满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

课文填空 1.The winning car reached a speed o...


1.The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour -- much faster than___________________.

2.The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed. ____________________, he told her that the dress was sold.

3.The tree was planted near the church fifty years ago, but it is only in recent years that it has ________________.

4.…, but when nobody could ____________________, his father got some tea towels and tape from their house.

5.You have three layers of skin which act as ______________________ poisons and the sun’s harmful rays.

6.You’ll find your colleagues very eager to assist you, so you may be able to _____________________ later if you are interested.

7.A footballer was accused of taking money for ______________________ so as to let the other team win.

8.I see!  Have you ever had ______________________ someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?

9.Never put butter, oil or ointment on burns as they keep the heat in the wounds and _____________________.

10.He slowed the bleeding _____________________ the wounds until the police and ambulance arrived.


1.any of its rivals 2.Glancing at her scornfully 3.gained an evil reputation 4.put their hands on any 5.a barrier against disease 6.concentrate on photography 7.deliberately not scoring goals 8.a case where 9.may cause infection. 10.by applying pressure to 【解析】 试题分析: 1.any of its rivals 考查比较状语从句。根据语意应该是对手中的任何一辆都快。故填any of its rivals 。 2.2】Glancing at her scornfully 考查非谓语动词。根据语意,主句的主语是glance的动作执行者,应用现在分词短语作状语,故填Glancing at her scornfully 。 3.3】gained an evil reputation 考查时态。根据此题干中是强调句型,强调的是状语only in recent years,应用完成时态。故填gained an evil reputation。 4.put their hands on any 考查动词短语。句意:……但是,当没有任何人插手任何事情时,父亲从他们的房间里拿出几块毛巾和磁带。put one’s hands on sth插手某件事。故填put their hands on any。 5.a barrier against disease.考查名词短语。空前是介词as应用名词。根据题意:你有三个层皮肤,为预防疾病,毒药和太阳的有害射线的屏障作用。against disease预防疾病,作barrier的定语。故填a barrier against disease。 6.concentrate on photography 考查动词短语。concentrate on集中注意力于……。根据空前的关键词eager和空后的later判断。故concentrate on photography。 7.deliberately not scoring goals 考查非谓语动词。根据题干中空前是介词for,应用动词的ing形式,该结构的否定形式是在该词前加not,由于score在此处是及物动词,副词deliberately应放在not前。故填deliberately not scoring goals。 8.a case where 考查定语从句的引导词。根据空前的had是及物动词,应填名词a case,定语从句中缺少地点状语。故填a case where。 9.may cause infection. 考查谓语动词。根据语意,空前的关键词heat和wounds判断此处是可能引起感染,故填may cause infection。 10. 考查非谓语动词。根据空前的slowing the bleeding和空后的until引导的从句判断需填by + 动词ing形式作方式状语。故填by applying pressure to。 【名师点睛】 完成句子的备考建议 1、积累足够量的英语语言基础知识,对于教材、语篇材料中的篇章结构以及词汇语句表达中的多样性、连贯性、准确性和得体性,要主动学会观察、品味、模仿。 2、系统的英语语法知识,在专题复习中,对重要语法项目归类进行完成句子形式练习,弄清基本概念,掌握基本规律。如:11. applying pressure to 考查非谓语动词。根据空前的slowing the bleeding和空后的until引导的从句判断需填by + 动词ing形式作方式状语。故填by applying pressure to。 3、高考题型的专项训练,在一轮复习中要求学生不脱离课本,熟读课文,对每单元的重要句型进行归纳总结和操练,熟记短语动词,固定搭配。严格训练,训练学生在做完成句子题目的细心,不原谅错误,规范第一,如大小写,单复数,单词拼写正确,不掉小词 a,the等。其实很多时候学生出现的错误并不是知识性的错误,而是由于不细心而导致的低级错误,这种错误往往会导致考生失掉1-2分是很常见的。强化训练,大量、适时训练,建议考生每天做十个完成句子练习,既是对“完成句子”题的复习,也是对书面表达一种很好的备考方法。落实训练,在平常训练中针对做错的题要落实到位,到点,发现错误应及时反馈纠正,要培养考生对错误的自觉性和敏感性 4、掌握解题技巧与方法:读全句,基本确定结构;观察汉语提示和英语单词提示,看清题干含义,背诵课文,确定基本形式(包括时态、语态);总览全句,确定语义逻辑的通常性和在相对语境下的最佳形式。如:7.12. not scoring goals 考查非谓语动词。根据题干中空前是介词for,应用动词的ing形式,该结构的否定形式是在该词前加not,由于score在此处是及物动词,副词deliberately应放在not前。故填deliberately not scoring goals。 5、让学生掌握正确的评分标准。 【考点】课文填空


1.My hand was red, slightly s_______________ and turned white when pressed, like first degree burns.

2.I have an elder sister. She is s_______________ to me by 3 years.

3.I missed my train this morning, lost my wallet and spilt coffee all over myself. It never rains but it p_______________.

4.A medical team, c_____________ of 10 doctors and 5 nurses, was sent to the disaster-stricken area.

5.It’s of v______________ importance to learn English well. We can’t emphasize it too much.

6.Which do you prefer, apples or freshly s______________ apple juice?

7.We f______________ believe that our school enjoys a good reputation nationwide.

8.Even the simplest everyday activities can make a real d________________ to the environment, making the world a better place to live in.

9.To p_______________ up your English, you may as well take English lessons and stay in an English-speaking country for improvement.

10.Mary worked here as a t_______________ secretary and ended up getting a full-time job with the company.



I spent my childhood walking a fine line between being an energetic young boy and avoiding contact sports to protect my eyesight. I had lost the sight in one eye at the age of five, so instead of football, I put my energy into rowing and sailing. By the time I was 22, I was working towards rowing for my country.

Then, during a training session, I noticed my vision was unclear in my remaining eye. I had an operation and spent two weeks with bandages over my eyes. Sadly, it didn’t work, and the second operation two months later was also a failure. My world came crashing down. I had been flying high---- as well as my shining rowing career, I had been about to take my finals and get a job in the city. Now, as my fellow graduates celebrated their results, I lay in my childhood bedroom, angry. I would wake up in the morning and convince myself I could see a shadow, but I felt bitterly angry when I realized I couldn’t.

Previously, I had lots of assumptions about blind people, but now I joined their ranks. I had no choice but to change my attitude. I started to realize that my challenge was not about seeing but about creating a new life for myself. The simple pleasure of just sitting in a café and watching the world go by or even making eye contact with anyone is no longer possible. I had to rethink how to engage with the world. As much as I disliked the things of blindness---- white sticks, talking computers and guide dogs---- I welcomed these as the tools that would enable me to regain my independence. I moved out of my mum’s house and got a job in entertainment. I also started seeking out projects that would help me get out and mix with people. A big part of my identity has always been about the thrill of competing---- success and failure. I am excited when I am giving it my all, so I started to compete again, first in rowing and then in extreme physical challenges such as completing six marathons in seven days in Gobi desert. Filling my life with experiences helped to sweep the blindness to one side.

It took me 10 years really to deal with losing my sight. When I walked to the South Pole in 2009, the first blind person ever to go there, standing shoulder to shoulder with sighted people, I felt “normal” again.

But two years ago, my sense of “being normal” was challenged again. I was staying at a friend’s house when I fell out of a second-floor window onto the ground below. I have no idea how it happened---- I was just going to bed but ended up waking up in hospital. I hurt my brain, and my back in three places. I discovered that I couldn’t feel my legs. Doctors said that there was a 12-week period for sensation(知觉) to return, and when this came and went with no change in my legs, I began to despair.

I was due to get married, but on the day of our wedding my fiancée(未婚妻) was sitting by my bedside as I prepared for another operation to put metalwork in my back.

I’m still in a wheelchair, but I refuse to accept that my story ends here. I have got involved with a training program, which aims to redirect the nerve pathways in my legs through training. I’m now teaching myself to use sit-skis and a hand-powered bike. I’m sure how I’d manage emotionally without a sporting goal to drive myself forward. It has saved my life in a way. I may never win a gold medal, but that doesn’t stop me trying.

1.After the second operation, the writer __________________.

A. was full of confidence

B. found a job in the city

C. lost his sight completely

D. lay in bed sleeplessly

2.The challenge mentioned in Paragraph 3 refers to ________________.

A. building a new life

B. being unable to see any more

C. replacing the things for the blind

D. making eye contact with others

3.Having fallen out of a second-floor window, the writer felt despaired because _______________.

A. his fiancée broke away from him

B. he didn’t know how it took place

C. he might be unable to walk forever

D. he had to put metalwork in his back

4.We can learn from the passage that _________________.

A. the writer is a person who never gives up

B. the blindness has made the writer lose heart

C. winning a gold medal is impossible for the writer

D. the writer has never received any training in sports



WHEN you buy cooking oil in the supermarket, you may notice that some brands are labeled as “GM (genetically modified)-free”. So, what is genetic modification? Are GM foods safe?

These questions have been put back into the spotlight recently. On Nov 19, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US announced that it had approved the AquAdvantage salmon (三文鱼) to go on the market, making it the first genetically modified animal to be approved as food anywhere in the world.

GM foods are plants or animals that have been given a gene from another plant or animal to make them stronger in some way. The AquAdvantage salmon contains a gene from another type of salmon that makes it grow faster.

Although the FDA has said “food from the fish is safe to eat”, some believe that scientists can’t completely understand the potential health risks of GM foods, simply because they’re so new. Others worry that the fish could escape into the wild and cause ecological (生态的) problems.

GM crops have experienced the same controversy, even though GM technology cuts down on the use of pesticides (杀虫剂) on crops and increases yields.

While GM animals are new, GM crops have already appeared on our plates. A total of 28 countries in the world including the US, Brazil and India planted 181.5 million hectares (1.815 million km2) of GM crops in 2014, according to the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications. In China, we grow GM cotton and papaya (木瓜) and import GM soybeans, corn, rape (油菜), cotton and beets (甜菜) from abroad.

Due to safety worries, many countries have regulations for producing and selling GM food.

In European Union countries, each GM food must be approved before it can be used. This process can take up to 17 months. The origin of all GM foods must also be traceable (可追溯的) , and all food with a GM content of more than 0.9 percent must also be labeled, according to EU website europa.eu.

The US is less strict about GM foods. According to FDA regulations, companies introducing new GM foods to the market should report them at least 120 days before release. The labeling is voluntary (自愿的), except that a product cannot be labeled as “GM-free” if genetically modified materials are used.

In China, GM foods can only be produced after strict tests by the Ministry of Agriculture say that they are safe. All food that is made from GM crops or contains GM ingredients must be clearly labeled on the wrapper (包装).

1.According to the text, the AquAdvantage salmon ______.

A. tastes better than normal salmon

B. is a product that mixes several types of fish

C. has a gene from a different type of salmon

D. remains to be approved in several countries

2.One of the reasons for many people to worry about the AquAdvantage salmon is that ______.

A. the gene that makes them grow faster can work on humans too

B. there are possible health risks that even scientists might not have figured out yet

C. they could possibly become threats to other wild species

D. they are not nutritious enough or might taste strange

3.From the text, it can be concluded that GM crops _____.

A. no longer cause any controversy

B. have already been planted in some countries

C. are popular because they don’t need pesticides

D. can increase yields, making them welcome in countries like Japan

4.Which of the following is TRUE about regulations for producing and selling GM food?

A. All food with GM content must be labeled in European countries.

B. In the US, the AquAdvantage salmon will have to be labeled as GM food.

C. In France, every GM food that is about to go on the market must be reported at least 120 days before release.

D. In China, all food that is made from GM crops or contains GM ingredients must be clearly labeled on the package.



If you haven’t heard of the expression, you must have been living under a rock for the past year, because “the world is big, and I owe it a visit” was all over the Internet last year.

This expression was chosen as one of 2015’s “popular cyber phrases” in China. When a year comes to an end, many institutions, including the National Language Resources Monitoring and Research Center, People’s Daily Online and CCTV, put together their lists of the Internet’s most used words and phrases.

Most of the selected words and phrases may seem funny and playful, but they can show lifestyle changes. The term “duoshoudang” meaning shopping addicts is a good example. The past year saw record-high online shopping sales in China, the world’s largest e-commerce market. In fact, according to Xinhua, e-commerce (电子商务) is “a new engine” for China’s economic development.

Meanwhile, although phrases like “xiasibaobaole” meaning “you scared the pants off me”may be a fun expression, they reflect the desire for attention now that social networking sites and apps such as weibo and WeChat have become part of people’s lives. “People now have a need to express emotion in bite-size, 140-character bits,” wrote The New York Times.

Here, Teens has picked some phrases from last year’s popular “cyber words” lists. Did you use them often?

The world is big, and I owe it a visit.

Seeing more of the world has become a hot topic for Chinese people in recent years. But never before had someone used it as an excuse to quit a job until Gu Shaoqiang did. The 35-year-old middle school teacher in Henan province struck a chord with (产生共鸣) the nation by posting her 10-word resignation letter: “The world is big, and I owe it a visit.”

The letter’s simplicity, honesty and bravery are what made it one of 2015’s top catchphrases (流行语), wrote Zhang Shixuan, a commentator for People’s Daily.

A pretty face can feed you, yet you choose to make a living off your talent.

Comedian Jia Ling is well known for her funny performances as well as her plump figure. So it came as a great surprise when a photo of her surfaced online, showing how slim and pretty she was in her younger years. In response, true to her humorous nature, Jia wrote this on Sina Weibo: “My story shows that I could totally have lived on my pretty face, yet I chose to rely on my talent.” Since then, the words have become popular when describing good-looking people who are still hardworking.

Other popular “cyber words” include “it’s your charm that matters”, “important things should be stressed three times”, “makers” (创客), “memeda”, a phrase to show cuteness and affection and “xiaoxianrou” referring to young and pretty men.

1.Which is the most popular network buzzword of 2015?

A. It scared me to death.

B. It’s your charm that matters.

C. Important things should be stressed three times.

D. It is not mentioned in the passage.

2.The underlined phrase“ living under a rock” is closest in meaning to ____________.

A. living far from satisfaction

B. living out your fantasy

C. living unexposed to the world

D. living up to others’ expectation

3.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Gu Shaoqiang resigned because of financial and mental pressure.

B. If you think Jia ling is fat and humorous, you may get the wrong end of the stick.

C. Hot online words basically bring more harm than good to Chinese culture.

D. New words are a reflection of changing technology, politics, morals, and worldviews.



Dear Alcohol,

You’ve been around forever. I can remember all the pain you’ve caused for me.

Do you remember the night you almost took my father’s life? I do. He loves you. Sometimes I think he loves you more than he loves me. He’s addicted to you, to the way you promise to rid him of his problems only to cause more of them. You just sat back and laughed as his car went spinning through the street, crashing into two other cars. He wasn’t the only one hurt by you that night.

Do you remember the night of my first high school party? You were there. My friends were intrigued by you. They treated you as if they were never going to see you again, drinking all of you that they could. I spent two hours that night helping my friends who had fallen completely. “I’m so embarrassed,” they said as I held their hair back so that they could vomit (呕吐). “I’m sorry,” they said when I called taxies for them, walking them out and paying the driver in advance. “This won’t happen again,” they said as they were sent to the hospital to have their stomachs pumped. Two 15-year-old girls slept in hospital beds that night thanks to you.

Do you remember the night when you took advantage of my 17-year-old neighbor who had to drive to pick up his sister from her dance lessons? Do you know how we all felt when he hit another car and killed the two people in the other car? He died the next morning too. His sister walked home from her dance lesson, and passed police cars and a crowd of people gathering on the sidewalk just two blocks away from the dance studio. She didn’t realize her brother was in the midst of it all. She never saw him again. And it’s all your fault.

I wish you’d walk out of my life forever. I don’t want anything to do with you. Look at all the pain you’ve caused. Sure, you’ve made people happy too from time to time. But the damage you’ve caused in the lives of millions is inexcusable. Stop luring(诱惑)in the people I love. Stop hurting me, please.



1.What is author’s purpose in writing to alcohol?

A. To introduce Mr. Alcohol to the readers

B. To describe the harm alcohol did to his family.

C. To show how much alcohol can hurt people.

D. To show the great fun that alcohol can bring to people’s life.

2.What did alcohol do to the author’s father?

A. It made him crash into two other cars and took his life.

B. It made him drink too much and he had to get his stomach pumped.

C. It made him kill two other people when driving.

D. It made him get into a car accident and badly injure himself.

3.What is the tone of the article?

A. Critical.     B. Doubtful.

C. Unconcerned.   D. Humorous.

4.What is the main writing technique of the passage?

A. Making something less noticeable than usual.

B. Representing something in the form of a person.

C. Describing something by listing its harmfulness.

D. Comparing one thing with another to make his point clear.



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