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Many independent Chinese women like to e...

Many independent Chinese women like to earn their own bread, even if their husbands are already bringing home the bacon. But a recent survey suggests that such women find more joy from relationships, rather than successful careers.

About 73 percent of the 7,000 women surveyed in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou said they would choose to work even if their husbands earned enough for the family. The survey also found that 77 percent define happiness as "enjoying a relationship".

But striking a balance between career and family can bring challenges to the woman's career advancement.

"In my company, women usually have an equal or even a higher starting salary than men," said Li Hua, general manager of Beijing Chuangjiashe Book Circulation Company. "However, as they begin to climb up the career ladder, women often meet problems along the way, while men can climb the ladder more easily."

Both physical and emotional differences can prevent some women from taking tough positions, Li said. But family life is often the main difficulty for Chinese career women.

Despite these challenges, however, some experts believe it's reasonable for some women to want to be breadwinners.

"In this way, the roles of a family are decided by the parents' abilities rather than their gender(性别)," said Gu Donghui, a sociology professor at Fudan University.

Gu says women should have the freedom to decide if they want to stay at home or work to support the family. "Everyone has a different interpretation(解释)of what it means to find self-worth".

Wang Haibin, an economic expert from Renmin University shares that view: "Traditionally, we tend to regard the family as the cell unit of society. Some members have always been expected to make sacrifices for it. But, it really doesn't matter who earns more. Economic independence and personal choice is essential for both sexes in the family."

1.What brings career women more joy and happiness according to the passage?

A. Relationships     B. Money

C. Challenges       D. Successful careers

2.What's the main problem that career women meet while working?

A. Physical difference              B. Tough positions

C. Family life                      D. The career ladder

3.Some women want to be breadwinners probably because ______.

A. their families are poor

B. they have a lot of children

C. their husbands do not work

D. they want to show their self-worth

4.Who should make sacrifice for the family according to the passage?

A. The wife                        B. Either of them

C. The husband                     D. Neither of them


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 【解析】 试题分析: 本文讲述随着社会的发展,女性也要有自己的工作,不仅仅得到是成功的事业,更多的是从中得到快乐,体现自身的价值。 1.A 考查细节理解题。根据第一段提到But a recent survey suggests that such women find more joy from relationships, rather than successful careers.可知调查表明女性从这种关系中得到是更多的快乐而不是成功的事业,故选A项。 2.C 考查细节理解题。根据第五段提到Both physical and emotional differences can prevent some women from taking tough positions, Li said.身心上的不同阻止许多女性爬上更高的职位,故选C项。 3.D 考查细节理解题。根据倒数第三段提到In this way, the roles of a family are decided by the parents' abilities rather than their gender(性别)用这种方式,家庭角色由父母的能力决定而不是性别,体现女性的价值,故选D项。 4.B 考查细节理解题。根据最后一段提到But, it really doesn't matter who earns more. Economic independence and personal choice is essential for both sexes in the family.谁挣得多并不重要,经济的独立和个人的选择是重要的,故选B项。 考点 :社会现象类阅读

We have dreams almost every night. Do you ever notice the colors of your dreams? Do you dream in black and white or do you dream in yellow, red and green?

New research suggests that the type of television you watched as a child has a great effect on the color of your dreams.

While almost all people under 25 dream in color, thousands of people over 55, all of whom were brought up with black and white TV sets, often dream in monochrome(黑白画面)。

“It suggests there could be a critical period in our childhood when watching films has a big impact on the way dreams are formed”, said Eva Murzyn, a psychology student at Dundee University in Britain who carried out the study.

Research from 1915 through the 1950s suggested that the vast majority of dreams are in black and white. But the tide(潮流) turned in the sixties, and later results suggested that up to 83 percent of dreams contain some color.

Since this period also marked the transition(过渡) between black-and-white film and TV and Technicolor(印染法彩色),an obvious explanation was that the media had been painting people’s dreams. However, there weren’t any firm conclusions.

But now Miss Murzyn believes she has proven the link. She made a survey of more than 60 people, half of whom were over 55 and half of whom were under 25.

She asked the volunteers to answer a questionnaire on the color of their dreams and their childhood exposure to film and TV.

She then analyzed her own data. Only 4.4 percent of the under-25s’ dreams were black and white. The over-55s who had had access to color TV and film during their childhood also reported a very low proportion of just 7.3 percent.

But the over-55s who only had access to black-and –white media reported dreaming in black and white about a quarter of the time.

Even though they would have spent only a few hours a day watching TV or films, their attention and emotion would have been heightened during this time, leaving a deeper imprint on their mind, Miss Murzyn told the New Scientist.

“The crucial time is between three and ten when we all begin to have the ability to dream”, she said.

1.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. The relationship between dream color and the age of the people.

B. The relationship between people’s dreams and colors that they see in their life.

C. The relationship between dreams and types of television and films that people watch.

D. The relationship between dream color and types of television and films people watch.

2. From the text, we can see that ___________.

A. all people who are below 25 dream in color

B. people over 55 always dream in monochrome

C. watching TV or films probably affects dream color

D. people begin to dream when they are 10 years old

3.Which is WRONG according to the passage?

A. Miss Murzyn thought she has proved the connection between dream color and TV and films.

B. Eva Murzyn is a professor at Dundee University in Britain.

C. The period between 3 and 10 is an important time in forming dreams.

D. The 1960s was a time which marked a transition in dream color.

4. In which magazine can you find the article?

A. New Scientist           B. Psychology Analysis

C. Aging Healthily          D. TV And Film Reviews



Not having done physical exercise for some time, I found myself a little low-spirited and couldn't study efficiently, so I decided to do some running the next day. At 6:15 the next morning, my alarm clock rang. Unwilling to rise from my bed, I turned it off and went back to sleep. However, 5 minutes later, I struggled to get up. After washing and brushing, I had my sneakers on and went out.

Wow! The air was so fresh that I couldn't help breathing it deeply. I stretched (伸展)my arms and legs, then started to run. I found all things around me were so attractive. Look, the branches were waving, as if they were welcoming me; the blossoming flowers were bowing, with shyness, just like girls. Listen, the wind was whispering, as if to say “come on, girl”. What's more interesting was those two birds, perching in the tree. They were scared and flew away when I passed them. “Hey, chaps, relax.” I shouted without stopping running. “Let's enjoy the beautiful morning together!” Then miracle(奇迹) happened. The two little creatures seemed to understand what I said. They turned back and twittered(吱吱叫) around me. “Are you singing for me?” I asked. They twittered again and again, sounded like “Yes”. I was delighted to hear that. Ah, what a wonderful morning and how beautiful life is!

Actually, there are a lot of charming things around us. Helen Keller wrote in her famous article Three Days to See, “The seeing see little”. Indeed, many of us ignore the beauty around us, just because we are familiar with them. They always complain that life is boring. But, I just want to say, if you live each day with appreciation of things around, you'll find life is very charming. So, let's enjoy life from now on.

1.According to the passage, the writer went running with the purpose of _____.

A. seeing the beauty of nature

B. making herself more active

C. talking with birds

D. breathing fresh air

2.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The writer rose immediately after the clock went off.

B. The writer enjoyed the singing of the two birds.

C. The writer did some warm-up exercises before running.

D. The writer felt refreshed after doing some running in the morning.

3.What does the underlined sentence “The seeing see little” in the last paragraph mean?

A. Those who go out only see little things.

B. Those who can see enjoy nature much more than the blind.

C. People who go sight-seeing can see little.

D. People who can see hardly find the beauty of nature.

4.The purpose of the writer in writing this passage is to tell us that _____.

A. the nature in the morning is very beautiful

B. fresh air is beneficial

C. we should appreciate the beautiful things in life

D. physical exercise is useful




For long, there was a little boy with a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he would hammer a nail in the back fence.

The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Then it gradually dwindled(逐渐减少) down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all.

He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day when he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, “You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won't matter how many times you say I'm sorry, the wound is still there. A verbal (言语的) wound is as bad as a physical one. Friends are a very rare jewel, indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they always want to open their hearts to us. Show your friends how much you care.”

















in conclusion     keep one’ word    absorb    let off     follow in the footsteps of      apology          result in          illegal   cut back on          argue

1.At last, Mr Smiths declared that they would ______ the production of computers by ten percent.

2.Since he had a(n) ___ with his wife, he hasn’t spoken to her even if they sit next to each other.

3.He ________ other famous scientists and tried to make contributions to the important research.

4.We’d better believe him because he is always ___________________.

5.____________, I wish China Daily European Weekly every success in the Year of the

Monkey and years beyond.

6.She felt guilty about what she had done and _________ to her friend for it.

7.When lying on the sofa, _________ in her book, Mary didn’t notice her parents come in.

8.Yesterday two people are arrested at the train station for bringing animals into China from the Korea ___________.

9.You may also want to _________ some steam(过剩精力) by drawing, writing or anything else that relaxes yourself.

10.Some chemical factories pour waste water into rivers for convenience, _________ serious water pollution.





When it comes to making sure our food is safe, we are often advised to wash vegetables and fruits before eating. This has been a good method recommended by food safety experts. However, is this way of cleaning also useful for raw meat? No! The US Departement of Agriculture hs been warning people against washing raw meat before cooking , as it can do more harm than good to our health. Then, why do people want to wash raw meat? Here are some answers.

Some people complain that the unpleasant smell coming from the chicken forces them to wash it.Well, this might never happen if you have bought it from a reliable source. Also, many people say that it helps to get rid of the sliminess(粘连) of the store-bought chicken. And others just want to remove the bacteria from it. But the idea that washing meat helps to clean the chicken is only partly true. This is because some of the bacteria remain firm on the surface, though the meat has been washed several times.

In fact, the surface of the chicken is often polluted with a lot of bacteria. So, when you wash the meat under the tap, it can lead to  the bacteria being removed from the meat’s surface, and spreading all over the kitchen. These small infected(受到污染的)water drops can move as far as half a meter. So if you have kept any ready-to-serve dishes on your kitchen top, they are likely to get polluted, and may cause food poisoning if they are eaten.

Of course, if you are really serious about food safety, make sure that the chicken is cooked in a proper way. Eating undercooked meat is another common cause of food poisoning. Bacteria can be killed by the heat of above 70℃. This is the best way to get the bacteria present on raw meat destroyed.

In conclusion, food safety is important but that doesn’t mean that you have to wash raw meat with running water, which carries a lot of health risks.


Should raw meat be washed before cooking?


The Us Department of Agriculture has given a(n) 1._________ that it’s unnecessary to wash raw meat before cooking.

2.____for people’s washing raw meat

Some people wash raw meat to get rid of its bad 3._____.

Some people wash raw meat to get rid of its sliminess.

Some people wash raw meat to get rid of its bacteria, but it’s 4._____ to wash all of them away.

5.____ of washing raw meat before cooking

The bacteria, when6. ______ from the meat surface, can spread around the kitchen and then infect water.

The infected water may 7._____ your ready-to-serve dishes, and cause food poisoning if they are eaten.

The way to cook 8._____

Heat raw meat to above 70℃ to 9.______ the bacteria.


Washing raw meat before cooking cannot ensure food safety but put people’s health at10._______.



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