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短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。...





It’s no surprise that we may have different opinions in organizing activities. When I have a different opinion, I may choose to give it up and respect an opinion of the majority.

The main reason for my choice is that I am great influenced by a special culture when grow up. In this culture which collectivism is emphasized, I tent to sacrifice my own interest to the group benefit. Once we are left to decide whether to have a picnic in a park and to go to a museum. I preferred to go to a museum when most of my classmates wanted to go for a picnic. Without hesitations, I decided to follow him and we did have lots of fun that day. Sometimes giving up a little can mean getting more.


1.an改为 the; 2.great 改为 greatly; 3.grow改为 growing 4.which改为where 5.interest to 中to 改为 for; 6.are 改为 were ; 7.and改为 or 8.when改为while; 9.Hesitations 改为hesitation; 10.him改为them 【解析】 试题分析:本文属于记叙文,介绍了在集体活动中,当我们个人的观点和大部分人的观点不一致的时候,我们要服从大部分人的观点。作者还举例进行了说明。 1.an改为 the; 考查定冠词语法。本句中名词opinion的后面有介词短语of the majority修饰,说明该词表示特指,所以使用定冠词the修饰该词,特指大部分人的观点。 2.great 改为 greatly; 考查副词。英语中通常使用副词做状语修饰形容词、副词或动词。而形容词通常在句中做定语或者表语。本句中副词greatly修饰谓语动词am greatly influences。 3.grow改为 growing 考查分词做状语。本句中动词短语grow up与句子主语I构成主动关系,所以使用现在分词短语growing up在句中做时间状语。 4.which改为where 考查定语从句。本题定语从句的先行词是culture,后面的定语从句结构很完整,所以使用关系副词where引导这个定语从句,并在句中做状语。 5.interest to 中to 改为 for; 考查介词。本句中介词for表示目的。句意:我愿意为团队的利益牺牲我个人的理由。 6.are 改为 were ; 考查时态。本句中once意为“曾经”,表示过去发生的事情,所以本句使用一般过去时的时态。 7.and改为 or 考查固定搭配。搭配whether...or....是...还是...;曾经我们要决定是要公园野餐还是参观博物馆。 8.when改为while; 考查连词。本句中连词while表示轻微地转折,意为“然而,可是”。句意:我更想去博物馆,然而大部分同学想去野餐。 9.Hesitations 改为hesitation; 考查动名词。介词without后面通常要接名词或动名词做宾语,所以使用名词hesitation在句中作为介词without的宾语。另外名词hesitation是不可数名词,没有复数形式。 10.him改为them 考查代词。本句中使用动词them指代上文提到的most of my classmates。毫不犹豫,我决定和他们一起去野餐,那一天我们的确玩得很愉快。 【名师点睛】 在完成短文改错时,我们要遵循“四原则”: 1. 改动处以最少为原则。“短文改错”题要求每行只能改动一处,改动的方法可以是增词、删词或换词,但无论作何种改动,只能是增加一词、减少一词或把一个词改成另一个词。当然,没有错误的行无需改动。也就是说,每行改动之处不能超过一个。 2. 实词以改变词形为原则。在“短文改错”题中,一般只是改变实词的形式,而不能改变实词的词义,也不能将其改换成另一个实词,更不能随便增删。例如: ① The air keeps the balloon up was escaping quickly and the balloon ... (把keeps改为keeping) ② Yes, it is clearly that your life in your country is quite different from ... (把clearly改为clear) 3. 虚词以添加或删除为原则。历年的“短文改错”题中需要添加或删除的地方差不多有3至4处。这些需要添、删的词一般都是虚词(如冠词、介词等),不是实词(如动词、名词等),否则会改变句子的原意。例如: ① They did not want breakfast because that they were going out early ... (删去that) ② He was looking for a glass the cupboard. (the前面加in) 4. 以保持句子原意不变为原则。做“短文改错”题时,一般不应改变句子原意。改错时,应该针对短文中的用词错误、语法错误、逻辑错误加以改正,不应更改作者的原意。做到换词不改意,加词不增意,去词不减意。如有多种改法,应以保持原意为条件,择其佳者而从之。例如: But I have spent most my money, so I cannot… 改正:在my前加of。也有同学去掉most,这种改法虽改正了语法错误,但改变了原意。作者想说的是“花掉了大部分的钱,而不是全部”。 考点:考查短文改错


The Dragon Boat Festival has been marked by eating zong zi and racing dragon boats for thousands of years. It 1.________(fall) on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese lunar calendar in honor of Qu Yuan, 2. _______ is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself.

Qu was a minister of the State of Chu 3.________(situate) in the present-day Hunan and Hubei provinces during the Warring States Period.He was upright, loyal and4._______(high) respected. 5._________, he was fired from office due to his suggestion to fight against Qin in cooperation with other states. During his stay in other states, he wrote many poems to express his strong love for his country. When Chu6.________ (defeat) by Qin, he realized 7.________ he could do about it is nothing. Qu jumped into Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth month.

After the 8._________ (dead) of Qu Yuan, people of Chu went to Miluo River to mourn over the great 9.________ (poem) they loved so much. People threw eggs and rice wrapped in leaves into the river to feed the fish to keep them away from Qu Yuan.   Now the Dragon Boat Festival has become10.________ traditional festival for the Chinese people.





“Melting pot” means a place where people from many different racial groups or cultures form a united society. The idea comes from __________ metals in a container. When they melt, the metals ___________ and become something new and stronger. The _________ has been used to describe the United States as a nation created from people who came here from many different countries.

A Frenchman living in America expressed the idea __________ two hundred years ago.  J. Hector de Crevecoeur wrote in his book Letters from an American Farmer, published in 1782, that America had people from many different countries and that they __________ become a new people _________ work would one day change the world.

For many years, Americans ____________ accepted the idea of their country as a melting pot. They welcomed immigrants from many nations. ____________ some of these people ____________ the melting pot idea. They felt they were _____________ to lose their cultures and _____________ in order to be accepted in America. Other people also criticized the idea. They said the aim of the melting pot is to make different cultures disappear into the one____________ the largest group.

New groups of immigrants from Asia and Latin America are changing the United States_________. Some ____________ learning American culture and language. Reports say some Americans fear that the nation is _____________ many groups that have no ___________ purpose. Others say melting pot is no longer changing the nation’s immigrants, _____________ the immigrants are changing America.

Some experts who study immigration say they no longer ____ ___American society to a melting pot, describing it as a salad bowl _____________. A salad is made of many different foods. They ____________ keep their own taste while being part of a successful product.

In this way, cultural groups keep their customs and languages and are still part of American society.

1.A. heatingB. coolingC. puttingD. warming

2.A. divideB. gatherC. uniteD. form

3.A. signB. termC. vocabularyD. plan

4.A. other thanB. rather thanC. less thanD. more than

5.A. wouldB. mustC. mightD. should

6.A. whichB. whoseC. whoD. of which

7.A. narrowlyB. usuallyC. generallyD. universally

8.A. OtherwiseB. BesidesC. ThereforeD. Yet

9.A. criticizedB. praisedC. arguedD. complained

10.A. encouragedB. forcedC. orderedD. prepared

11.A. historyB. featuresC. literatureD. languages

12.A. presentingB. standingC. meaningD. representing

13.A. currentlyB. curiouslyC. perfectlyD. previously

14.A. insistB. approveC. resistD. forbid

15.A. joining upB. separating intoC. mixing upD. dividing by

16.A. achievedB. combinedC. sharedD. classified

17.A. andB. soC. orD. but

18.A. compareB. contactC. contrastD. declare

19.A. tooB. as wellC. insteadD. either

20.A. bothB. eachC. everyD. none




People who are confident really seem to be naturally outstanding and just seem to do everything with more style than others.  1.  .It is a habit that everyone can develop in life. Try these simple tips to drill and build up your confidence:

1. Admit your shortcomings calmly.

Do not try to flee from them or cover them. Face them bravely. 2. Fight against them every day until the day when you could break away and conquer them.

2. Dress for self-confidence.

3.   And therefore pay attention to your dress, display your unique physical advantages and exhibit your best image. In addition, on formal occasions such as a business conference or a wedding ceremony, elegant dressing contributes to building your confidence.

3.   4.

You should break your routine that deals with the work passively. Concentrate your efforts immediately on overcoming it, because it will make your restless mind at ease and build your self-confidence.

4. Be positive.

Feel pity neither on yourself nor on others. If you are used to hating and accusing yourself, others would tend to do that and believe it. Instead, you should speak positively about yourself, your progress, and your bright future.    5.

A. Your appearance could put you into embarrassment or increase your confidence.

B. Then talk about them to a reliable mate, a friend or a family member.

C. Actually, true self-confidence is neither born nor acquired overnight.

D. Build your confident vocabulary.

E. By doing so, you would encourage your growth in a positive direction.

F. Don’t put off what you eventually have to do.

G. Don’t judge a person by appearance.



Some colors people see late at night could cause signs of the condition mental health experts call clinical depression(临床抑郁症). That was the finding of a study that builds on earlier study findings. They show that individuals who live or work in low levels of light overnight can develop clinical depression.

Doctors use the word clinical depression to describe severe form of depression. Signs may include loss of interest or pleasure in most activities, low energy levels and thoughts of death or suicide.

In the new study, American investigators designed an experiment that exposed hamsters(仓鼠)to different colors. The researchers chose hamsters because they are nocturnal, which means they sleep during the day and are active at night. The animals were separated into four groups. One group of hamsters was kept in the dark during their night-time period. Another group was placed in front of a blue light, a third group slept in front of a white light, while a fourth was put in front of a red light. After four weeks, the researchers noted how much sugary water the hamsters drank. They found that the most depressed animals drank the least amount of water.

Randy Nelson, at Ohio State University, says animals that slept in blue and white light appeared to be the most depressed. “What we saw is that these animals didn’t show any sleep interruptions at all but they did mess up biological clock (生物钟) genes and they did show depressive sign but if they were in the dim red light, they did not.” He says there’s a lot of blue in white light. This explains why the blue light and white light hamsters appear to be more depressed than the hamsters seeing red light or darkness.

1.From the text we know that ________ made the hamster feel depressed.

A. the amount of the water            B. the color of the light

C. the loss of pleasure               D. the level of energy

2.What was the purpose of the experiment on hamsters?

A. To show how well they slept.

B. To see how much sugary water they drank.

C. To explain why they liked dark colors.

D. To find out what caused the depression on them.

3.The author explains the clinical depression by _________.

A. reporting an experiment process

B. presenting research data

C. setting down general rules

D. giving his own experience

4.Where can we probably find the text?

A. In a tourist guidebook.              B. In a physics textbook

C. In a science magazine.               D. In an official announcement.



After having more than a few acquaintances online, it might come a blow to keen social networkers like Barack Obama, or even Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg himself.

According to a research, the average person has in fact twice as many online friends as physical ones. Users of social-networking sites have on average 121 online friends as compared with physical ones. The study also claims that people tend to be more open, confident and honest with their virtual friends than their “real” ones.

“For most people , the Internet is a way of keeping in touch with loved ones and friends, but for people who are isolated due to illness, it plays a more vital role, and can often act as a lifeline.” says Helen Oxley, a psychologist at Wythenshawe hospital.

“People with illnesses often rely on the Internet to facilitate(促进) friendships, since they blog and use networking sites as a way of dealing with their illness. It can foster a sense of social connection for those who frequently feel isolated, which is important to psychological well-being.”

In wider society, the ways in which friendships are formed are changing, with people recognizing that they can develop deep and meaningful connections with others that they’ve never met, and may never meet. About one in 10 people has either met their best friends online, or believes they can make lifelong friends on the Web.

The findings highlight how social introductions are also changing. Only five percent would ask for someone’s phone number, while 23 percent are now likely to ask for an email address or a full name with the intention of adding the person to their social network.

At the same time, however, a questionnaire completed by 4,427 suggests that 20 percent of parents believe their children’s education is affected by surfing the Net. They think their children are doing poorly at the school due to the amount of time they spend on non-educational websites.

1.The underlined word “it” in Para 1 most probably refers to ________.

A. people spending too much time surfing the Net

B. people relying on the Internet to connect with friends

C. people having more virtual friends than real ones

D. people making meaningful connections with strangers

2.We can infer from the text that________.

A. sick people can recover more quickly by surfing the Net

B. students get important information online

C. students who surf the net always perform not so well

D. people tend to trust their virtual friends more than their real ones

3.What percentage of parents believe that the Internet has a bad effect on their children?

A. About 5 percent.            B. About 20 percent.

C. About 10 percent.           D. About 23 percent.

4.In the following paragraph, the author will probably discuss ________.

A. how much time children spend on the Internet

B. how children learn about the world through the Net

C. how parents feel about their children’s studies

D. how children make use of the Internet to study



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