满分5 > 高中英语试题 >


在学习、生活和工作中,学会与人合作是非常重要的。请你根据下表中提供的信息,写一篇题为“Being a Good Partner ”的英文演讲稿。






心情愉快, 同甘共苦




你的观点…… (至少2个)



1. 对所给要点进行陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。

2. 词数100左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

3. 参考词汇:合作cooperation(n.)  cooperate(v.)

Good afternoon, everyone!

The topic of my speech today is “being a good partner”. _____________________





One possible version: Good afternoon, everyone! The topic of my speech today is “being a good partner”. Cooperation is a good way for us to learn from each other as well as to improve our friendship. Successful cooperation can save us a lot of time and energy. We will be lucky enough to find someone we like to cooperate with, which will make us feel very happy and long to continue the cooperation. However, it can be difficult to team up with someone we dislike. In this case, we’d learn to put up with some of his shortcomings and try to discover his advantages. How can we become a good partner? As for me, first of all, we should try to listen to others’ opinions. If he makes mistakes, we’d better try to point them out in a polite way. Besides, never force our own ideas on others. Wish my views would be helpful. Thank you for your listening! 【解析】 试题分析:本文属于提纲类短文,要点均已列出。考生需要考虑篇章结构,本文要分成三段,第一段叙述与人合作的重要性。第二段分别叙述与不同的人合作有不同的好处。第三段叙述应该如何合作。要点:1. 在学习、生活和工作中,学会与人合作是非常重要的。有利于互相学习,增进友谊,节省时间与精力。2. 与喜欢的人合作,心情愉快, 同甘共苦。与不喜欢的人合作,学会容忍,发现优点。3.与人合作要讲究诚信,多倾听。 【名师点睛】 一篇好的作文首先需要良好的篇章结构;其次需要良好的词汇和高级句式,选词要地道。长短句配合使用。个人观点要精练切题。这盆范文给了我们很好的例子,1.全文分为三段,显得层次分明,有主有次。2.高级句式中定语从句:We will be lucky enough to find someone we like to cooperate with, which will make us feel very happy and long to continue the cooperation.该句既有限制性定语从句也有非限制性定语从句,很好的提升了文章的格致。3.第三段中个人观点:倾听他人观点,礼貌指出别人错误;不强迫他人接受自己观点,这与文章主题很契合,而且不拖沓。 考点:考查提纲类短文  




删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。




I’d like tell you something about your life in this boarding school.I stay in a dormitory with three other girls, all of them are kind and nice. We get on well to others and have become good friends. Living in a boarding school make me independent. I am confidence to take care of myself, wash the clothes, and clean the rooms, which I never did when at home. The classes here are very interesting and challenged. I’m still feeling a little dissatisfied with some other thing. The living conditions are not as good as it at home and the chance to get in touch with the outside world is limited. Anyway, I’ll get used to living here and hope the everything will be better soon.




Born in 1930, Yuan Longping graduated 1.   Southeast Agricultural College in 1953. Since then, finding ways to grow more rice   2.   (be) his life goal. As a young man, he saw the great 3.  for increasing the rice output. At that time, hunger was a    4.   (disturb) problem in many parts of the countryside. Yuan Longping grows   5.  is called super hybrid rice, making    6.  possible to increase rice harvest without   7.  (expand) the area of the field. Yuan Longping has been considered the first agricultural pioneer in the world 8. (grow) rice that has a high output. 9.   to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world 10.  hunger.




Billy, a hard – working student, is fourteen years old and in the ninth grade. He has a part – time job that ________ him up every morning at five o’clock, when most people are still   ________  asleep. He is a newspaper boy.

Each morning, Billy leaves the house at 5:15 to go to the   ________ where the newspapers always are. The newspapers were ________to the corner by truck at midnight. He always takes a wagon to ________them.

In the winter it is still dark ________  he gets up every day, but during the rest of the year it is ________ . Billy must send the newspapers to the houses of people on his ________ in all kinds of weather. He tries to put each paper on the porch (门廊) where it will be ________ from wind and rain or snow. Sometimes his customers give him tips, ________ him very excited.

Billy earns about $ 70 per month through hard ________ , and he is saving some of the money to go to ________  where he has always been longing to go. Besides that, he ________ the rest of the earnings on records and clothes. Once a month, he has to collect the ________ at night since many of the people work during the day. That is when he is ________ so that he is full of excitement. Luckily, he gets ________ supported by his family. Sometimes, when Billy is sick, his brother offers to deliver the newspapers for him. Once, his father was too ________  to help him.

Billy has seventy customers now, but he doesn’t feel ________ about the number.

He dreams that he will get ________ customers as possible some day. ________ , he might win a prize for being an outstanding newspaper boy. He wants to win a trip to Europe, but he will be happy if he wins a new bicycle.

1.A.wakes      B.takes       C.gets       D.picks

2.A.sound       B.falling      C.fall       D.soundly

3.A.corner      B.street       C.room       D.department

4.A.given       B.addressed   C.handed     D.delivered

5.A.carry       B.bring       C.send        D.load

6.A.at which    B.while        C.that       D.when

7.A.short       B.black        C.light       D.long

8.A.road        B.way          C.route       D.path

9.A.protected   B.stopped      C.kept       D.prevented

10.A.making     B.letting      C.leading     D.causing

11.A.attempt    B.job         C.work        D.struggle

12.A.abroad     B.company      C.college     D.hospital

13.A.costs     B.spends       C.pays        D.uses

14.A.paper      B.money       C.newspapers D.records

15.A.depressed B.energetic    C.fulfilled  D.moved

16.A.very      B.great        C.greatly     D.a lot of

17.A.likely     B.reluctant    C.tired      D.willing

18.A.satisfying B.pleasant     C.contented  D.happy

19.A.many more B.as much      C.as many    D.much more

20.A.If that   B.If so       C.Besides     D.What’s more




Building Trust in a Relationship Again

Trust is a learned behavior that we gain from past experiences.    1.  Trust is a risk. But you can’t be successful when there’s a lack of trust in a relationship that results from an action where the wrongdoer takes no responsibility to fix the mistake.

Unfortunately, we’ve all been victims of betrayal(出卖,背叛). Whether we’ve been stolen from, lied to, misled, or cheated on, there are different levels of losing trust.    2. They’ve been too badly hurt and they can’t bear to let it happen again. It’s understandable, but if you’re willing to build trust in a relationship again, we have some steps you can take to get you there.

●Learn to really trust yourself. Having confidence in yourself will help you make better choices because you can see what the best outcome would be for your well-being.

   3.  If you’ve been betrayed, you are the victim of your circumstance. But there’s a difference between being a victim and living with a “victim mentality”. At some point in all of our lives, we’ll have our trust tested or violated.

  4. Once trust is lost, what is left? Instead of looking at the situation from this hopeless angle, look at everything you still have and be thankful for all of the good in your life.   5. Instead, it’s a healthy way to work through the experience to allow room for positive growth and forgiveness.

A. You didn’t lose “everything”

B. It is putting confidence in someone.

C. Stop regarding yourself as the victim.

D. Sometimes people simply can’t trust any more.

E. Remember that you can expect the best in return.

F. This knowledge carries over in their attitude toward their future relationships.

G. Seeing the positive side of things doesn’t mean you’re ignoring what happened



When should people be made to retire? 55? 65? Should there be a compulsory age limit?

Many old people work well into their 70s and 80s, running families, countries or corporations. Other people,however, despite being fit and highly talented, are forced to retire in their fifties or even earlier because of the regulations of a company or the nation. This essay will examine whether people should be allowed to continue working as long as they want or whether they should be encouraged to retire at a particular stage.

Some people think there are several arguments for allowing older people to continue working as long as they are able. First of all, older employees have an immense amount of knowledge and experience which can be lost to a business or organization if they are made to retire. A second point is that older employees are often extremely loyal employees and are more willing to carry out company policies than younger less committed staff. However, a more important point is regarding the attitudes in society to old people. To force someone to resign or retire at 60 indicates that the society does not value the input of these people and that effectively their useful life is over. Age is irrelevant to a working life, surely if older employees are told they cannot work after 60, this is age discrimination. That they become old does not necessarily mean they are going to be sick. Old people could be more aware, experienced and committed than some youngsters.

Others, however, think that allowing older people to work indefinitely is not a good policy. Age alone is no guarantee of ability. Old people are only ambitious workaholics who are too selfish and self-centered to believe that a younger person could do better. Actually, many younger employees have more experience or skills than older staff, who may have been stuck in one area or unit for most of their working lives. Having compulsory retirement allows new ideas in an organization. In addition, without age limits, however, many people would continue to work purely because they did not have any other plans or roles. A third point of view is that older people should be rewarded by society for their life’s labor by being given generous pensions and the freedom to enjoy their leisure. We now have youngsters who can’t find jobs because old people are choosing not to retire. Old people are not retiring because this new generation of “old people” think they will never die due to modern advances in medicine.

With many young people unemployed or frustrated in low-level positions, there are often calls to compulsorily retire older workers. However, this can affect the older individual’s freedom and right to work and can deprive(剥夺) society of valuable experience and insights. I feel that giving workers more flexibility and choice over their retirement age will benefit society and the individual.

1.What is the purpose of this passage?

A. To explain the compulsory age limit.

B. To discuss the retirement age.

C. To examine people’s working life.

D. To introduce a particular stage.

2.Which of the following is NOT a reason for allowing old people to continue working according to the passage?

A. Their contribution should be valued.

B. Their experience should be made use of.

C. They can help the youngsters.

D. They are loyal employees.

3.It can be inferred in the fourth passage that ______.

A. The young people have more creative spirits

B. Modern advances in medicine make old people never die

C. Pensions and freedom are not given to the old now

D. Old people believe that a younger person could do better

4.The passage is arranged as follows:

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