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There is a ton to love about college life: new friends, classes you may be thrilled about and new-found freedom. All of a sudden you could do whatever you want, whenever you want. _1.__You get homesick.

_2._ A new place, unfamiliar faces, an increased mental workload adding stress on top of it all can be a difficult pill to swallow. This is your first time away from your habitual setting, the first time away from home for an indefinite period of time.

Homesickness affects roughly 7% of higher education students. That’s a lot, and it’s also only the ones that have expressed some concern. __3.__ You aren’t the first, nor the last, nor the only one with these feelings. It’s completely natural, and to be expected.

Recognizing that there is something wrong is the first step. It can be difficult to call home or speak to an advisor about being homesick when everyone around you seems to be having the times of their lives. But remember the fact that there are a ton of others feeling the same way. __4.__.

Also, in the age of everyone being connected via Face book and texting, it can be easy to retreat behind a wall of technology to communicate. __5. It can reduce contact to the new atmosphere around them.

A.  So what does this mean?

B.  However, this may do more harm than good.

C.  You are not alone, so don’t feel too upset.

D.  It can give you a little helping hand to speak up.

E.  But then something you don’t expect happens.

F.  So here are a few things to help get over those blues.

G. Believe it or not, feeling homesick is completely normal for any college student.


1.E 2.G 3.A 4.D 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了很多上大学的学生会想家,这是一种正常的情况。同时作者也在文章里提出了具体的解决方法。 1.E 根据前句All of a sudden you could do whatever you want, whenever you want.上大学以后你可以在你想要的任何时候,做你想做的任何事情。这是上大学的好处,后句You get homesick.叙述上大学的不利之处。说明上下文之间存在转折关系,故E项符合上下文串联。 2.G 根据第一段最后一句You get homesick.提出上大学会让我们想家,第二段应该接着第一段继续讲述大学生想家的有关情况。故G正确。 3.A 根据本段第一句Homesickness affects roughly 7% of higher education students.可知有百分之7的学生都会想家。再根据横线后一句You aren’t the first, nor the last, nor the only one with these feelings.你不是第一个,也不是最后一个,更不是唯一有这样想法的人。可知横线上这句是在解释前句That’s a lot, and it’s also only the ones that have expressed some concern.的含义。故A项符合上下文串联。 4.D 本段介绍处理这一问题的方法就是要说出来,因为说出你的感受可以帮助你克服思乡之情。故D项符合上下文串联。 5.Face book等方法消除思乡之情,但是这些方法会让你无法和你所在的环境相融合。也就是说这些方法也有很多不利之处。故B正确。 考点:考查生活类阅读

With the development of the Internet, it has resulted in a huge increase in credit-card fraud. Your card information could even be for sale in an illegal web site.

Web sites offering cheap goods and services should be regarded with care.

On-line shoppers who enter their credit-card information may never receive the goods they thought they bought. The thieves then go shopping with your card number or sell the information over the Internet. Computers hackers have broken down security systems, raising questions about the safety of cardholder information. Several months ago, 25, 000 customers of CD Universe , an on-line music retailer(零售商), were not lucky. Their names, addresses and credit-card numbers were posted on a Web site after the retailer refused to pay US $157, 828 to get back the information.

Credit-card firms are now fighting against on-line fraud. MasterCard is working on plans for Web only credit card, with a lower credit limit. The card could be used only for shopping on-line. However, there are a few simple steps you can take to keep from being cheated.

Ask about your credit-card firm’s on-line rules: Under British law, cardholders have to pay the first US $78 of any fraudulent(欺骗性的) spending.

And shop only at secure sites; Send your credit-card information only if the Web site offers advanced secure system.

If the security is in place, a letter will appear in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. The Website address may also start https: //—the extra “s” stands for secure. If in doubt, you’re your credit-card information over the telephone.

Keep your password safe: Most on-line sites require a user name and password before placing an order. Treat your passwords with care.

1.What is the meaning of “fraud”?

A. Safety.     B. Sale.      C. Payment.      D. Cheating.

2.What do most people worry about the Internet according to this passage?

A. Fraud on the Internet.

B. Many Web sites are destroyed.

C. Many illegal Web sites are on the Internet.

D. A lot of stolen credit-cards were sold on the Internet.

3.How can the thieves get the information of the credit card?

A. The customers give them the information.

B. The thieves steal the information from Web sites.

C. The customers sell the information to them.

D. The thieves buy the information from credit-card firms.

4.You are shopping on the site: http: // www. Shopping. com, and you want to buy a TV set, what does this article suggest you do?

A. Order the TV set at once.

B. Do not buy the TV set on this site.

C. E-mail the site your credit-card information.

D. Tell the site your password and buy the TV set for you.

5.How many pieces of advice does the passage give to you?

A. six.     B. three.     C. Five.     D. four.



Nowadays, more and more teenagers use smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices more than ever before. And the amount of time they spend on these devices is only likely to increase in the future. But are all these changes good?

We sometimes call children who are able to use mobile devices and technology easily digital natives. They can text, email, get Wi-Fi, and download. Some experts say that long periods of time spent chatting to friends online, playing video games and listening to mp3s, for example, may possibly change how their brains work.

Then there is the question of privacy. All this online activity creates a digital footprint. Every time we share a photo or a post on social media, and every time we search for something on the Internet, information about our activity is stored somewhere.

Our inability to control what happens to our children's digital footprint and their personal privacy has big possibilities. It might become normal for companies to ask their employees for their social media qualifications. We are also becoming more aware that companies and governments may be able to 'listen in' on our communications. So it is important to make our children aware of the possible results of over sharing.

Another area where the digital world may have a big effect is in education. One worry is that kids who spend a lot of time online at home are sometimes unable to socialize properly with other children when they are at school. Other experts point out that, when it comes to children and technology, the children are the experts, not the teachers. They say that we should stop seeing online as 'bad' and offline as 'good' and there is evidence of innovative work in some schools.

So, do we really need to rescue our children from the dangers of the digital world?

1. Which of the following can summarize the main idea of the text?

A. Do we need to rescue our kids from the digital world?

B. Should children learn to use digital technology?

C. Are there changes in children’s school life?

D. Should teachers accept changes in our life?

2.According to the second paragraph, what is the possible effect of digital childhood?

A. Children can grow up quickly.

B. Children can read texts fluently.

C. Children’s way of thinking may be changed.

D. Children may become mentally disabled.

3.All the following may happen to our digital footprints EXCEPT________

A. When surfing the Internet, our digital footprints are saved.

B. Some business societies may take advantage of the information.

C. Government may look into our communication through the Internet.

D. Digital pictures may be printed by our computer automatically.

4.Why are many teachers doubtful about digital technology?

A. Because some students can not do well in studies.

B. Because some teachers haven’t changed for years.

C. Because some students addicted to digital technology can not socialize well.

D. Because some teachers addicted to tradition technology cannot teach well.



As we all know, millions of people worldwide cook their food over smoky fire every day. It is often difficult to find wood for the fire. People who do not have wood must spend large amounts of money on cooking fuel. However, there is a much easier way to cook food using energy from the sun.

Solar cooker, or ovens, have been used for centuries. A Swiss scientist made the first solar oven in seventeen sixty-seven. Today, people are using solar cookers in many countries around the world. People use solar ovens to cook food and to heat drinking water to kill bacteria and other harmful organisms.

There are three kinds of solar ovens. The first is a box cooker, It is designed with a special wall that shines or reflects sunlight into the box .Heat gets trapped under a piece of glass or plastic covering the top of the cooker. A box oven is effective for slow cooking of large amounts of food.

The second kind of solar oven is a panel cooker. It includes several flat walls or panels that directly reflect the sun’s light onto the food. The food is inside a separate container of plastic or glass that traps heat energy. People can build panel cookers quickly and with very few supplies. They do not cost much. In Kenya ,for example ,panel cookers are being manufactured for just two dollars.

The third kind of solar oven is a parabolic cooker. It has rounded walls that aim sunlight directly into the bottom of the oven .Food cooks quickly in parabolic ovens .However, these cookers are hard to make. They must be re-aimed often to follow the sun .Parabolic cookers can also cause burns and eye injuries if they are not used correctly.

You can make solar ovens from boxes or heavy paper. They will not catch fire. Paper burns at two hundred thirty-two degrees Celsius. A solar cooker never gets that hot. Solar ovens cook food at low temperatures over long periods of time. This permits people to leave food to cook while they do other things.

1.If you have much food to cook , you’d better choose________ .

A. a box cooker            B. a panel cooker

C. a parabolic cooker      D. a paper cooker

2.According to the passage we can conclude that ______.

A. panel cooker is easy to make

B. box cooker is easy to make

C. box cooker is the most effective oven

D. panel cooker is the cheapest oven of the three

3.What is the main purpose of the author in writing the passage?

A. To advertise the solar ovens.

B. To help readers to save cost on fuel.

C. To tell the readers how to make solar ovens.

D. To give the readers brief introduction of solar ovens.



Myth: If you cut your hair, it will grow long faster.

Truth: That’s not true. “Your hair isn’t like a lawn or a rosebush, where cutting can stimulate fresh growth,” says Phillip Kingsley. The length of your hair is genetically determined. When it reaches a certain length, it stops growing. When you clear up the dead split ends, this make your hair look healthier, but not necessarily longer.

Myth: If you skip meals, you lose weight fast.

Truth: There’s no truth in this advice. Not only will you lose weight by starving yourself, but according to Carol Ann Rinzler, this may actually cause you to gain weight. Rinzler reasons that missing a meal causes your metabolism(新陈代谢) to slow down so that you burn food more slowly. This only makes you feel hungrier and by the time you finally do reach the table you will probably eat more food. Strange as it may seem, studies show that eating several small meals and snacks throughout the day is a more healthy way to lose pounds.

Myth: If you swallow gum,it will stay inside your stomach for seven years.

Truth: Actually, it takes just a few days for gum to make its exit---not seven years, says NeiIzenberg, M. D., editor of Kids Health Organization. But because gum is made of the same thing as rubber, it cannot be fully digested in your stomach--- so if you gum up the works on a regular basis, you might find yourself in a sticky situation.

Myth: The best way to stop a nosebleed is to lift your head back.

Truth: Now that’s bad advice. Bloody noses are caused by broken blood vessels, so while lifting your head back might stop the fluid from rushing out of your nose, it won’t stop the bleeding; you’ll just end up swallowing lots of blood. Your best bet? “Rest quietly. Don’t poke or pick, and the blood will naturally clot (凝结) within a minute or two”. Suggests Dr. Izenberg.

1.The length of your hair is determined by ________

A. cutting it often       B. your gene

C. the food you eat       D. clearing up the dead split ends

2.According to Carol Ann Rinzler, skipping meals will __________.

A. help you lose weight fast

B. help you lose weight slowly

C. cause you to become fatter

D. make you burning food more quickly

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Gum cannot be fully digested in the stomach

B. Gum can stay inside your stomach for seven years if you swallow it

C. Gum can leave your stomach after you swallow in a few days later

D. If you often swallow gum, you might find yourself in a sticky situation



请你写一篇英语短文,介绍16世纪后半叶到17世纪一位杰出的戏剧家 (dramatist)和诗人威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)。


1. 词数100-120左右;

2. 不需逐句翻译所有内容,可根据所给要点自行取舍。


1. 1564年4月出生于英国;

2. 七岁在当地学校念书,掌握了写作的基本技巧并拥有较丰富的语言知识。此外,他还学过拉丁语 (Latin) 和希腊语;

3. 1586年来到伦敦,当时戏剧 (drama) 正迅速流行起来,他做过演员,导演和编剧(scriptwriter);

4. 1588年前后开始写作,给世人留下了37部戏剧及154首14行诗歌 (sonnet), 塑造了一系列具有鲜明 (distinct) 个性的艺术形象 (artistic images)。其中《罗密欧和朱丽叶》 (Romeo and Juliet),《哈姆雷特》 (Hamlet) ,《李尔王》 (King Lear) 最为著名;

5. 人们评价他“不属于一个时代而属于所有世纪”(man of all ages)。



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