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阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Annie s...


Annie sometimes felt puzzled by the relationship between her parents.

They never seemed to show much love for each other. Annie believed that people who were in love would show it. They would hold hands, speak sweet words to each other and give each other nice gifts. Annie's parents did none of these things. So, she doubted whether they really loved each other.

It was Annie's plan to ask her parents about their feelings for each other. But it was hard to find the right moment. One Saturday afternoon, she noticed that her dad was in the garage, doing some work on the engine of his sports car.

Annie's dad was always in a good mood when he was near his sports car, so she decided to ask him the question that had been bothering her." Dad, do you and Mom really love each other?"

"Of course," her father replied. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, you never seem to show it."

Annie's father was silent for a while, he spoke again. "Look at the engine of this car," he said. "It is oily and messy, and the car looks much better when the hood (引擎罩) is down. Don't you agree?" Without waiting for a reply, he went on. "If I took out the engine and put the hood back down, the car would look just as beautiful, right? But it wouldn't be a car anymore. The engine is its beating heart. You don't usually see it, but it has to be there. It's the same with your Mom and me. Our love for each other is the beating heart of this family. Don't worry just because it isn't on show all the time. "

About six months later, Annie's father lost his job. The family had to cut back on many things to make ends meet.  And he had to sell his beloved sports car. But Annie noticed another change. Because he had more free time, her father spent more of it with her mother. They seemed to grow closer together, and showed their love more often. Their love, which Annie had been afraid did not exist, was plain to see. Annie was sad that the sports car had gone, but at least she understood what her father had told her that day.

1.How did Annie feel about her parents' relationship at the beginning of the article?

A. Confused.      B. Angry.           C. Satisfied.         D. Proud.

2.What did Annie's father compare his love to?

A. A job.        B. A story.          C. A gift.           D. An engine.

3.What happened to the love between Annie's parents after her father lost his job?

A. It no longer existed.

B. It became easier to see.

C. It grew weaker.

D. It changed completely.

4.What is the main idea of the article?

A. Children should pay attention to parents' love.

B. It's not good to show the feelings on the outside.

C. Love may not be seen, but it doesn't mean it isn't there.

D. We don't truly appreciate what we have until it is gone.


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:最初Annie换衣发现父母之间不存在爱情,后来父亲失业了,有更多的时间陪妈妈,Annie发现了他们之间的确有爱。作者以此告诉我们有时候,虽然我们看不到爱,但是并不意味着它不存在。 1.A 细节理解题。根据第一句Annie sometimes felt puzzled by the relationship between her parents.可知Annie对父母之间的关系很困惑,因为她的父母亲并没有把他们的爱表现出来。故A正确。 2.D 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段后四句The engine is its beating heart. You don't usually see it, but it has to be there. It's the same with your Mom and me. Our love for each other is the beating heart of this family. Don't worry just because it isn't on show all the time.父亲把汽车的发动机比喻成了家人之间的爱。家人之前的爱是一个家里的beating heart。故D正确。 3.B 推理判断题。根据最后一段五、六、七句Because he had more free time, her father spent more of it with her mother. They seemed to grow closer together, and showed their love more often. Their love, which Annie had been afraid did not exist, was plain to see.可知父亲失业以后有更多的时间陪妈妈,他们的关系更为紧密,也经常表现出相互之间的爱情。更容易看到父母亲之间的爱意。故B正确。 4. 考点:考查记叙文阅读



I Am a Litter Picker!


Two years ago, I became a "litter picker".

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As I walked down the hall on the last day of the school year, I watched wide-eyed as my fellow students ________  their lockers into the dustbins in front of the hall. Paper flew in all directions; broken shelves and aluminium (铝) cans were ________  everywhere.

Looking at this scene, I came up with an idea: my school really needed a   ________programme.

I believed that one person could make a   ________ -one person with initiative (主动性),   ________  I wrote out my recycling plans and one morning got a pass to the schoolmaster's office. As I told her about my ________  , my heart was beating wildly.

With her agreement and encouragement, I would ________  cardboard boxes in the library, offices and classrooms to   ________ papers, magazines and newspapers. In the dining room, I would use four rubbish bins to collect plastic bottles and aluminium cans.

That night, I designed a dozen ________ and planned to arrive at school early to stick them up and hand out ________ to classrooms on Monday.

But when I arrived, I was very disappointed-the night-watchman had ________ down all of the cardboard boxes I had saved. I was so upset that I expressed my anger throughout the day to anyone who would listen. I began searching for other boxes, but I met with   ________  success.

A few days later, however, my English teacher took me into the new computer lab, and before my eyes sat a mountain of cardboard boxes. I am sure I was the   ________  person in the world when I saw these boxes. These were the boxes that the new computers had arrived in, and they were the perfect size.

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I rolled my recycling rubbish bins to the dining room, stuck up my posters, and ________  made an announcement over the loudspeaker, letting the whole school know they now had a choice about what would happen to their unwanted papers, cans and bottles.

Since that day, recycling has become part of everyday life at my school. Students and teachers now take active steps toward ________ their paper consumption (消耗) to save trees and other natural resources.

1.A. emptied       B. opened        C. repaired          D. pushed


2.A. shown        B. thrown        C. sold              D. made

3.A. cleaning    B. training     C. recycling         D. developing

4.A. difference    B. wish          C. promise         D. mark

5.A. since         B. but           C. while           D. so

6.A. problems      B. ideas         C. changes         D. decisions

7.A. place         B. borrow        C. return          D. examine

8.A. buy         B. read         C. print           D. collect

9.A. letters      B. newspapers   C. posters           D. envelopes

10.A. boxes        B. bags          C. bottles           D. bins

11.A. cut         B. broken        C. dropped           D. put

12.A. clear        B. certain       C. limited           D. major

13.A. cleverest   B. happiest      C. kindest          D. richest

14.A. nervously    B. patiently     C. proudly           D. calmly

15.A. stopping    B. encouraging   C. rising           D. reducing



What are you doing? Don't you know it is ________ to read people's private letters without permission?

A. aggressive     B. illegal            C. reasonable        D. secure



Smoking in places where it is not allowed is an example of bad ____________.

A. habits         B. activities          C. manners          D. movements



If the car you rent is not satisfactory, you can always ________ it for another.

A. charge        B. exchange         C. select           D. advertise



The manager's demand was that the data ____________ e-mailed to Mr. Andrew without delay.

A. should be      B. would be         C. were             D. had been



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