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Homonym: a word that has the same spelling and the same pronunciation as another world, but a different meaning

Same spelling, different meaning

Imagine, then a situation where two words are spelt and pronounced exactly the same way, but have completely different meanings.Welcome to the world of homonyms.Take, for example, the word ‘fail’ --- it can be a kind of festival, and adjective to describe the color of your hair or how you should play a game.

Don’t take it literally

So how do you know which meaning someone is referring to? --- You don’t, except by the context.Obviously, if someone asks you to ‘give them a hand’, they don’t want you to remove what is at the end of your arm.

What’s in a name?

Sometimes even the context doesn’t help much --- the result can be amusing.These sentences play with the double meaning of a noun:

I used to be a banker, but I lost interest.

Have you heard about the cross-eyed teacher who couldn’t control his pupils?

A small boy swallowed some coins and had to go to hospital.When his grandmother phoned to ask how he was, the nurse said: ‘No change yet’.

More ambiguity

And these examples play with the different meanings of a verb:

I wondered why the ball was getting bigger.Then it hit me.

No one knew she had a dental implant until it came out in a conversation.

A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.

Double trouble

And sometimes a word can be a noun and a verb, but have different meanings.Can you work this one out?

Time flies like an arrow.Fruit flies like a banana

If you like these homonyms, you will be pleased to know that English has plenty more!

Explanations of jokes in the text

I used to be banker, but I lost interest.(I became bored with the job / I lost money)

Have you heard about the cross-eyed teacher who couldn’t control his pupils? (students / parts of his eyes)

A small boy swallowed some coins and had to go to hospital.When his grandmother phoned to ask how he was, the nurse said: ‘No change yet’.(no difference in the situation / no money)

I wondered why the ball was getting bigger.Then it hit me.(the ball hit me / I suddenly realized)

No one knew she had a dental implant until it came out in a conversation.(became known / fell out)

A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.(can’t be better / difficult to mix with a fork)

Time flies like an arrow.(time goes quickly) Fruit flies like a banana(insects enjoy eating fruit.)

1.Which of the following statements about homonyms is NOT true?

A. They share the same spellings regardless of meanings.

B. We can’t know their meanings without context.

C. We may still feel confused even with context.

D. Their ambiguity brings great trouble to our life.

2.The “beat” in the sentence “A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat, making for a satisfying breakfast.” has a similar meaning to _____.

A. The rain was beating down on the tin roof.

B. Taking the bus sure beats walking.

C. The doctor could feel no pulse beating.

D. You’ve been working too hard, you look dead beat.


1.D 2.B 【解析】本文介绍了英语中的同形同音异义词。根据 1.1】本文介绍了英语中的同形同音异义词。故A项正确;根据So how do you know which meaning someone is referring to? --- You don’t, except by the context一句可知需要在具体语境中了解同音同形异义词。故B项正确;根据文中的示例可知甚至是在语境中同形同音异义词也会是我们困惑。故C项正确;D项在原文中未涉及。 2.2】A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat意为:早餐吃一个煮鸡蛋很好。 hard to beat (成语)= 无比的,极好的。B选项中的beat一位好于。A项中的意为“敲打”;C项中的意为“心跳”;D项中的意为“筋疲力尽”。根据第四段一句,可知答案选。


  All of us go through some difficult times as we approach teenage years.It's the age when we have to deal with the most      in our life.This transition (过渡) from childhood to adulthood is     for some, but rough for others.The most important thing about being a teenager is   .When we are teenagers, we would get blamed or even punished for anything wrong we do.Unlike before when we were small kids, even if we made a big trouble, we didn’t need to pay anything for it.

  It’s all not so    about being a teenager though.We don’t have to have our    take us to somewhere we want to go or we couldn’t go before.We can have    with friends or even alone, which we couldn’t have because we were too    to know what pleasure is! It's a very enjoyable time of life.During this age, we are old enough to    what is good for us, and make decisions by ourselves without    others.

  But like the saying goes ‘‘All good things must come to an end, but all bad things can continue    .” During this period, we are having much    for our studies.If we don't pass, we won’t get jobs, and things will take a turn for the    .With the present world economy in _   , we have to do really, really well in our 14  for a jobAdults say that their _   is the hardest part of life.But I think the transition from a kid to an adult is much    than being already an adult.What we do in our teenage years will    what we become and how we lead our life in the future.

  In conclusion, it is quite    that parents put much pressure on an already stressed out teenager.If they realized that, living condition for teenagers would be much better._     .for the teens ourselves we should get to know what is best for us.What's more, we should understand the right    of life we choose at this age can make us happy for the rest of our existence.

1.A. chances           B. changes          C. feelings       D. expectations

2.A. smooth            B. practical        C. demanding      D. necessary

3.A. knowledge         B. independence     C. confidence     D. responsibility

4.A. easy              B. strange          C. bad            D. interesting

5.A. guides            B. partners         C. parents        D. friends

6.A. fun               B. trouble          C. relation       D. business

7.A. proud             B. young            C. smart          D. mature

8.A. predict           B. remember         C. imagine        D. understand

9.A. guiding           B. helping          C. inviting       D. consulting

10.A. occasionally     B. temporarily      C. forever        D. increasingly

11.A. pressure         B. passion          C. motivation     D. panic

12.A. better           B. worse            C. fewer          D. more

13.A. decline          B. hope             C. increase       D. debt

14.A. contribution     B. education        C. application    D. qualification

15.A. promotion        B. work             C. experience     D. age

16.A. harder           B. happier          C. easier         D. lighter

17.A. reflect          B. confirm          C. determine      D. identify

18.A. vital            B. urgent           C. common         D. unnecessary

19.A. Or               B. Otherwise        C. But            D. Because

20.A. experience       B. way              C. condition      D. power



--- Do you know what they are whispering about? They look mysterious.

--- ________.None of our business.

A. I am all ears

B. Don’t be a fly on the wall

C. Let the cat out of the bag

D. The wall has ears.



With your help, there is no doubt ______ our plan is meant for will work out successfully.

A. that what      B. whether that

C. what that      D. that whether



The company has changed some of its working practices _____ complaints and criticism from the customers.

A. in respect to      B. in response to

C. in return for      D. in exchange for



He asked me to give him a lift ________ I could make an explanation about the crowded space in my car.It was so hard to refuse him!

A. until      B. while      C. before      D. when



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