满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

-I think we should always stay away from...

-I think we should always stay away from drugs.

-            They are dangerous and addictive.

A. I couldn' t agree more.             B. Well, you never know.

C. You can' t be serious.              D. Don't change a thing.


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查情景交际 。句意:我认为我们应该远离毒品。十分同意,他们太危险和 会上人上瘾的。I couldn' t agree more意思是十分同意,故选A项。 考点 : 考查情景交际  





1. 对高中生活的感受;

2. 对新的一年的打算(如学习,交友,感恩父母等)。




Dear Tom,

How is everything going on with you?




I am looking forward to hearing from you. Wish you happy!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua







1.It was the first time that I have earned money on my own.

2.We were surprised that the little boy succeed in raising such a big stone.

3.The day we looked forward to come at last.

4.He was late for school because of he missed the bus and had to walk to school.

5.The poor child lost his mother two years before he was born.












There is much discussion about the necessity of daily homework for students. Some say homework is necessary since only practice    1.   (make) perfect, while others disagree. In my opinion, daily homework is necessary for students. However, this might be misleading that one may believe all forms of homework    2.   (be) necessary. Actually, only proper amount of homework in proper form is   3.    ( accept); some homework may not only fail to help the students, but on    4.  contrary bore them so much that they may lose their interest in studying.“Proper”homework, in my opinion, should    5.  (vary) in its forms,    6.   might be some extensive reading, a paper, or even just a game, as well as other ordinary exercise. And it should leave enough    7.   (free) to the students so that they could do things they really like to do with self-motivation, rather than unwillingness. We should always remember that homework is something for us to guide the students, rather than    8.   (drive) them. Only if a teacher    9.   (keep) this    10.  his/her mind, the homework could be of most help to the students.





Many years ago, I was working at my job at a community college(社区大学) when a homeless woman came in. She began      as she lay on one of the sofas in the student rest room.        , she wasn't well. Without thinking too much I went next door to the Student Affairs office where I knew I could find         in the Lost and Found box. I        up a set of clothing and went back to my office, when I         a colleague calling me. She told me that I should not        this person, as it would only lead to her wanting more help. I refused her       and went back to help the woman,      my co-worker's warning .

Two weeks later, while I was working, a very cute elderly man entered my        and asked to speak with me in private. Curiously, I gave him my full       and he told me that he had happened to hear my         with the co-worker about helping the        woman. He wanted me to know that it was always okay to help people and that was why he wanted to give me a         for $1,000. I burst into tears, not only because I        needed the money at the time, but also because I had never been          in such a way for helping someone!

We soon became good      and 10 years later he called me up suddenly and told me he wanted to help me         my first home! He         giving me $120,000 as part payment for my dream house in my home town. I asked him why he wanted to give me such a large amount of money and he said it was because I was a “giver” and that I         it! To make a long story short, I was able to buy the perfect little home for myself, all because one day I did not hesitate(犹豫)to help a         woman.

1.A. smiling         B. talking         C. shouting         D. coughing

2.A. Luckily         B. Clearly        C. Strangely       D. Sadly

3.A. clothes         B. books           C. food          D. medicine

4.A. gave           B. turned         C. gathered       D. made

5.A. saw             B. heard          C. noticed        D. listened

6.A. ignore       B. disturb         C. value          D. help

7.A. advice          B. request         C. plan           D. offer

8.A. more than       B. rather than     C. in spite of      D. apart from

9.A. home          B. office         C. classroom        D. dormitory

10.A. energy        B. love            C. care             D. attention

11.A. disagreement  B. discussion      C. fight            D. quarrel

12.A. young          B. old            C. sick             D. wealthy

13.A. support        B. check          C. tip              D. promise

14.A. anxiously     B. eagerly         C. hardly           D. really

15.A. recognized    B. measured        C. taught           D. praised

16.A. colleagues    B. competitors    C.partners         D. friends

17.A. build         B. buy            C. rent             D. repair

18.A. came out      B. ended up        C. carried on       D. resulted in

19.A. deserved       B. wanted          C. needed          D. enjoyed

20.A. hopeless      B. careless        C. homeless         D. selfless



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