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More than 2.25 billion cups of coffee ar...

More than 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed across the globe each day, and it’s likely that many taste bitter.

Now, a new study suggests that coffee fans can make their drink taste sweeter by simply changing the colour of their cups.

Scientists claim that blue and glass mugs, which are popular in some coffee shops, can reduce coffee’s bitterness, without any need for sugar, and that coffee drunk from white cups tastes the bitterest.

To prove their claims, the researchers invited 36 volunteers and used three different colored cups -- blue, white and transparent glass -- to do an experiment.

In the experiment, coffee consumed from the white cup was found to taste less sweet when compared to the other two colored cups, while the blue cup made the coffee taste the sweetest.

The scientists believe that the colour brown may be associated with coffee’s bitterness because coffee in a white cup appears the brownest and tastes the bitterest.

“Our study clearly shows that the colour of a coffee cup does influence the perceived (感受到的) taste and flavor of coffee,” said Dr George Doorn of Federation University Australia, “but the potential effects may be different between a one-time purchase and a return customer.”

“Anyhow, the effect of the colour of the cup on the flavor of the coffee suggests that café owners, baristas (服务员), as well as coffee cup manufacturers should carefully consider the colour of their cups, he added.

However, the idea that colour can alter the taste of food and drink is not new.

A study published last year revealed that red, strawberry-flavored mousse (慕斯蛋糕) served on a white plate was rated as 10 percent sweeter and 15 percent more flavorous than the same food presented on a black plate.

1.What color of the cup can best reduce coffee’s bitterness without adding sugar?

A. Blue.          B. Brown.       C. White.        D. Transparent.

2.The scientists used ________ to do the experiment to prove their claims.

different brands of coffee

different colored coffee cups

several volunteers

several manufactures

A. ① ②           B. ② ③         C. ② ④       D. ③ ④

3.Why does coffee in white cups taste the least sweet?

A. Because white cups are not as beautiful as other cups.

B. Because white cups make coffee appear the brownest.

C. Because white cups reduce the sugar in them.

D. Because white cups are better used to serve cakes.

4.According to the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Black plates increase the sweetness of food and drink.

B. Strawberry-flavored mousse is 10 percent sweeter than coffee.

C. People consume more than 2.5 billion cups of coffee across the globe every year.

D. People can make coffee taste sweeter by changing the color of their coffee cups.


1.A 2.B 3.B 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:全球每天消费的咖啡超过22.5亿杯。现在,一项新的研究表明通过简单的改变杯子的颜色就能改变人们喝到的甜味的程度。 1.A事实细节题。根据短文Scientists claim that blue and glass mugs, which are popular in some coffee shops, can reduce coffee’s bitterness, without any need for sugar, and that coffee drunk from white cups tastes the bitterest. 可知使用蓝色的杯子可以不通过添加糖分就减轻咖啡的苦度。故选A。 2.B细节理解题。根据To prove their claims, the researchers invited 36 volunteers and used three different colored cups -- blue, white and transparent glass -- to do an experiment. 可知研究者通过一些志愿者和不同颜色的咖啡杯来做实验。故选B。 3.B细节理解题。根据短文The scientists believe that the colour brown may be associated with coffee’s bitterness because coffee in a white cup appears the brownest and tastes the bitterest. 可知棕色和咖啡的苦读有关系,而白色最能凸显咖啡的棕色,因此白色杯子里的咖啡喝起来更苦。故选D。 4.D推理判断题。根据短文Scientists claim that blue and glass mugs, which are popular in some coffee shops, can reduce coffee’s bitterness, without any need for sugar, and that coffee drunk from white cups tastes the bitterest. 可知使用蓝色的杯子可以不通过添加糖分就减轻咖啡的苦度。根据短文The scientists believe that the colour brown may be associated with coffee’s bitterness because coffee in a white cup appears the brownest and tastes the bitterest. 可知棕色和咖啡的苦读有关系,而白色最能凸显咖啡的棕色,因此白色杯子里的咖啡喝起来更苦。因此可知通过简单的改变杯子的颜色就能改变人们喝到的甜味的程度。故选D。 考点:考查社会现象类阅读

An African proverb says that a single hand cannot tie a bundle. Everyone needs companions to help them sail through the rough seas of life. Even the strongest and richest person still needs friends. Our money and strength would have no value if we had no friends to share with us. The best friendship is a give-and-take relationship. We need the support of our family, friends and the community. In turn we also give support to the society, our friends and our family.

The word “friend” has many meanings. It could be the bus driver who takes you to and from work every day. It could be a parent, a colleague, a wife or husband, a brother or sister, or even the unknown person who helped you just once when you could not find your way. Real friends share not only our happiness but our sorrows as well. This may explain why we have the expression “a friend in need is a friend indeed”.

Friendship is like the sunshine that keeps us warm. It is like the refreshing raindrops on the fields that give the farmers hope of a good planting season. Without friends our life would be like a desert where our only friend would be loneliness and sadness. The most fortunate person is the one who has friends from all levels in the society. A driver might find friends not only among his colleagues but among farmers, bankers, traders, students, politicians or teachers. We should never forget our old friends when we make new ones. We should treasure each of our friends whether poor or rich, beautiful or not. Each friend is unique in his or her own way. And all together, they enrich life and make it very colourful.

1.What is the main topic of the passage?

A. How to sail through the sea of life.

B. Friends and friendship.

C. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

D. Never forget old friends when making new ones.

2.What is the correct understanding of friends according to the writer?

A. Friends who share our happiness are not real friends.

B. Friends will take us through rough seas.

C. Friends never expect anything from others.

D. Friends can be different people around us.

3.An unknown person can be a friend as well when          .

A. he helps you with what you need

B. he is told how to find his way

C. he becomes one of your family

D. he is a driver taking you from and to work

4.The underlined word “unique” in the last paragraph most probably means “         ”.

A. special         B. poor      C. rich           D. valuable



It’s summer movie time again. Check out our list of four films.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Release Date: November 4

Story: It’s the summer before Harry Potter’s third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A dangerous murderer, Sirius Black, has escaped from the Wizards’ Prison. And he was ordered to kill Harry Potter.

Around the World in 80 Days

Release Date: November 16

Story: This version of the classic novel set in 1872 focuses on Passepartout ( Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan), a Chinese thief who seeks refuge (庇护) with a strange London adventurer, Phileas Fogg. Passepartout uses his martial art skills(军事技能) to defend Fogg from danger as he travels around the world in 80 days.

Spider-Man 2

Release Date: November 30

Story: Peter Parker is still coming to accept his dual identity (双重身份) as the crime superhero Spider-Man. He wants to reveal his secret identity to Mary Jane, meanwhile, his Aunt May is in trouble. This is Dr Otto Octavius who has appeared to bring her a lot of troubles.

King Arthur

Release Date: November 7

Story: King Arthur is presented as a clever ruler who manages to unite all the knights in Britain. Under the guidance of Merlin and the beautiful, brave Guinevere, Arthur will struggle to realize his dreams.

1.When can you see the film acted by Jackie Chan?

A. November 4       B. November 30

C. November 16.      D. November 7.

2.In Spider-Man 2, Aunt May’s trouble is caused by______.

A. Spider-Man     B. Peter Parker

C. Mary Jane        D. Dr Otto Octavius

3.What kind of article of this passage?

A. A news report     B. A funny diary.

C. An advertisement.  D. A composition.




It is a great honor as well as a pleasure for me to be praised by the teacher publicly before my classmates.

注意:1. 续写词数100个左右;

2. 不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。




假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

How time flies! I can never forget how I became a good table tennis player. The first day I went to high school, I saw some of my classmates played table tennis. Amazed at how skillful they were, I was determined to play just as good. Later on, I often watch them carefully to learn their techniques.

Then I  kept practicing hardly until I became too confident enough to challenge the good players. At the end of term, I became one of the best players in my class. I am really proud for this experience. It helps me realize that I can fulfill our potential but achieve our goals through hard work.




Many years ago there was such a child with the name Hokey___1.___ father brought home a mirror. Hokey had never seen one before so when he saw it for___2.__ first time, he didn’t understand __3.__  it was, but he saw another boy in the mirror, which made him very happy, for he thought the boy had come to play with him. He spoke to the stranger in a very friendly way, but received no reply. He laughed and waved at the boy, who did __4.__ (exact) the same thing. Then he thought, “I’ll go closer. It may be because he doesn’t hear me.” But when he began to talk, the other boy imitated him.

Hokey stopped____5.__(think) about these strange actions, saying to himself.,“This boy is fooling me. He does everything that I do.” The more he thought about it, the __6.___(angry)he became and soon he noticed the boy became very angry too. So Hokey ___7.__(strike) the boy in the glass, but he only hurt his own hand and went___8.___(cry) to his father, who said, “The boy you saw was ___9.__ image. This should teach you an important lesson, my son. You should never show your anger to others. Now remember that in real life when you strike___10.__ cause you will hurt yourself most of all..



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