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Section B(18 marks) Directions: For each...

Section B(18 marks)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are 4 words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with a word or phrase that best fits the context.

20 June 2013

Ankara, Turkey: I come from Moldova and I am now working as a UN Volunteer with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Turkey. I have been living in Turkey for a few years and have had the      to observe the approach of the Turkish people towards    . In Turkey people help each other with their hearts and from their hearts on a continuous basis.

Young people are the main driving engine behind the ever-growing volunteer force in Turkey. For Turkish      people it is common to be part of some kind of organization or student club on a volunteer basis, doing various activities such as exchanges, environmental action, charity work and peer education.

This trend(倾向) grew      in the late 1990s, despite the fact that civil society organizations have sometimes been viewed with disbelief by some state authorities.

This has      in the last decade, and many young people now choose to get involved and use their spare time to develop their skills, while also showing their civic participation by     to a cause.

Perhaps this is the reason why the core of the UNV community at UNHCR Turkey is  young people. Being a UN Volunteer with UNCHR allows us to gain the skills needed to realize our social and human development potential, but also to dedicate our time, energy and ideas to contribute to the      of UNHCR’s global strategic aims.

Being a UN Volunteer with UNHCR is an opportunity to make other people’s lives better. Working on refugee status determination has been an interesting and      learning experience. Part of the task involves carrying out extensive research on the situation and the condition of the countries the refugees(难民) come from.

Especially according to recent events in neighboring countries, and given the arrival of refugees and the increased time necessary to process the      number of applications for shelter, the contribution of UN Volunteers to UNHCR seems necessary and the impact invaluable.

I also believe that I have brought cultural diversity(多元性) to an already diverse   where true professionals and young graduates from different nations work hard side by side to    refugees and find durable solutions for them.

1.A. ability         B. opportunity      C. description     D. permission

2.A. volunteerism   B. charity          C. poverty         D. colleague

3.A. starving        B. primitive        C. young           D. crowded

4.A. particularly    B. remotely         C. politically     D. mysteriously

5.A. expanded       B. added            C. prohibited       D. changed

6.A. congratulating  B. contributing    C. retelling       D. accustoming

7.A. reminded of    B. thought back to  C. heading for      D. made up of

8.A. permission      B. achievement      C. celebration     D. reception

9.A. worthwhile    B. additional       C. alternative    D. vacant

10.A. falling        B. decreasing       C. heating          D. rising

11.A. tribe         B. office           C. staff            D. government

12.A. protect        B. drive            C. obtain          D . contain


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.A 【解析】 1.联系上下文,作者从事联合国难民高级专员在土耳其生活多年,所以有机会接近了解土耳其人民的志愿服务。ability 能力;opportunity机会;description描述;permission允许。根据语境,选B。 2.解释同上。下文讲到,年轻人是土耳其日益增长的志愿部队,因此,选A。其他三项与下文不符。volunteerism志愿服务;charity慈善;poverty贫穷;colleague同事。 3.承接上句,讲到年轻人是志愿服务的主要力量。starving饥饿的;primitive原始的;young年轻的;crowded拥挤的。选C 4.年轻人做志愿者的这种趋向在20世纪90年代末尤其增长。particularly尤其,特别; remotely遥远地;politically政治上;mysteriously神秘地。根据语境,选A。 5.近十年来,这种情况大有改观,年轻人介入志愿服务,学习技能,同时向着同一个目标作为公民参与奉献自己的力量。expanded扩展; added增加;prohibited禁止;changed改变。因此,选D。 6.解释同上。Congratulating祝贺;contributing奉献; retelling复述;accustoming使习惯于。根据语境,选B。 7.也许这就是为什么联合国难民署的核心力量是年轻人的原因。reminded of提醒; thought back to回忆起; heading for前往;made up of由……组成。 8.联系上文,作为志愿者,要求我们要学习技能,贡献自己的精力和时间致力于完成全球性的战略目标。permission 允许; achievement完成; celebration庆祝; reception接待。 9.联系上下文,决定在难民地区工作是个很有趣也很有意义的一件事。Worthwhile值得的 additional附加的; alternative可供选择的;vacant空虚的。 10.联系上文,我们做有意义的事,当难民避难所减少的时候,我们帮助申请。decreasing减少的。 11.多元化的因素带来了多变的部门组织,一个真正专业的,来自各民族的,肩并肩共同致力于保护难民帮他们解决问题的部门。Tribe部落; office办公室,部; staff 职员;government政府。 12.解释同上。protect保护; drive驱使;obtain获得;contain包含。根据语意,选A。

Happiness often comes to those     try to help others and do something worthwhile.

A whom          B. who

C. what           D. which



—Did you enjoy your tour around Beijing, Mr Singh?

—Yes. But I hate     when the tour guide held out his left hand to shake hands with me.

A  one            B. that

C. it              D. this



“You are too selfish. It’s high time you     that you are not the most important person in the world.” Peter said to his boss angrily.

A. realized  B. realize  C. will realize  D. have realized



Apart from the urgent problems caused by wars and conflicts, the UN helps countries with other problems such as     education, starvation, disasters, AIDs and other diseases.

A. lack for        B. lack in

C. lack             D. lack of



The breaking of a taboo is usually upsetting or embarrassing for the person____     and the people around him or her.

A. to concern        B. concerning

C.  concerned       D. concern



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