6.A. because    B. as             C. but            D. so

7.A. sad          B. pleased        C. angry          D. excited

8.A. whispered    B. wished         C. begged         D. shouted

9.A. Knowing   B. Seeing         C. Hoping         D. Thinking

10.A. ground    B. chair          C. bench          D. stone

11.A. run        B. play         C. do             D. laugh

12.A. story    B. joke           C. way            D. lie

13.A. busy      B. lonely         C. boring         D. ill’

14.A. suddenly   B. alone          C. happily        D. crazily

15.A. blind      B. kind           C. drunken        D. good

16.A. energy    B. interest       C. heart          D. chance

17.A. stayed up  B. took part      C. calmed down    D. came back

18.A. behind    B. with           C. for            D. under

19.A. Choice  B. Joy            C. Work           D. Life

20.A. appreciate  B. dislike        C. admire         D. love




How to find the perfect career

Too many people are not satisfied with their professional career (事业) and are “stuck” in situations that do not make them happy. Here are some wonderful actions you can take to begin the path to a truly happy career.

Talk to your friends.

Ask them, “what do you think I am best at”, or “what do you think I enjoy doing most”.  __1.__ However, their advice may help you decide what you should do.


Read some interesting magazines, books, newspapers or novels. They will give you a constant flow of ideas and keep the mind rich.

Talk to the happiest and most successful people you know.

__3.__ Be serious with your questions. And see if there is anything you can learn from them. Have these people become your teachers and friends.

Keep a journal.

Writing down your ideas is an important practice for your career growth. __4. __You never know when great ideas will come to your mind!

Develop patience.

You may want a change in your career right now. __5. Anyway, doing the practices

mentioned above will bring about the right chance much faster.

A. Read as widely as possible.

B. Talk to your family members.

C. Changing careers can be very difficult.

D. Ask them how they realized their dreams.

E. This may seem like a strange conversation at first.

F. Carrying a notebook with you at all times is also a great idea.

G. But it is necessary to be patient and wait for the right chance to come.



Many people turn to doctors or self-help books, but they ignore(忽视) a powerful thing that could help them fight illness: their friends.

Researchers are only now starting to pay attention to the importance of friendship in health. A 10-year Australian study found that old people with a large circle of friends were 22 percent less likely to die during the study period than those with fewer friends. A large 2007 study showed an increase of nearly 60 percent in the risk(风险) for obesity (肥胖) among people whose friends gained weight. And last year, Harvard researchers reported that strong social ties could improve brain health as we age.

“In general, the role (作用) of friendship in our lives isn’t well realized,” said Rebecca, a professor at the University of North Carolina. “Friendship has a bigger effect on our psychological (心理的) health than family relationships.”

While(尽管) many friendship studies are about the close relationships of women, some research shows that men can benefit, too. In a six-year study of 736 middle-aged men, having friendships reduces the risk of heart attack. Only smoking was as important a risk factor (因素) as having little social support.

Exactly why friendship has such a big effect isn’t entirely(完全) clear. While friends can send a sick person to the hospital or pick up medicine, the benefits go well beyond physical assistance. Friendship clearly has a big psychological effect. “People with stronger friendships feel like there is someone they can turn to,” said Karen, a doctor. “The message of these studies is that friends make your life better.”

1.The three studies in the second paragraph show that ______.

A. old people need friends the most

B. friends can help us lose weight

C. social ties are connected to health

D. more friends make us healthier

2.What do Rebecca’s words in the 3rd paragraph mean?

A. Friendship is more important to women than to men.

B. What people need most is a friend’s care.

C. Friendship is more important than family relationship.

D. The value of friendship hasn’t been fully understood.

3.The author mentioned smoking in the 4rd paragraph to discuss ______.

A. the cause of heart attack B. the risk of having no friends

C. smoking is bad for men D. friends’ influence on habits

4.What would be the best title of the text?

A. Friends are better than medicine

B. Friends are as important as a family

C. Having good friends leads to a healthier life

D. Friendship makes people happy



French lessons in France

Whatever your level is, choosing to take French lessons in France is the best way to learn French. Place yourself in the local culture and practice your newly found skills in your free time.

You will be taught by native (本地的) French speakers who have a love for teaching and use excellent teaching techniques. Lessons are interesting and you will speak French on the first day both inside and outside the classroom.


Suitable for all levels from beginners to advanced (高级的)

Over 18 years old

Class Schedule (课表)

Classes start on Mondays and run throughout the summer.

Please arrive at the school by 8:15 am on your first day for a short level test. It will help to place you in the right class.

Classes run from Monday to Friday each week.

Classes start at 8:45 am each day depending on your level.

You will have 3 classes per day lasting 55 minutes each.

You will have a short break between classes.

Free Time and Tours

The school offers a lot of cultural activities throughout the week. These activities can include cooking lessons, wine and cheese tasting, visits to Paris, cycling, movies and much more.

You will have plenty of free time to explore (探索) the local area and practice your newly found language skills or just relax on this learning holiday with a difference.

Other Information

You should bring a small dictionary, pens and paper with you.

Get more from your holiday, have fun, meet new people and take home a new language skill that will stay with you forever.

1.What is special about the French courses?

A. They are taught in small groups.

B. The teachers are young French speakers.

C. People learn French in and out of class.

D. They will offer a wine tasting license.(执照)

2.On the first day, the students should ______.

A. take a language test B. pay for their study

C. do a survey          D. introduce themselves to the class

3.How many lessons are there in a week?

A. 21. B. 30.  C. 15. D. 12.

4.We can learn from the text that the course ______.

A. is not suitable for teenagers

B. offers cooking classes as well

C. provides dictionaries for students

D. has a short game between classes



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