满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以...



Times were tough in our household. My husband was out of work and there was no sign of anything      for him. In addition to going to nursing school full-time, I was working three part-time jobs      to put food on the table for our family of five.

After a rather      meal one night, I answered the ringing phone. With no      , a voice asked,“Do you need food? Come to my place and I can help you.” Directions followed and he hung up the phone. No in-depth conversation or queries as to our      situation. It was up to us to decide whether we      a voice on the telephone.

I was desperate. With          food in the cabinet and no prospect of a job for my husband, I had to take a       , swallow my pride, and accept the strange offer. Was there a          ?  When I uneasily got to a ranch home as          ,I found there was no car in the garage.          , lined up in orderly rows were tables filled with varieties of food. A craggy(轮廓分明有皱纹的)gentleman        me, not much different than our phone conversation! “Look around. If you see what you want,          yourself.”He handed me paper bags and turned to another new arrival, passing along the same           .This couldn’t be real!

I guiltily filled the paper sacks with what        needed and gratefully thanked the elderly man. “Be here next week. You’ll        of the food by then” was his reply.

Then I learned the thing. Widowed and retired, he wanted to do something        in his golden years to fill his time. Daily, he drove his pickup truck and begged for           items and canned goods from local grocery stores and           folks like us who had fallen on hard times.

I never knew what our weekly menus would be      I had “shopped” in the garage, but I knew, with our bellies full, we could focus on paying necessary bills.

1.A. worrying     B. boring        C. confusing    D. promising

2.A. just          B. even           C. ever         D. also

3.A. delicious     B. necessary      C. simple        D. ordinary

4.A. information B. communication  C. introduction  D. instruction

5.A. physical      B. financial      C. educational   D. social

6.A. trusted      B. accepted      C. recognized  D. satisfied

7.A. certainly    B. originally   C. actually      D. barely

8.A. chance       B. step          C. decision     D. measure

9.A. future       B. possibility  C. trap          D. kindness

10.A. appointed   B. directed       C. guided       D. requested

11.A. Therefore   B. Besides       C. Instead      D. However

12.A. discovered  B. greeted       C. reminded     D. examined

13.A. help        B. enjoy          C. behave       D. seat

14.A. welcome     B. supply        C. assistance  D. message

15.A. mostly      B. eventually    C. absolutely    D. accidentally

16.A. leave out   B. drop out       C. run out       D. get out

17.A. interesting B. worthwhile    C. mysterious   D. astonishing

18.A. usable       B. additional    C. acceptable  D. valuable

19.A. recalled     B. sought         C. identified  D. inspected

20.A. although    B. since         C. before       D. Until


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.D 【解析】 试题解析:本文的作者在丈夫失业后,不仅要连续打多份工来维持自己家的生计问题,就在这窘境的时候,作者莫名地接到一通电话,对方声称可以帮助作者解决问题,于是作者怀着忐忑和怀疑的心情前去打探,原来是那些爱心的人在帮助像他们一样的一类人。 1.D.考查上下文语境。A.担心的 B.乏味的 C.困惑的 D.有前途的 光明的。根据首段,作者在描述丈夫已经失业,一家人处在苦难的生活时期,这就奠定了全文的基调,丈夫自然而然对自己的前途充满了失望,在他的身上看不出一点对未来充满希望的信号。 2.A.考查副词。A.仅仅是 B.甚至 C.究竟 到底 D.仍然。作者除了在nursing school做全职工作外,还要额外打三份工作,这些工资仅仅才能够五口人的吃饭问题。 3.C.考查形容词。A.美味的 B.必要的 C.简单的 D.普通的 一般的。“作者一家人吃完了一顿极其简单的晚饭后.....”因为作者生活窘迫,所以A不符合语境 B.也不符合语境。而D项英文释义“ not unusual, common”C项英文释义“having few parts; not complex or complicated or involved” 4.C.考查名词辨析。A.信息 消息 B.交流 沟通 C.介绍 D.教导 指导。根据句意,作者莫名其妙的接到一个来自陌生人的电话,按照常理应该是自我介绍是谁,可对方却没有这么做,直接问作者do you need food? 5.B.考查形容词。A.身体的 物质的 B.经济上的 C.教育上的 D.社交的 社会的。对方并没有询问作者太深入的问题,比如作者家的经济状况等等。 6.A.考查形容词。A.受信任的 B.可接受的 C.能够辨认出的 D.满意的。根据句意,因为对方并没有说出自己是谁,所以作者在这里内心充满疑问,只能通过声音来辨认对方是谁。 7.D.考查副词。A.确信地 B.起初 本来 C.实际上 D.仅仅 勉强 几乎没有。根据句意,作者家里生活窘迫,所以家里几乎没有什么事物。 8.A 考查名词。A.机会 B.步骤 C.决定 D.措施 根据语境,因为作者不知道对方是谁,自己的内心又充满矛盾,加上自己的家里又处在一个艰难状况时期,所以作者决定冒一次险(take a chance)去看看到底对方是怎样的一个情况。 9.C 考查名词。A.将来 B.可能性 C.圈套 D.善良。因为作者不知道对方是谁,所以作者一开始在内心假想,对方是在给自己开玩笑,怀疑是在给自己设下的圈套么? 10.B 考查动词.A. 安排 B.指导 给某人指(方向) C.向导 带领 D.要求 根据上文的directions followed 可以判断对方把地址告知了作者,所以作者按照对方指导的地址前去寻找。 11.C 考查副词.A.因此 B.此外 而且 C.事实上 D.然而 本题考查上下文的语境,要认真的斟酌上下文之间的关系,这样才能看出他们之间的关系,作者来到对方告知的地点,发现并没有车辆,而是有按次序整齐排队的人们,前后为转折关系。 12.B 考查动词.A.发现 B.向...打招呼 C.提醒 D.检查 作者来到了现场,对方的负责人看到作者后,肯定是先要互相问候,打了一个招呼。 13.A 考查动词。Help oneself请随便;请随意,像呆在自己家一样.....对方的负责人告知作者“如果有你想要的,想拿什么就拿些什么吧”。 14.D 考查名词。A.欢迎 B.供应量 C.帮助 D.信息 消息。作者在现场一路走过,得到的信息都是“想拿些什么就拿些什么”。Message的英文释义“a spoken or written piece of information passed from one person to another”,要求学生在平常做完形时,发现汉语不能帮助我们很好理解单词的含义时,就要借助牛津等英语词典进行英文释义的查询,体会原汁原味的英文解释。 15.C 考查副词.A.大部分 多半地 B.最终 最好 C.绝对地 完全地 D.意外地 偶然地 作者饱受负罪感地将自己家确实缺少的事物放入口袋中并心中感激那些帮助她的人。 16.C 考查动词词组。A.遗漏 省略 B.退出 离开 C.用完 耗尽 D.出来 出版 出现.根据句意,对方提醒作者“当你下次食物用完的时候,还到这里取你所需要的”。 17.B 考查形容词。这里命题人在考查一个后置定语的语法功能,所以考生在今后要注意语法分析,这样才能准确分析句子关系,正确解题。A.有趣的 B.有价值的 值得的 C.神秘的 D.令人吃惊的 句意为“对方说自己只是想做一些有价值的事情来打发自己美好的时光”。 18.A 考查形容词。A.可用的 B.额外的 附加的 C.可接受的 D.有价值的 宝贵的。根据句意“他开着收集卡车并从当地商店收集(乞讨)可用的物品和灌装物品。 19.B 考查动词辨析。A.回想 召回 B.探索 寻找 谋求 C.确认 识别 D.视察 检查 根据句意“那个人会继续寻找像我们一样在苦难时期的人”。 20. 考点:本题是一篇夹叙夹议的文章,难度和高考难度贴近,语言地道,内容充满正能量。

Most of the educators are ________ providing more freedom to the teenagers, believing that it may make them more creative and independent.

A. in charge of      B. in search of

C. in favor of      D. in place of



Contrary to my expectation, the teacher was by no means satisfied with my works, saying that the trees had been painted too________.

A. basically         B. stiffly

C. definitely        D. Originally



Many outside the US continue to see the country as one of opportunities , and despite being in a tough economic position , research shows many young Americans would ________it as well.

A. submit to    B. contribute to

C. object to     D. subscribe to



Our plane delayed taking off as we ran into a storm. We were ________ for several hours at the airport, waiting for the storm to clear up.

A. figured out    B. built up    C. held up     D. taken off



After years of learning Chinese, I still can’t understand everything , particularly in the rural areas. These are my most ______moment---when I can’t understand what people say.

A. sceptical   B. awesome   C. optional   D. Awkward



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