满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The old man walked with a cane (拐杖) slow...

The old man walked with a cane (拐杖) slowly into the restaurant. His poor jacket, patched (打补丁的) trousers, and worn-out shoes made him stand out from the usual Saturday morning breakfast crowd.

He walked toward a table by the window. A young waitress watched him and ran over to him, saying, “Here, Sir. Let me give you a hand with that chair.”

Without a word, he smiled and nodded a thank you. She pulled the chair away from the table. Supporting him with one arm, she helped him move in front of the chair, and get comfortably seated. Then she pushed the table up close to him, and leaned his cane against the table where he could reach it.

In a soft, clear voice he said, “Thank you, Miss.”

“You’re welcome, Sir.” She replied. “My name is Mary. I’ll be back in a moment. If you need anything, just wave at me.”

After he had finished a hearty meal of pancakes, bacon, and hot lemon tea, Mary brought him the change, helping him up from his chair and out from behind the table. She handed him his cane, and walked with him to the front door. Holding the door open for him, she said, “Come back and see us, Sir!”

He nodded a thank you and said softly with a smile, “You are very kind!”

When Mary went to clean his table, she was shocked. Under his plate she found a business card and a note written on the napkin, under which was a $ 100 bill.

The note on the napkin read, “Dear Mary, I respect you very much, and you respect yourself, too. It shows by the way you treat others. You have found the secret of happiness. Your kind gestures will shine through those who meet you.”

The man she had served was the owner of the restaurant. This was the first time that she, or any of his employees, had seen him in person.

1.Mary ran over to the old man because _____.

A.the old man was the boss of the restaurant

B.she was worried that the old man might cause trouble to the restaurant

C.she saw the old man had some difficulty moving and taking a seat

D.the old man had asked her to wait on him

2.The man came to the restaurant ______.

A.to have breakfast

B.to see his employees

C.to find out how his restaurant was working

D.to see how Mary served customers

3.The words the man left on the napkin suggested that _____.

A.respecting others means respecting oneself

B.serving others is a respectable job

C.Mary would get a rise as a result of her kindness

D.Mary’s kind service would bring in more money for her

4.Which of the following titles goes best with the story?

A.A kind- hearted Girl

B.Shining Kindness

C.Kindness Means Opportunities

D.A Special Customer


1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:文章通过这个故事告诉我们:幸福体现在尊重自己、尊重他人上。 1.细节理解题。从第二段的 “With the help of his trusty cane, he walked toward a table by the window.”可知,是因为这位老人行动不便,玛丽跑向老人,并帮助他坐在椅子上。选C。 2.推理题:根据最后一段的句子:The man she had served was the owner of the restaurant. This was the first time that she, or any of his employees, had seen him in person.可知这个人是饭店的主人,想看看饭店运作如何,所以选C 3.句意理解题:根据倒数第二段的句子:Dear Mary, I respect you very much, and you respect yourself, too. It shows by the way you treat others. You have found the secret of happiness. Your kind gestures will shine through those who meet you.”可知这句话的意思是:尊敬别人就是尊敬自己。所以选A。 4.文章介绍饭店的主人扮成一个虚弱的老人来饭店用餐,Mary用自己的善良对待他,给店主人留下很深的印象。所以选B。

Dad was not only my best friend, but my compass (指南针).While he was alive, he ____ me with his actions and advice. He taught me one important ____:“Believe in yourself.”

If there was one phrase my dad ____ liked to hear, it was “I can't.” He did not have chance to finish high school and ____ two jobs to support his large family, ____ he never complained. Through self-education and years of hard work, my dad became an excellent journalist.

When I was in high school, I had a ____ time with math. He tried to help me, but I ____ struggled. So my math teacher suggested I meet with him at 7:00 each morning before school for ____ help. I told Dad, “That's ____! I'm tired! I can't do that!” He replied, “You're doing it. I'll send you to school.” Every morning at 6:45, we'd leave the ____.Despite (尽管) working 12 hours every day, Dad never once ____ driving me to school.

After months of ____, I was facing the final exam. I was so ____.On the day of the final, my dad hugged me and said, “Luke, ____ yourself. You can do it.” His words made me realize I needed to trust in my ____ and in the hours of work I'd ____.When I got my ____ proudly, the first person I called was my father. He cried, “Yes! You deserved it!”

Even now, whenever I ____ that a task is too much for me, I think back to that exam. No matter how ____something is, if you're willing to work, you can succeed. I'm forever ____ to Dad for that lesson.

1.A. understood     B.forgave     C.guided      D.impressed

2.A. history         B.lesson      C.skill        D.language

3.A. always          B.almost       C.ever         D.never

4.A. took           B.lost         C.left        D.finished

5.A. so             B.or           C.but          D.and

6.A. good            B.free         C.terrible    D.short

7.A. still           B.nearly      C.hardly      D.probably

8.A. real            B.practical    C.immediate   D.extra

9.A. wonderful      B.crazy        C.expensive    D.necessary

10.A. house         B.school       C.office      D.farm

11.A. suggested      B.risked       C.enjoyed     D.missed

12.A. meeting        B.testing     C.learning     D.interviewing

13.A. excited       B.nervous      C.happy        D.shocked

14.A. stand for     B.hold back    C.believe in D.look after

15.A. teacher       B.luck         C.time         D.ability

16.A. wasted         B.ignored      C.picked up   D.put in

17.A. answer        B.grade       C.pay          D.gift

18.A. hope          B.forget      C.worry        D.promise

19.A. different      B.important    C.hard         D.interesting

20.A. grateful      B.sorry        C.polite       D.useful



__________ the program , they have to stay there for another two weeks.

A. Not completing

B. Not having completed

C. Not completed

D. Having not completed



Either the judge or the lawyers ______ wrong on the case at that moment.

A. is    B. are    C. were     D. was



When he returned , he agreed to the publisher’s request _______ he should write a book for boys based on the life he experienced.

A. when    B. that   C. which    D. why



Look ! There are so many mistakes in your composition . You ____ have paid attention to it.

A. may    B. must    C. can    D. should



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