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The Winter Olympic Games are a major int...

The Winter Olympic Games are a major international sporting event that occurs once every four years. Unlike the Summer Olympics, the Winter Olympics feature sports practiced on snow and ice. The first Winter Olympics, the 1924 Winter Olympics, was held in Chamonix, France. The Games were held every four years from 1924 until 1936, after which they were interrupted by World War II. The Olympics resumed in 1948 and was again held every four years. Until 1992, the Winter and Summer Olympic Games were held in the same year.

The Winter Games have evolved since its beginning. Sports and disciplines have been added and some of them, such as short track speed skating, freestyle skiing, have earned a permanent spot on the Olympic program. Others have been discontinued and later reintroduced. Still others, such as speed skiing, bandy and skijoring, were demonstration sports but never incorporated(合并)as Olympic sports. The rise of television as a global medium for communication enhanced the impression of the Games. It created an income stream, via the sale of broadcast rights and advertising.This allowed outside interests, such as television companies and corporate sponsors.

Beijing has become the first city to host both Summer and Winter Olympic Games after beating Kazakhstan’s Almaty to hold the 2022 Winter Olympics. With a fully-prepared final presentation by an all-star team, Beijing has successfully convinced the committee members that the 2008 Olympics host city is a more favored candidate for the Winter Games. Beijing was the safe choice because it had already proved it could stage the Games and said it would take winter sports into the backyard of the world’s most populated country.

1. Why were the Winter Olympic Games not held for 12 years ?

A. Because of the economic crisis

B. Because of culture difference

C. Because of the Second World War

D. Because of countries’ lack of interest

2. Which of the following is a sports event of the Winter Games ?

A. Speed skiing      B. Freestyle skiing

C. Bandy             D. Skijoring

3. What does the underlined word “ enhanced” in paragraph two mean?

A. Improved     B. Reduced        C. Paused          D. Balanced

4. Beijing won the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games mainly due to______.

A. its rich experience

B. its large population

C. its safety

D. its ability to stage the Games


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文向我们介绍了冬奥会的发展,且告诉我们北京击败哈萨克斯坦的阿拉木图,获得2022年冬奥会举办权,成为奥运历史上第一个既举办过夏季奥运会,又举办冬奥会的城市。 1.C 推理题 The Games were held every four years from 1924 until 1936, after which they were interrupted by World War II. 根据第一段第四句可知冬奥会12年未举行是因为二战的爆发。 2.B 细节理解题 根据第二段Sports and disciplines have been added and some of them, such as short track speed skating, freestyle skiing, have earned a permanent spot on the Olympic program. Others have been discontinued and later reintroduced. Still others, such as speed skiing, bandy and skijoring, were demonstration sports but never incorporated(合并)as Olympic sports. 可知B。 3.A 推理题 根据第二段本单词所在的句子 The rise of television as a global medium for communication enhanced the impression of the Games.作为一种全球信息交流媒介,电视机的兴起加深了观众对该赛事的印象。Enhance在此处作提高,改善之意,故A正确 4.D 推理题 根据文章最后一段内容可知,北京之所以成功获得2022年冬奥会的举办权是因为北京已具备举办的能力,故D正确 考点:考查记叙文类阅读

Electricity bills can be highly expensive and the power we consume comes at an even greater cost to the environment when you consider that over 85% of the electricity produced in the United States comes from fuels. Whether you’re concerned about cleaning up the environment or you simply want to reduce your electricity bill,residential wind power generators(发电机)could be a solution.

Producing wind power at home will not work for everyone. If you live in a over-populated residential area,there may be certain laws and zoning requirements that prohibit the use of windmills(风车).If you live on 1 acre of land or more,you probably won’t have any issues but you should investigate carefully to make sure that wind power generators are both legal and practical where you live. Even if there are no laws or regulations prohibiting wind power generators you still need to be in a location that gets enough wind on a regular basis.

Some producers of wind generators recommend that you live in an area with wind speeds that average at least 10 mph. Newer models have been developed recently that can operate with wind speeds as low as 4 mph but maximum efficiency is achieved at higher wind speeds. Before you fix a wind powered system,you will have to determine your power requirements. Will you be using it to charge a small battery for a boat or vehicle or will you need enough power to run your entire household and be completely off the grid(电网)?Once you know what your power requirements are,you can start shopping around for a system that can meet those needs.

Wind power generators are a great solution for a lot of people.They’re an ideal solution for remote locations where it would be impractical or simply too expensive to tap into the grid.They are quiet and totally clean,producing no pollution. They require no fuel and very little maintenance. Residential wind power offers a lot of benefits but it’s not for everyone. You’ll have to have some money up front to pay for the system and equipment;however,you could save quite a bit of money if you’re able to do much of the work yourself. You’ll also need to live in an area that gets enough wind to make the equipment worthwhile. You’ll need to do your homework before you make a purchase,but wind power generators could be a great solution for producing clean, low-cost energy.

1.What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Electricity bills can be highly expensive.

B. Most of the electricity in the US comes from fuels.

C. Generating electricity does harm to the environment.

D. Residential wind power generators are useful and necessary.

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A. wind power generators enjoy a lot of benefits.

B. you can place wind power generators wherever you want.

C. wind power generators are affordable to most families.

D. wind power generators are an ideal solution for everyone.

3. What attitude might the writer hold towards residential wind power generators?

A. Negative          B. Supportive

C. Skeptical         D. Cautious

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A. Ways of Fully Using Wind Power

B. How to Reduce Your Electricity Bill

C. Alternative Solution-Wind Power

D. Function of Wind Power Generators



My daughter Alisa was born blind in her right eye and was bullied (欺侮) pretty severely in school. So I quitted my job as a babysitter and then schooled my daughter heart and soul at home.

A year ago a boy of 14 befriended my daughter on Facebook after reading something Alisa wrote about bullying. Today he messaged her and asked if she would like six tickets to a Colorado Rockies baseball game. They have never met in person but she said, “Sure! That would be great.”

Then I received a call from his mother explaining why her son had chosen my daughter. She said he thought my daughter deserved them because of all the good she did in the community. Her son, she explained, had experienced a similar situation and was also home schooled.

What she said is true. Now my daughter Alisa continues to teach groups of girls in trouble in our community how to look within themselves for the positive and how to be their own person.

Everything taken into consideration, we decided to meet the mother and the boy at a local bike shop. After meeting, the boy approached my car and my daughter gave him a hug and thanked him for his generosity. She told him that she had never been to a baseball game and that she was going to take her entire family, including myself, her dad, little sister, her cousin and an aunt who has brain cancer.

We all thanked one another, got in our car, and went our way. As we drove home my daughter opened the envelope. Inside it were the tickets and $100 each to buy hot dogs, pay for parking and not have any worries but a great time.

My daughter has always been the giver and now she and our family are the receivers and I can not tell you how incredibly honored we feel to be on the other end. What an incredible young man to have such a kind idea.

1.What did the author once do according to the passage?

A. She was a ticket seller.

B. She was a school teacher.

C. She was a babysitter.

D. She was a social worker.

2.How did the boy get to know the author’s daughter?

A. They met when buying tickets to a baseball game.

B. They got in touch via the Internet.

C. They became familiar when talking face to face.

D. They went to the same school and met each other.

3.Why did the boy want to offer free tickets to Alisa?

A. Because Alisa is a disabled girl.

B. Because he has a lot money to share.

C. Because Alisa often helps those in trouble.

D. Because he has a similar situation with Alisa.

4.Which of the following best describes the passage?

A. Good is rewarded with good.

B. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

C. Two heads are better than one.

D. Where there is a will, there is a way.





Dear Li Hua,

How are you these days? As you know, I’m already a senior high school student. I want to travel alone this winter vacation. But my parents don’t agree with me. I just can’t understand them. I need your advice.


请根据所给材料,给Linda 写封回信,要点包括






Dear Linda,

I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice. From your letter, I know that your parents don’t agree with your idea that you want to travel alone this winter vacation.







Li Hua




增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(ˆ), 并在其下面写出该加的词。


修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


Having a good teacher do mean a lot to us students and I am lucky enough to have the one ----Miss Brown, my English teacher.

Miss Brown is a charming lady always worn a big smile on her face. In the first class she introduced her and then asked us to say something about ourselves with English. When it was my turn, I felt too shy and fearful that I didn’t dare to say a word. She came up to me and said, “Don’t afraid. You can make it. Just have a try.” At last, I did it quite good. She praised me for that I had done.

Never shall I forgot my first English class in senior high school.




Cindy:  Aunt Sophia, do you shop online often?

Sophia: Yes. It’s very convenient and the price is much 1.______(low) than that in the physical stores.

Cindy:  Last week, I tried to buy some books online, but I didn’t know how to pay for 2. _______.

Sophia: You should open an account at the online bank first, after 3. ______ you can buy anything online. Let’s check it out online!

Cindy:  Oh, what’s this? A second-hand cellphone store?

Sophia: Yeah. It’s like 4._______ open free market. If you want to change your cellphone for a new one, you can sell the old one here.

Cindy:  Really? Is it the same as 5._______ we do in the real world?

Sophia: No. It’s6.______(total) different. Take some pictures of the thing you want to sell, upload it with a description about it and leave your telephone number. Then your thing will be sold here.

Cindy:  That’s7.______ (amaze). Mom will love it. She loves shopping so much 8._______ she almost visits the physical stores twice a week.

Sophia: No doubt about it. Shopping online will get more and more popular.

Cindy:  Are there any 9._________(advantage)?

Sophia: At first it took some time for the things you buy online to arrive. But now this problem 10.______ (solve) already.



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