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短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。...




增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(满分5 manfen5.com),并在其下面写出该加的词。





Dear Sir or Madam,

Knowing that our library is going to buy more books, I’d like to give some advices.

What we need most are popular science books, that usually explain basic principles of the nature in a simple and interesting way. They help us understand science subjects better and arousing our curiosity about scientific discoveries.

In addition to reading for knowledge, we read for fun and inspiration. That is how I recommend another category of books: literary books. These classic works, writing by great masters , present noble thoughts through fascinating stories and beautifully language. It not only provide us joy and excitement, but also encourage us to think critically.

I would appreciate this if you could consider my recommendation.

Yours  sincerely,

Li Hua


1.advices改为advice 2.that改为which 3.去掉the 4.arousing改为arouse 5.how改为why 6.writing改为written 7.beautifully改为beautiful 8.It改为They 9.us后面加with 10.this改为it 【解析】 试题分析:本文中作者给出了一些图书馆购书的建议,并解释了为什么建议购买这些书的原因。 1.advices改为advice 考查名词单复数。名词advice建议,是一个不可数名词,没有复数形式。建议:知道图书馆要买更多的书,我们想给一些建议。 2.that改为which 考查定语从句。本句是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是popular science books, 关系代词which指代先行词在句中作主语。关系代词that是不能引导非限制性定语从句的。 3.去掉the 考查冠词。名词nature自然,这是一个表示抽象含义的名词,要单独使用,不加冠词。 4.arousing改为arouse 考查并列成分。本句中动词understand和arouse属于并列结构,都充当us的补足语,所以都使用动词原形。句意:他们帮助我们更好理解科学并激发我们对科学发现的好奇心。 5.how改为why 考查表语从句连词。根据前一句we read for fun and inspiration,是在解释我推荐文学类书籍的原因。所以使用why引导表语从句,why表示原因,how表示方式,与上下文串联不一致。 6.writing改为written 考查分词用法。动词write与名词these classic works构成被动关系,所以使用过去分词短语在句中充当后置定语。 7.beautifully改为beautiful 考查形容词。在英语中通常使用形容词做定语修饰名词;而副词通常做状语,不能修饰名词。所以本句中使用形容词beautiful修饰名词language。 8.It改为They 考查代词。本句中代词they指代前一句中的these classic works,在句中作主语,因为该词是复数形式,所以用代词they。 9.us后面加with 考查固定搭配。动词短语provide sb with sth提供某人某物,其中的介词with是不能省略的。句意:他们不仅给我们快乐,还鼓励我们批判性地思考。 10.this改为it 考查固定句式。句式:I would appreciate this if......要是...我会感激不尽...。其中的it是不能省略的。 考点:考查短文改错


It was a city in Hubei Province. On International Children's Day, some orphans from the Wuhan Welfare Institute for Children 1._______(take) to the park. An elderly westerner was with them. The children were eager to tell him everything that was going on. They held him by the hand and never hesitated to call 2.______Grandpa.This man was Professor William Dorrity, from Florida, USA. In 2003, 3.________Professor Dorrity and his wife retired, they came to Wuhan and started to work as volunteers at the Welfare Institute.

The Dorritys have been working hard 4._______ (improve) the conditions at the Welfare Institute since they came. They often take children on day­trips, 5._______ (bring) along with them all kinds of food for the kids to enjoy. They recently bought audiphones for four orphans 6.________hearing problems were serious and small tape recorders for three blind children. They also bought a wheelchair for ten­year­old Tan Jun, 7.________suffers from a brain problem. With the 8.________ (arrive) of spring, the Dorritys took the children for 9._______outing.“We love China and we love children, Dorrity said, 10._______ we are  happy to do this





I am the only person who has reached senior middle school in my family. So, I am the “best educated”. But I also used to be the most  ________  because I never thought about my manners. As a busy  ________  , I always come home from school late. When I get home at  ________  , it is time for my meal. After eating, I go to school again. But one day, when I was ready to go to school after lunch as usual, Dad stopped me. “Could you  ________  me some time?” he asked, “just one  ________ .” I looked at the time and found I didn’t have much time left. “OK, Dad, but please make it  ________ .” “All right, I know you are  ________  , so I will just ask you two questions. Could you ________ how many things you have done for our ________ ? And, could you tell me how often you say hello to your family members when you get home?”

That day, when I was at ________  , I thought about the questions without understanding why Dad had ________asked them. Then, my friend, a girl from a rich family, asked me what was ________ me. I told her. After listening, she laughed. “Hey! That’s nothing ________ ! You know, I never do anything or say hello to anybody when I am at home, either.” Then she added, “As far as I know, 90 percent of our  ________ have never done these things.” Really? At that moment, I  ________ why my dad had asked me those questions. It was because it is good ________ to say hello to your family. However, most of us students don’t know, or even ________ this. How sad we are! I finally realized how I should answer my dad’s questions. First, I would do all those things that are called good manners. Second, I would ________ my classmates to be aware of their manners as soon as possible. That night I told these things to Dad. “Good,” he said, “Better late than never.” The next afternoon, when I got home, I saw Mum in the kitchen cooking. “Hi, Mum, I’m ________ ,” I said. She looked at me and gave me a big  ________ .

1.A. shy           B. impolite         C. angry           D. anxious

2.A. senior student B. shop assistant  C. school teacher  D. housewife

3.A. time         B. night           C. noon           D. spare time

4.A. spend         B. take             C. spare           D. lend

5.A. thing         B. hour            C. question        D. minute

6.A. easy          B. happy           C. quick            D. simple

7.A. impolite       B. polite           C. patient         D. busy

8.A. look about     B. make sure      C. find out        D. take out

9.A. family       B. members        C. house           D. promise

10.A. bed          B. school          C. table           D. home

11.A. suddenly    B. obviously        C. clearly         D. simply

12.A. surprising    B. paining          C. puzzling        D. delighting

13.A. dangerous    B. normal          C. valuable        D. important

14.A. family       B. class            C. neighbor        D. town

15.A. wondered      B. understood       C. knew            D. noticed

16.A. way           B. exercise        C. chance          D. manners

17.A. think about   B. care about       C. call for         D. hunt for

18.A. force        B. remind          C. allow            D. ask

19.A. home          B. late            C. sorry           D. hungry

20.A. cake         B. suggestion       C. smile           D. chance




America’s holiday shopping season started on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. 1. Shoppers make the most money this time of year, about 20 percent to 30 percent of all revenue all year. About 136 million people shopped during the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend.

2.  In an era of instant information, shoppers can use their mobile phones to find deals. Nearly 80 percent of this year’s holiday shoppers, or about 183.8 million people, shopped on Cyber Monday. 3.  Online spending on Black Friday rose 15 percent to hit $2.7 billion this year. Cyber Monday spending increased 12 percent to $3 billion. NBC News reported that for many, shopping online was a more comfortable alternative than crowded malls.

The shift to online shopping has had a big impact on solid shopping malls. Since 2010, more than 24 shopping malls have closed and an additional 60 are struggling.

Fortune says the weakest of the malls have closed. 4.    According to a survey, 94.2percent of malls were full with shops by the end of 2014. That is the highest level in 27 years.

The average American consumer will spend about $805 on gifts. That’s about $630.5 billion between November and December an increase of 3.7 percent from last year.

5.  That goes to China’s Singles’ Day, celebrated on November 11, which posted record sales of $14.3 billion in 2015.

A.More and more people shop online nowadays.

B.However, the business in malls is thriving again, it adds.

C.It is the busiest shopping day of the year.

D.One-in-five Americans used a tablet or smart-phone.

E.The traditional mall industry can hardly survive.

F.Cyber Monday falls on the Monday after Thanksgiving and Black Friday.

G.However, Cyber Monday is not the biggest online shopping day in the world.




Do you know about a series of books that say they are “for dummies”? These American self-help books have been translated into more than thirty-nine languages including Chinese, Arabic, Russian, French, German, Greek and Spanish.

“Dummy” is a word for a stupid person. The dummies books are not really for stupid people. They are designed to show people how to do something they may never have tried before, like painting a house or learning a language. The books all say in a funny way that they are for dummies, such as World History for Dummies, Rabbits for Dummies, Chinese Cooking for Dummies, and Wedding Planning for Dummies. The first such book, DOS for Dummies, was published in 1991. It helped people learn how to use the DOS operating system for computers. Since then, more than one hundred fifty million dummies books have been sold.

The dummies.com website explains the idea behind the books. It says that they show that people can be taught to do anything. First they can make fun of ideas that are difficult to understand. Then they show how the information can be interesting and easy. The publishers say that the books do not provide more information than necessary. They give readers just enough information to do what they want. They say that the dummies books give the best and easiest way to do something. And the books use simple and easy language.

There are more than one thousand different dummies books. A report in New York Times says that the top-selling dummies books are those that explain technology and personal finance.

The publishers say that the best-selling dummies books are those providing information many people need — like information about diseases, education and cooking. People interested in opera, car repair and wine can also find dummies books to help them. And there are even more dummies books to come. The publishers say that they publish about two hundred new dummies books every year.

1.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Self-Help Books           B. The Easiest, the Best

C. Books for Dummies          D. New Ideas behind the Books

2.The dummies books have been popular because __________.

A. they provide just what is needed and are easy to understand

B. they provide abundant information on the concerning subject

C. people can learn to do anything with just one copy

D. people can save lots of money through self-teaching

3.According to New York Times, we know that books on __________ sell best.

A. cooking and world history

B. opera and car repairing

C. diseases and education

D. technology and personal finance




“Success begins with belief and ends with doubt.”—Larina Kase

I remember reading through a book and the author was writing about being a reverse paranoid. In that particular section he mentions how he has a belief that the world he’s living in is out to give him everything he absolutely wants and desires.

There are times when I think to myself,“Wow,the world is out to get me and make me miserable.” Then I thought,why can’t I believe that the world is out to make me a better conversationalist. Then I started adapting to the belief of the reverse paranoia.

When I started talking to people,I truly believed that I was the most interesting person in the room. I believed that everything I said added value to the conversation. I believed that people stayed behind and chatted with me because they found me charismatic.

As a matter of fact, for about five months I wrote down on my bathroom mirror the following affirmation:“People love me and respect me. It is a privilege to talk to me. People find me interesting and charming and always want to get to know me better!”

I would say the affirmation after I brushed my teeth. And I would continue to say it until I felt completely great about myself. There were days that I just wouldn’t feel like saying it,because it would feel like a lie to me. But that’s the trouble,like the quote says,success ends when there’s doubt. And that’s why I continued until I had no doubt in my mind.

Then strange things happened,I noticed that people did find me more interesting,and that I gained more confidence in talking with people. I was more assertive(坚定自信的) at work. I was able to control politics and gossip at work to minimal levels,and became a much better manager,and developed better customer relations to the point that sales were up by 20% compared to the year before,on my best month sales were up by 39%,and this was a year that a recession was happening.

1.The main purpose of the author is to________.

A.explain how to be a reverse paranoid

B.share his personal experience in success

C.tell us the importance of positive thinking

D.advise us how to improve our communication skills

2.Before the author started adapting to the belief of the reverse paranoia,he used to ________.

A.believe the world would give him anything he desired

B.have a negative attitude towards life

C.have a strong belief in the world

D.live a miserable life

3.Sometimes the author didn’t feel like saying his affirmation because________.

A.it didn’t work as he had expected

B.he had become enthusiastic about conversations

C.he had felt great about himself

D.it didn’t sound true to himself

4.We can infer from the last paragraph that the author________.

A.didn’t believe what had happened at work

B.didn’t get along with others at work

C.had his performance at work affected by the recession

D.made great progress due to his affirmation



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