满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Our government’s plan to fight against a...

Our government’s plan to fight against air pollution will focus on _____ information and handling PM2.5.

A. expressing   B. representing

C. gathering    D. acknowledging


C 【解析】句意:我们政府同空气污染作斗争的计划将以收集信息和控制PM2.5为重点。express“表达”;represent“代表”;gather“收集”;acknowledge“承认;感谢”。根据句意可知,应选C项。  

Each time I ________ a good essay when reading newspaper , I cut it out and keep it.

A. work out    B. come across

C. care about  D. put down



A harmonious society is very important , so all the laws must be strictly _________.

A. watched    B. observed

C. carried    D. handled



The English teacher tells the students to have ______ for different races and appreciate the diversity of other cultures .

A. mercy        B. sympathy

C. respect     D. regret



______ young in our village are now living _______much more comfortable life than we did.

A.A ; \     B. The ; the

C.A; a     D. The ; a




1.The whole system is not           (方便的) for use.

2.It is not easy to         (区分,辨别) their meanings.

3.Some people say the deaths were just          (巧合).

4.The astronauts are required to learn          (生存) skills in space.

5.Young people all over the world                                (敬佩)Yang Liwei .

6.                (与……相反)many people might assume, evidence shows that sharks seldom attack humans.

7.The English language                              (由……组成)the grammar and vocabulary.

8.The Normans defeated England and                        (控制,占领) of the country in 1066.

9.Pronunciation                 (经历,遭受) huge changes during the Renaissance.

10.The Chinese language                  (与……不同)Western languages in that Chinese words are formed by putting together different characters.



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