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Shake Shack is a new kind of restaurant ...

Shake Shack is a new kind of restaurant becoming more popular in the U S.The restaurants are not“fast food.”They are known as“fast casual.”

Observers say Americans want more choices and fresh food when choosing where and what to eat.This trend is one reason why the fast food restaurant McDonald’s has struggled  financially.In the last quarter of 2014,McDonald’s net income dropped by about$300 million.The January earnings report brought more bad news.Worldwide sales dropped for the eighth month in a row and even more than expected.While McDonald’s is struggling to get their customers back,Shake Shack,is doing well in making money.The New York-based burger chain had a very successful IPO,or initial public offering,of shares at the end of January.On its first day of trading,Shake Shack went from$21 a share to just under$46 a share.Being part of the“fast casual”trend has helped Shake Shack.Other fast casual restaurants in the U.S.include Chipotle and Panera.

Bonnie Riggs,a restaurant expert with NPD has studied Americans’restaurant habits for almost 30 years.She says one reason why Americans like fast casual food is that it’s new.It is creative,it is something different and people like to try new things.Her study shows Americans made 61 billion visits to restaurants last year.Three out of four visits were to fast food restaurants,like McDonald’s.Fast casual is still a small percentage of restaurant visits,but it has developed fast.Just as Ms.Riggs says,“It’s growing by leaps and bounds,because they meet consumers’needs.They know it's being prepared while they wait,it’s fresh,quality food,good tasting food at what they say are reasonable and affordable prices.”

Many Americans still like their fast food.They just are not going as often.They are finding other ways to have a meal.

1.What is the trouble with McDonald’s?

A.Its share goes down to$21.

B.Shake Shack has taken its place.

C.It’s not popular with Americans.

D.Its sales and income have dropped.

2.We can learn from Bonnie Riggs that Americans____________.

A.1ike to try something new

B.care only about the quality

C.don’t like fast food any more

D.pay more restaurant visits to fast casual

3.What does the underlined phrase“by leaps and bounds”in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.Steadily.    B.Rapidly.

C.Slowly.     D.Normally.

4.Which of the following best describes fast casual?

A.Fresh-made and tasty.

B.High-quality and expensive.

C.Farm-to-table and traditional.

D.Time-consuming and special.


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了美国人的饮食习惯以及新升起的一种餐饮行业。美国人总是乐于尝试新的东西,而新升起的casual food不仅快速,还能保证新鲜,质量过关。虽然现在这种行业没有麦当劳那种快餐店受欢迎,但是这种行业的发展很迅速,相信不久后casual food就能成为大多数人的选择。 1.D推理判断题。根据第二段In the last quarter of 2014,McDonald’s net income dropped by about$300 million和Worldwide sales dropped for the eighth month in a row and even more than expected可知在2014年的最后一个季度,麦当劳遇到的困难时它的收益和销售量都下降了,故选D。 2.A句意理解题。根据第三段She says one reason why Americans like fast casual food is that it’s new.It is creative,it is something different and people like to try new things可知她说玫瑰人总是喜欢一些新的东西并且乐意去尝试一些新的东西,故选A。 3.B推理判断题。A. Steadily稳定地; B.Rapidly迅速地;C.Slowly缓慢地; D.Normally正常地。根据后句because they meet consumers’needs.They know it's being prepared while they wait,it’s fresh,quality food,good tasting food at what they say are reasonable and affordable prices理解可知因为它符合很多美国人的需求,非常新鲜,质量很好,吃起来也很美味,由此可判断此句中是指它发展得很迅速,故选B。 4. 推理判断题,根据最后一段They know it's being prepared while they wait,it’s fresh,quality food,good tasting food at what they say are reasonable and affordable prices可知fast casual类食品很新鲜,很美味,而且价格也很低廉,故选A。 考点:考查记叙类短文阅读


为了减少食物浪费 ,中国最近开展了“光盘行动”。假如你是某校的学生李华,请以“Against Food Waste”为问题,写一篇120字左右短文,拟发表在学校网站英文版上。内容包括如下














When I was a child, I spent more than ten years learn the violin.Therefore, I couldn't understand "real music".After I  graduated at high school, a friend of mine suggested that we started to learn the guitar because we all thought it was cool.l will never forget the day on that we went to buy guitars in the guitar store. There I saw a guitar player playing the guitar, which I really enjoyed.He became my the first guitar teacher.It took me such a long time choose a guitar among several wonderful model.Now the guitar is the most importantly part of my life and I practice it every day.



Minimalism (简约主义) is a term that describes movements in various forms of art and design, especially visual art and music, where the work is reduced to its most basic features.

As for me, minimalism functions well not in art or design, but in my daily life.

When I was packing for university, I found it extremely difficult to let go of some of the things I owned. I knew I couldn’t take everything with me, but I kept asking myself “how could I possibly throw this away?”, “what if I need it one day?”, and “what about all of the memories?” Now that I’ve moved, and left that stuff behind, I don’t even miss it. Whether or not I got rid of it, it barely makes a bit of difference to me now.

I’ve learned that over time people forget, or their need for a particular object eventually disappears. Either they store it away or they get rid of it.

You might think nostalgically(怀旧的) about the toys you cared about when you were a child, but what is making you smile now is not the thing itself but the memory of it. I’ve heard it a hundred times, “you don’t need things to make you happy.” It takes something life-changing like moving across the country to realize how true this is.

Speaking of which, for a lot of people, minimalism is about able to move. It’s about being able to go almost anywhere at any time because you don’t have many possessions to carry. When you keep things you don’t need they become a burden that ties you to a place. Moving to university was a good time to let go of a lot of stuff. And when I visit for the holidays, I’ll probably get rid of even more, to lighten the burden.

Of course there are exceptions. There are some things that are irreplaceable, very rare or expensive or we simply love and cherish for some reason or another, since we are humans. But after we keep those, how much is left that we don’t really need?

Hence, minimalism. And why does minimalism bring happiness? That was a bit of a roundabout way of saying that, it’s because what really makes me happy is freedom. And the key to freedom is minimalism because minimalism reduces our attachment to things.

Attachment to too many objects creates a great mess and can severely hold back our freedom to do whatever we want, while minimalism helps us start new projects, move, travel, learn new things, work, expand, be debt-free, be healthy really living life to our full potential.

I left the nest to fly onwards and upwards, I can’t do it with old things weighing me down. And that is why I have adopted minimalism with open arms.

1.In paragraph l, the writer gives the definition of minimalism to     

A.introduce a topic                      B.present his own idea

C.describe a scene                       D.offer an argument

2.Many people don’t want to let go of some of their belongings because     

A.they haven’t had any life-changing experiences

B.they fear their memories will be gone with the thrown-away stuff

C.they hope to live life to their full potential by storing things away

D.they may have to change their lifestyle because of the loss of them

3.Which of the following is NOT the reason why the writer favors “minimalism” in life?

A.It takes the burden off her while she is moving.

B.It reduces her attachment to her personal things.

C.It enables her to gain the freedom that she desires.

D.It helps her to realize how true life is.

4.By saying “there are exceptions”, the writer means

A.little is left if we keep what we cherish most in our life

B.minimalism should be practised accordingly in different situations

C.minimalism is a method difficult to employ in reality

D.life is full of exceptions so it’s difficult to preserve what we value

5.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Minimalism brings happiness.

B.Minimalism is applied in many fields.

C.Minimalism makes people think nostalgically.

D.Minimalism is about able to move.



It’s really a tough job for automakers doing marketing and sales in China, where competition is acute and customers have little loyalty. They have tried a range of tricks in recent years.

But there should be a moral bottom line. Unfortunately, a Buick dealership used the tragedy of a two-month-old infant to advertise its cars last week on Weibo Micro blog. And Hyundai Motor followed suit.

On March 4, an SUV was stolen with the infant left inside alone in the northeastern city of Changchun. The news spread widely on Weibo after the baby’s father called the local police and radio station for help. The next day it was revealed that the infant was choked to death and buried in snow by the thief. The online community expressed its deeply felt sympathy and condolences.

The Buick dealership posted a photo of the baby and two of its cars on its official Weibo account to advertise its GPS system that can locate the stolen car. “A few thoughts on the Changchun stolen car and baby incident: when buying a car it's entirely OK to choose a brand with advanced technology,” said the post. Though the post was made before tragic fate of the infant was known, the action generated a storm of outrage on Weibo. Some online commentators said it is “marketing at the cost of lives” and “extremely despicable.”

Worse was the post on Hyundai's off icial Weibo account that advertised the anti - theft system on its new SUV Santa Fe, an entry made after the child was known to have died. The action also enraged micro bloggers.

Both posts were soon deleted. The Buick dealership made an apology on Weibo to the family of the victim and the public. But screenshots saved by users continued to be posted and the negative impact on both brands persists.

The two brands probably didn’t expect such a firestorm of fury from the Internet community, but they really made a big mistake sinking below the moral bottom line. They certainly ruined their own brand images.

The Chinese have the same proverb as the English language a little leak will sink a great ship. It takes decades to build the great ship of a respectable brand but it can take just a moment of negligence to make it fail completely.

For those in corporate marketing, two lessons should be learned: first, be careful in the era of social media when one wrong can be easily magnified and have disastrous impacts in just a few clicks.

Second and more importantly, think with your brain and heart. Never break the moral bonds of respect for human life and sympathy for our fellow man.

1.Who is to blame for the tragedy of Changchun infant according to the passage?

A.The baby’s father    B.Buick and Hyundai dealership

C.Weibo                 D.Not clear

2.Which of the following statements is correct?

A.The missing infant was found alive in the stolen car.

B.Micro blog marketing of tragic infant death fuels firestorm of criticism.

C.People can’t see the two posts any more because they were deleted.

D.The two car brands mentioned in the passage spoiled their own reputation by selling the stolen car.

3.What does the underlined word “despicable” in paragraph 4 mean?

A.Immoral            B.Important

C.Distinguished      D.Considerable

4.The reason why Hyundai’s post was worse than Buick’s is that _________.

A.Hyundai dealership didn’t make an apology on Weibo

B.Buick dealership expressed its deeply sympathy and condolences

C.Hyundai’s post was made after people knew the infant had died

D.Buick’s car was more advanced on its GPS system

5.In the last paragraph, the author encourages people _____________.

A.not to sink below the moral bottom line

B.not to sympathize our fellow man

C.to think twice before making decision

D.to magnify the mistakes people make



We all know what it is like to be unable to turn your head because of a cold in the muscles of your neck, or because an unexpected twist has made your neck ache. The slightest move makes you jump with pain. Nothing could be worse than a pain in the neck.

That is why we use the phrase to describe some people who give you the same feeling. We have all met such people.

One is the man who always seems to be clapping his hands—often at the wrong time-during a performance in the theater. He keeps you from hearing the actors.

Even worse are those who can never arrive before the curtain goes up and the play begins.They come hurrying down to your row of seats. You are comfortably settled down, with your hat and heavy coat in your lap. You must stand up to let them pass. You are proud of yourself-control after they have settled into their seats…Well, what now…God, one of them is up again. He forgot to go to the men’s room, and once more you have to stand up, hanging on to your hat and coat to let him pass. Now, that is a pain in the neck”.

Another, well-known to us all, is the person sitting behind you in the movies. His mouth is full of popcorn ; he is chewing loudly, or talking between bites to friends next to him. None of them remain still. Up and down, back and forth, they go—for another bag of popcorn, or something to drink.

Then, there is the man sitting next to you at lunch, smoking. He wants you to enjoy it too, and blows smoke across your food into your mouth.

We must not forget the man who comes into a bus or subway and sits down next to you, just as close as you will let him. You are reading the newspaper and he gets closer so that he can read the paper with you. He may even turn the paper to the next page before you are ready for it.

We also call such a person a rubber neck”, always getting close to where it does not belong, like neighbors who watch all your visitors. They enjoy learning about your personal business. People have a strong dislike for “rubber necks”. They hate being watched secretly.

1.Where can you find this passage?

A.In a medicine dictionary.

B. in a kids’ story book.

C.In a social science book.

D.In a science textbook.

2.According to the passage, how do you feel when late comers walk back and forth in front of you in a cinema?

A.disturbed.       B.bored.     C.ignored.      D.relaxed.

3.A rubber neck often __________________

A.says bad words behind people.

B.quarrels face to face with neighbors.

C.bargains with salespeople over the price

D.asks about other people’s business

4.Which of the following persons CANNOT be described as a pain in the neck”?

A.Someone who often claps at the wrong time during a performance.

B.Someone who feels ache in his neck due to a cold in the muscles.

C.Someone who sits next to you smoking, which you never enjoy.

D.Someone who keeps eating or talking all through the movies.

5.What is the main purpose of the author?

A.To tell people what might be bad manners in public.

B.To criticize (批评) the people who might be a “pain in the neck”

C.To show anger to those who are described as a “pain in the neck”.

D.To tell people how to stop the pain in the neck.



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