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Why do young adult children become indep...

Why do young adult children become independent so much later than they did in 1970,when the average age of independent living was      ? Why have reduced class sizes and increased per-pupil expenditures (花销)not 36 higher academic achievement levels? Why is the mental health of today’s kids so poor when         with that of children in the 1960s and before? Why do today’s      become defensive when told by teachers that their children have misbehaved in school?

The answer in two words: parental      . Those two words best summarize the      between “old” child raising and new, post-1960s parenting. Then, the overall philosophy was that parents were not to be      involved with their kids. They were available        crisis, but they stood a (an)      distance from their kids and allowed them to experience the benefits of the trial-and-error process. It was the child’s      , back then, to keep his or her parents from getting involved. That was      children learned to be responsible and determined.

Today’s parents help their kids with almost everything. These are parents who are      when it comes to an understanding of their purpose in their kids’ lives. Their involvement leads them to personalize everything that happens to their kids;      , the defensiveness. But given that schools and mental health professionals have been pushing parent involvement for nearly four decades, the confusion and defensiveness are     .

University researchers analyzed three decades of data relating to parent participation in children’s academics. Their conclusions      what I’ve been saying since the 1980s: parental help with homework      a child’s academic achievement and is not reflected on standardized tests.

Parents who manage a child’s social life interfere with the     of good social skills. Parents who manage a child’s after-school activities grow kids who don’t know how to      their own free time. Parents who get involved in their kids,      with peers grow kids who don’t know how to avoid much less trouble.

These kids have anxieties and fears of all sorts and don’t want to leave their      . And their parents, when the time comes, don’t know how to      being parents. You can imagine what will become of their fu ture.

1.A. counted on   B. resulted in   C. touched on    D. taken in

2.A. associated   B. linked       C. compared      D. matched

3.A. parents      B. adolescents   C. psychologists  D. youths

4.A. assistance   B. protection   C. involvement   D. preference

5.A. differences  B. similarities  C. choices       D. relations

6.A. slightly   B. passively    C. highly         D. fairly

7.A. in case of   B. in spite of   C. in view of     D. in fear of

8.A. equal       B. safe         C. long          D. short

9.A. fault        B. turn          C. job           D. attitude

10.A. when       B. how          C. why            D. what

11.A. confused  B. disappointed  C. amazed        D. satisfied

12.A. however     B. still         C. yet            D. thus

13.A. unreasonable   B. changeable C. understandable D. avoidable

14.A. confirmed   B. convinced     C. realized      D. reflected

15.A. decides   B. lowers        C. helps          D. stimulates

16.A. appearance  B. performance C. establishment  D. development

17.A. value       B. devote       C. fill          D. save

18.A. communication  B. conflicts  C. cooperation   D. competitions

19.A. start      B. ignore        C. consider       D. stop

20.A. home       B. school       C. career         D. profession


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.D 【解析】 1.1】本空考查动词短语基本含义的辨析。count on依赖;result in导致,造成;touch on谈及,涉及;take in吸收。根据句意判断,“为什么缩减的班级规模和增加的每个学生个人消费没有导致更高的学业成功水平”。故选B。 2.2】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。associated联系;link联系;compare比较;match相配。和20世纪0年代或以前相比,孩子的心灵那么脆弱。be compared with和……相比。故选C。 3.3】本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。Parents父母亲;adolescents成年人;psychologists心理学家;youths年轻人。根据空后的defensive有保护意识的,应是父母亲。故选A。 4.4】本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。assistance帮助;protection保护;involvement卷入;preference偏爱。与下文的involved对应。故选C。 5.5】本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。differences不同;similarities相似性;choices选择;relations关系。“这两个单词最好地总结了古老的孩子抚养和新的,60后的父母抚养之间的不同。”故选A。 6.6】本空考查副词基本含义的辨析。slightly轻轻地;passively被动地;highly高度地;fairly相当,很。Be highly involved with高度参与。故选C。 7.7】本空考查介词短语基本含义的辨析。in case of避免,万一;in spite of尽管;in view of鉴于;in fear of害怕。根据句意:他们随叫随到,以免出现危急时刻。故选A。 8.8】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。equal平等的;safe安全的;long长的;short短的。a safe distance安全的距离。故选B。 9.9】本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。fault瑕疵,错误;turn次序;job工作;attitude态度。“让父母们别卷进来,是孩子的工作(职责)”。故选C。 10.10】本空考查表语从句的用法。空后的表语从句中缺少方式状语,故选B。 11.11】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。confused混淆不清的;disappointed感到失望的;amazed感到惊奇的;satisfied感到满足的。“这些就是那些当谈及他们在孩子生活中的目的时迷惑不解的父母们。”故选A。 12.12】本空考查副词基本含义的辨析。however尽管如此;still还;yet还;thus这样,也就是说。空后的defensiveness就是解释前文的 personalize everything that happens to their kids。故选D。 13.13】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。unreasonable不合情合理的;changeable可改变的;understandable可理解的;avoidable可避免的。与该句的状语部分given...相对应,应是“可理解的。”故选C。 14.14】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。confirm确认;convince使……相信;realize实现,意识到;reflect反映。此处作者用这个大学的研究分析来支持自己的观点,故选A。 15.15】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。decide决定;lower降低;help帮助;stimulate积累。根据前文作者反对父母对孩子照顾过多,父母般的对孩子照顾降低了孩子学业上的成就。故选B。 16.16】本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。appearance出现,表情;performance表演;establishment建立;development发展。the development of good social skills良好社交技能的发展。故选D。 17.17】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。value骨架,尊重;devote投入;fill充满;save挽救。根据句意:管理孩子课外生活的父母养大不知道如何充实自己自由时间的孩子。故选C 18.18】本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。communication交流;conflicts冲突;cooperation合作;competitions比赛,竞争。此处指孩子和父母之间在抚养孩子方面观点的冲突故选B。 19.19】本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。Home家;school学业,学校;career职业;profession专职。有焦虑和各种各样的恐惧的孩子不想离开家,因为他们害怕遇到挫折。故选A。 20.20】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。start开始;ignore忽视;consider考虑;stop停止。父母们也不知道如何停止做父母,做回自己。故选D。

—Do you know the newly appointed CEO?


A. I’ll check it

B. Only that there is one

C. More often than not

D. It will come to me



Mr. Smith let off upon me the speech he_______ to make all along.

A. had died     B. died

C. was dying    D. had been dying



My voice was so little and the shop owner had to bend down to hear_______ I wanted to buy.

A. what it was        B. it was what

C. what it was that   D. what was that



If people outside China learned a bit about jasmine tea culture, they would realize there_______ a lot of enjoyment in it.

A. is      B. was    C. were    D. would be



Estella showed me the way with a candle. When she opened the side entrance, the_______ of the daylight quite confused me.

A. trend       B. rush

C. crash        D. increase



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