满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

An aging society is one ____ 10% or more...

An aging society is one ____ 10% or more of its population is over 60.

A. which  B. where  C. whose  D. when


B 【解析】 试题分析: 句意:人口老龄化社会是一个人口中有 10%或更多人口年龄超过60 岁的社会 10% or more of its population is over 60是one的定语从句,从句中主系表结构完整,缺少状语in the society, 所以用关系副词where。故选B项。 考点:考查定语从句。  

As students, ____ we have made full use of our time to study, theres  still room for improvement.

A. how   B. which  C. while  D. as



A grand banquet was held by Elizabeth II ____ President Xis state visit to the UK.

A. in terms of  B. in honor of

C. in favor of  D. in place of



Mark Twain, ____ his rich life experience, wrote many popular stories.

A. picking up     B. making up

C. drawing upon    D. contrasting with



Ive learned that your company has ____ vacant position for a secretary. Im calling to apply for ____ job.

A. a; the  B. a; a   C. /; a   D. /; the



He is so ____ in writing his report that he has no time to take a walk.

A. devoted  B. attached  C. abandoned D. occupied



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