满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Most of the time, people wear hats to pr...

Most of the time, people wear hats to protect themselves from harsh weather conditions. Hats are also worn to show politeness and as signs of social position. But nowadays, hats, especially women's hats, are much more than that. More exactly, hats have changed into fashion and style symbols by many movie stars. What's more, people now consider many different features(特点) when choosing even a simple hat. Many designers point out that, when choosing the right hat, it's important to consider the color of your skin as well as your hair, your height, and the shape of your face.

First of all, the color of the hat should match the color of your skin and hair. For instance, black hats should be avoided if you are dark skinned. If a purple hat is placed on top of red hair, one will look as attractive as a summer flower. Second, the height of the hat is also an important point. Tall women should not go for hats with tall crowns, just as short women should choose hats with upturned brims to give the look of height. Third, and most importantly, the shape of the face decides the kind of hat one should pick. A small, gentle hat that fits the head looks good on a small face. However, women with big, round faces should choose a different style.

As the saying goes, "Fine feathers make fine birds." A good hat can not only help your dress but also support your features, so why not choose the best possible one next time you want to be in public?

1.What does the underlined word “harsh” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A. good  B. strange  C. poor   D. different

2.According to the article, which of the following women would look most attractive?

A. A big-faced woman who wears a small, nice hat.

B. A short red-haired woman who wears a purple hat.

C. A tall woman who wears a hat with a huge upturned brim.

D. A small dark-skinned woman who wears a black hat with a tall crown.

3.What does the last paragraph suggest?

A. Hats are worn on the head to keep warm.

B. Hats can help you look better in public.

C. Hats are not as important as character.

D. Hats can make you look much taller.

4.What is the best title for the article?

A. How to Show Your Social Position.

B. How to Improve Your Features.

C. How to Choose a Proper Hat.

D. How to Design a Nice Hat.


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 【解析】 试题分析: 帽子不仅仅只有防寒的作用,还可以让人有魅力。那么怎么才能选择一顶合适的帽子呢?帽子的颜色要和皮肤的搭配;还有帽子的高度和脸型等。 1.C词义推测题。harsh的意思是“严酷的”,poor weather不良天气。故选C。 2.B细节理解题。根据文章第二段If a purple hat is placed on top of red hair, one will look as attractive as a summer flower.紫色的帽子戴在红头发上就是最具吸引力的女性。故选B。 3.B细节理解题。根据文章最后一段A good hat can not only help your dress but also support your features, so why not choose the best possible one next time you want to be in public?可知,选B。 4.C主旨大意题。文章作者主要讲述了怎么选择合适的帽子。故选用标题How to Choose a Proper Hat。故选C。 考点:考查生活类短文阅读。

Our lifestyles today are very busy. We have family, school, sports, entertainment and social activities to fit into a time that seems never enough. We need to be healthy to meet the demands of daily life. But what does it mean to have a healthy lifestyle?

To have a healthy lifestyle, we need to:

eat different kinds of healthy food most of the time

do exercise often

have time to relax

get enough sleep to give our bodies time to grow healthy and strong

Read about a normal day in the lives of two children.

Abbey gets up at 7:00 am, feeds the dog, and has cereal and a glass of juice for breakfast. She walks to school with her friend, Julia. She has a bag of chips for a morning snack, drinks water, and has a chicken and lettuce sandwich with a banana for lunch. She likes to play soccer with her friends at lunch and morning break time. She walks home with Julia, has some crackers with cheese and juice for afternoon snack and plays with the dog for a while. She plays computer games for an hour or two before dinner, then has a shower and does her homework. She watches her favorite television show for an hour, then usually goes to bed at about 9:30 pm.

Carl gets up at 8:30 am and has two pieces of bread with jam and a glass of milk for breakfast. His mother drives him to school on her way to work. He eats cookies with juice for morning snack and a pot pie ordered from the school lunch room with juice for lunch. He likes to play card games with his friends at lunchtime and climb the fixed equipment at morning break time. He catches the bus home, has a cereal bar and a can of soda for afternoon snack, then watches some television. He has a shower before dinner, then plays the computer for an hour or two. He goes to bed at about 10:30 pm.

No matter which kind of lifestyle you agree on, just remember it’s important to balance all aspects of life.

1.About a healthy lifestyle, the writer doesnt talk about ___________.

A. diet      B. exercise     C. relaxation     D. medicine

2.What can we learn from the article?

A. Abbey plays soccer with her friends at school.

B. Abbey does her homework first after school.

C. Carl goes to school by bus every day.

D. Carl has a juice for breakfast.

3.Where is the article probably from?

A. A health magazine.         B. A clothing website.

C. A sports guidebook.        D. A travel advertisement.



I went shopping for a dress to wear to my daughter’s high school graduation half a year ago. To my horror, I could only fit into a size 20.

Being overweight most of my adult life, I always had very little self-confidence. Wearing a dress I didn’t like to such an important event was enough to make me look for help. Thankfully, a friend of mine was attending Weight Watchers meetings, and I noticed her great progress. Her success inspired me to give it a try. I joined Weight Watchers, attended their meetings and started following their Weight-Loss System.

I focused on the plan with determination and never missed a weekly meeting! I discovered that I enjoyed the benefits of having the help and support of others. I also read the weekly online e-newsletter and was inspired by the stories, recipes and information offered there, I also read magazines produced by Weight Watchers, which have great tips and new ideas in each issue.

It’s hard for me to even remember the person I was before my amazing change. I didn’t walk anywhere and couldn’t wash my car or walk my dog. Today I do these simple tasks without even thinking about them. But the change didn’t happen overnight. I had to exercise with patience and perseverance(坚持). I decided to take it one day at a time and stick with if for good.

The “new me” is more self-confident and healthier. I love how I feel now. I have more energy and feel like I’m 25 again. So why not give Weight Watchers a try if you have the same overweight problem?

1.The underlined word “inspired” in the second paragraph can be replaced by ______.

A. excited   B. moved  C. encouraged   D. forced

2.We can learn from the passage that the writer ______.

A. often went shopping before she lost weight

B. was overweight when she was a child

C. ever wanted to give up losing weight

D. now is more confident than before

3.This passage is written to ________.

A. tell us how to gain self-confidence

B. show off the great progress that the author has made

C. give us some tips on how to lose weight quickly

D. advise overweight people to give Weight Watchers a try

4.Which of the following word will you use to describe the writer?

A. Weak.   B. Calm.   C. Patient.   D. Silent.





I always knew that I depended way too much on my phone. ____ I didn’t know how much, so I decided to do this ____to find out.

Every morning since I got a smartphone, I’ve used The Weather Channel App to find out what to ____. On the first morning I had to dress without guidance, but ____ I was able to guess that the day would be cold and foggy by looking out of my window.

I couldn’t tell what time it was. I haven’t worn a ____ for more than a year, because my phone ______ the time. So I was late for ____ friends who had been on the bus for two hours from Santa Monica to Palos Verdes. I was also ____for my part-time job. And ____, I couldn’t call people to tell them that I was running late.

Getting places was harder, too. I got ____ because I couldn’t use the GPS(汽车导航系统) on my phone. My driving, though, got a lot ____ because I no longer had my phone in one hand checking directions while ____ with the other.

But the number one trouble was not having my contact list(联络簿). I forgot to write down my friends’ and family members’ phone numbers before I ____ the challenge. It was sad to realize that I couldn’t ____ my brother’s and my mom’s cell phone numbers. Oh, how I ____  to turn on the phone for just a second to look up phone numbers!

Even with all the problems, however, I found ____ not worrying about missing a text message or an e-mail.

This challenge was a ____ learning experience. It surprised me how I’d taken no notice of even the ____ things like remembering phone numbers. We all should______some time to think about how we can depend ____ on our cell phones.

1.A. But           B. And          C. Then         D. Still

2.A. task          B. challenge     C. duty         D. job

3.A. carry         B. take         C. wear          D. see

4.A. hopefully     B. thankfully    C. strangely     D. surprisingly

5.A. ring          B. hat          C. suit          D. watch

6.A. locked       B. showed        C. marked        D. called

7.A. picking up    B. bringing up C. calling out D. making out

8.A. quick         B. easy         C. late          D. happy

9.A. even so     B. after all     C. in all        D. even worse

10.A. caught     B. lost        C. changed       D. hurt

11.A. happier      B. slower       C. safer         D. quieter

12.A. moving      B. chatting      C. writing      D. driving

13.A. started      B. forgot      C. supported    D. reported

14.A. collect      B. copy         C. read         D. remember

15.A. felt        B. knew         C. wished        D. hated

16.A. silence      B. peace        C. patience     D. confidence

17.A. lovable     B. comfortable C. great        D. common

18.A. happiest    B. simplest      C. nicest       D. clearest

19.A. spend       B. enjoy         C. take         D. waste

20.A. less         B. more         C. little       D. much



The meeting    at half past eight yesterday morning, but he    at nine.

A. begin; came      B. begun; comes

C. begins; comes     D. began; came



Rodger knows her very well. They    by an old friend ten years ago.

A. were introduced   B. introduced

C. are introduced    D. introduces



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