满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Imagine there is a bank that puts $ 86, ...

Imagine there is a bank that puts $ 86, 400 in your account each morning. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening the bank writes off(注销) the balance that you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Take out every cent, of course!

Each of us has such a bank. Its name is TIME. Every morning, it puts in 86, 400 seconds. Every evening it writes off, as it is lost. There is no balance or overdraft. If you fail to use the day's savings, the lost is yours. There is no going back. There is no taking from “tomorrow”. You must make good use of it so as to get more in health, happiness and success!

The clock is running. Make the most of today. To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade; To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature(早产) baby; To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper; To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet; To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the train; To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident.

Make good use of every moment that you have. Remember that time waits for no one. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called "The Present".

1.The underlined word "balance" in paragraph 1 means _______________.

A.贷款       B. 余款      C. 平衡       D. 提款

2. What is special about the TIME bank we each have?

A. We can store time in it whenever we like.

B. Someone puts $ 86, 400 in it every day.

C. Someone helps you spend your time every night.

D. The time in it will surely get lost if you don't use it.

3.What can be the best title of the passage?

A. The Bank of Money               B. The Clock is Running

C. The Bank of Time               D. The Value of One Hour


1.B 2.D 3.C 【解析】 试题分析: 文章讲的是时间的重要性,让我们珍惜时间 1.B考查细节理解题。从第一段的句子:Every evening the bank writes off( 注销)the balance that you failed to use during the day.可知是余款的意思 2.D 考查细节理解题。从第二段的句子:If you fail to use the day’s savings, the lost is yours.可知时间银行的时间如果不用,就会丢失,故选D项。 3.C 考查主旨标题。文章讲的是时间的重要性,让我们珍惜时间,故选C项。 考点 :日常生活类阅读。








参考词汇:open up eyes,

get knowledge,

colorful, habit








At present only a few students do some reading after class. Here are several reasons. _________________________________________________________________________           






假定在英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下写出该加的词。


修改:在错的词下划一横线,  并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


2.只允许修改10处,  多者(从第11处起)不计分。

One day, it is so hot that my parents and I went to Changli Park to enjoy the shade. On the way I found I had forgotten to bring my cellphone me, so I returned for them. Reach my home, I noticed one of the windows widely open. “My parents aren’t at home. Who can it be?” I wondered. I walked to the window, looked through it and to my surprise, finding two strangers were trying to open a case. I was so frightening at the sight that I couldn’t say the word. I left there in silent, without being noticed. Then I phoned the police for help. Five minutes later, three policemen appeared and caught up the two thieves.




With the invention of personal computers, the Internet, and cellphones, people now have more immediate access   1.  others and information than any time in hostory. Losing that access can lead to “disconnect anxiety”,    2.   is a psychological term used to describe the anxious or depressed feelings that people experience when they are   3.  (able) to use their cellphones or cannot log on to the internet. Some people  4.      (affect) by disconnect anxiety start to feel upset when they can’t reach their cellphone contacts or friends online.   5. worry about not being able to respond to emergencies. Still others are   6.  dependent on their cellphones that they are afraid of missing any phone calls. So far cellphones and the Internet 7.  (become) the most important things in these people’s lives. They cannot afford 8.   (live) without them. However, these people should understand that they cannot really enjoy the 9.   (convenient) that this new technology offers if they don’t use these devices in10.    reasonable way.





A little boy wanted to meet God. He thought it was a long trip to where God lived, ________ he packed his suitcase with lots of food and drinks and he started his  ________ .

When he had gone about three blocks, he ________ an elderly man. The boy sat down next to him and ________ his suitcase. He was about to take a drink when he noticed that the man looked  ________  , so he offered him a drink. The man ________  it and smiled at the boy. His smile was so pleasant that the boy wanted to see it again, so he ________ him another one. The man ________ smiled at him. They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling, but they never said a word.

As it grew dark, the boy ________  it was time to leave, but before he had gone more than a few steps, he  ________ , ran back to the man, and gave him a hug. The man ________him his biggest smile ever. When the boy ________ home a short time later, his mother was surprised by the look of ________ on his face. She asked him what made him so happy. He replied, “I had lunch with God, and God’s got the most beautiful ________   I’ve ever seen!” Meanwhile, the elderly man returned to his home. His son was ________  by the look of joy on his face and asked him the ________ question as the little boy’s mother. The elderly man replied, “I ate and drank in the park with God.” However, he  ________, before his son responded, “You know, he’s much________  than I expected.”

Too often we underestimate the  ________  of a touch, a smile, a kind word, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. We should treat the people we meet ________ ; they come into our lives for a reason. Embrace all equally!

1.A. ifB. soC. butD. or

2.A. workB. studyC. journeyD. exploration

3.A. came acrossB. picked upC. learned fromD. took away

4.A. hidB. openedC. examinedD. ignored

5.A. worriedB. anxiousC. thirstyD. tired

6.A. refusedB. avoidedC. receivedD. accepted

7.A. lentB. boughtC. madeD. offered

8.A. againB. stillC. onlyD. just

9.A. imaginedB. realizedC. announcedD. pretended

10.A. played aroundB. sat aroundC. turned aroundD. got around

11.A. gaveB. promisedC. suppliedD. begged

12.A. leftB. calledC. missedD. returned

13.A. joyB. confidenceC. disappointmentD. horror

14.A. drinkB. foodC. faceD. smile

15.A. sadB. nervousC. amazedD. excited

16.A. sameB. strangeC. uniqueD. unusual

17.A. repliedB. addedC. remindedD. thought

18.A. braverB. shorterC. youngerD. cleverer

19.A. powerB. qualityC. favorD. difficulty

20.A. differentlyB. proudlyC. calmlyD. kindly




Weight loss is a hard topic. Lots of people aren’t satisfied with their present weight, but most people aren’t sure how to change it. You may want to look like the models or actors in magazines or on TV, but those goals might not be healthy or realistic for you.   1.

So what should you do about your weight control?

2.   The best way to find out if you are at a healthy weight or if you need to lose or gain weight is to talk to a doctor or dietitian(营养学家).   3.   If it turns out that you can benefit from weight loss then you can follow a few of the simple suggestions listed below to get started.

4.   People who lose weight quickly by crash(速成的)dieting or other extreme measures usually gain back all of the pounds they lost, because they haven’t permanently changed their habits. Therefore, the best weight management ways are those that you can maintain for a lifetime.

Small changes are a lot easier to stick with than large ones. Try reducing the size of what you eat.

5.   Once you have that down, start gradually introducing healthier foods and exercise into your life.

It’s a good idea to maintain a healthy weight because it’s just that: healthy.

A. Try giving up regular soda for a week

B. Try to pay attention as you eat and stop when you’re full.

C. Weight management is about long-term success.

D. Besides, no magical diet will make you look like someone else.

E. Being healthy is really about being at a weight that is right for you.

F. Changing from whole to nonfat or low-fat milk is also a good idea.

G. They will compare your weight with healthy standards and help you set goals.



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