满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Studies over the past decade at the Univ...

Studies over the past decade at the University of Utah show that hands-free cellphones are just as harmful to drivers as hand-held ones because it is the conversation, not the phone, that is distracting(分散) their attention. “Even though your eyes are looking right at something, when you are on the cellphone, you are not as likely to see it,” says Professor David Strayer. “Ninety-nine percent of the time, it's not that critical(危急的), but that l% could be the time a child runs into the street,” he adds.

Dr. Strayer’s studies have also found that talking on a cellphone is far more distracting than talking with a passenger. Listening to the radio, to music or to a book on tape also isn’t as distracting, because it doesn’t require the same level of interaction as a conversation. But even drivers may miss some details of a book on tape if their attention is focused on driving tasks. Some people can train themselves to pay extra attention to things that are important—like police officers learn to search faces in crowds.

And the Utah researchers have found a rare group of “super-taskers”—about 2.5% of the population—who seem able to attend to more than one thing with ease.

Many more people think they can effectively do several things at the same time, but they are really turning their attention rapidly between two things and not getting the full effect of either. Clearly, it is easier to put some tasks together than others.” Not all distractions are the same,’’ says Dr. Strayer. Things like cleaning and working out can be done automatically while the mind is focused elsewhere. But doing homework and texting at the same time isn’t possible. Even talking and watching TV is difficult. “Just try talking with your wife while watching football. It’s impossible,” jokes Dr. Strayer.

1.What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A. The harm in using phones while driving.

B. The advantages of hand-held phones.

C. The danger of running in the street.

D. The causes of road accidents.

2.What does the example of police officers in Paragraph 2 show?

A. Searching for faces requires more attention than driving.

B. Talking to a crowd calls for a high level of attention.

C. One’s attention can be easily distracted in crowds.

D. The ability to attend to two tasks can be trained.

3.“Super-taskers” can be best described as people who can       .

A. do several things effectively at the same time

B. turn their attention rapidly to two things

C. handle all difficult tasks with ease

D. pay full attention to one task

4.Which of the following can you do while talking on the phone?

A. Doing homework.          B. Writing a letter.

C. Working out.             D. Watching TV.


1.A 2.D 3.A 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:一边开车一边打电话可能会造成交通事故,文章指出一心二用是可以被训练出来的。 1. 2. 3. 4. 考点:考查科普环保类短文阅读

The first time I heard the actual London Bridge was in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, I thought it was a joke. A stupid joke at that. I mean, what sort of moron would take a perfectly good, perfectly famous bridge and move it halfway around the world to some no-name town in northwest Arizona? Back in 1962 when all this started, Lake Havasu City was nothing. A couple of shops, a couple of homes, and no tourism at all.

It turns out Robert McCulloch is the moron in question, and he wasn’t quite the moron I thought he was. His 2.45 million dollar investment in the 130-year-old bridge—which the British government was selling because it was about to fall into the Thames—ended up being the investment of a lifetime. You see McCulloch was a real businessman, among other things, and his money paid off big. He turned Lake Havasu into one of the most visited tourist attractions in Arizona.

It took nine long years to take down the bridge, ship it brick by brick to the middle of nowhere, and build it up again. When it finally did open up in 1971, it was a huge deal covered by the international press.

The bridge is now a popular tourist attraction, and there’s even a mini “English Village” at the foot of the bridge with souvenirs and real British food so you can have a good old time.

Nowadays Lake Havasu is a busy town with a population of about 56,000 citizens and another2.5 million visitors each year. Most of that is during spring break when the town overflows with energetic boys and girls. Even MTV and the Girls Gone Wild people get in on the action. All thanks to that little bridge.

I don’t know about you, but I’m saving my pennies. When the French get sick of that Eiffel Tower, I’ll be the first to put money on it. It’ll look great in my backyard.

1.The underlined word "moron" in the first paragraph means       .

A. a brave person                B. a foolish person

C. a famous person               D. a strange person

2.Why did the British government put the London Bridge up for sale?

A. It polluted the Thames.

B. It was no longer popular.

C. It was going to fall down.

D. It could bring them the needed money.

3.What was Lake Havasu City like before 1962?

A. It was a good place for investment.

B. It was known for its English Village.

C. It was a small town with no tourism.

D. It had a population of 56,000 citizens.

4.In the last paragraph, the author tries to be       .

A. polite       B. friendly      C. practical      D. Humorous




Working in groups at school is an opportunity to learn more about teamwork. Teamwork shows us how other people's roles fit the purpose of the group, and it teaches us to be patient and how to respond to different people.













注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

One Saturday, I was doing my homework while it suddenly occurred to me that it was my mother birthday the next day. However, I forgot it complete. I was worried that I didn’t prepare any present to her. At that moment, the idea of online shopping came my mind. I clicked the mouse and search some famous shopping websites. Having compared the price of many dresses, I chose one with a reasonable price which I supposed Mum would appreciate it and bought it as soon as possible. The next morning I received the dress as expected without get out of my room. You see, online shopping has made our life much convenient and colorful.



(每小题2分, 满分10分) 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

1.   When a starving man gets a meal,  he begins to think about an overcoat; when an executive(业务主管)gets a new sports car, visions of country clubs dance into view. The many wants of mankind might be regarded as making up several levels.   2. The first and most basic levels of wants involve food. Once this want is satisfied, a second level of wants appears: clothing and some sort of shelter. By the end of World War II these wants were satisfied for a great majority of Americans.    3.  It included such items as automobiles and new houses. By 1957 or 1958 this third level of wants was fairly well satisfied. Then, in the late 1950s a fourth level of wants appeared: the “life-enriching” level. While the other levels involve physical satisfaction-the feeding, comfort, safety, and transportation of the human body-this level stresses mental needs for recognition, achievement and happiness. It includes a variety of goods and services, many of which could be called “luxury”(奢侈) items. Among them are vacation trips, the best medical care, and entertainment4.    On this level, a greater percentage of consumer spending goes to services, while on the first three levels more is spent on goods. Will consumers raise their sights to a fifth level of wants as their income increases, or will they continue to demand luxuries and personal services on the fourth level? A fifth level probably would involve wants that can be achieved best by community action. Consumers may be spending more on taxes to pay for government action against disease, ignorance, crime and prejudice.  5.  In this way, we can enjoy more fully the good things on the first four levels.

A.Then a third level appeared.

B.Human wants seem endless.

C.When there is money enough to satisfy one level of wants, another level appears.

D.There are several levels of wants in ones life.

E.At this stage, we now may seek to ensure the health, safety, and leisure.

F.Also included here are fancy foods and the latest styles in clothing.

G.Different people have different wants on each level.



"Ok," I said to my daughter as she bent over her afternoon bowl of rice. "What's going on with you and your friend J.?" J. is the leader of a group of third-graders at her camp—a position Lucy herself occupied the previous summer. Now she's the one on the outs, and every day at snack time, she tells me all about it, while I offer up the unhelpful advice all summer long.

"She's fond of giving orders," Lucy complained. "She's fat," Lucy mumbled(含糊地说)to the bowl "We are going upstairs," I said, my voice cold, "We are going to discuss this." And up we went.

I'd spent the nine years since her birth getting ready for this day, the day we'd have to have

the conversation about this horrible word. I knew exactly what to say to the girl on the receiving end of the teasing(嘲笑),but in all of my imaginings, it never once occurred to me that my daughter would be the one who used the F word一Fat.

My daughter sat on her bed, and I sat beside her. “How would you feel if someone made fun of you for something that wasn't your fault?” I began. “She could stop eating so much,” Lucy mumbled, mouthing the simple advice a thousand doctors and well-meaning friends and relatives have given overweight women for years.

"It's not always that easy,” I said. “Everyone's different in terms of how they treat food”

Lucy looked at me, waiting for me to go on. I opened my mouth, then closed it. Should I tell her

that, in teasing a woman's weight, she's joined the long, proud tradition of critics who go after any woman with whom they disagree by starting with "you're ugly" and ending with “no man would want you and there must be something wrong with any man who does"?Should I tell her I didn't cry when someone posted my picture and commented, “I'm sorry, but aren't authors who write books marketed to young women supposed to be pretty?”

Does she need to know, now, that life isn't fair? I feel her eyes on me,waiting for an answer I don't have. Words are my tools.Stories are my job.It's possible she'll remember what I say forever, and I have no idea what to say.

So I tell her the only thing I can come up with that is absolutely true.I say to my daughter,

“I love you, and there is nothing you could ever do to make me not love you. But I'm disappointed in you right now. There are plenty of reasons for not liking someone. What she looks like isn't one of them.”

Lucy nods, tears on her cheeks.“I won't say that again,”she tells me,and I pull her close,

pressing my nose against her hair. We are both quiet, and I don't know if I have said the right thing. So as we sit there together, shoulder to shoulder, I pray for her to be smart.I pray for her to be strong. I pray for her to find friends,work she loves, a partner who loves her, and for the world not to deprive(剥夺)her of the things that make her who she is,for her life to be easy, and for her to have the strength to handle it when it's not. And still, always,I pray that she will never struggle as I've struggled, that weight will never be her cross to bear. She may not be able to use the word in our home, but I can use it in my head. I pray that she will never get fat.

1.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 indicates that Lucy___.

A. has turned against her friend J.

B. often makes fun of her friend J.

C. gets along well with her friend J.

D. has begun to compete with her friend J.

2.Why does the author want to discuss with Lucy?

A. Because she is really shocked at Lucy's rudeness.

B. Because she wants to offer some other helpful advice.

C. Because she has prepared the conversation for nine years.

D. Because she decides to tell Lucy a similar story of her own.

3.What does the author want to tell her daughter?

A. It is not easy to take the doctors' advice to eat less.

B. People shouldn't complain because life is unfair.

C. People shouldn't be blamed for their appearance.

D. She herself was once一laughed at for her appearance.

4.It can be inferred from the passage that ___ .

A. the author is a fat but good-looking woman

B. the author earns a living by writing stories

C. the author will stop loving her daughter for what she said

D. the author's daughter agreed with her from.the very beginning

5.We can learn from the last paragraph that    

A. Lucy is deeply moved by her mother's prayer

B. a mother's prayer will shape her daughter's attitude towards life

C. the author allows her daughter to use the F word in her head

D. the author hopes her daughter will never have weight trouble

6.The author's attitude towards her daughter can be best described as    

A. satisfied and friendly

B. indifferent but patient

C. loving but strict

D. unsatisfied and angry



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