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In the book The Best Little Girl in the ...

In the book The Best Little Girl in the World, Kessa has a serious eating disorder (进食障碍) called anorexia nervosa. But she is not alone. Many people have this eating disorder.

In the beginning of her story, Kessa is a normal 15-year-old. She is good at many things, especially dancing. She has danced for many years and loves it. One day her dance teacher tells her to continue eating right, but maybe lose a few pounds. Once Kessa hears this, she takes things too far. Instead of cutting down on snacks and junk food, she decides not to eat at all. She does not eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner. She begins losing weight and becomes slimmer (更加苗条的) and slimmer. But she loses weight to a point where she is unhealthy.

As her poor eating habits continue, her parents start getting as much help as possible to cure (治疗) their beautiful daughter. But it is just as hard for Kessa’s parents to deal with her disorder as it is for her. Everyday she exercises to lose more pounds and plans what and when she will eat. Her parents try everything, but Kessa decides not to have any fat on her body.

Kessa’s doctor and parents finally take her to the hospital. She is now so thin that she can hardly walk. There, she is given good care.

In the rest of the book, Kessa goes through a lot of trouble in order to cure her eating disorder. This book, I think, can help to prevent people from doing this to themselves. It shows the trouble that people go through just to be slimmer, and all the terrible things they must experience to be cured. It is a book I think every teenager should read.

1.What does Kessa do to lose weight?

A. She stops eating.

B. She eats less junk food.

C. She has three small meals a day.

D. She dances many more hours a day.

2.What do we know about Kessa’s eating disorder?

A. It is caused by her dance teacher.

B. It makes her suffer a lot.

C.It’s too serious to be cured.

D. It’s an unusual illness.

3.The book mentioned in the text is mainly about _____.

A. how to cure eating disorders

B. the importance of eating right

C. a girl’s fight against an eating problem

D. why so many people have eating disorders


1.A 2.B 3.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了The Best Little Girl in the World一书中的厌食女孩Kessa,她为了自己苗条的身材,最后得了严重的被称作神经性厌食的进食障碍。建议人们引以为戒,自己的健康最重要,特别是青少年更应该读这本书。 1.A细节理解题。根据第二段第五句Instead of cutting down on snacks and junk food, she decides not to eat at all. 她决定不吃吃零食和垃圾食品。故选A。 2.B细节理解题。根据第四段Kessa’s doctor and parents finally take her to the hospital. She is now so thin that she can hardly walk. There, she is given good care. Kessa的医生和父母最后带她去了医院。她瘦的几乎不能走路。在那里她被给予好的照顾。故选B。 3.The Best Little Girl in the World, Kessa has a serious eating disorder (进食障碍) called anorexia nervosa.在The Best Little Girl in the World这本书里,Kessa她有一个严重的被称作神经性厌食的进食障碍。故选C。 【名师点拨】 抓住文章主线和关键词语,归纳文章中心 要注意不是所有的段落都有主题句,有时主题句暗含在句中。阅读这样的文章,就需要自己根据文章的细节来分析,概括出段落的主题,从而推导出文章的主旨。分析的方法是:先弄清该段落主要讲了哪几方面的内容,这些内容在逻辑上有什么联系,然后加以归纳形成主题。比如第30小题,主旨大意题。根据第一段第一句In the book The Best Little Girl in the World, Kessa has a serious eating disorder (进食障碍) called anorexia nervosa.在The Best Little Girl in the World这本书里,Kessa她有一个严重的被称作神经性厌食的进食障碍。故选C。 考点:考查健康类阅读

On my first day of high school, I asked an eleventh-grader where my class was. And he told me it was “on the fourth floor, next to the pool.” I found out five minutes later that we don’t even have a fourth floor and there’s no pool either! Besides that, I didn’t have any trouble with the older kid.

I think the biggest difference between middle and high school is the homework load (工作量) and size of the school. I went from maybe fifteen minutes of homework a night to several hours, so I had to learn how to make full use of time! Our class size is around 550, but joining in clubs, sports, music, and other activities at school makes it easier to get to know people in every grade.

The best advice I can give about the years you spend in high school is to learn things for yourself, not just to get a good grade. There have been so many tests that I’ve prepared for the night before, gotten an A, and not remembered anything later. I’ve changed that this year, and I enjoy school so much more. Don’t take easy classes just to have a simple year. If you have a choice between chemistry and sports, the first will prove to be a lot more useful!

While drinking and smoking might be present in some middle schools, they’re also around in high school. I have a lot of friends who promised they’d never drink or smoke, but are now partying every weekend. If you have “fun” and spend your nights wasted instead of studying, you will regret it when you’re applying for (申请) college. The “friends” who say you’re a loser for not partying are really not your friends at all. It’s hard to see your closest friends grow apart and go in different directions, but don’t follow their footsteps. Create your own path in life and make your own decisions.

1.What happened to the author on his first day of high school?

A. He had a fight with an eleventh-grader.

B. He fell into a pool on the fourth floor.

C. He was five minutes late for class.

D. He was fooled by a schoolboy.

2.The author advises high school students to _____.

A. choose useful classes

B.give up sports

C. try their best to get good grades

D. get ready for tests the night before

3.The last paragraph mainly tells us _____.

A. not to lose ourselves in high school

B. about the importance of making friends

C. not to go to any party in high school

D.about the trouble caused by drinking and smoking




Dear Dani,

I have two best friends and they’re always leaving me out! They never invite me to anything. What can I do?


Dani says:

Groups of three can be very difficult because one person often gets left out. Your friends may not realize how you feel. Talk to them about this and agree to plan the next outing together. With a bit of effort, a group of three can be a wonderful friendship!


Dear Dani,

I told my friend a secret, but then I found out she told it to somebody else. What can I do?


Dani says:

We all make mistakes so give your friend another chance. But tell her that your secret is important to you and that she must not do this again. If your friend finds it hard to keep a secret, be careful what you tell her in future.


Dear Dani,

I’m friends with a boy, but some girls keep laughing at me about it. Can’t girls be friends with boys as well?


Dani says:

Of course girls can be friends with boys. Some girls laugh at this because they don’t really know any boys. Carry on enjoying your friendship. If the girls got to know this boy, they might stop teasing you. Why not invite one or two of them along next time you meet him?

1.What’s worrying Tom?

A. Her friend keeps telling lies.

B. Her friend are always leaving him out.

C. Her friend does not believe her.

D. Her friend reads her terrible stories.

2.Dani suggests that Tom _____.

A. leave his two friends

B. tell his friends his thoughts

C. go on an outing with one of his friends

D. invite another to join his group of friends

3.Whose friend has a big mouth?

A. Tom.     B. Mary.      C. Daisy.        D. Dani

4.The underlined word “teasing” in the last paragraph probably means “_____”.

A.  making fun of              B. hating

C.avoiding                     D. taking pity on





1.你的观点和做法。 2.你的理由。     3.你父母亲的反应。

Dear Sir or Madam:

I’m writing to express my attitude towards the topic“whether teenagers’ secrets should be kept from their parents”.







Best wishes!

Yours Sincerely

Li Hua





In 2015, Adele Adkins(阿黛尔·阿德金斯) said “hello” to her greatest achievement yet. Despite giving every other musician an 11-month head start, she had no trouble ____1.___(beat) the competition, ____2.____ (become) not only the year’s most talked-about artist, but also its ___3.__ successful one. Her third album, 25, ___4.____ ( release) on Nov 20, not only broke a record for one-week album sales in just over three days, but also sold more than US singer Taylor Swift’s 1989 to become ____5.____ best-selling album of 2015. No ___6.___ USA Today named Adele “Musician of the Year” on Dec 28.

So what is behind the album’s ____7.____ (popular)? First and foremost, the 27-year-old British singer has “an awe-inspiring voice that shows her genuine talent”, wrote The Christian Science Monitor. But her directness is also a huge part of her appeal(魅力). As the Chicago Tribute commented, “Adele sings about her personal struggles” with emotional lyrics (歌词) that invite everyone into her world.

Take the album’s hit single Hello ___8.___ an example. Adele has connected with people this tear-stained(泪痕斑斑的)song because, as the Chicago Tribute (芝加哥论坛报) put it, “who doesn’t need a good cry once in a while?” Music, after all, is ___9.__ Chris Ferguson, an associate professor of psychology at Stetson University in Florida called “a social event.” The pain in her songs satisfies everyone’s need for love. “It is this sense of ‘we’ve been here before’ ___10.___ makes Adele,” said the Chicago Tribute.




1.The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour -- much faster than___________________.

2.The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed. ____________________, he told her that the dress was sold.

3.The tree was planted near the church fifty years ago, but it is only in recent years that it has ________________.

4.…, but when nobody could ____________________, his father got some tea towels and tape from their house.

5.You have three layers of skin which act as ______________________ poisons and the sun’s harmful rays.

6.You’ll find your colleagues very eager to assist you, so you may be able to _____________________ later if you are interested.

7.A footballer was accused of taking money for ______________________ so as to let the other team win.

8.I see!  Have you ever had ______________________ someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?

9.Never put butter, oil or ointment on burns as they keep the heat in the wounds and _____________________.

10.He slowed the bleeding _____________________ the wounds until the police and ambulance arrived.



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