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When 24-year-old Hannah Brencher moved t...

When 24-year-old Hannah Brencher moved to New York after college,she was hit by loneliness. One day she felt so     that she want to reach out to someone. And so she put pen to paper and started writing letters-letters to complete     .

But these weren’t       letters about how she was feeling. There were happy letters,all about the other person,not her. She would write messages for people to have a             day " and tell strangers how brilliant they were,    they thought no one else had noticed. Brencher began dropping the   all over New York,in cafes,in library books,in parks and on the subway. It made her     letter,knowing that she might be making somebody’s     through just a few       words. It gave her     to focus on. And so,The Word Needs More Love Letters was born.

The movement is all about          letters—not emails,but handwritten letters. Not   love letters,written to a real beloved,but       letters for strangers. They don’t necessarily say “I love you”,but they are   .  kindness—telling people they are remarkable and   15   and all-round amazing. It’s the sort of stuff that most people don’t really say out loud even to the people they     ,let alone a total stranger.

Brencher’s initiative(初衷) has now     .There are more than 10,000 people who join in all over the world. Last year,she gave a talk. In it,she talked about a university student who dropped letters around her campus,only to suddenly     everyone was writing them and there were love letters hanging from the trees.

It’s a very cute idea. I know that if I was on the       end of a letter like that,it almost certainly would put a       on my face. So I decided to give it a try and see if I could do the same for someone else.

1.A. sick            B. alone           C. comfortable   D. great

2.A. businessmen     B. friends         C. strangers     D. fools

3.A. formal          B. sad             C. long          D. careless

4.A. rainy           B. cold            C. hot           D. bright

5.A. in case         B. so that         C. as though     D. even if

6.A. notes           B. pens            C. papers        D. books

7.A. feel            B. behave          C. study         D. play

8.A. way             B. day             C. fortune       D. dream

9.A. funny            B. sweet          C. big           D. empty

10.A. anything        B. everything     C. something    D. nothing

11.A. opening         B. reading        C. writing   D. answering

12.A. countless       B. endless        C. public    D. conventional

13.A. official        B. polite         C. apology    D. surprise

14.A. full of         B. short of      C. prepared for   D. known for

15.A. strong          B. special       C. common         D. friendly

16.A. look down upon  B. give up on  C. care about     D. worry about

17.A. failed          B. occurred      C. stopped      D. exploded

18.A. find            B. forget        C. remember     D. guess

19.A. receiving       B. sending      C. starting     D. finishing

20.A. sign            B. wrinkle       C. smile        D. sticker


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.C 11.C 12.D 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.A 20.C 【解析】 1.根据此题前面出现的loneliness,的可知此题答案应选B,alone,此处考查的是同根词复现。 2.根据第二段中出现的and tell strangers how brilliant they were,可知此题答案选C,此处是同词复现。 3.根据此题后面的一句中出现的There were happy letters,根据happy此关键词,可知此处应选happy的反义词,故选B。 4.根据此题后面的一句说:tell strangers how brilliant they were,可知道brilliant(卓越的,辉煌的),可知道此题的答案应该与该词的意思接近,故选D。 5.in case 以防万一;so that以便;as though好像;even if即使。句意:即使他们不为其他人所注意,也要告诉陌生人他们有多么的卓越。根据句意可知选D 6.根据对上下文的理解,并结合各选项的意思,可知A选项的note(便条)与上文44题所在句子中的messages意思相近,故选A。 7.根据对上下文的理解并结合题目中各个选项的意思,只有A选项的意思才读得通顺,故选A。 8.根据对文章的理解,可把本句的意思理解成:她也许是仅仅通过几句好听的话来使到他们的所过的那一天(day)更加美好,故选B。 9.根据对文章的理解,可把本句的意思理解成:她也许是仅仅通过几句好听的(sweet)话来使到他们的所过的那一天更加美好,故选,因此选B。 10.Anything任何东西;everything每一样东西;something某样东西;nothing 没有东西。根据上下文的意思,可知道C选项符合句意。 11.11】根据下文的内容 but handwritten letters,可知这些信都是手写的,故选C。 12.12】countless数不清的;endless没完没了的;public公众的;conventional常规的,传统的。根据句意,可知作者要表达的意思是:这些不是常规的信件,不是那些写给心爱的人的。可知本题应选D。 13.13】official 官方的,正式的;polite礼貌的;apology道歉;surprise惊讶,惊喜。根据句意,并结合选项的意思,只有选D合理,这是给人惊喜的信件。 14.14】full of充满;short of 缺少;prepared for为…准备;known for因…而著名。文章中句子的意思是:但它们(这些信件)充满了和善。故选A。 15.15】根据上文中出现的remarkable(非凡的,显著地),可知此空格应选一个与remarkable意思相近的词,故选B。 16.16】look down upon看不起;give up on 对...不再抱有希望;care about关心;worry about担心。根据后一句所说的let alone strangers (更不用说是陌生人了),可知此句的意思是:那是一些即使是自己关心的人也不会对其说出来的话,更不用说是对陌生人说了。故选C。 17.17】根据下文所说的Brencher的这种做法在全世界已经有一万多人加入了,可知她的初衷explode(激增)了,故此处答案应为D。 18.18】根据对上下文的理解并结合题目中各个选项的意思,可知她当时突然发现(find,found是其过去式)人们都在写这种信,故选A。 19.19】根据上下文的意思,可知道句意是:我知道如果我是收(receiving)信的一方,故答案为A。 20.收到了这样的一封信,必然是开心的,因此也是脸露出笑容,故选C。


On June 2,2012,Meghan Vogel won the state championship in the 1500-meter race.1. ,it was her last-place finish in the 3200 meters that won her worldwide attention.

Only a few minutes2. the 3000-meter run,Meghan entered the tough 3200-meter final.Three laps in to the eight-lap race,Vogel was falling off the pace.It could easily be seen that she didn’t have the energy to compete for another title.20 feet from the finish line,she was in last place but still had3. chance of passing a runner from another schoo1—Arden McMath,4. was faltering(蹒跚).

Then suddenly Arden McMath5. (fall)to the track.Vogel never had a moment of doubt about6. to do next.Rather than run past her fallen competitor to avoid the last-place finish,Vogel stopped to help Arden to her feet and7. support) her step by step towards the finish line.The crowd cheered for Vogel’s action and the cheers grew8. (loud) as the two girls finished the race with Vogel purposely9. (make)sure that Arden crossed the finish line ahead of her.

Last place on the track;first place in sportsmanship(体育精神).Vogel was truly the10. (win) of the 3,200-meter race·



Many students have to live with roommates while going to school or university.Having a roommate can be one of the best experiences,or easily one of the worst.1.

Follow these five tips to avoid the common mistakes that make good roommate relationships worse.

Talk things out.2.  If something happens,sit down with your roommates and have a face-to-face conversation.Complaining about your roommates behind their backs creates nothing but awkward situations and general unhappiness.

3.  Some roommates become the best of friends,and some don’t.Don’t put pressure on yourself or your roommate to reach this level,especially when you first meet.Remember,you are trying to make a new friend,not scare your roommate away.And if your roommate doesn’t end up being your best friend,there is no need to worry about it.

Clean up after yourself.Or at least,keep your mess on your side.4.  But being considerate with where you put your own stuff will help you avoid the arguments.

Ask before you take.This applies to food,clothes,supplies and anything else that you don’t own.5. Even if you both agree to share everything you should still ask.

A. Don’t expect to be best friends.

B. Communication is of vital importance.

C. You don’t need to keep the room clean and organized all the time.

D. Rooms can be really easy for a mess to pile up.

E.If you want to have a good relationship with your roommate,it all starts with you.

F.Not all roommates can become your best friends.

G.Show your roommate that you have respect for his or her belongings.



Stop wasting your time thinking of reasons for your failures and shortcomings.  Instead,realize that the seeds of success were planted within you when you were born. Only you have the power to make those seeds grow.

The seeds,and the power to grow them,are contained in the most awesome machine ever created: the human mind. Success is a choice and not a chance. You were born a winner. You were born rich. You can be a success if only you make the right choice.

You cannot be successful without first developing your self-esteem (自信心). Your level of self-esteem is always based on the degree of control that you are able to exercise over yourself,and thus over your life. People with low self-esteem are people who do not believe that they have any power,or responsibility for their lives. They are always victims. They are leaves tossed (摇摆) by the winds of chance blown about with any sudden change in the weather.

You can exercise control over your life only to the degree that you believe you are responsible for everything that happens in your life.  Failures think that everything happens by accident and chance. Successful people realize that they are responsible.

Everything happens as a result of something.  If we can identify the cause,we can control the effect. We are responsible for what we choose to think and believe. One generally rises to the level that one expects. We are responsible for setting our expectations. Our success is dependent upon our level of confidence.

If you associate with positive-thinking people,you are definitely going to achieve success. On the contrary,the opposite happens. We are responsible for finding,planting,and nurturing (培育) the seeds that contain future victory,born from setbacks (挫折).

In short,in all areas of your life,whether they are financial,physical,emotional,or spiritual,you are responsible. Once you recognize this,accept it,and firmly believe it. You are on the road to success.

1.People with low self-esteem are compared to leaves because they ______.

A. can’t exercise control over themselves

B. are easily affected by windy weather

C. don’t have the power to face their fate

D. are ready to change their minds

2.Losers would think that ______.

A. success is the result of hard work

B. working hard will lead to success

C. they fail only because of bad luck

D. they don’t make efforts to succeed

3.It can be inferred from the fifth paragraph that ______.

A. setting our expectations is essential before taking action

B. knowing cause and effect is the key to future success

C. thoughts and beliefs are the result of creative mind

D. whether we will succeed depends on our attitudes

4.The last paragraph serves as ______.

A. the proof of the author’s points

B. the conclusion of the argument

C. an introduction to another topic

D. a comparison between two views



Alaska’s Arctic lakes now freeze later and melt earlier in the year than in 1950,leaving them easy to suffer water loss from evaporation(蒸发)and possibly adding to local warming,a new study finds.The winter ice season near Barrow,Alaska,is shorter than in 1950,researchers reported Jan.30 in the journal The Cryosphere.

Lake ice is also thinner each winter.The scientists surveyed 402 lakes on the North Slope,where permafrost (permanently frozen ground)and shallow lakes dominate the areA. In 2011,the lake ice was 38 percent thinner than in 1950,and 22 percent fewer lakes froze through to their bottoms.

“When we saw the actual numbers we were shocked at how dramatic the change has been,”lead study author Cristina Surdu,of the University of Waterloo in Canada,said in a statement.Surdu and her co-authors analyzed the changes in lake—ice thickness and ice cover with satellite images and climate model simulations(satellite images are only available from 1991).

The climate models suggest the Arctic lakes froze almost six days later and broke up about 18 days earlier in the winter of 2011 compared with the winter of 1950.“The changes in ice and the shortened winter affect Northern communities that depend on ice roads to transport goods,”Surdu saiD. For example,every winter,oil companies build roads over frozen lakes to carry supplies to Prudhoe Bay.

“The dramatic changes in lake ice may also contribute to further warming of the entire region,because open water on lakes contributes to warmer air temperatures,”Surdu saiD. The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet,for reasons that may include its layered atmosphere,which traps heat,and the loss of sea ice and snow cover,which help reflect the sun’s energy when present.

1.What does the text mainly tell us?

A. Arctic 1akes now freeze earlier and melt 1ater.

B. Alaska’s local warming is decreasing sharply.

C. Arctic lakes are losing ice.

D. Arctic lakes hold more flesh water than before.

2.According to the text,the great changes of Alaska’s Arctic lakes ________.

A. are totally beyond Surdu’s expectations

B. are completely within Surdu’s expectations

C. come as no surprise to Surdu and her co-authors

D. come as a great excitement to Surdu

3.How many days was the winter ice season of Arctic 1akes in 2011 shorter than that in 1950?

A. 6 days.

B. 12 days.

C. 18 days.

D. 24 days.

4.What is the last paragraph mainly about according to Surdu?

A. What reflects the sun’s energy.

B. How its layered atmosphere traps heat.

C. Why our planet is warming.

D. Why the Arctic region is becoming warmer.



The human body is designed to move. But modern lifestyles and office jobs rarely give us the chance to move around. As we know. we're while we're eating; we sit in the car and we sit while we watch TV. And many of us sit for many hours at work.

New research shows that sitting less than three hours a day might extend your life by two years. Peter Katzmarzyk,a scientist at the University of Louisiana in the southern United States,says that sitting is ubiquitous in our lives,meaning it is something we do all the time,everywhere.

However,Mr. Katzmarzyk says that does not mean you can sit for the rest of your waking hours. He also says you may exercise often,“We can't throw away physical activity. It's extremely important. We have 60 years of research showing us that.

  Mr. Katzmarzyk and his coi leagues are part of a new generation of researchers studying how sitting all day affects length of life. “Studies that have assessed the relationship between sitting and mortality(死亡率)or television viewing and mortality are very rare. There's only been a few of them,actually five or six now,in the last four or five years. ”They found that cutting television time to less than two hours a day could add one-point four years to life.

Luckily,change is already coming to some offices,especially in the design of desks. A “standing desk”lets people stand while they work. Another new design is called the “treadmill desk. A treadmill is an exercise machine that lets you walk in one place. Even some U. S. schools are beginning to experiment with desks that are part bicycle to keep children moving. That's one of the strategies that many companies are using now.

Mr. Katzmarzyk also says studying this problem has inspired his team to make a few changes in their own lives.

1.Which view agrees with the opinion of Mr. Katzmarzyk?

A. Sitting too long may help increase one's life.

B. Exercise is important and don't sit too long.

C. Watching TV is bad,but can broaden one's horizons.

D. Stopping watching TV is a necessary but hard task.

2.What does Mr. Katzmarzyk think of his study in Paragraph 4?

A. It's a ly new area of study.

B. It's a hot subject studied by experts.

C. It's a study that begins too late.

D. It's not ignored by many experts.

3.Why are the desks of all kinds designed for those who sit more?

A. To give them more comfort.

B. To improve their work efficiency.

C. To offer them the chance to exercise.

D. To seek pleasure while working.



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