满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I am decorating my office now. I _______...

I am decorating my office now. I _______  comfortably in my office at this time tomorrow.

A. am sitting    B. was sitting

C. sit          D. will be sitting


D 【解析】考查时态:句意:我正在装潢办公室呢。昨天这个时候我正舒服地坐在办公室里。说明坐在办公室是明天这个时候正在进行,用将来进行时。选D。  

—Linda, I have to stay at school and take some courses next month, how about you?

I ____ to Canada at this time next month since I have got the visa.

A. will be flying          B. will fly

C. have been flying        D. have flown



The old man had one son and two daughters,    treated him well,     made him very sad.

A. neither of whom; that

B. neither of them; which

C. none of whom; which

D. none of them; which



What do you think of teaching?

I find it fun and demanding. It is a job____ you are doing something serious

but interesting.

A. where       B. which         C. that             D. what



It is quite warm _________January in Chongqing.

A. to          B. with

C. in         D. for



—Our teachers and parents always warn us not to smoke.

—Yes, actually, the risk of heart disease is a powerful argument ____ smoking.

A. against         B. for

C. into             D. at



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