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基础写作 【写作内容】 根据以下所给的信息,介绍苹果公司的最新产品苹果智能手表。...





外形特点:它被视为戴在手腕上的小型计算机, 采用了蓝宝石屏幕与Force Touch触摸技术,有银色、金色、红色和白色等多种颜色供选择。




参考词汇:蓝宝石屏幕 Sapphire screen   预定 pre-order  导航navigation services









Apple Watch, a newly launched product by the Apple Company, is a wrist-top micro-computer with a Sapphire display integrating Force Touch technology, and a range of colours from silver, golden, red to white for customers to choose from. At the touch of the screen, not only would you be able to send e-mails or messages, but also pay for online goods and enjoy the navigation services. In addition, this gadget (small device) can monitor the customer’s health and fitness. If you want to make the best of Apple Watch applications, you are recommended to own an iPhone. You can place an order for Apple Watch on April 10, which is expected to be put on the market in the United States and eight other countries on April 24, with prices between $349 and $10000. 【解析】 试题分析:本文属于提纲类写作,要求我们就题目中所给内容写一段作文。此篇文章中要点已给出,并且题目要求只能用五个句子完成写作,于是不难观察发现题目中所给出的要点也只有五条,所以可以针对每一条信息写一句话,完成写作。题中已经将写作中可能遇到的难词罗列出来,在写的时候可以直接套用。此篇写作与其他提纲类写作不同,限定了用5句话,所以不能像以往的写作一样扩展太多。要注意在写作的时候要读懂题目中想要表达的意思,并且尽量不要让句子太过复杂和繁琐。另外写作时切记需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括,缺一不可。同时在写作时要注意使用高级的词汇与高级的句型,不要遗漏任何的要点,同时要使用合适的连接词来连接整个文章,使文章更有条理性。 【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明,用了很多并列结构以及从句将长篇内容概括成五个句子,例如第一句Apple Watch, a newly launched product by the Apple Company, is a wrist-top micro-computer with a Sapphire display integrating Force Touch technology, and a range of colours from silver, golden, red to white for customers to choose from,用一个长复杂句将题中意思概括,为文章增色不少。 考点:考查提纲类作文写作  




A.  Zheng Guan, 30 years old, comes from Guangdong Province and would like to find a girlfriend who is about 20---28 years old, unmarried, with a degree of high school. He is 175 centimeters tall and works as an auto mechanic in Guangzhou.

B.  Thomas, comes from NewYork. He is 48 years old, 168 centimeters tall, unmarried. He owns a Master’s degree and is now working as an engineer in Shenzhen, living in a house of the company. He hopes to find a companion who is about 30---38 years old. He doesn’t care about whether she was divorced.

C.  Li Xin, 35 years old, comes from Guangzhou. He works in the local government with a bachelor’s degree. He has an apartment in the city. He wants to have a companion who lives in the same city, 25---33 years old, unmarried, with a degree of secondary school. The girl should be at least 155 centimeters tall.

D.  Wang Jian, 27 years old, comes from Changsha. He is a lawyer with a Master’s degree, who is now working in a law office in Shenzhen. He is 175 centimeters tall and looking for a girlfriend between 22---25years old, unmarried. She should be at least 160 centimeters tall and has a college degree, who is supposed to have a job in Shenzhen, too.

E.  Chen Fan, who is now 66 years old, lives in Shenzhen. His wife died of a heart attack满分5 manfen5.com满分5 manfen5.com 3 years ago. He would like to find a spouse who 满分5 manfen5.com满分5 manfen5.comis about 50---65years old and is supposed to be thoughtful.

F.  Zhong Shi, 26 years old, is a soldier in Zhejiang Province. He is 175 centimeters tall, unmarried, with a bachelor’s degree. He likes playing table tennis and football in his spare time. He wants to find a girlfriend who works in Zhejiang Province, 155---168 centimeters tall, unmarried.


1.Shelly, 22, works in a state-owned enterprise, who likes to play table tennis after work. She would like a male friend who is serving in the army and taller than 170 centimeters. It will be appropriate if he loves sports just as she does.

2.Tang Lili, 28, 160 centimeters tall, unmarried, is now living Guangdong Province and took up a job as an accountant (会计). After graduating from high school, she decided to continue learning for a higher degree while working. She hopes to find a companion with a house of his own and at least got a bachelor’s degree.

3.Liu Fang, 54, a retired teacher from senior middle school. She is now taking care of her granddaughter. Her son and daughter want her to find a companion after their father died in an accident 4 years ago.

4.Xie Xueqing, 24, serves as an assistant in a private company in Shenzhen. She is 165 centimeters tall and just graduated from university this year. She loves listening to all kinds of music, especially classical music.

5.Zhang Hui, 35 years old, married once, is a nursery teacher. She is very considerate and loves to be with children very much. Besides, she enjoys dancing in her free time. After divorce, she is going to find a devoted spouse who has a place to live in.



Ever since Canadian psychiatrist Michael R. Phillips, who works in China, released his report saying China’s suicide rate from 1995 to 1999 reached 0.023 percent, the country has been ranked among those with the highest suicide rates in the world. But Jing Jun, a professor of sociology in Tsinghua University, challenges that view and presents the true picture through his nationwide research.

Jing and his students took one year to set up the first national database on suicide rate to grasp the overall trend of suicides in China. They collected data from the Health Statistics Annuals of the World Health Organization (sample size 10 million), and the country’s Health Statistics Annuals (which cover 100 million people). The database covers 23 years, from 1987 to 2009. Jing calculates the suicide rate in China based on these data. Though the suicide rate was comparatively high in the early years, his study shows it has dropped in recent years, as opposed to the ascending trend in the rest of the world.

According to Jing’s calculation, China’s suicide rate had dropped to about 0.01 percent in 2004. In 2009, the figure dropped further to 0.007 percent, which is rather low compared with the global rate of 0.016 percent. Even if the “missing” suicides were added, China’s suicide rate in 2009 would still be below 0.008 percent.

Jing has found that one of the main reasons why the suicide rate has dropped was the steady and big decline in the number of suicides committed by rural women. In the early years, researchers generally agreed that the suicide rate among Chinese women was higher than among men, which is pretty rare in the rest the world. But the suicide rate among Chinese women, especially in rural areas, has declined remarkably in recent years. In fact, it is almost equal to that of Chinese men.

As a sociologist, Jing regards suicide as a social issue, and believes improvement of social policies will reduce the suicide rate even further. More people’s lives can be saved if the authorities adjust to social environment for the better, he concludes.

1.From Jing’s search, we can see ________.

A. China has been ranked among those with the highest suicide rates in the world

B. in the rest of the world suicide rate has been rising quickly in the last few years

C. different from Michael满分5 manfen5.com满分5 manfen5.com R. Philip’s idea, the trend of suicides in China is declining

D. the suicide rate among Chinese women is lower than that of men

2.The data in Para. 2 is mainly to prove that ________.

A. the result from Jing’s research is believable

B. Jing’s research is more complicated than Michael R. Phillip’s

C. Jing has made great efforts to make the research

D. China’s suicide rate was comparatively low all the time

3.Why has the suicide rate in China dropped steadily according to Jing Jun?

A. Because the life level of Chinese people has improved a lot.

B. Because China’s government has adopted measures to reduce the suicide rate.

C. Because the number of Chinese women who commit suicide has declined.

D. Because the world environment affects the suicide rate in China.

4.In Jing’s opinion, what should be done to reduce the suicide?

A. Pay more attention to rural women.

B. Continue to improve social environment.

C. Set up more mental health centers.

D. Make policies to prevent suicides.

5.We can infer that the text is __满分5 manfen5.com_____.

A. a news report

B. a research report

C. a description of suicides

D. an introduction to a professor



A month after Hurricane Katrina, I returned home in New Orleans. There lay my house, reduced to waist-high rains, smelly and dirty.

Before the trip, I’d had my car fixed. When the office employee of the garage was writing up the bill, she noticed my Louisiana license plate. “You from New Orleans?” she asked. I said I was, “No charge.” She said, and firmly shook her head when I reached for my wallet. 满分5 manfen5.com满分5 manfen5.comThe next day I we满分5 manfen5.com满分5 manfen5.comnt for a haircut, and the same thing happened.

As my wife was studying in Florida, we decided to move there and tried to find a rental house that we could afford while also paying off a mortgage (抵押贷款) on our ruined house. We looked at many places, but none was satisfactory. We’d begun to accept that we’d have to live in extremely reduced circumstances for a while, when I got a very curious e-mail from a James Kennedy in California. He’d read some pieces I’d written about our sufferings for Slate, the online magazine and wanted to give us (“no conditions attached”) a new house across the lake from New Orleans.

It sounded too good to be true, but I replied, thanking him for his exceptional generosity, that we had no places to go back. Then a poet at the University of Florida offered to rent his house to me while he went to England on his one-year-paid leave. The rent was rather reasonable. I mentioned the poet’s offer to James Kennedy, and the next day he sent a check covering our entire rent for eight months.

Throughout this painful experience, the kindness of strangers has done much to bring back my faith in humanity. It’s almost worth losing your worldly possessions to be reminded that people are really nice when given half a chance.

1.The garage employee’s attitude toward the author was that of ________.

A. unconcern         B. sympathy

C. doubt            D. tolerance

2.What do we know about James Kennedy?

A. He was a writer of an online magazine.

B. He was a poet at the University of Florida.

C. He learned about the author’s sufferings via e-mail.

D. He offered the author a new house free of charge.

3.It can be inferred from the text that ________.

A. the author’s family was in financial difficulty

B. rents were comparatively reasonable despite the disaster

C. houses were difficult to find in the hurricane-stricken area

D. the mortgage on the ruined house was paid off by the bank

4.From Paragraph 4, we can know that the author’s new house ________.

A. was located in the University of Florida

B. was offered by a poet and the rent was expensive

C. was sponsored by James Kennedy with its 8-month rent

D. was well-equipped but the rent was low

5.The author learned from his experience that ________.

A. worldly possessions can be given up when necessary

B. generosity should be encouraged in some cases

C. people benefit from their sad sto满分5 manfen5.com满分5 manfen5.comries

D. human beings are kind after all



If boy wizard Harry Potter uses his magic to capture (迷住) the hearts of millions of teenagers, high school students Gabriella and Troy have cha满分5 manfen5.comrmed American boys and girls with their stories of campus life.

They are the leading characters in High School Musical, a series of hugely successful films in the US. The sequel (续集), High School Musical 3, came out on October 24 and has topped the American box office for two straight weeks.

The show has everything attractive to teenagers dancing, catchy music, puppy love and good looks. The story starts when high school basketball star Troy and brainy Gabriella two teenagers who are worlds apart meet during the winter break. At a karaoke contest they discover their love for singing and an interest in each other. When school starts, Troy finds out that Gabriella is the new girl at his school.

Eager to find the magic they had during karaoke, Troy and Gabriella decide to audition (试镜) for the school’s upcoming musical. This angers the school’s drama queen Sharpay. However, they overcome difficulties and become the leading actors.

But the story doesn’t end there. High School Musical 2 follows their adventures over summer vacation when Sharpay tires to break up Troy and Gabriella. In the latest sequel, high-school seniors are facing the po满分5 manfen5.com满分5 manfen5.comssibilities of being separated from each other as they go off in different directions when graduating from high school.

Joined by the rest of their friends, Troy and Gabriella stage a musical reflecting their experiences, hopes and fears about the future.

“The success of the High School Musical films shows Disney’s long-term efforts to attract youngsters for whom Mickey Mouse seems to babyish,” wrote New York Times reporter Dave Itzkoff. “For the time being, the movie has made fictional high school students as recognizable as that 79-year-old mouse.”

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Boy wizard Harry Potter.

B. High school students Gabriella and Troy.

C. A successful show High School Musical.

D. Disney’s long-term efforts.

2.How many films are there in this series of films?

A. 2.      B. 3.      C. 4.      D. 5.

3.What can you learn from the words “two teenagers who are worlds apart”?

A. They live far away from each other.

B. They used to know each other well.

C. They have a big difference between each other.

D. They study at different schools.

4.What happen满分5 manfen5.com满分5 manfen5.coms in High School Musical 2, according to the passage?

A. Troy and Gabriella audition for a school musical.

B. Troy and Gabriella meet at a karaoke contest.

C. Troy and Gabriella graduate from high school.

D. Sharpay tries to break up Troy and Gabriella.

5.What does New York Times reporter Dave Itzkoff mean?

A. High School Musical is possibly more attractive to youngsters.

B. The high school students don’t like Mickey Mouse.

C. Mickey Mouse is more attractive to youngsters.

D. Mickey Mouse is too old to be recognized by youngsters.



April 27 is Take Our Daughters to Work Day in Britain. Started at first in the United States and brought to Britain in 1994, Take Our Daughters to Work Day has become a special day for girls between 11 and 15. On that day thousands of girls take a day off school and go together with one of their parents to their work places. The purpose of this day is to broaden girls’ horizons and raise their self-confidence.

For many years people have thought that boys can do better than girls in society. But actually, “girls can be whatever they want to be just like boys, whether it is a pilot, a nurse or a chief executive,” says the chairman of Our Sons and Daughters Charitable Trust, an organization which supported the activity of the Day. “Now the girls have a close look at what their parents are doing and this may help them to be more self-confident when they are faced with a choice of work.”

Schools and many companies support the activity too. Palmers Green High School for Girls, in north London, has made the Day a necessary part of career education.

Zarina Bart, 15, from Palmers Green, went with her mother to her lawyer’s office on this year’s Take Our Daughters to Work Day. She found it interesting to see her mother at work. “It’s really strange seeing Mum at work running around, getting serious and telling people what to do.” She has always liked this idea of going into law and thinks it likely that she will follow in her mother’s footsteps. Having a chance to see how her mother works has given her more self-confidence.

Experts believe that girls with higher self-confidence aim higher and are more likely to be successful in life. Parents have the most important effect on the confidence of teenage girls. If parents believe in their daughters and show examples both at work as well as at home for them, this will give a lot of help to girls. Take Our Daughters to Work Day is surely a step in the right direction.

1.What is the topic of this passage?

A. Raising daughters’ self-confidence.

B. Take Our Daughters to Work Day.

C. Equally between boys and girls.

D. Following mothers’ footsteps.

2.It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that ________.

A. women pilots are popular in Britain

B. girls are sure about their future jobs

C. people have wrongly believed that girls can do as well as boys

D. for many years boys have had a relatively wider choice of work

3.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Take Our Daughters to Work Day is British in origin.

B. Palmers Green favors Take Our Daughters to Work Day.

C. On the Day children are taken to their parent’s work places.

D. Parents in Britain show good examples both at work and at home.

4.After her experience on Take Our Daughters to Work Day, Zarina felt ________.

A. confident about finding a job in the future

B. strange to watch her mother working in the office

C. sure about what to choose as her future career

D. interested in doing the same job as her mother

5.The author’s attitude towards the Day is ________.

A. favorable      B. unclear     C. critical     D. neutral



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