满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Most Westerners—particularly most Americ...

Most Westerners—particularly most Americans—are not nearly as concerned about protocol (礼节) in social matters as Chinese people are. America is a nation of immigrants. It’s made up of people from all over the world, all of whom bring their own traditions and habits with them. Thus you needn’t worry much about “proper” behavior(举止):who sits next to whom at the dinner table, what is the suitable dress for the occasion, etc. , unless you receive a formal invitation to a dinner or party.

Americans are very direct people. When you want something you say “Yes” and when you don’t, you say “No”. If you want something different from what is offered, you ask for it. Westerners will not ask you again and again or try to press something on you after you have said you don’t want it. In fact, if you say “No” when you really want something to drink or to eat, you may find yourself very thirsty or hungry.

But there are a few Western customs which are very important and you should try at all times to observe.A Westerner doesn’t leave his paper or cloth on the table. He puts it on his lap where it’s supposed to protect his clothes from spilled food or uses it to wipe his hand or mouth when necessary.

A Westerner doesn’t put his own fork, knife or spoon into a serving bowl. He uses it in the bowl to put some of the food on his own plate, and then returns the serving fork(knife or spoon) to the bowl.

A Westerner doesn’t spit food anywhere. If he has bones in his mouth, he takes them out with his fingers and places them on the edge of his plate, never on the table or floor.

A Westerner doesn’t belch(打嗝) out loud. If he does, he says “Excuse me” quietly and goes on with the conversation.

1.People in America __________.

A. come from different countries in the world

B. mainly come from Europe

C. mainly come from Asia

D. come from China

2.If you are hungry, and you still say you don’t want to eat, then __________.

A. a Westerner will ask you again and again

B. you will be forced to eat

C. you will feel glad and happy

D. you will surely find yourself hungry still

3.According to the passage, Westerners __________.

A. care what they wear very much

B. care who offers the first toast at dinner

C. do the same things as Chinese do

D. don’t care what you wear, who sits next to whom


1.A 2.D 3.D 【解析】 试题分析: 中国人礼让谦恭,而美国人却很直接和随意。他们如果不想要什么东西,会直接拒绝;想要就会接受,对于自己喜欢的东西也会提出要求,这一点和中国人不一样。人们也不喜欢去评论他人。 1.A 细节理解题。文章第一段America is a nation of immigrants. It’s made up of people from all over the world,告诉我们,美国人来自世界上不同的国家。故选A。 2.D细节理解题。根据第二段In fact, if you say “No” when you really want something to drink or to eat, you may find yourself very thirsty or hungry.可知,在美国如果你想吃或者喝,一定不要说No,否则会挨饿或者很渴,因为美国人很直接,故选D。 3.D 推理判断题。根据第一段Thus you needn’t worry much about “proper” behavior(举止)可知,美国是一个移民国家,所以人们不太注意谁坐在谁旁边就餐,或者在非正式场合穿什么衣服。故选D。 考点:考查文化类短文阅读。

I was in a rush as always, but this time it was for an important date I just couldn’t be late for! I found myself at a checkout counter behind an elderly woman seemingly in no hurry as she paid for her groceries. A PhD student with not a lot of money, I had hurried into the store to pick up some flowers. I was in a huge rush, thinking of my upcoming evening. I did not want to be late for this date.

We were in Boston, a place not always known for small conversation between strangers. The woman stopped unloading her basket and looked up at me. She smiled. It was a nice smile ---warm and reassuring ---- and I returned her gift by smiling back.

“Must be a special lady, whoever it is that will be getting those beautiful flowers,” she said.

“Yes, she’s special,” I said, and then to my embarrassment, the words kept coming out.

“It’s only our second date, but somehow I am just having the feeling she’s ‘the one’. Jokingly, I added, “The only problem is that I can’t figure out why she’d want to date a guy like me.”

“Well, I think she’s very lucky to have a boyfriend who brings her such lovely flowers and who is obviously in love with her,” the woman said.” “My husband used to bring me flowers every week –even when times were tough and we didn’t have much money. Those were incredible(难以置信的) days; he was very romantic and of course I miss him since he’s passed away.”

I paid for my flowers as she was gathering up her groceries. There was no doubt in my mind as I walked up to her. I touched her on the shoulder and said, “You were right, you know. These flowers are indeed for a very special lady.” I handed her the flowers and thanked her for such a nice conversation.

It took her a moment to realize that I was giving her the flowers I had just bought. “You have a wonderful evening,” I said. I left her with a big smile and my heart warmed as I saw her smelling the beautiful flowers.

I remember being slightly late for my date that night and telling my girlfriend the above story. A couple of years later, when I finally worked up the courage to ask her to marry me, she told me that this story had helped to seal it for her –that was the night that I won her heart.

1.Why was the writer in a hurry that day?

AHe was to meet his girlfriend.

BHe had to go back to school soon.

CHe was delayed by an elderly lady.

DHe had to pick up some groceries.

2.What does the underlined phrase “her gift”(Paragraph 2) refer to?

AHer words.        BHer smile.

CHer flowers.      Dher politeness.

3.Why did the writer give his flowers to the elderly lady?

AShe told him a nice story.

BShe allowed him to pay first.

CShe gave him encouragement.

DShe liked flowers very much.

4.What can you learn from the story?

AFlowers are important for a date.

BSmall talk is helpful.

CLove and kindness are rewarding.

DElderly people deserve respecting.



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Would you like to have your writing published in this magazine? Then let us know! We pay for stories, anecdotes and jokes:

Anecdotes and Jokes 50

What made you laugh recently? A funny sign? A colleague’s behaviour? Got a joke? Send it in for Laughter is the Best Medicine! Email: Juliet@sws.com

Smart Animals Up to 100

Send us a tale about the strange behaviour of unique pets or wildlife in up 300 words. Email: audry@sws.com

Power of Love Up to 150

Acts of generosity can change lives or just give you that warm feeling full of love. Share your moments 100—500 words. Email: susan@sws.com

My Story 350

Do you have an inspiring or life-changing story to tell? Your story must be true, unpublished, original and 800—

1000 words. Email: nanjc@sws.com

For more information, please visit: http://www.sws.com./share

1. How much will the magazine pay for a joke to be published?

A. 50        B. 100        C. 150        D.350

2. If you want to share a story of your pets with the readers, you need to send it to               .

A. Anecdotes and Jokes    B. Smart Animals

C. Power of Love        D. My Story

3.A story showing people’s generosity should be emailed to the editor at             .

A. juliet@sws.com     B. susan@sws.com

C. Audrey@sws.com     D. nanjc@sws.com

4.An inspiring story sent to the magazine should               .

A. describe strange behaviour

B. contain less than 800 words

C. be real and original

D. be published before





Once upon a time there were two brothers who lived near each other. One day, they had a ________ because of some small things. And neither was willing to________  each other.

One morning, there was a knock at door of the elder brother. He ________   it and found a man standing beside the door. “I’m a carpenter(木匠). I’m ________   a few days’ work. Perhaps you would have a few small jobs I could help with.”

“Yes,” said the elder brother. “I do have a job for you. ________  at that farm across the small river. It is my younger brother’s. We had a quarrel, so I won’t like to see his ________ anymore. I want you to build me a 8-foot ________  .”  The man said, “I think I understand the situation. Don’t worry. I’ll be able to do a job that makes you ________  .” So the elder brother was very glad and left for the town nearby.

In the evening, the carpenter had just ________   his job when the elder brother returned. But he was ________ to find, instead of a fence, before him, stood a ________ , which went from one side of the river ________  the other! On the other________  of bridge, was his younger brother.

“Do you know the name of the bridge?” The carpenter asked.

“No,” the elder brother was________  .

“OK, I can tell you. Its name is understanding and ________  ,” the carpenter smiled.

Suddenly they began to understand ________   . Surely, between two brothers there should be a bridge rather than a________   . Standing on the bridge, they ________  each other’s hands with ________   in their eyes.

“Could you stay another few days? I’ve a lot of other work for you,” said the elder brother. “I’d love to________ on,” the carpenter said. “But I have many more bridges to build.”

1.A. meeting        B. question    C. decision       D. quarrel

2.A. forgive        B. like        C. speak          D. think

3.A. got           B. opened    C. shut           D. left

4.A. looking for   B. looking at  C. looking on     D. looking up

5.A. See           B. Watch     C. Observe       D. Look

6.A. river          B. face        C. farm          D. eyes

7.A. wall          B. bridge     C. road           D. fence

8.A. excited        B. pleased    C. moved         D. surprised

9.A. begun        B. done       C. finished      D. continued

10.A. surprised    B. happy       C. anxious       D. sad

11.A. house        B. fence      C. bridge       D. river

12.A. till         B. between    C. across        D. to

13.A. field         B. side      C. end            D. stage

14.A. disappointed  B. puzzled     C. amazed         D. worried

15.A. love          B. hate       C. joy           D. anger

16.A. everything  B. nothing    C. anything       D. something

17.A. river        B. fence      C. farm          D. wall

18.A. brought      B. took       C. held           D. clapped

19.A. smiles        B. sadness     C. anger         D. tears

20.A. leave        B. get         C. stay          D. work



I was enjoying my dessert and talking to my American friend Janice at the table when I noticed people _____ at me.

A. to stare     B. stared       C. staring    D. being stared



______ by some officials, Napoleon inspected his army.

A. To follow         B. Followed

C. To be followed    D. Following



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