满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My father was always a good gardener. On...

My father was always a good gardener. One of my earliest memories is standing without shoes in the freshly tilled(翻耕的) soil, my hands blackened from digging in the ground.

As a child, I loved following Dad around in the garden. I remember Dad pushing the tiller(耕作机) ahead in perfectly straight lines. Dad loved growing all sorts of things: yellow and green onions, watermelons almost as big as me, rows of yellow corn, and our favorite--- red tomatoes.

As I grew into a teenager, I didn’t get so excited about gardening with Dad. Instead of magical land of possibility, it had turned into some kind of prison. As Dad grew older, his love for gardening never disappeared. After all the kids were grown and had started families of their own, Dad turned to gardening like never before. Even when he was diagnosed with cancer, he still took care of his garden.

But then, the cancer, bit by bit, invaded his body. I had to do the things he used to do. What really convinced me that Dad was dying was the state of his garden that year. The rows and rows of multicolored vegetables were gone. Too tired to weed them, he simply let them be.

For the first few years after he died, I couldn’t even bear to look at anyone’s garden without having strong memories pour over me like cold water from a bucket. Three years ago, I decided to plant my own garden and started out with just a few tomatoes. That morning, after breaking up a fair amount of soil, something caught the corner of my eye and I had to smile. It was my eight-year-old son Nathan, happily playing in the freshly tilled soil.

1.Why did the author like the garden when he was a child?

A. He wanted to be a garden-crazy like his father.

B. He loved being in the garden with his father.

C. The garden was full of his favorite food.

D. The garden was just freshly tilled.

2.When all the kids started their own families, the author’s father _____.

A. stopped his gardening

B. turned to other hobbies

C. devoted more to gardening

D. focused on planting tomatoes

3.What happened to the garden when the author’s father was seriously ill?

A. There was a great harvest.

B. The garden was almost deserted.

C. No plant grew in the garden at all.

D. The author’s son took charge of the garden.

4.Why did the author start his garden with tomatoes?

A. He wanted to honor his father.

B. His son liked the fields of tomatoes.

C. He only knew how to grow tomatoes.

D. He thought tomatoes were easy to manage.


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 【解析】 1.细节题,根据第二段As a child, I loved following Dad around in the garden可知选B。 2.细节题,根据文章第三段的After all the kids were grown and had started families of their own, Dad turned to gardening like never before可知选C。 3.推断题。根据第四段的The rows and rows of multicolored vegetables were gone. Too tired to weed them, he simply let them be可知选B。 4.推断题。通读最后一段,作者重新种植西红柿就是为了纪念父亲,没想到还真引起9岁儿子的欢喜。故选A。

随着社会的发展和我国加入WTO, 英语成了中外交流的桥梁.而互联网的广泛使用,使掌握英语成为一种趋势.当今世界上以英语为母语的人和学习,使用英语的人越来越多. 我们中学生学好英语一方面是为了今后的升学, 就业, 同时也是为社会的发展出一份力.

请你根据以上材料, 用英语写一篇100 字左右的作文.











修改:在错的词下划一横线( ____ ),并在该词下面写出修改的词。



I still remember an interesting story that happen when I was ten. One day, a classmate of my named Craig brought his pet mice along. Later, our maths teacher, Miss Jones, who came into the classroom to give her lesson. She saw the mice and said angry, “Get those mice out of here right now!” Craig’s feeling were hurt, so he let them out of cage. The teacher was very terrified that she jumped up onto her desk and screamed. We all fell back laughed. Four teachers ran into our classroom to see what was go on. They told us that we should put it back in the cage.

Five minutes later, Miss Jones was still screaming.



Sleep is  1. people have to have. However, it is  2.  (occasion) interrupted halfway for some reason. One disturbing night, I woke up,  _3.  (wonder) what had caused the break of my sleep. Failing to find the reason, I forced   _4.  to go back to sleep. Turning over and over, I became desperate. I couldn’t help but   _5.  (get) up, and  _6.(feel) for the students’ writings taken   _7.school. In the deadly silence, the light witnessed my working on  8. writings,   9. lasted almost one hour.  10.the work over, sleep returned to greet me. Was I funny or amazing?




In 1908 Lord Henry  _1._  (offer) a  prize of 1,000 to the first man who would fly  _2._  the English Channel. Over a year passed   3._  the first attempt was made. On July  _4._  (nine), in the early morning, Hubert took off from the French coast  _5._  his plane Antonio IV . Had traveled only seven miles across the Channel when his engine failed   _6.  he was forced to land on the sea.  The Antonio floated on the water  _7._  Hubert   _8._  (pick up )by a ship.  _9.  he was rescued, he failed to receive the prize,  _10.  reduced him to great embarrassment .




Valentine's Day is known worldwide as a time to celebrate love and romance. But the holiday is also notorious(臭名昭著的) for reminding many singles that they are  _____of a significant other.

Instead of feeling sad and ____, many Chinese singles decided to join each other in a crusade against the love birds proof that the singles are not _____in the festival after all.

Here is some advice posted online by some love-starved online activists on ____ to ruin Valentine's Day for those enjoying romantic _____:

Buy up the odd-numbered _____ for movies so the lovers can't sit together.

Book up all _____ rooms in hotels so the lovers will have no place to spend the night.

____ chocolate and puncture(打孔) condoms in supermarkets.

Walk up to a couple on the street, _____ either of them in the face and crying out "How could you _____ on me?!" (Better if this happens between the same sex).

Take a part-time job to deliver flowers and throw half the bouquets _____.

Some of the strategies have been put into practice. Sina Weibo user @Yanta _____ one photo showing him (or her) slipping Dear John letters into boxes of chocolate in a supermarket. The other photo shows one of the letters _____ "let's break _____. The chocolate will be my last _____ for you."

A café in Luzhou, Sichuan province announced proudly in its Weibo _____ that couples are not welcome on Valentine's Day, singles will be _____ a 10 percent discount in the shop.

_____, the strategies above are not supported by all. "Just think about it. How would you feel when you find the chocolate you bought for a girl is _____ or your wife has to have an abortion(堕胎) due to condoms with holes? Won't it be dangerous to slap(打耳光)a stranger on street?" a netizen _____ calling on people to avoid a possible violent way.

1.A. short         B. necessary     C. proud      D. ashamed

2.A. left behind  B. left off      C. left on      D. left out

3.A. alone         B. away          C. happy        D. inspired

4.A. where         B. how           C. what         D. when

5.A. dates         B. days          C. times        D. weeks

6.A. areas         B. locations     C. exits        D. seats

7.A. multiple      B. single        C. double       D. three-bed

8.A. Protect       B. Break         C. Buy          D. Choose

9.A. slapping      B. pointing      C. biting       D. hitting

10.A. lie         B. trap          C. cheat        D. disturb

11.A. in          B. out           C. behind       D. away

12.A. carried      B. downloaded    C. hung         D. posted

13.A. writing      B. saying        C. leaving      D. telling

14.A. up          B. away          C. in           D. down

15.A. property    B. donation      C. gift         D. blessing

16.A. story       B. account       C. statement    D. expression

17.A. received    B. provided      C. sent         D. offered

18.A. Even so     B. Therefore     C. Besides      D. Even though

19.A. stored      B. stolen        C. poisoned     D. damaged

20.A. reminded    B. cautioned     C. described    D. Defended



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