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Alaska’s Arctic lakes now freeze later a...

Alaska’s Arctic lakes now freeze later and melt earlier in the year than in 1950,leaving them easy to suffer water loss from evaporation(蒸发)and possibly adding to local warming,a new study finds.The winter ice season near Barrow,Alaska,is shorter than in 1950,researchers reported Jan.30 in the journal The Cryosphere.

Lake ice is also thinner each winter.The scientists surveyed 402 lakes on the North Slope,where permafrost (permanently frozen ground)and shallow lakes dominate the areA. In 2011,the lake ice was 38 percent thinner than in 1950,and 22 percent fewer lakes froze through to their bottoms.

“When we saw the actual numbers we were shocked at how dramatic the change has been,”lead study author Cristina Surdu,of the University of Waterloo in Canada,said in a statement.Surdu and her co-authors analyzed the changes in lake—ice thickness and ice cover with satellite images and climate model simulations(satellite images are only available from 1991).

The climate models suggest the Arctic lakes froze almost six days later and broke up about 18 days earlier in the winter of 2011 compared with the winter of 1950.“The changes in ice and the shortened winter affect Northern communities that depend on ice roads to transport goods,”Surdu saiD. For example,every winter,oil companies build roads over frozen lakes to carry supplies to Prudhoe Bay.

“The dramatic changes in lake ice may also contribute to further warming of the entire region,because open water on lakes contributes to warmer air temperatures,”Surdu saiD. The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet,for reasons that may include its layered atmosphere,which traps heat,and the loss of sea ice and snow cover,which help reflect the sun’s energy when present.

1.What does the text mainly tell us?

A. Arctic 1akes now freeze earlier and melt 1ater.

B. Alaska’s local warming is decreasing sharply.

C. Arctic lakes are losing ice.

D. Arctic lakes hold more flesh water than before.

2.According to the text,the great changes of Alaska’s Arctic lakes ________.

A. are totally beyond Surdu’s expectations

B. are completely within Surdu’s expectations

C. come as no surprise to Surdu and her co-authors

D. come as a great excitement to Surdu

3.How many days was the winter ice season of Arctic 1akes in 2011 shorter than that in 1950?

A. 6 days.

B. 12 days.

C. 18 days.

D. 24 days.

4.What is the last paragraph mainly about according to Surdu?

A. What reflects the sun’s energy.

B. How its layered atmosphere traps heat.

C. Why our planet is warming.

D. Why the Arctic region is becoming warmer.


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.D 【解析】 1.纵观全文,文章主要讲述的是由于气候的变化,北极的冬天的时间比起60多年前减少了很多天,导致了气温上升,北极圈的雪减少,故选C。 2.根据文章中的第三段的When we saw the actual numbers we were shocked at how dramatic the change has been,可知A选项的意思与之相符。 3.根据文章第四段中的第一句:The climate models suggest the Arctic lakes froze almost six days later and broke up about 18 days earlier in the winter of 2011 compared with the winter of 1950,可知结冰期迟了六天,而破冰期又早了18天,故加起来一共24天,故选D正确。 4.根据最后一段的内容以及本段的第一句:The dramatic changes in lake ice may also contribute to further warming of the entire region,可知D选择正确。

The human body is designed to move. But modern lifestyles and office jobs rarely give us the chance to move around. As we know. we're while we're eating; we sit in the car and we sit while we watch TV. And many of us sit for many hours at work.

New research shows that sitting less than three hours a day might extend your life by two years. Peter Katzmarzyk,a scientist at the University of Louisiana in the southern United States,says that sitting is ubiquitous in our lives,meaning it is something we do all the time,everywhere.

However,Mr. Katzmarzyk says that does not mean you can sit for the rest of your waking hours. He also says you may exercise often,“We can't throw away physical activity. It's extremely important. We have 60 years of research showing us that.

  Mr. Katzmarzyk and his coi leagues are part of a new generation of researchers studying how sitting all day affects length of life. “Studies that have assessed the relationship between sitting and mortality(死亡率)or television viewing and mortality are very rare. There's only been a few of them,actually five or six now,in the last four or five years. ”They found that cutting television time to less than two hours a day could add one-point four years to life.

Luckily,change is already coming to some offices,especially in the design of desks. A “standing desk”lets people stand while they work. Another new design is called the “treadmill desk. A treadmill is an exercise machine that lets you walk in one place. Even some U. S. schools are beginning to experiment with desks that are part bicycle to keep children moving. That's one of the strategies that many companies are using now.

Mr. Katzmarzyk also says studying this problem has inspired his team to make a few changes in their own lives.

1.Which view agrees with the opinion of Mr. Katzmarzyk?

A. Sitting too long may help increase one's life.

B. Exercise is important and don't sit too long.

C. Watching TV is bad,but can broaden one's horizons.

D. Stopping watching TV is a necessary but hard task.

2.What does Mr. Katzmarzyk think of his study in Paragraph 4?

A. It's a ly new area of study.

B. It's a hot subject studied by experts.

C. It's a study that begins too late.

D. It's not ignored by many experts.

3.Why are the desks of all kinds designed for those who sit more?

A. To give them more comfort.

B. To improve their work efficiency.

C. To offer them the chance to exercise.

D. To seek pleasure while working.



Raised in a fatherless home,my father was extremely tightfisted towards us children. His attitude didn’t soften as I grew into adulthood and went to college. I had to ride the bus whenever I came home. Though the bus stopped about two miles from home,Dad never met me,even in severe weather. If I grumbled,he’d say in his loudest father-voice,“That’s what your legs are for!”

The walk didn’t bother me as much as the fear of walking alone along the highway and country roads. I also felt less than valued that my father didn’t seem concerned about my safety. But that feeling was canceled one spring evening.

It had been a particularly difficult week at college after long hours in labs. I longed for home. When the bus reached the stop,I stepped off and dragged my suitcase to begin the long journey home.

A row of hedge(树篱)edged the driveway that climbed the hill to our house. Once I had turned off the highway to start the last lap of my journey,I always had a sense of relief to see the hedge because it meant that I was almost home. On that particular evening,the hedge had just come into view when I saw something gray moving along the top of the hedge,moving toward the house. Upon closer observation,I realized it was the top of my father’s head. Then I knew,each time I’d come home,he had stood behind the hedge,watching,until he knew I had arrived safely. I swallowed hard against the tears. He did care,after all.

On later visits,that spot of gray became my watchtower. I could hardly wait until I was close enough to watch for its secret movement above the greenery. Upon reaching home,I would find my father sitting innocently in his chair. “So! My son,it’s you!” he’d say,his face lengthening into pretended surprise.

I replied,“Yes,Dad,it’s me. I’m home.”

1.What does the underlined word “grumbled” in Paragraph 1 probabl满分5 manfen5.comy mean     .

A. Accepted happily.

B. Explained clearly.

C. Agreed willingly.

D. Spoke unhappily.

2.What made the author feel upset was ______.

A. the tiredness after long hours in labs

B. the fear of seeing something moving

C. the feeling of being less than valued

D. the loneliness of riding the bus home

3.The author’s father watched behind the hedge because ______.

A. he was concerned about his son’s safety

B. he wanted to help his son build up courage

C. he didn’t want to meet his son at the doorway

D. he didn’t think his son was old enough to walk alone

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text

A. My Father’s Secret.

B. The Life of My father.

C. Terrible Journey Home.

D. Riding Bus Alone.



学习英语的方法有很多,你最喜欢的方法是什么?请以My Favorite English Study Method 为题写一篇100词左右的短文。





假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

  增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。

  删除: 把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。

  修改: 在错词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



  Yesterday I showed to my friend Peter around Beijing city.We started off at 8:00 a.m.First we went to the Forbidden City, which was one of the most popular tourist spot in Beijing.Then we visited the History Museum.We observed a lot of valuable things in them and we learned a lot about Chinese history.After a quick meal, we wentto Beihai Park.Upon arrival, we were all struck by its beautiful scenes.We spent a whole afternoon appreciated the wonder.It was until 18:00 p.m.that we went back.

  We did have a wonderful time.Peter was very pleased with my arrangement that he

invited me to a new-built western restaurant to have a big meal.



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  Sandy Greenberg came from a poor family.He went to Columbia University on a scholarship and there he met his roommate who also was receiving financial     .

    Unfortunately, Sandy had a(n)        disease during his second year at Columbia University, and finally he became blinD. But     for Sandy, something else also happened to him his roommate would        his textbooks to him, every night after he lost his sight.

    As a result, Sandy went on to     with honors.He went off to study at OxforD. He was still quite poor, but he had managed to     about five hundred dollars as he went along.

    His roommate       went on to graduate school.One day, Sandy got a   from him at OxforD. His former roommate said, "Sandy, I'm really   .I really don't like being in graduate school, and I don't want to do this."

    "Well, what do you want to do? " Sandy    .

    His roommate told him, "Sandy, I really love to      .I have a high school friend who plays the guitar.And we would really like to       our hands in the music business.But we need to make a promo record, and in order to       that I need $500."

    Sandy took all his life savings without       and sent it to his roommate.Well, his roommate was the      famous singer, Art Garfunkel, and he       up with another musician, Paul Simon.That $500       them make a record that finally became The Sound of Silence.

    How we are able to deal with       in our lives will be influenced by how we deal with others       the way.What we get will depend a lot on what we     .And that's the end of the story of doing well by doing good.

1.A. aid               B. advice         C. crisis           D. pressure

2.A. eye             B. ear            C. nose             D. bone

3.A. finally           B. luckily        C. sadly            D. excitedly

4.A. lend              B. offer          C. read             D. return

5.A. survive           B. research       C. leave            D. graduate

6.A. save              B. earn           C. keep             D. borrow

7.A. never            B. still          C. either          D. also

8.A. message           B. call           C. card             D. report

9.A. unhappy          B. unhealthy       C. homesick      D. lonely

10.A. suggested        B. answered        C. asked         D. laughed

11.A. work             B. sing           C. dance          D. travel

12.A. wave             B. wash           C. try              D. clean

13.A. win              B. do             C. prove            D. earn

14.A. permission       B. consideration    C. hesitation       D. expectation

15.A. other            B. present         C. former          D. later

16.A. teamed          B. came             C. showed           D. let

17.A. saw              B. helped           C. hoped           D. let

18.A. interests        B. opportunities    C. difficulties     D. feelings

19.A. across           B. in               C. by              D. along

20.A. take             B. give           C. like             D. learn



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