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第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文...



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Imagine being born without arms. No arms to hug someone, and no hands to     touch. Or what about being born without legs? Having no       to dance, walk, run, or even stand on two feet. Now put both of those scenes together: no arms and no legs. How would that   one’s everyday life?

Without any medical explanation, Nick Vujicic came into the world with neither arms nor legs. Imagine the     his parents felt when they saw their baby being what the world would consider imperfect and      . Little did they know that this beautiful limbless baby would one day be someone who would     and motivate people from all walks of life.

Throughout his childhood Nick dealt with the     of self-respect, and struggled with depression and        . As Nick grew up he learned to deal with his     and started to be able to do more and more things on his own. He     to his situation and found ways to    tasks that most people could only do by using their limbs, such as cleaning teeth,      hair, typing on a computer, etc. As time      , Nick began to eagerly accept his     and achieve greater things.

Nick got a double bachelor’s degree     in accounting and financial planning. By the age of 19, Nick had started to     his dream of encouraging others by sharing his story through   speaking. He found the purpose of his     . Now at 27 years old, he has accomplished more than most people. He has travelled around,     his story with millions of people. He is a true inspirational and motivational     .

1.A. understand  B. experience    C. know       D. prevent

2.A. chance      B. interest       C. reason     D. ability

3.A. limit       B. affect        C. improve    D. design

4.A. shock     B. excitement    C. calmness  D. eagerness

5.A. abnormal    B. unique        C. extraordinary   D. unqualified

6.A. teach       B. organize       C. inspire    D. comfort

7.A. challenge   B. management   C. question   D. load

8.A. tiredness   B. loneliness     C. disappointment  D. relief

9.A. fault      B. disability     C. shortage   D. willpower

10.A. devoted    B. attended      C. adapted    D. stuck

11.A. accomplish B. attain       C. find      D. reduce

12.A. wearing    B. cutting        C. brushing   D. losing

13.A. went up   B. went ahead     C. went away  D. went by

14.A. position   B. situation      C. state      D. emergency

15.A. researching  B. majoring     C. aiming    D. choosing

16.A. finish      B. undertake    C. support    D. realize

17.A. meaningful   B. significant  C. motivational    D. strong

18.A. action       B. existence    C. behavior   D. communication

19.A. telling      B. recalling    C. writing    D. sharing

20.A. doctor       B. driver       C. speaker    D. writer


1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.C 【解析】 1.experience此处意思是“经历,体验”,没有手去体验触摸; 2.根据上文可知,没有腿会怎么样,那么当然就是没有跳舞、走路、奔跑甚至是站立的能力了; 3.that代指的是上文所说的没有腿没有胳膊,这又会怎样影响一个人的日常生活呢? 4.shock 震惊,他的父母看到自己的儿子是人们所认为的那种不完美和不正常,当然就是震惊了,没有家长希望自己的孩子是那样; 5.结合第44题; 6.根据结构,本空应当与motivate并列,故选C,inspire 鼓舞;鼓励; 7.整个儿童时期,尼克都在处理自尊心的挑战,和压抑与孤独做斗争; 8.本题应当与depression并列,故只能选loneliness(孤独); 9.他的问题就是残疾,那么他就是随着长大,学会处理自己的残疾问题了,disability 残疾; 10.adapt to 适应……。这里指的是尼克适应环境; 11.适应环境,找到完成任务的方法,accomplish 完成; 12.brush hair 梳头,与前文 clean teeth 并列; 13.随着时间的流逝,尼克开始接受自己的情况,并且获得一些较大的成就,go by 特指时间的流逝; 14.situation,境况,这里指的是尼克自己的境况; 15.尼克获得了双学士学位(Nick got a double bachelor’s degree),主修会计和金融策划专业;major in 主修; 16.realize one’s dream 实现某人的梦想; 17.motivational speaking励志演讲;尼克通过自己的励志演讲来鼓舞其他人;motivational adj. 动机的;激发性的; 18.尼克找到了自己存在的目的;existence 存在; 19.尼克到处旅行,与人们分享自己的故事,share分享; 20.Speaker 演讲者;尼克是一位真正的励志演讲师。



Many people are stuck in a life they don’t want, held in place by everything from financial restrictions to societal pressures. If you are looking to pursue your dreams, it can be discouraging to change everything at once.1.

Write down your goals to get them out of your head and into reality. Be honest with yourself about what you want, no matter how impossible it seems and ignore what you “should” do based on the views of your friends, family or society. 2. Don’t leave anything out, no matter how small or silly it sounds. Look at the themes of your list to get an idea of what your dream life will look like.

3. Choose one that is relatively easy to accomplish, one that is doable but will require work and one that seems impossible based on your current circumstances and lifestyle. List the steps you will need to take to get to each goal, getting down to the little details.

4. Each time you complete one of the steps, cross it off so you can celebrate the process in addition to the end result. When you achieve the goal, find a way to continue integrating(使成为一体) it into your life.

Figure out how you can work your second two goals into your life.5. . If your big dream is to quit your job and travel the world, start a savings account that is dedicated to travel money and set aside a small amount each week for three years. Plan your steps like this and they will be doable and fit smoothly into your life.

1.Seek support from your friends and family.

2.You will need to have courage to make changes

3.Identify the top three things that will get you closer to your dream life.

4.Start with your smallest goal and work through the steps until you achieve it.

5.Choose a deadline for each goal, whether it is one year down the road or five.

6.List the things you want to accomplish in your life, both personal and professional.

7.Instead, make small, gradual changes to prepare the way to a dream life to make the process easier.




Losing weight comes with a lot of health benefits—including making your brain sharper.

There have been few studies of overweight and cognitive functioning, (认知功能) possibly because it is generally believed that it is not a primary risk cause for poor cognitive performance. Yet, it turns out that overweight may damage cognitive functions such as memory and attention. Losing weight, therefore, may help improve these mental functions, according to a new research led by John Gunstad, assistant professor of psychology at Kent State University.

Growing evidence suggests that being fat is linked to cognitive deficits (缺陷). So Gunstad and his team guessed that losing weight might improve mental function. For their study, they measured memory and attention in a group of 150 overweight participants, some of whom had some kind of operation for weight loss and some did not. All of the volunteers completed mental skills tests to assess their abilities of memory and attention at the beginning of the study, and again 12 weeks later. To begin with, about 24% of the patients showed damaged learning and 23% showed signs of poor memory when tested. At the end of the study, those who had lost weight after operation improved their scores into the average or above average range for cognitive functions. Scores for the volunteers who didn’t lose weight dropped even further.

The study helped Gunstad to find out whether losing weight had any effect on mental function. Now that he’s seen the positive effect that weight loss can have on memory and attention, he says he will next study those who choose to lose weight by the traditional way—eating healthier and getting more active. He expects that losing weight in this way will have a similarly positive effect on the brain. “If we can improve the condition with operations, then we can probably produce the same change with behavioral weight loss as well,” he says.

1.There is less research on overweight and cognitive functions because researchers _____.

A. believe overweight only affects our body

B. have focused on ways to sharpen people’s mind

C. do not consider overweight a main cause for low cognitive ability

D. are clear about the relation between weight and mental functions

2.The result of Gunstad’s study shows that ______.

A. losing weight has little effect on people’s memory

B. losing weight can improve people’s mental functions

C. overweight people are likely to have psychology problems

D. overweight people’s abilities of concentration differ greatly

3.What is Gunstad planning to prove next in his research?

A. Slim people are smarter than overweight people.

B. Healthy diet is better than exercise in losing weight.

C. Traditional ways of losing weight are better than operation.

D. Overweight people will get smarter by taking more exercise.

4.Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A. Body Weight and Health

B. Losing Weight by Operation

C. Ways to Improve Mental Functions

D. Losing Weight to Sharpen Your Mind




The creative projects of World Food Program (WFP) focused on preventing hunger from taking hold in the future and breaking the cycle of hunger. Here are some of the ways in which we work to prevent hunger in the future:

School Meals

As well as directly addressing hunger, School Meals projects encourage families to keep their children in school and help them build better futures. If children aren’t hungry they will concentrate on their lessons. With a solid education growing children have a better chance of finding their own way out of hunger. These projects benefit girls especially. For more information: www.wfp.org/schools meals.

Food for Assets(有用的人)

WFP’s Food for Assets projects provide the hungry with food to lay the foundation for a better tomorrow. When poor farmers no longer have to worry about the next meal, they have the time and energy to build irrigation(灌溉) systems that can increase production. Similarly, Food for Training projects allow the poor to devote time to learning skills that will sustain(维持) them economically in the future. For more information: www.wfp.org/food-assets.


WFP uses its food rations(配给) to reduce the blow of HIV and AIDS. The agency distributes its rations to people living with HIV and AIDS, so they can keep providing for their families for longer and have time to transfer vital knowledge and skills to the growing number of AIDS children--the next generation of food providers in developing countries. For more information: www.wfp.org/hiv-aids.

Purchase for Progress

WFP buys large amounts of food in developing countries. It has this purchasing power and uses it to help poor farmers contact reliable markets where they can get competitive prices for their produce. With secure markets, farmers will be encouraged to produce more and innovate(创新).The knock-on effect is producing more food for everyone. For more information: www.wfp.ofp/purchase-progress.

1.The text is written with the purpose of ____.

A. seeking solutions to some hot issues

B. introducing some of WFP’s projects

C. raising money for the people in need

D. calling readers’ attention to the poor

2.The farmers who want to receive some training should visit_____.





3.AIDS children can benefit from food rations in that_____.

A. they no longer go hungry

B. they can take care of their parents

C. they don’t have to worry about food

D. they can learn more skills from their parents

4.By buying large amounts of food in developing countries, WFP aims to ____.

A. help farmers to increase their income

B. encourage farmers to produce more food

C. introduce new ways of farming to farmers

D. motive farmers to plant different kind of crops.




You know how wonderful you are, and you know that others know how wonderful you are, but what do you do when admiration crosses over the line into jealousy(嫉妒)? For most teens there will come a day when you realize that one of your friends is jealous and that this jealousy is hurting your friendship. When this happens it can seem like there is nothing that you can do, but the good news is that there is. Don’t let jealousy spoil your relationships. Deal with it confidently and you might be back to normal much sooner than you think.

It can be hard to walk up to a friend and ask them what the problem is, but if you want to save your friendship you’ll have to do just that. Don’t approach them and ask why they are jealous of you unless of course you want to appear totally conceited (逞能), just take some time alone with them and let them know that you’ve been feeling like there’s been something coming between you. If they refuse to respond, then use the opportunity to explain how you have been feeling. Chances are that something you say will strike a nerve and your friend will open up as well.

When you figure out what is annoying your friend, ask him or her what (s)he thinks would make the situation better. If, for example, (s)he says that (s)he feels like (s)he doesn’t get to spend any time with you because of your being off with your new friends from the swim team then maybe you could invite her along the next time or block off one day a week for just the two of you. Remember, though, that whatever solution you decide on should be a compromise. Don’t limit your own talents or opportunities simply because your friend is unhappy. Try instead to include him or her in your new life and see how that works out.

Even the best of friendships can be ruined by jealousy. This destructive emotion is rarely productive and can turn best friends into worst enemies. Before taking extreme action, chat with your jealous friend to see if the two of you can work out a compromise. If you can’t, be prepared to know exactly how far you will go to keep your friend and how far you won’t.

1.According to the author, the jealousy emotion is________.

A. normal         B. productive

C. destructive     D. extreme

2.What does the author intend to tell us in paragraph 2?

A. How to solve the problem of jealousy.

B. Why we need to solve the problem of jealousy.

C. How to explain your jealousy to your friends.

D. Why it is hard to deal with the problem of jealousy.

3.What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

A. There’s always a solution to solve the problem of jealousy.

B. Jealousy can turn best friends into worst enemies.

C. You may lose a friend to keep your own gifts, chances or self development.

D. You should go a long way with your friend to work out a solution

4.This passage is mainly intended for________.

A. female readers

B. students

C. teenagers

D. best friends




A drunken burglar in the Orrell Park area of Liverpool, ended up leaping out of a window after a 10-year-old girl asked him to prove he was a superhero.

The drunken thief who pretended he was Superman to stop a child raising the alarm has been caught after he leapt from the apartment building in his pants to make the girl convinced.

Theif Ethan Adamson, 25, told police that he had broken into a fifth-floor flat after a drinking session, believing it was empty.

But he was horrified when the owners 10-year-old daughter woke up while he was there.

From his hospital bed, the thief told reporters, To keep her quiet, I told her I was really Superman and Id soon be flying off back to my secret headquarters.

She called my bluff (向摊牌) and told me, If youre Superman, show me you can fly or Ill scream.

I had no choice so I stripped to my pants to look more like a superhero and went to the window. I saw another roof below and I thought I could make it but it turned out to be a lot further down than thought. I know it doesnt make sense but it did to me when I was drunk.

Police later found him on the roof in just his yellow pants, covered in cuts and bruises after a baffled neighbor heard his cries of pain.

He now faces seven years behind bars for burglary.

Police spokesman Frank Armado said, He was in quite a serious state and couldnt move until we got up there using ladders. He was treated for his injuries and we got him some fresh clothes, before taking him to hospital where he is being kept under guard until he is well enough to be arrested.

1.What does the underlined part in the passage mean?

A. I could land safely on the roof.

B. I could make the girl trust me.

C. I could prove I was a superhero.

D. I could make a successful escape.

2.Whats the right order of the event?

a. Ethan Adamson told reporters of the burglary.

b. The 10-year-old girl called Ethan Adamsons bluff.

c. Ethan Adamson attended a drinking session.

d. Ethan Adamson leapt out of a window.

A. cabd            B. dbca

C. cbda            D.dcab

3.What is the authors purpose of writing the passage?

A. To report on a joking burglary

B. To call our attention to the burglary.

C. To explain how the burglar was caught.

D. To look back on an adventure story.



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