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Myth: If you cut your hair, it will grow...

Myth: If you cut your hair, it will grow long faster.

Truth: That’s not true. “Your hair isn’t like a lawn or a rosebush, where cutting can stimulate fresh growth,” says Phillip Kingsley. The length of your hair is genetically determined. When it reaches a certain length, it stops growing. When you clear up the dead split ends, this make your hair look healthier, but not necessarily longer.

Myth: If you skip meals, you lose weight fast.

Truth: There’s no truth in this advice. Not only will you lose weight by starving yourself, but according to Carol Ann Rinzler, this may actually cause you to gain weight. Rinzler reasons that missing a meal causes your metabolism(新陈代谢) to slow down so that you burn food more slowly. This only makes you feel hungrier and by the time you finally do reach the table you will probably eat more food. Strange as it may seem, studies show that eating several small meals and snacks throughout the day is a more healthy way to lose pounds.

Myth: If you swallow gum,it will stay inside your stomach for seven years.

Truth: Actually, it takes just a few days for gum to make its exit---not seven years, says NeiIzenberg, M. D., editor of Kids Health Organization. But because gum is made of the same thing as rubber, it cannot be fully digested in your stomach--- so if you gum up the works on a regular basis, you might find yourself in a sticky situation.

Myth: The best way to stop a nosebleed is to lift your head back.

Truth: Now that’s bad advice. Bloody noses are caused by broken blood vessels, so while lifting your head back might stop the fluid from rushing out of your nose, it won’t stop the bleeding; you’ll just end up swallowing lots of blood. Your best bet? “Rest quietly. Don’t poke or pick, and the blood will naturally clot (凝结) within a minute or two”. Suggests Dr. Izenberg.

1.The length of your hair is determined by ________

A. cutting it often       B. your gene

C. the food you eat       D. clearing up the dead split ends

2.According to Carol Ann Rinzler, skipping meals will __________.

A. help you lose weight fast

B. help you lose weight slowly

C. cause you to become fatter

D. make you burning food more quickly

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Gum cannot be fully digested in the stomach

B. Gum can stay inside your stomach for seven years if you swallow it

C. Gum can leave your stomach after you swallow in a few days later

D. If you often swallow gum, you might find yourself in a sticky situation


1.B 2.C 3.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文属于生活类阅读,介绍了日常生活中人们经常持有的四个错误观点,并介绍了相关的正确的观点。 1.B 细节题。根据第一部分第二段第三句The length of your hair is genetically determined.可知人的头发的长度是由基因决定的。故B正确。 2.C 细节题。根据第二部分第二段第二句Not only will you lose weight by starving yourself, but according to Carol Ann Rinzler, this may actually cause you to gain weight.可知一顿不吃饭实际上会让你发胖,而不是减少你的体重。故C正确。 3.Actually, it takes just a few days for gum to make its exit---not seven years可知口香糖并不会在你的胃里停留7天。故B项说法是错误的。 【名师点睛】 细节题是针对文中某个细节、某句话或某部分内容设置问题,正确答案的根据一定可以在原文中找到,即原文的改写往往成为正确选项。通常细节题的正确选项有以下特征: 1、对原文句子中的关键词进行替换。把原文中的一些词换成意义相近的词,成为正确选项。 以本文1题为例,这是一个典型的细节题,把句中的副词genetically转换成题中的名词gene。根据文章第一部分第二段第三句The length of your hair is genetically determined.可知人头发的长度是由人的基因所决定的。 2、语言简化。把原文中的复杂语言现象进行简化,成为正确答案。 如本文第2题,根据第二段第二句Not only will you lose weight by starving yourself, but according to Carol Ann Rinzler, this may actually cause you to gain weight.可知正确答案是C项,在出题时,出题人把原文中的not only…but also…结构简单化了,直接突出but also后的内容。形成C项答案cause you to become fatter。 考点:考查生活类阅读

请你写一篇英语短文,介绍16世纪后半叶到17世纪一位杰出的戏剧家 (dramatist)和诗人威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)。


1. 词数100-120左右;

2. 不需逐句翻译所有内容,可根据所给要点自行取舍。


1. 1564年4月出生于英国;

2. 七岁在当地学校念书,掌握了写作的基本技巧并拥有较丰富的语言知识。此外,他还学过拉丁语 (Latin) 和希腊语;

3. 1586年来到伦敦,当时戏剧 (drama) 正迅速流行起来,他做过演员,导演和编剧(scriptwriter);

4. 1588年前后开始写作,给世人留下了37部戏剧及154首14行诗歌 (sonnet), 塑造了一系列具有鲜明 (distinct) 个性的艺术形象 (artistic images)。其中《罗密欧和朱丽叶》 (Romeo and Juliet),《哈姆雷特》 (Hamlet) ,《李尔王》 (King Lear) 最为著名;

5. 人们评价他“不属于一个时代而属于所有世纪”(man of all ages)。




1.这个主题公园有一部分模拟的是古代中国的生活(场景)。  (be modelled after)

2.学校建议学生们在寒假接近大自然并进行锻炼。         (get close to)

3.我们接触说法语的环境越多,我们就会更好地学习法语。  (expose…to)

4.当时是困难时期,别的一切都不说,我们财政上也有问题。(apart from; financial)

5.Gustave Eiffel 对他修建铁塔的计划满怀热情,而这座塔使他闻名于世。 (construct; iron tower)




John Snow was a well-known physician in London. At that time, cholera was   1.    deadly disease and thousands of people died of it. People didn’t know its cause or its  2.  . John Snow determined to face the   3. and solve the problem.   4.  another outbreak hit London in 1854, he gathered information and made a map,   5.   (mark) the exact places where all the dead people had lived. Through further investigations, he discovered that the water was to   6. , because it was polluted by the dirty water from London.   7.  supporting evidence, John Snow announced that polluted water carried the germs. To prevent this from   8.   again, John suggested that the source of all the water supplies   9.   (examine) and new methods of   10.  (处理) polluted water be found. Thus cholera was defeated in the end.





It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25. I didn’t think there would be any      , sighing about having to be on duty on Christmas. Just then five bodies     at my desk, a pale woman and four children.

“Are you all     ?” I asked doubtfully. “Yes,” she said weakly and lowered her head.

But when it came to     of their problems, things got a little strange. They all claimed to have headaches, but the headaches weren’t accompanied(陪伴) by the     body language of holding the head or trying to keep it still.

Something was wrong. Our hospital policy,      , was not to turn away any patient. I explained it might be a little while      a doctor saw her. She responded immediately, even a bit     “Take your time,” and then added, “It’s warm in here.”

Out of curiosity, I checked their registration form. No address—they were       . I went back to the nurses’ station and mentioned we had a family of five in the waiting room. The nurses, complaining of      Christmas day, turned to sympathy for a family just trying to get       on Christmas. The team went into action, much as we do when there’s a     emergency. But this was a Christmas emergency.

We were all     a free meal in the hospital dining hall on Christmas Day, so we took back that meal and prepared a big dinner for our       .We needed presents. We        from different departments candies, fruits and other things      that could be presents. As seriously as we met the       needs of the patients that came to us that day, our team worked to meet the needs, ________ the expectation, of a family who just wanted to be warm on Christmas.

, as the family walked to the door to leave, the mother came      back, gave me a hug and whispered, “Thanks for being our angels today.”

1.A. patients         B. customers        C. nurses        D. doctors

2.A. took up          B. showed up       C. came up        D. held up

3.A. tired           B. hungry          C. sick           D. drunk

4.A.descriptions      B. directions      C. instructions  D. contributions

5.A. unique          B. ordinary        C. normal         D. unusual

6.A. therefore        B. otherwise        C. moreover       D. however

7.A. after            B. since            C. before        D. when

8.A. shyly           B. happily          C. calmly        D. politely

9.A. careless         B. hopeless         C. helpless       D. homeless

10.A. operating       B. performing       C. managing       D. working

11.A. warm          B. gift             C. relief         D. medicine

12.A. beneficial     B. similar         C. medical       D. different

13.A. rewarded        B. offered          C. allowed       D. bought

14.A. neighbors      B. relations        C. victims        D. guests

15.A. borrowed        B. received         C. collected      D. bought

16.A. expensive       B. useful           C. special       D. available

17.A. healthy         B. physical         C. basic          D. mental

18.A. without        B. below            C. behind        D. beyond

19.A. Later          B. Soon            C. Next          D. Then

20.A. to run         B. run             C. running        D. and ran




Texting (发短信) is nearly universal among people with cell phones. While texting can be a great way to stay in touch and to share the feelings of daily life, it sure has a downside.    1.  Read on to learn why it is time to put the phone down even if it’s just for an hour or an afternoon.

2.   We all know that cell phone use during the week hours can disturb our sleep patterns, but it's also true that texting during the day could harm our ability to get a good night’s sleep. In a recent study, researchers found that the more people texted during the day, the poorer their sleep was.

Your posture (姿势) is suffering. Texting can actually harm your whole body. People get so focused on their phones that they end up holding their neck and upper back in uncomfortable positions for a long time. That’s why people coined the phrase ‘text neck’, which refers to postural pain.    3.  Bring your phone to eye level while you use it. Oh, and give your phone a rest!

4.   Your texting could be a liability to the people around you. A recent study found that one in three people was distracted by mobile devices while walking. And texting walkers were four times more likely to ignore traffic lights and fail to look both ways at a cross.

Your school or work performance will suffer. Researchers discovered students texting too much gave worse performance in class.    5. Just reading or sending a text while working can increase the number of mistakes a worker makes during a single task.

A. It makes you a less responsible walker.

B. It’ll do harm to your sleep at night.

C. It can prevent you from really enjoying the activities you treasure.

D. We can’t believe we still have to say this, but it affects your driving.

E. But it isn’t just college students who face texting distractions (分神).

F. What do we lose when we get lost in the texting life?

G. Want to get rid of the effect of all this bending and texting?



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