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书面表达 学校将组织一次志愿者活动,现有两种方案,一种是去故宫博物院(The P...


学校将组织一次志愿者活动,现有两种方案,一种是去故宫博物院(The Palace Museum)当解说人员(narrator),一种是去儿童福利院(childrens welfare institution)当服务人员。假如你是李华,请你用英语给组织活动的陈老师写一封100~120个词的信,内容包括:





Dear Mr. Chen ,

I’m writing to recommend




Yours ,

Li Hua


One possible version: Dear Mr. Chen , I’m writing to recommend that we should go to the Palace Museum as narrators. My reasons are as follows. Firstly, it’s a good chance for us to learn about the Palace Museum, one of the most famous tourist resorts in Beijing with a history of 600 years. Secondly, we are good at speaking Mandarin and English, so we can easily introduce them to the visitors from home and abroad in the two languages. The last but not least, the narrators will be a valuable job experience where we can help others as well as benefit ourselves. As for the preparation, I think we should practice again and again in advance. Some materials such as pictures or schedules should be well prepared. Meanwhile, we’d better bring speakers in case to speak loudly and clearly. 【解析】 试题分析:本篇书面表达属于提纲作文, 给组织活动的陈老师写一封信说明学校将组织的一次志愿者活动的两种方案。请你选择其中的一种方案,或者自己另选一个方案,陈述理由并作相关准备。写作时注意以下几点:1、仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息,明确要点就是主要内容。2、提纲是文章的总体框架,要在提纲的范围内进行分析、构思和想象。要依据提示情景或词语,按照一定逻辑关系来写。本文写作时可以按照提示的3个方面的内容进行介绍。3、根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;就本文而言应该用一般现在时说明情况。以第一人称为主。4.注意使用高级词汇和句式,以增加文章的亮点。 【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明,而且使用了多种句式和结构。比如where引导的定语从句。还有短语well worth, as well as, in case等。.first, second , as for, meanwhile的使用使文章内容更具有层次感,也使语言更加连贯。 考点:考查提纲作文。  








Long long ago , there lived a famous beauty , who named XI Shi . Since she suffered from heartburn , she would often frown in front of all neighbour .

A ugly girlDong Shi , lived in the same village . She noticed this , thinking it very charmed , also put her hand to her breast and frown in front of everyone . When the rich saw her ,they closed their doors and would come out . But for the poor , they ran across , taking their wives and children . Poor thing ! She should admire Xi Shis frown , but did not know why she was beautiful .




Spending more than an hour on your smartphone each day may be a sign that you are suffering from depression , 1.  new study has suggested . The more time is spent 2.  ( use ) a phone for any reason including texting and going online , the more likely volunteers were 3.  have the blues .

Monitoring peoples comings and   4.  ( go ) using GPS tracking on their phones also helped track mood . Spending most of your time at home was also 5.  ( link ) to depression , as was having an 6.  ( regular) daily schedule , such as unusual shift patterns . 7.  people are depressed , they tend to withdraw and dont have the motivation and energy to go out and do things , said senior author David Mohr . The data   8.  showed depressed people tended not to go many places   9.  ( reflect ) the loss of motivation seen in depression

The significance of this is that we can detect if a person has depressive symptoms and the severity of those symptoms   10.  asking them any questions . Phones can provide data obviously and with no effort on the part of the users .





Yesterday I was shopping with my 5-year old daughter     a group of punk rockers walked by with orange spiked hair and tattoos     much of their bodies . At the sight of them , my daughter immediately asked me , Daddy , why are they     like that ? Years ago I would have felt very     with such young people . I would have given a judgmental explanation and passed along to her my     . However , that day I said to my daughter , I’m not really sure , but its interesting how     we all are , isnt it ? She said , Yeah ,     I like my own hair .

Actually , I was pretending to be an anthropologist . Anthropology(人类学)is a science which deals with man and his social habits . I think of anthropology here as being interested , without     , in the way other people choose to live and     . When you are curious about the way someone behaves or the way they feel about something , its     that you will be annoyed .

When someone acts in a way that seems     to you , rather than react in your usual way , such as I cant believe they would do that ,     say something to yourself like I see , that must be the way they        things in their world . Very interesting . In order for this     to help you , you have to be genuine as I tried that day . I     my perspective from the bottom of my heart . And that made me     .

When you are interested in other perspectives , it doesnt mean youre     them . I certainly wouldnt choose a punk rock lifestyle or     it to anyone else . At the same time , however , its really not my     to judge it either . One of the most important rules of joyful living is that judging others takes a great deal of energy and     you away from where you want to be .

1.A. While            B. Until              C. since         D. when

2.A. Showing           B. Covering           C. Painting       D. presenting

3.A. tried on          B. taken up          C. acted out      D. dressed up

4.A. delighted         B. interested        C. bored         D. obsessed

5.A. views             B. questions         C. advice         D. plan

6.A.similar           B. confident         C. humorous       D. different

7.A. And              B. but                C. So             D. or

8.A. agreement        B. judgment           C. Improvement   D. entertainment

9.A. Behave           B. speak              C. grow          D. seek

10.A. natural         B. certain           C. obvious        D. impossible

11.A.passive           B. common            C. conventional   D. abnormal

12.A. just             B. Also               C. still         D. never

13.A. make             B. find              C. See           D. get

14.A. person          B. way                C. interest      D. word

15.A. blocked         B. changed           C. enlarged       D. raised

16.A. softer           B. Higher            C. narrower       D. angrier

17.A. as              B. for                C. beside        D. against

18.A. adapt            B. connect           C. fault          D. decide

19.A. place           B. attempt            C. fault          D. decision

20.A. gives            B. Brings             C. pulls         D. puts



根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。本题Traveling is what makes your life complete . Finding balance isnt easy yet it is worth trying . There are hundreds of reasons why you should travel . Here are only 4 of them :

1.   1.

Be spontaneous and travel whenever you feel like leaving your daily routine . Waiting for certain time of the year so that you could spoil yourself is wrong .

2. Your company wont bankrupt or disappear if you leave it for a week or two .

There are plenty of people who can substitute you and do your job while you are away . 2.  Here the point is to plan a week ahead . If you work hard you can play hard . Always remember that the quality of your work will improve if you have a good rest and let yourself relax and recharge with energy and positive emotions .

3. You cannot be a good employee if you are unhappy and tense .

Your family suffers too . When your mind is free you can perform at 200 percent .   3.  You lose balance and harmony if you experience too much stress , perform a lot of demanding routine and constantly take responsibilities . Take care of yourself . Make sure that your well-being does not suffer .

4. 4.   

We all want to excel in our profession . We want to be in charge even at home . We like to be appreciated by the community . Being such a person requires several important qualities . To gain the required qualities you must have a multi-dimensional personality .   5.  . Be a mentor , inspire others and do what you would like others to do .

A. The more new activities you practice , the more chances you can become a better leader .

B. Making excuse is much easier than acting .

C. Have a richer life if you want to be a better leader .

D. You are useless as a worker if your body does not feel great .

E. There is no tomorrow , take a break now .

F. How exciting and fun your life is depends only on you

G. You can do some of it in advance or you can keep it in on hold .



How to describe the rising philosophy of the day ? I’d say it is data-ism . We now have the ability to gather huge amounts of data . This ability seems to carry with it certain cultural assumptionsthat everything that can be measured should be measured ; that data is a transparent and reliable lens that allows us to filter out emotionalism and ideology ; that data will help us do remarkable thingslike foretell the future . At the outset let me celebrate two things data does really well .

First , its really good at exposing when our intuitive(直觉的)view of reality is wrong . For example , nearly every person who runs for political office has an intuitive sense that they can powerfully influence their odds of winning the election if they can just raise and spend more money . But this is largely wrong .

After the 2006 election , Sean Trende constructed a graph comparing the incumbent(在任的)campaign spending advantages with their eventual victory . There was barely any relationship between more spending and a bigger victory .

Likewise , many teachers have an intuitive sense that different students have different learning styles : some are verbal and some are visual , some focus on details and some on whole . Teachers imagine they will improve outcomes if they tailor their presentations to each student . But theres no evidence to support this either .

Second , data can clarify patterns of behavior we havent yet noticed . For example , I’ve always assumed people who frequently use words like I , me , and mine are probably more self-centered than people who dont . But as James Pennebaker of the University of Texas notes in his book , The Secret Life of Pronouns , when people are feeling confident , they are focused on the task at hand , not on themselves . High-status , confident people use fewer I words , not more .

In sum , the data revolution is giving us wonderful ways to understand the present and the past . Will it transform our ability to predict and make decisions about the future ? Well see .

1. What do people running for political office think they can do ?

A. Use data analysis to predict the election result .

B. Win the election if they can raise enough funds .

C. Manipulate public opinion with favorable data .

D. Increase the chances of winning by foul means .

2.Why do many teachers favor the idea of tailoring their presentations to different students ?

A. They think students prefer flexible teaching methods .

B. They will be able to try different approaches .

C. They believe students learning styles vary .

D. They can accommodate students with special needs .

3.What does James Pennebaker reveal in The Secret Life of Pronouns ?

A. The importance of using pronouns properly .

B. Repeated use of first-person pronouns by self-centered people .

C. Frequent use of pronouns and future tense by young people .

D. A pattern in confident peoples use of pronouns .

4.Why is the author skeptical of the data revolution ?

A. Data may not be easily accessible .

B. Errors may occur with large data samples .

C. Data cannot always do what we imagine it can .

D. Some data may turn out to be outdated .



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