满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出...


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I still remember the moment I looked at my saving book when I had only two clients all month. I started my speech pathology (言语病理学) practice in 1998 and gradually     the business to 13 employees. But last year, people were not able to        speech therapy (言语治疗) because of the economic crisis. I cut my own            because I didn’t want to let any of my staff go.        my husband, Brian, lost his job.

We had 11       in all and our oldest four were already      and away from home. We’ve always been interested in food sources and     the kids where their      came from. We love fresh vegetables, eggs or meat directly from small farms, which are safe and       . So we wondered what if we started farming.

When a local farmer         we get some laying hens because there was a market for fresh      , our plan came together. It was scary and      . What if no one bought anything?        people did buy the eggs. The local farmer took eggs to        to his customers, and today he purchases about 20 dozen a week from us.

The children        out, which is important        we already have 270 laying hens and 200 chickens.

The speech therapy business is still         , but I put in less than ten hours a week. I know that on the             , there is life, there is physically satisfying work, and our family members      more to each other. Our quality of life is so much better. I spend most of the day with my children, which I was grateful       . And at night, I have the good feelings that come from working with my hands and doing something positive.

1.A. developed  B. divided    C. presented      D. passed

2.A. call for   B. care for C. pay for        D. apply for

3.A. fund      B. salary     C. profit         D. cost

4.A. Unlikely   B. Excitedly  C. Unfortunately  D. Specially

5.A. partners  B. employees C. children      D. maids

6.A. anxious    B. independentC. complicated    D. prepared

7.A. checking B. satisfying C. questioning    D. teaching

8.A. food       B. wealth    C. property      D. money

9.A. processed B. polluted   C. healthy        D. expensive

10.A. suggested B. required  C. learned        D. demanded

11.A. water     B. fruit     C. eggs           D. chicken

12.A. stressful B. safe       C. helpless      D. regretful

13.A. But       B. Thus      C. Otherwise     D. So

14.A. donate    B. devote   C. send           D. sell

15.A. give      B. run        C. help          D. need

16.A. because   B. until      C. before        D. though

17.A. alive     B. busy       C. easy           D. painful

18.A. business  B. farm       C. campus         D. hand

19.A. contrast  B. care     C. relate        D. compete

20.A. on        B. at       C. in             D. For


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.C 12.A 13.A 14.D 15.C 16.A 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.D 【解析】 试题分析: 1.A 考查动词辨析。develop“发展”;divide“划分”; present“出现,提出”; pass“通过”。这里指的是发展业务。 2.C . 考查动词短语辨析。 call for“需要”; care for“喜欢,照料”; pay for“为…付钱” apply for“申请”。这里指由于经济危机,人们付不起治疗费用。 3.B 考查名称辨析。fund “基金”;salary“薪水”; profit“利润”; cost“费用”。这里指作者宁愿减少自己薪水,也不愿意辞退员工。 4.C 考查副词辨析。Unlikely “未必的,不太可能的”,Excitedly“兴奋地”,Unfortunately“不巧”,Specially“特别地”。 5.C根据后文最大的四个孩子已经独立可知答案。 6.B 考查形容词辨析。anxious “焦急的”; independent“独立的”; complicated“复杂的”;prepared“准备好的”。根据后文away from home离开家,可知答案。 7.D 考查动词辨析。check“检查”;satisfy“使满足”; question“问”; teach“教导”。这里指教导孩子们食物从哪里来。 8.A 从上文food sources”食物来源”可知答案。 9.C 考查形容词辨析。processed“经过特殊加工的”;polluted“污染的”; healthy“健康的”; expensive“贵的”。根据上文的safe,可知这里指食物是安全和健康的。 10.A 考查动词辨析。suggest“提议”; require“要求”; learn“学习”; demand“要求”。这里指当地一个农夫建议我们养生蛋的母鸡,因为市场需要新鲜的鸡蛋。 11.C 解析见50题。 12.A 考查形容词辨析。stressful“有压力的”;safe“安全的”; helpless“无助的”;regretful“后悔的”。根据句中scary以及下一句话,可知作者怀疑万一没有人来买鸡蛋怎么办?所以感到害怕和有压力。 13.A 上文说作者害怕鸡蛋卖不出去,但是紧跟着说到人们来买鸡蛋了,所以用but来做转折。 14.D 考查动词辨析。donate“捐赠”;devote“奉献” ; send“派遣”;sell“卖”。对应上文的buy,这里指当地农民来买我们的鸡蛋然后卖出去。 15.C 考查动词短语辨析。give out“分发”; run out“耗尽”;help out“帮助”。指孩子们对我们帮助很大,因为家里养有270个生蛋的母鸡和200只小鸡。 16.A 分析见55题。 17.A考查形容词辨析。alive“活着的”;busy “忙碌的”;easy“容易的”;painful“痛苦的”。用alive指我的言语治疗业务还在进行。 18.B 根据第二段最后一句So we wondered what if we started farming.可知用farm. 19.C 考查动词辨析。contrast “相反,反对”; care“关心,照顾”; relate“使…有联系”;compete“竞争”。这里指家里人更多的彼此之间互相关心了。relate to有理解,关心,与。。。。。。协调之意。care不需要和to连用。所以选C。 20. 固定搭配。 be grateful for”感激,感谢”。故答案选D。


Camping is an American tradition, and especially important for families.    1.

★Time together

Camping allows you to spend quality time as a family. Most family members are too caught up in their everyday lives to stop and spend time with each other. At home there are just too many distractions, such as televisions.    2.   On a camping trip one can spend time with one’s kids and form a real relationship.


Another great reason to go on a camping trip is to teach kids things like respect for nature and outdoor survival skills things that just can’t be learned adequately from books.

★Camping is cheap

4.   You will save on air travel, accommodations, food, and other expenses.

★Outdoor activities

On camping trips, people don’t just stay in their tents the whole day.   5.  These include bird watching, wildlife viewing, hiking, mountain climbing, fishing, swimming, and playing games with kids.


A. Camping trips are inexpensive compared to regular vacations.

B. Instead of doing activities together, they may just sit there and watch TV.

C. They can do lots of enjoyable and worthwhile activities.

D. Learning

E. Enjoying nature and relaxing

F. Here are four important reasons.

G. Activities should be colorful.



Doctors have a new weapon in the battle against obesity (过度肥胖) — a talking plate that tells people not to eat too quickly. The Mandometer monitors the amount of food leaving the plate, and tells users, “Please eat more slowly.”

The £1,500 Swedish device is to be used in a National Health Service plan to help hundreds of obese families lose weight. It comes in two parts a scale placed under the plate and a small computer screen showing a graphic(图表) of the food gradually disappearing as the user eats. A red line on the screen shows the user’s eating speed, while a blue line shows a healthy rate. If the user eats too fast, the red line angles away from the blue one, warning him or her to ease off. If the lines deviate (偏离) too much, the computer voice comes on, and the  screen flashes the message “Are you feeling full yet?” to remind users to think about whether they have had enough.

Britain has an increasingly serious obesity problem, with one in four adults and one in seven children classed as obese. After a recent trial using the device, experts believe teaching obese people to eat more slowly will help them know when they are full. Around 600 families with at least one obese parent and child (aged five or older) were targeted in the project by Bristol University, along with GPs and nurses.

Professor Julian Hamilton-Shield, who is leading the plan, says obese children and adolescents using the Mandometer ate from 12 to 15 percent less per meal at the end of the 12-month trial. Six months after they stopped using the device they still ate less, and continued to lose weight. “It will be a powerful tool to help families retrain their eating habits,” he says.

1.What does the red line on the screen show?

A. A healthy rate of eating.   B. Too much food is left.

C. The user’s eating speed. D. The user is full.

2.What can we infer from the text?

A. The device can help obese people form good eating habits.

B. Every family will have such a device soon.

C. This device is the best way to lose weight.

D. People will no longer worry about obesity.

3.The underlined phrase ease off is closest in meaning to ______.

A. to become less tense              B. to eat more slowly

C. to remove gently and slowly       D. to stop

4.Which of the following is TRUE, according to the text?

A. 25% of children are obese in Britain.

B. One in seven adults is obese in Britain.

C. Children using the Mandometer ate less after the trial.

D. Six months after the trial, obese people are still eating a lot.



My grandfather spent most of his life in a turbulent (动乱的) India. After settling in New York, he took up his true passion: gardening.

Grandfather’s garden was where I took refuge (避难) from a world of adults and schoolwork. My grandfather cultivated squash (南瓜) and tomatoes it was not rare to find me somewhere in the garden, either secretly eating a tomato, or just sitting and admiring my grandfather’s hard work. However, as time went by, I did not have the chance to visit his house as often as I used to.

On my eleventh birthday, I received a gift bag wrapped in pretty paper from my grandfather. Excited to see what he had given to me for my birthday, I tore apart the paper only to find a yellow squash. I was very angry. What a stupid present!

But gradually, I realized that in my developing a relationship with his garden, I had unknowingly grown very close to my grandfather himself, something he wished to remind me of through his gift. His commitment towards doing things definitely influenced me. It could bring him a sense of accomplishment. Because of him, I try to model the idea of approaching everything with both drive and passion.

My grandfather passed away five years ago, but his influence on me could not be bigger than it is today. As I prepare to enter college and move on from my relatively sheltered high school life toward achieving complete independence, allowing my passions to find their way into whatever I may be doing will be very necessary. I still look up to my grandfather very much to this day, and I hope that one day I will be able to sow in my own garden, and give someone else a squash on his or her birthday it was the most meaningful gift I have ever received.

1.When the author was young, she often visited the garden mainly to ______.

A. have a taste of her favorite vegetables

B. help her grandfather cultivate the garden

C. escape from the adults and schoolwork

D. admire her grandfather’s hard work

2.When the author saw the squash gift from her grandfather, she was ______.

A. excited    B. confused

C. curious   D. upset

3.Why did the grandfather send the author a squash?

A. Squash was the author’s favorite vegetable.

B. Squash was the greatest achievement of him.

C. He wanted to remind the author that they had been close.

D. He wanted the author to follow his career.

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A. A Special Gift Yellow Squash

B. Grandfather and India

C. Life with Grandfather

D. Gardening and Life



We grew up with the familiar toy bricks (积木) that gave us the imagination to build towers and castles. Generations have been attracted by this toy that lets children and adults alike create anything and everything. But with over 200 millions sets being sold a year in over 100 countries, the question remains — where did Lego actually come from?

Lego was born from the creative mind of Danish carpenter (木匠), Ole Kirk Christiansen, back in the early 1930s. He established a small business in Denmark. He and his team built a variety of household goods like ironing boards along with wooden toys. The Lego name was adopted in 1934, formed from the Danish words “Leg Godt” or “play well”, which means “I study” or “I put together” in Latin.

Christiansen’s company continued to make wooden toys until 1942 when fire struck the entire Lego factory burned to the ground. Unwilling to give in, the factory was rebuilt and the production line restarted soon after. By 1954, Christiansen’s son, Godtfred, had become the junior managing director of the Lego Group. It was during his conversation with an overseas buyer that he was struck by the idea of a toy system.

For over 30 years, the Lego Company made only toys and related goods. Then, in 1968, the company opened its first Legoland in Denmark. Combining the Lego building bricks with a computer, the Robotics Invention System 1.5 is now the most advanced toy in the Lego Company, which is targeted at users aged twelve and above, and that includes any parents or grandparents that want to join in.

Now the Lego Company is expanding its production lines to include lights, cameras and so on. Lego Company has done a lot to entertain many children around the world.

1.The author presents the text by ________.

A. telling an interesting story

B. showing the process in different stages

C. introducing a practical method

D. describing many different activities

2.Which of the following is NOT true about the Robotics Invention System 1.5?

A. It is the most advanced toy in the Lego Company.

B. It combines the Lego building bricks with a computer.

C. It is intended for users aged twelve and above.

D. It is the most expensive toy invented since 1968.

3.What is the correct order of the following events in the development of Lego?

a. The entire Lego factory burned to the ground.

b. The company and its products adopted the name Lego.

c. The company opened its first Legoland in Denmark.

d. Godtfred had become the junior managing director of the Lego Group.

A. cadb     B. cbad   C. abcd      D. badc

4.What can we learn from the text?

A. The Lego Company expands its production lines with computers.

B. The author thinks highly of Lego, which entertains many children.

C. The name Lego means “I put together” in the Danish language.

D. Lego enjoys the greatest popularity among children of 12.



Bullis School Visual (视觉的) and Performing Arts Program is designed to advance a student’s ability through artistic expression. Students will choose their Majors (主修课) and Minors (辅修课) and will commit to each of these courses for the academic year.

Courses are listed as follows:

Majors: Band, Choir (合唱团), Dance, Theater

Minors: Painting, Music Ensemble (合唱), Visual Arts

Arts course meetings will vary according to the term:

Fall Term: 3 Majors - 4 classes / course / week;

1 Minor - 2 classes / course / week

Winter Term: 2 Majors - 3 classes / course / week

Spring Term: 2 Majors - 3 classes / course / week;

2 Minors - 2 classes / course / week

Descriptions of Majors:

●Band: This class is designed to help students progress towards proficiency in a range of musical instruments. An audition (试听) will only be required for students who are not current members of the band. Members of the band will be expected to take a weekly lesson with a private instructor.

●Choir: Choir is a mixed vocal ensemble devoted to the study and performance of music from a wide range of traditions. The course is for students who want to learn to respond to different musical styles. The course also focuses on developing vocal skills.

●Dance: This course is designed for students who have had little or no dance background. Students have the opportunity to explore the principles of dance skills, develop awareness and control the body.

●Theater: The primary goal of this course is to introduce students with greater experience to the art of acting. More specifically, it allows students to recognize their own personal responses to a given situation and use these reactions to create individual and unique characters.

1.In which course might you receive personal training?

A. Band.     B. Choir.

C. Dance.    D. Theater.

2.All the following descriptions about the courses are true EXCEPT that ________.

A. Dance is designed for learners who want to improve their skills

B. Choir is very helpful in developing students’ vocal skills

C. an audition will not be open to members of the band

D. Theater helps students create individual and unique characters

3.Where can we most probably read this text?

A. In a personal diary.

B. In a science report.

C. In an educational magazine.

D. In an art textbook.



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