满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was the end of the school term and my...

It was the end of the school term and my son Tom had less than three months left before he would finish his six years at high school. During this time he had developed a love for basketball. Sadly, because of my work over the last twelve months, I had only been able to attend a few of his games; however, I was determined to get to his last game for the school term.

Tom’s team came out in the first 10 minutes with a burst of goals that saw them leading by just over 20 points at the end of the first half. The second half changed as the other team quickly played themselves back into the game. Tom’s team started to miss an increasing number of shots. It was at that point that the coach called his first time out.

The noise of the spectators (观众) became quiet as the coach spoke to them. He had the team standing in a half circle, but he squatted () down, looking up at them and fiving some very calm and clear instructions on what they needed to do in the last couple of minutes. As he stood up to allow the team to return to the court, I saw him give some further words of encouragement to all of them.

You could see that he knew that the team was fighting to save the game and that he needed to lift them up. By squatting down he placed himself in a position where he was talking up to them, rather than down or at them, and as the players went back onto the court his words of encouragement served to lift their energy and spirits.

Well, Tom’s team went on to win the final by 5 points. As I drove away I thought about what can happen to us all in our everyday life. One of my favourite quotes is about the half filled glass of water --- “Is it half full or is it half empty?” Like the coach, the answer to this quote all depends on how you look at things.

1.Why did the writer e to see his son play basketball?

A. Because his son would graduate from high school.

B. Because he felt sorry for never watching his son play.

C. Because it was a final his son played a key role in.

D. Because he had a strong interest in basketball himself.

2.By squatting down, the coach wanted to _____ .

A. talk about what the players were doing wrong

B. make the players feel better

C. prevent spectators from hearing what he said

D. show his anger at the bad performance of the players

3.What is the writer’s attitude towards the coach?

A. Negative.   B. Supportive.   C. Interested.   D. Unconcerned.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. A father should care about his son at school.

B. Playing hard is rewarded with a close match.

C. What a coach says has the most influence on players.

D. Looking at things positively is important in hard times.


1.A 2.B 3.B 4.D 【解析】 1.1】细节理解题。根据文章第一段的第一句:It was the end of the school term and my son Tom had less than three months left before he would finish his six years at high school.并结合本段最后一句:however, I was determined to get to his last game for the school term.可推知答案A符合文意。 2.2】细节理解题。根据文章的第一段的第四句:o win, a contestant must first guess which number a spinning cube will stop on. The cube has six numbers on it: 1X, 10X, 50X, 100X, 500X, and 1000X. If he is correct, the contestant must then guess which of two selected variables is going to be greater.可知答案B:要猜两次,符合文意。 3.3】推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的最后两句:One of my favourite quotes is about the half filled glass of water --- “Is it half full or is it half empty?” Like the coach, the answer to this quote all depends on how you look at things.,并结合孩子们的在教练的鼓舞下,赢了比赛,不难推断出作者是支持教练的,故答案B符合文意。 4.4】推理判断题。根据本文的整体理解,尤其是教练在孩子们比赛失利时的表现,以及最后一段作者的感悟,可推知在困难时,积极思考是很重要的,故答案D符合文意。

People always say that the earlier one learns a language, the       it is to do so, in theory it is that,      , in my opinion, that refers to spoken language. Capability(能力) to practice some essential(基本的)      of a language and read between the lines can only be trained through proper reading ways and hard work      .So spending money to help       learn English may      up with disappointment. It is likely that the more you      ,the more you are let down.

The daughter of one of my friends      English in primary school,      her foreign teacher’s blindness      psychology. She did not want to go on       English until middle school,      a college student studying English slowly      her interest in the language.

It is better to have the child learn Chinese than to have some difficulty      learning English for several years. Having been engaged in English education,      find that despite(尽管) their excellent      , many students have      mand of English words and phrases. So I suggest that children

      classical Chinese prose(散文),rather than       them to learn English hurriedly. Otherwise, they may let go the best time to

      the language ability of their mother tongue.

1.A. easy       B. difficult    C. easier       D. more difficult

2.A. but       B. however      C. though       D. yet

3.A. opinions   B. regards     C. requests     D. expressions

4.A. directly   B. orally       C. properly     D. indirectly

5.A. people     B. girls        C. children     D. boys

6.A. begin     B. start        C. finish       D. end

7.A. pay        B. get          C. buy          D. take

8.A. loved     B. liked        C. disliked     D. learned

9.A. because of  B. because     C. instead of   D. instead

10.A. of         B. at          C. in           D. to

11.A. learning   B. to learn    C. with learning  D. for learning

12.A. while      B. where       C. when           D. as

13.A. introduced B. practiced   C. explained      D. developed

14.A. in         B. to          C. at             D. of

15.A. He         B. I           C. She            D. They

16.A. pronunciation B. phrase   C. language      D. writing

17.A. few        B. less        C. little         D. fewer

18.A. write     B. do          C. remember       D. memorize

19.A. have       B. let         C. cause          D. make

20.A. study     B. improve     C. learn          D. master



He put on his tie, took one last look at the room and_____________  walked out of the door.

A. gradually      B. finally

C. actually       D. entirely



______, tears came to her eyes.

A. Reading the letter

B. While reading the letter

C. As she was reading the letter

D. To read the letter



---Mary, I heard there was an explosion in Luzhou. Could you tell me how it _______?

---Sorry, I don’t know much about it either.

A. came on

B. came about

C. came out

D. came over



Can you tell me the way you think of________ the problem?

Ato work out     Bworking out

C. work out       Dto work



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