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Get the Emergency World Radio FREE The U...

Get the Emergency World Radio FREE

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security advises that every American home have an emergency (紧急情况) radio.

Every home needs an emergency radio in the event of hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, electric power outages and even terrorist attacks.

Be Prepared in Any Situation

This Dynamo Emergency World Band Radio picks up the full AM/FM spectrum (频谱) and worldwide shortwave bands.

Most importantly, the Dynamo Emergency World Band Radio includes:

Hand crank generator (in case batteries fail)

Emergency flashlight

Newsmax Magazine’s Special Offer --- $20 Bonus (红利)

Newsmax magazine wants every American family to have this emergency radio and will send it to you for FREE. Just pay our standard shipping and handling charge of $5.95.

When you order you FREE Dynamo Emergency World Band Radio, you’ll also receive four free issues of Newsmax magazine---a $20 value --- yours FREE.

Newsmax magazine brings you stories the major media won’t report. But even they can’t ignore Newsmax magazine --- which has been introduced on Meet the Press, CNN, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, MSNBC, and many other television networks.

Each month in Newsmax magazine you’ll read hard-hitting investigative reports and special comments from Ben Stein, Dick Morris, Bill O’Reilly, Michael Reagan, Christopher Ruddy, and many others.

Dick Morris from Fox News calls Newsmax “a must read” for every American. Call or go online today to get the Dynamo Emergency World Band Radio and 4 months of Newsmax magazine----a combined value of $50 --- FREE.

Get Your FREE Emergency Radio

Please hurry! This is a limited time offer!

Order online: www.Newsmax.com/ Parade 234

Order by phone:1-800-933-8613

1.According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the emergency radio should ________.

A. be a household necessity   B. be offered for free

C. be used as a flashlight    D. work without batteries

2.What’s the original price of the Dynamo Emergency World Band Radio?

A. $5.95                           B. $20

C. $30                             D. $50

3.What can we learn about Newsmax magazine?

A.  It comes out monthly

B.  It mainly contains ads

C. It belongs to Fox News

D. It can only be ordered online

4.What does Dick Morris think of Newsmax magazine?

A. There’s no market for it

B. It needs improving

C. It’s worth reading

D. It has a long way to go


1.A 2.C 3.A 4.C 【解析】 试题分析: 本文讲述如何安装紧急广播。 1.A 考查细节理解题。根据Get the Emergency World Radio FREE中提到Every home needs an emergency radio in the event of hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, electric power outages and even terrorist attacks每家必须安装紧急广播,以防出现飓风,龙卷风,地震,电力中断甚至是恐怖袭击,故选A项。 2.C 考查细节理解题。根据Newsmax Magazine’s Special Offer --- $20 Bonus (红利)中提到When you order you FREE Dynamo Emergency World Band Radio, you’ll also receive four free issues of Newsmax magazine---a $20 value --- yours FREE当你购买免费的Dynamo Emergency World Band Radio,你会收到四份免费的杂志,价值20美元,故选C项。 3.A 考查细节理解题。根据Newsmax Magazine’s Special Offer --- $20 Bonus (红利)中提到Each month in Newsmax magazine you’ll read hard-hitting investigative reports and special comments from Ben Stein, Dick Morris, Bill O’Reilly, Michael Reagan, Christopher Ruddy, and many others可知每个月出版一次,故选C项。 4.C 考查推理判断题。根据Newsmax Magazine’s Special Offer --- $20 Bonus (红利)中提到Dick Morris from Fox News calls Newsmax “a must read” for every American可知认为这本杂志是每个美国人的必读物,故选C项。 考点 :广告类阅读。

I spotted (发现;认出) him at the checkout counter, bagging at No.14. His arms shook violently as he placed a box of eggs into a plastic bag. He wore a name card upon which he had wiritten “Jerry” in kindergarten handwriting. He looked middle-aged but his mental age must have been about 12.

Ever since I smiled at him the first time he bagged my groceries at my local supermarket, Jerry has followed me around like an adoring fan. His lack of boundaries makes me uncomfortable. I don’t know how to avoid being noticed by him. I don’t want to speak to the manager my complaint could get him fired. So I started avoiding him.

I can still remember the hurt I felt when I was 10 and our neighbor Mrs. Ward didn’t respond when I said hello with David and Diane. Instead, she hurried out of the supermarket, leaving me holding my brother and sister’s hands. I realized at that moment that I hated Mrs. Ward’s reaction. Why, then, years later, was I acting as she had?

I picked up a magazine Real Simple. The beautiful photos did nothing to straighten out the guilt in me. I was being ridiculous. The last three times I have seen Jerry, I rushed. There are other stores, but I chose this one because it employs people with disabilities. I want people like my brothers to have jobs. I don’t want them to be ignored, the way I am avoiding Jerry.

1.We know from the text that Jerry  ________

A. suffered from fragile X syndrome

B.  had a mental age not matching his real age

C. couldn’t write his name

D. only had a kindergarten education

2.Why did the author feel uncomfortable?

A. Jerry was like a fan of her

B. Real Simple couldn’t straighten out her guilt

C. Jerry always stepped on her feet

D. Jerry didn’t keep a proper distance from her

3.We can infer from the text that ________.

A. there are many people like Mrs. Ward

B. the store the author visited treated the disabled equally

C. most employees in the supermarket are disabled

D. the store manager ignored people with disabilities

4.What is the author’s attitude towards people with disabilities?

A. cautious               B. unconcerned

C. ridiculous              D. caring













参考词汇:沉迷于be addicted to






假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除和修改。






Yesterday I stepped into a restaurant for lunch. As I was waiting my order to come, I noticed the old man in a wheelchair roll himself over to a table. No one and me seemed to notice him. I got up and go over to his table and asked if that I could get him something to drink. He smiled and said, “Thank you.You are generously. I’d like any orange juice, please.”When I was getting ready to leave, I walked by the old man’s table to saying goodbye. He thanked me again and told me I had made his days, coming over and helping him out. I gave him a hug and told him he had made my day, either.





He often             different illnesses.


The book is so interesting that it is            for a second time.


They             laughing when they heard the funny joke.


We should       our environment       being destroyed.


He is always ready to help others and never expects anything   ____




Ye Gong was well-known _____________ his fondness for dragons. Dragons ___________ (paint) and carved on the walls of his house. There were dragons everywhere, up and down, front and back. In the heaven, there was ____________ real dragon. The dragon was very happy _________ (hear) that Ye Gong was so fond of dragons. One day, the sky ___________ (sudden) darkened, and then _________ (come) wind, thunder and rain. The real dragon flew to Ye Gong's home. It poked(伸出 its head into the window in the south and coiled( its tail to the window in the north, __________ (rock) the whole house. At the sight of a real dragon, Ye Gong was ___________ (frighten) out of his wits. He trembled all over and hurriedly hid ___________ (he). So it turned out that ___________ Ye Gong liked was painted and carved fake dragons but not real ones.



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