满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Once upon a time a teacher and his stude...

Once upon a time a teacher and his student    down under a big tree near the big grass areaThen suddenly the student asked the teacher“TeacherI’m puzzledHow do we our soul mate(知己)?Could you please help me?”

Silent for a few secondsthe teacher then answered“Wellit’s a pretty hard and easy question The teacher     “Look that wayThere is a lot of grassWhy don’t you walk there? But please don’t walk   .On your waytry to find a blade(叶片)of beautiful grass and    it and then give it to meBut just one

The student said OK and then he walked straight ahead to the grassy fieldA few minutes laterthe student came back empty-handedWhen the teacher asked the   ,the student saidOn my journeyI found quite a few beautiful blades of grassbut I   that I would find a better oneso I didn’t pick itBut I didn’t realize that I was at the    of the fieldand I hadn’t picked any because you told me not to go backso I didn’t go back. Hearing this, the teacher said“That’s what will happen in real life

What is the    of this story? In the storygrass is the people around youthe beautiful blade grass is the people that    you and the grassy field is timeIn looking for your soul mateplease don’t always    and hope that there will be a better oneBy doing thatyou’ll    your lifetimeRemember “Time Never Goes Back

1.A. lied     B. lay       C. seated       D. stood

2.A. find      B. treat     C. remove       D. discover

3.A. repeated B. waved     C. continued    D. regretted

4.A. straight B. backwards C. forwards     D. directly

5.A. pick     B. observe   C. arrest       D. carry

6.A. evidence B. reason    C. shape        D. purpose

7.A. admitted B. thought  C. doubted     D. remembered

8.A. bottom   B. end       C. center      D. top

9.A. message  B. result    C. limit        D. content

10.A. praise   B. attract   C. hate         D. upset

11.A. forgive B. wait     C. pare         D. plain

12.A. run      B. waste     C. load         D. save


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.C 12.B 【解析】 1.A. lied撒谎,B. lay躺,C. seated使..就坐,D. stood站,根据under a big tree near the big grass area.可知很久以前,有一位老师和一位学生,两人躺在一棵大树下,旁边是无垠的草地。所以选B。 2.find发现,B. treat对待,C. remove消除,D. discover发现,从后面的问句可知,该学生对寻找人生伴侣“感到困惑”。 根据下文的:On your way,try to find a blade(叶片)of beautiful grass也可以得出答案是A。 3.A. repeated重复,B. waved挥手,C. continued继续,D. regretted后悔,老师上面讲了一句话了,然后“接着说”。所以选C。 4.A. straight直接,B. backwards向后, C. forwards向前,D. directly直接地,由前文的walk straight ahead及后文的you told me not to go back可知选B。 5.A. pick摘,B. observe观察,C. arrest逮捕,D. carry携带,根据下文的:so I didn’t pick it.可知老师让学生尽量寻找一棵美丽的草,然后把它摘下拿给我。可知选A。 6.A. evidence证据,B. reason原因,C. shape形状, D. purpose 目的,根据下文学生的回答,可知老师问他为什么空手而回,所以选B。 7.A. admitted 承认,B. thought想,C. doubted怀疑,D. remembered记得,我在路上发现了许多漂亮的草,但是我觉得我会找到更好的,于是就没有把它拔下来。所以选B 8.A. bottom底部,B. end末端,C. center中心,D. top顶端,根据下文:and I hadn’t picked any because you told me not to go back,可知学生走到了田野的尽头,所以选B。 9.A. message信息,启示,B. result结果,C. limit限制,D. content内容,根据下文:In the story,grass is the people around you;the beautiful blade grass is the people that 45 you and the grassy field is time.可知这是这个故事的启示,所以选A。 10.A. praise表扬,B. attract吸引,C. hate讨厌,D. upset使不安,根据上文的:How do we 37 our soul mate(知己)?可知这里找的是吸引你的人,所以选B。 11.A. forgive原谅,B. wait等待,C.com pare比较,D. complain抱怨,根据下文的:that there will be a better one.可知在寻找灵魂伴侣的时候,不要比较,所以选C。 12.A. run跑,B. waste浪费,C. load装载,D. save拯救,根据上下文可知:如果这样做的话,你就会浪费一生的时间,

—Do you have Lucys phone number?

—Sorry, ____.

A. I don’t know

B. forget it

C. I can’t remember it

D. here you are



Was it in 2013, when he was still at a middle school, ________ this boy became an expert at the computer?

A. which       B. when   C. where         D. that



—Have you seen the film Under the Hawthorn Tree?

Of course, I have. It was in our village _____it was made.

A. that            B. where

C. when           D. which



—Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?

—Yes.________I'm going to visit some homes for the old in the city.

A.If ever        B.If busy

C.If anything    D.If possible



—Have you been to the Great Wall?

—Perhaps not in my memory; ____, it might have been during the early childhood.

A. if any           B. if so

C. if ever           D. if not



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