满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Directions: Translate the following sent...

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English. You are required to use the word given in the bracket for each respective sentence.



3.这个艺术家不得不在很小的时候自己照顾自己。(take care of




1.His success is closely related to his hard work 2.The old man with a serious heart problem will be operated on tomorrow 3.The artist had to take care of himself when he was very young. 4.Everything involves a large amount of time amd effort if you want to do it well. 5.teachers insist that students should have at least 8 hours’ sleep everyday 【解析】 1.His success is closely related to his hard work 本句考察的是形容词related的固定搭配be related to…与…有关; 2.The old man with a serious heart problem will be operated on tomorrow 本句实际上考察的是动词短语operate on sb给某人做手术的被动语态的形式。 3.The artist had to take care of himself when he was very young. 本句要注意的住宿时态,when后面的从句表示的是过去的时间,故前面也要使用过去时。 4.Everything involves a large amount of time amd effort if you want to do it well. 本句主要考察的是动词involve“涉及,使…参与”的用法,另外要注意a large amount of修饰不可数名词的用法、 5.teachers insist that students should have at least 8 hours’ sleep everyday 本句主要考察的是动词insist表示坚持要求做某事的时候,后面的从句要使用“should+动词原形”其中的should可以省略的用法。同时还要注意当insist表示坚持认为的时候,后面要使用陈述语气。

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once.   Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. essentialB. endangeredC. goingD. performanceE. crises

F. supposedG. consequenceH. materialI. exposedJ. involves

As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on the 1.from morning till night, it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is 2.for a healthy mind and body.

Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. In fact, it is not the bad thing as is often 3. to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor   4.and ill health.

The amount of stress a person can stand depends very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress, and such characters are obviously prime5. for managerial responsibilities; others lose heart at the first sign of unusual difficulties. When6.to stress, in whatever form, we react both chemically and physically. In fact we make choice between “flight or fight” and in more primitive (远古的) days the choices made the difference between life or death. The   7. we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme, but however little the stress, it 8.the same response. It is when such a reaction lasts long, through continued exposure to stress, that health becomes 9. Since we can’t remove stress from our lives (it would be unwise to do so even if we could), we need to find ways to deal with it.



Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of given words. (7)

1.A double room with a balcony overlooking the sea had been __________ (reservation) for him.

2.Our new offices are still under ___________ (construct),  and this is not my office.

3.Nov.11 is __________ (reference) to as Singles Day by netizens nationwide.

4.They launched a campaign to save wild pandas from __________ (extinct).

5.Her ___________ (decide) to live abroad was a terrible blow to her parents.

6.The directors of the company refused to undertake such a ___________ (risk) venture.

7.Children are not usually allowed in, but Im prepared to make an __________ (except) in this case.



The scientists observed that the more junk food the rats ate, the more they wanted to eat a behavior very similar to that of rats addicted(上了瘾的) to heroin, a dangerous drug. Johnson said the experiment shows that the brain chemistry of obesity(肥胖) and drug addiction may be quite similar.

In their experiment, Johnson and his team studied the “pleasure center” of rats’ brains. The pleasure center is a complicated network of nerve cells. If the animal exercises or eats, the cells reward the animal by releasing chemicals into the body that make it feel good. And when the body feels good, the animal or person will want to do the behavior again.

For the experiment, Johnson fed foods like cheesecake to one group of rats. Food like this is high in calories and fat. Another group of rats got a regular diet. The rats that ate junk food started to eat more and more.

“They’re taking in twice the amount of calories as the control rats,” says Paul Kenny, one of Johnson’s colleagues.

Kenny and Johnson wanted to know what was going on in the brains of these rats. They first designed a way to deliver a small electrical charge to the rats’ brains. This electrical charge would stimulate the pleasure centers to release pleasure-causing chemicals. The rats could control how much stimulation and how much pleasure they received by running on a wheel. The more the rat ran, the more pleasure it received.

The rats that had been eating junk food started running more and more. This behavior suggested that the junk-food-eating rats needed more brain stimulation to feel good compared with rats on a normal diet. In other words, their pleasure centers were becoming less sensitive and the junk food didn’t make them feel good unless they ate more and more.

Experiments like this one could help scientists understand how chemicals in the brain contribute to obesity. With that information, they may be able to help people avoid obesity in the first place.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

1.The scientists suggested it was actually ___________________ that made the rats feel good.

2.How did the scientist know what was happening in the brains of the junk-food-eating rats?

3.What was the purpose of the experiment mentioned in the article?



Every time you go to the supermarket you come away with your purchases packed in plastic bags. But wouldnt it be kinder to the environment if you asked for paper bags instead?

The answer is not as easy as it might seem. Environmentalists say there are drawbacks to using both plastic bags and paper bags.

80 percent of groceries in the US are packed in plastic bags and the numbers are becoming huge. Consumers use between 500 billion and 1 trillion plastic bags per year worldwide.

Some experts believe that all these bags harm the environment. Plastic takes hundreds of years to break down and, as it does so, poisonous materials are released into the water and soil.

Further damage is caused if plastic bags enter the sea. For example, endangered sea turtles cannot tell the bags from jellyfish, their main source of food, and often choke on them.

However, this kind of bag does have its advantages.

Paper bags use more energy and create more waste than plastic bags. Plastic bags require 40 percent less energy to produce and cause 70 percent less air pollution. They also release as much as 94 percent less waste into the water than paper ones do.

But paper bags do break down more quickly than plastic bags. They dont endanger wildlife, either.

So what should we do? One possible solution would be to use biodegradable plastic bags. Biodegradable means that the bags break down naturally just like a piece of banana peel when it is left outside.

But until biodegradable technology improves, it might be easier to pack things you buy in reusable cloth bags.

1.Compared to paper bags, plastic bags ______.

A. produce 6 percent more waste

B. can be made biodegradable more easily

C. can be used as a source of food

D. save 40 percent of the energy

2.By saying The answer is not as easy as it might seem, (in paragraph 2) the writer means _____.

A. biodegradable plastic bags can compete with paper

B. paper bags seem to be kind to environment

C. its difficult to say whether plastic or paper bags are better for the environment

3.What does the author suggest people use at the present time?

A. Paper bags

B. Plastic bags

C. Biodegradable plastic bags.

D. Cloth bags.



Without proper planning, tourism can cause problems. For example, too many tourists can crowd public places that are also enjoyed by the inhabitants of a country. If tourists create too much traffic, the inhabitants become annoyed and unhappy. They begin to dislike tourists and to treat them impolitely. They forget how much tourism can help the country and how tourism affects them. Tourism should help a country keep the customs and beauty that attract tourists. Tourism should also advance the well-being (health and happiness) of local inhabitants.

Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism grows too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work in the tourism industry. This means that other parts of the countrys economy can suffer.

On the other hand, if there is not enough tourism, people can lose jobs. Businesses can also lose money. It costs a great deal of money to build large hotels, airports, air terminals, first-class roads, and other support facilities needed by tourist attractions. For example, a major international-class tourism hotel can cost as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to build. If this room is not used most of the time, the owners of the hotel lose money.

Building a hotel is just a beginning. There must be many support facilities as well, including roads to get to the hotel, electricity, sewers(阴沟) to handle waste, arid water. All of these support facilities cost money. If they are not used because there are not enough tourists, jobs and money are lost.

1.Which of the following has most probably been discussed in the paragraph that goes before the passage?

A. It is extremely important to develop tourism.

B. Building roads and hotels is essential.

C. Support facilities are highly necessary.

D. Planning is of great importance to tourism.

2.Too much tourism can cause all these problems EXCEPT ______.

A. a bad impact on other industries

B. A change of tourists customs

C. overcrowdedness of places of interest

3.It is good for local people to be well aware that tourism will _____.

A. use up a large amount of water

B. weaken their economy

C. help establish their traditions

D. help improve their life



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